Hi Tom, can you please explain the "trickery" (*trick) part?
@shawnjassal2 жыл бұрын
Hey, i am having difficulty finding where eqn 9.2.3 is. Would you mind telling me?
@ricardomadleno564 Жыл бұрын
have you found it? I needed. why is this equation even used though can you help me understand?
@ricardomadleno564 Жыл бұрын
Please help me understand something. for H(t)=1.0 ft (2S/deltaT)+Q equals to (2*81120/10*60)+8 which equals to 278.4 and not the 298 you've put on the storage-ouflow table the same applies for all the rest of the heights. I've noticed you've used equation 9.2.3 from a certain book but I'm not your student I dont have that specific book you referenced could you indicate me what this equation is? where can I find the equation? and what does this equation means? why is it used?