關於日本兵與李鳳儀的因果關係,有些想說: - 自作自受,包括自己的前世作,今生自己受,fair enough, 為了現世或來世的好,這是修善業的動力。 - 日本兵不是李鳳儀,但李鳳儀都要死,即是說人生充滿randomness, 某時某日有一個PK做左件事,所以累到我,飛來橫禍,我就要硬食,如李鳳儀被幾十年前的日本累要鋸頭。我明白了這條因果鍊,但又乜都做唔到,明白了又有何益? - 既然如此,不如不要對我說因果業力,因為太千絲萬縷無從䅲考,and we can’t do much about it, especially causes brought by others. Just 理唔理解都要硬食,自己執生
Hi Mi, rebirth consciousness is singular or plural things? The blessed one may not interest to answer this, but i am curious. Perhaps we are the resultant of multiple entity. if it's plural :(