私(わたし)を動(うご)かすのは この居場所(いばしょ) What moved me was this place where I belonged to 少(すこ)しずつ明(あ)ける空(そら)に Towards the sky that cleared up little by little 逃(に)げていたことにも Even the things I ran from 今(いま)ならば向(む)き合(あ)える気(き)がしたの I feel like I can face them now 涙腺(るいせん)の震(ふる)えた気持(きも)ちが The emotions that make my tear glands tremble 奏(かな)でゆく 直情(ちょくじょう)のセレナーデ We play it in this passionate serenade 望(のぞ)む結末(けつまつ)へと 伸(の)ばした両手(りょうて) I extend both of my hands towards the desired outcome Heart to Heart 立(だ)ち昇(のぼ)る情熱(じょうねつ)に乱舞(ふらん)の魂(たましい) Within this rising passion is a wildly dancing soul 皆(みな)の声(こえ)が 私(わたし)の声(こえ)となるとき Where everyone’s voice becomes one with me 世界(せかい)でたった一(ひと)つの想(おも)いを抱(だ)きしめよう(Forever One) Let’s embrace this one and only wish in the world Heart to Heart 一糸纏(いっしまと)わぬ本音(ほんね)が導(みちび)いた Our true intention that are crystal clear will guide us 目覚(めさ)めるような千紫万紅(せんしばんこう)の歌(うた)よ It's as through a multicoloured song have awakened 刹那(せつな)に満(み)ちる愛(いと)しさと共(とも)に In this moment that we took this path with feelings of live 乗(の)り越(こ)えた 定(さだ)めは This destiny that we overcame 未来(みらい)への道(みち)を照(て)らす Will light the path to the future 私(わたし)を変(か)えたのは この居場所(いばしょ) What changed me was this place where I belonged to 移(うつ)りゆく季節(きせつ)ごとに In the seasons that continued to change 未熟(みじゅく)な姿(すがた)でも 絶(た)え間(ま)なく My immature form still persisted 進(すす)む術(すべ)を手(て)にして I got hold of a way to move forward Faith 取(と)りに帰(かえ)ろう あの日(ひ)の忘(わす)れ物(もの)を Let's reclaim the things we've forgotten that day Faith 一途(いちず)な願(ねが)い 鍵盤(けんばん)に添(そ)えてFeel it(I will be just myself) My keyboard filled with my wholehearted wish 約束(やくそく)を I promise Eye to Eye 儚(はかな)げ咲(さ)いていても Even if this bloom is fleeting 心(こころ)には 何者(なにもの)にも負(ま)けない強(つよ)さが宿(やど)る In my heart dwells a strength that won't lose to anyone 世界(せかい)でたった一(ひと)つの夢(ゆめ)は離(はな)さないよ(Forever One) I won't let go of this one and only dream in the world Eye to Eye 晴(は)れやかに眩(まぶ)しく胸(むね)の中(なか)で With the brightness from the clarity in my heart 生(う)まれ変(か)わる千紫万紅(せんしばんこう)の歌(うた)よ This is a multicoloured song that is reborn 刹那(せつな)に満(み)ちる大事(だいじ)さと共(とも)に In this moment that matures with a sense of importance 乗(の)り越(こ)えよう わたしが I will overcome myself 私(わたし)へと 出逢(であ)うために For the sake of meeting myself 旋律(せんりつ)がたしかな言葉(ことば)で In this melody with the words that I am certain of ひとつへとなる瞬間(しゅんかん) 輝(かがや)いた The moment where we become one is the moment where we shine brilliantly 触(ふ)れる指(ゆび)先(さき)には 優(やさ)しい声(こえ) Within the fingers that touched me was a gentle voice Heart to Heart 立(だ)ち昇(のぼ)る情熱(じょうねつ)に乱舞(ふらん)の魂(たましい) Within this rising passion is a wildly dancing soul 皆(みな)の声(こえ)が 私(わたし)の声(こえ)となるとき Where everyone’s voice becomes one with me 世界(せかい)でたった一(ひと)つの想(おも)いを抱(だ)きしめよう(Forever One) Let’s embrace this one and only wish in the world If you liked my lyrics, will greatly appreciate a coffee from you :) www.buymeacoffee.com/gabrielicesica Heart to Heart 一糸纏(いっしまと)わぬ本音(ほんね)が導(みちび)いた Our true intention that are crystal clear will guide us 目覚(めさ)めるような千紫万紅(せんしばんこう)の歌(うた)よ It's as through a multicoloured song have awakened 刹那(せつな)に満(み)ちる愛(いと)しさと共(とも)に In this moment that we took this path with feelings of live 限(かぎ)りなく 何度(なんど)も ただ強(つよ)く Endlessly, no matter how many times we need, only moving ahead 乗(の)り越(こ)えた 定(さだ)めは This destiny that we overcame 未(み)来への道(みち)を照(て)らす Shines a path towards the future If you liked my lyrics, will greatly appreciate a coffee from you :) www.buymeacoffee.com/gabrielicesica