Jean Dubuffet (see the “motto” of this video) coined the term “art brut”. Work produced by autodidacts who paid little or no attention to the “fashions” in the visual arts - those of today and those of the past. Artists who went (and still go) their own way. In that sense, the works of the autodidact Ronnie Nemorin (a.k.a. Ronnie Némorin a.k.a. Ronin - certainly not an unknown artist to me) can be counted as “art brut”. Not with regard to the fact that many artists who are included in that “collective denominator” had mental problems. There is something strange, however. For example neither Van Gogh nor Munch - both were admitted to an “institution” - are included, nor Carl Fredrik Hill, nursed by his family in Lund, whose very interesting drawings testify to something other than a “compos mentis”. And also not with regard to the extremely precise, meticulous and sometimes almost "childlike" rendering of countless details in the work in many "art brut" cases. Nemorin stands in the traditions of the early COBRA (children's drawings), the late COBRA (the paint explosions of Karel Appel and Asger Jorn among others - but not non-figurative in Nemorin's work), of cartoonists, of (former) graffiti artists: shown in the video are works that are fierce versions of paintings by Basquiat. And especially in the tradition of what was then called “primitive” or “non-Western” art. Not so much the masks from various countries in Africa (influenced for instance Picasso, also Modigliani) but for example the art from New Guinea, which also heavily impressed Emil Nolde. Nemorin makes out of all of that, consciously or unconsciously, his own language. That cannot be denied. Valuation ? As with each artistic expression: it does something to you or it doesn't. A number of works come towards me. Sometimes a painting makes me smile (a urinating figure), sometimes a work hits me with a sledgehammer blow. And, unfortunately, a number of paintings shown here means little to me, personally. As always, the music is worth listening to. Certainly not “art brut” music. For example, a compilation of Captain Beefheart's work, that's what I would have used. Hits you with fierce blows sometimes as well ("Trout Mask Replica"). And Don van Vliet is also a self-taught artist in music and painting,