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Roy Baumeister - What is Self Awareness?

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Closer To Truth

Closer To Truth

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@juanpadilla3203 2 жыл бұрын
This doesn’t sound like “what is awareness”, but attributes of awareness. It’s interesting that the most important spark of life has no attributes, only a state of knowing the now.
@bltwegmann8431 2 жыл бұрын
Seems to me that even if we weren't self aware, our senses and brain would still have the exact same information available to it and would still be able to react in all the ways he's suggesting is caused by awareness.
@oneworldonehome 2 жыл бұрын
"One of the most profound and important aspects in all of your education, regardless of what you do in life, is alertness. It seems so commonplace that no one thinks of it when they talk about personal development, spiritual training and so forth. People talk about awareness, but awareness is not the same as alertness. When you are alert, you are watching things around you. When you are aware, you are rarely aware of things around you. You are aware of yourself thinking of things around you. When you are alert, you are looking with very little thinking involved. If you were trying to listen to a conversation in the next house down the street, you would have to listen very carefully, yes? You couldn’t be thinking, “How am I doing right now? Here I am listening to the conversation in the next house. Why am I here anyway? What’s going on with me? I feel this way and my body hurts.” That is the difference between alertness and awareness. Awareness is very important, but alertness is more important. The person of Knowledge is extremely alert, which makes life very exciting. When you become aware of yourself and your mind too much, it bogs you down and leads to a very unfortunate kind of self-preoccupation. It is giving too much attention to something that is inherently confused. Besides, you have to be outside of your mind to do anything with it. Otherwise, you are running about trying to plug up the holes and keep it all moving along, like a car that is always in disrepair. It is like always working on your car and never going anywhere! Life conspires to make you alert because until you are alert, you only see those things that are relevant to your interests and pursuits and nothing else. Therefore, your frame of reference is far too limited to comprehend the meaning of your life and to experience and enjoy the Mystery of your life." A quote from *Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1* - Chapter 27: Disappointment, a free online book of preparation for a future that will be unlike the past, by Marshall Vian Summers.
@jackarmstrong5645 2 жыл бұрын
Alertness is still awareness. All we can have are varying degrees of awareness. Concentrated awareness could be called alertness. But what can we be aware of? All we can be aware of are our experiences. We can concentrate on aspects of our experience at will. But we have no experience of the self. No self awareness. What people call self awareness is awareness of specific desires and proclivities. Knowing the self likes ice cream is not knowing the self. Knowing the self likes to watch football is not knowing the self.
@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackarmstrong5645 *"But what can we be aware of?"* ... We are aware of our own existence, which is paradoxical because we can't empirically support our own existence without the appearance of circular reasoning. We are microcosms of Existence in that we are tasked with resolving this logical paradox.
@jackarmstrong5645 2 жыл бұрын
@@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC No paradox. We experience. We are aware of our experiences. We CONCLUDE we must exist to have experiences.
@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackarmstrong5645 *"No paradox. We experience."* ... Paradox. The only information you have in support of your own existence is your own existence. There is no logic-based method to verify your own self-existence via an outside reference point (which is required to NOT result in circular reasoning). *" We are aware of our experiences. We CONCLUDE we must exist to have experiences."* ...Example of how that doesn't work: I believe that I am God. My experience tells me that I am God, therefore I CONCLUDE that I am God based on my own subjective experience. ... Now, bow down and worship me, Mr. Armstrong!
@jackarmstrong5645 2 жыл бұрын
@@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC Our experiences support our existence. Existence is an inescapable conclusion. If you have experiences you must exist.
@colddogs 2 жыл бұрын
what gets me even more is attaining self awareness in lucid dreams.
@ransakreject5221 2 жыл бұрын
What boggles my mind is that at some point in all of my dreams.. a small box appears labeled- “OPTIONS”.. this box invariably gets burned, blown up or maybe stepped on by the wolf-man. My shrink doenst think it means anything. Should I get a second opinion?
@blijebij 2 жыл бұрын
lucid dreaming is cool and an awsome place to do experiments with awareness&consciousness.
@weirdorwhat7294 2 жыл бұрын
It takes a special kind of group of people to talk about and listen to these topics as most folks nowadays don't give two rips about their existence, hell most people don't even care to look to see what's going on around them.
@haroonaverroes6537 2 жыл бұрын
mirror and self awareness ! regarding kids and some other animals that is related mostly to consciousness type two but for adult humans it is mixed both consciousness type on and type two (more complicated than that).
@raycosmic9019 2 жыл бұрын
Being aware of being aware is our inherent Wholeness of Being, wherein perceiver, perceiving and perceived are a 3 in 1 unity, no division. This way of Being is in perfect alignment with the Absolute, the Infinite, Eternal Whole that is ever greater than the sum of it's constituents, where everything changes for the better.
@zhing836 Жыл бұрын
Be aware of the self awareness!
@evanjameson5437 2 жыл бұрын
my self-awareness kicked in for the first time, when I was old enough to understand that I had a dirty diaper and that it was my fault!
@chyfields 2 жыл бұрын
Now roll out the logic... Perhaps this life experience is not so dissimilar from a logical, deductive reasoning puzzle; fill the boxes with x or o.
@Gringohuevon 2 жыл бұрын
It just appeared..right? Same for me
@wisedupearly3998 2 жыл бұрын
Internal self-awareness provides a definite evolution advantage in that it can provide greater appreciation of self and thus enhanced self-respect. Most will focus on just the actions that self-awareness should trigger but all actions are problematic in terms of outcomes. Focusing on the innate ability to discern self-awareness reinforces the value of yourself to yourself.
@haroonaverroes6537 2 жыл бұрын
I know what is going on, but this is for future generations "they are your decedents too", why I write ? of course I am not interested in that but it is my responsibility to warn and protect my kind especially future generations nothing more, they will need all I have wrote to survive. they talk about consciousness type one, awareness is side product of larger process and consciousness type one is part of this process. there is unconscious awareness too, through consciousness type two, it is complicated process but this the important part "upshot". self awareness has different degrees depends on how much a person understand how his brain, thoughts, .... etc works.but it is related to what mentioned above.
@darrenelkins5923 2 жыл бұрын
This is the first episode I’ve watched, where I’ve frowned at the entirety of the guest thesis. He is talking backwards. He’s saying we have to be self conscious (rather than self aware) because we live in groups. That self consciousness was needed to live in groups. However, . It’s probably true that we saw more success in living in groups and so from that, self consciousness was borne. I’m also puzzled at self awareness vs self consciousness. Ive always understood the first to be reflected by descarte- I think therefore I am. And the latter to becoming overly concerned about others perceptions of you. As an aside, Neither are the same as being conscious. Robert started with a good example of self awareness: talking and knowing you present there and are the source of that talking; being aware of being aware. Or later. The idea that - and more other animals have now demonstrated this too - identifying a reflection as oneself usually by reacting to some distinguishing feature. But the other chap, Roy?, was not tlak8ng about awareness, but selfconciousness . Ironically he didn’t seem aware of this… It is probable that ancestors who were self conscious of their behaviours towards others faired better in surviving long enough to procreate and thrive via pooled resources and protection. Even more so when we formed bigger and bigger groups or societies, which also assisted survival. Most modern people judge themselves by the cues of others and have little idea of who they are. People living in hot weather societies usually look after their bodies more as they are more often on show. Hoarding and such anti social bevioirs are usually done by those on the periphery of society. Notwithstanding all that, it’s hard to experiment with modern humans to discover why they display such tendencies. We would have to consider socialisation. My children are probably very self aware when outside the home, because they have been socialised to be so. They are also encouraged to spend some time getting to know who they are to lessen their reliance on looking for others social cues as a checking process to ‘make sure they are acting right.’ I suggest on of the reasons many modern peopl fail to think for themselves, is an over reliance on trying to mirror others people’s behaviour; mainly because those other people are probably also mirroring behaviour. And by doing so, they fail to get to know who they are. Robert is an exemplar of societal socialisation. He masterfully holds agreeable conversations with many different people across a spectrum of ideas, and - so it seems - is always welcomed back. For his part in that trade he gets to discuss things he is deeply interested in and make a show out of those discussions to put bread on the table. He knows who he is but is very empathetic toward others. His empathy is a mix of self consciousness and self awareness cast toward a third party; a theory of mind awareness. There is also a school of thought that humans were not always self aware and being so is a relatively new thing.
@kenhtinhthuc 2 жыл бұрын
Self-awareness is like an algorithm that can monitor and correct itself. It seems that only humans are capable of doing it although some people are not aware they can do it or choose not to do it.
@kamabanjo1118 2 жыл бұрын
I'm afraid everything he said doesn't explain self awareness rather explains social awareness To understand self awareness,i think one must go beyond one self which i i think is extremely difficult thing to do.
@kevinhaynes9091 2 жыл бұрын
It is interesting that Baumeister espouses Freud's psychoanalytic theory of 'id, ego and super-ego', without once mentioning him! It is also interesting that he discusses self-awareness without once mentioning sentience and/or consciousness. I would suggest that self-awareness isn't simply a social construct relating to social conformity, but rather the essense of 'nosce te ipsum', our ability to 'know thyself', gnosis... to know what it is that we are. 'As above, so below'...
@bertrc2569 2 жыл бұрын
There are lots of versions of awareness. Hunger, comfort etc. But I think this philosophical question is in relation to awareness of being alive. Aware of the beginning and ending of our self. From a cultural view, it is even more interesting to wonder about our awareness of the needs of others. Like, for instance, watching monkeys de lice each other.
@jamesruscheinski8602 2 жыл бұрын
Self awareness helps one to see what one can do in, an environment or in situation? One is aware of abilities, relation, needs, responsibility in a given context?
@sergehulne 2 жыл бұрын
The argument that consciousness is somehow necessary for regulation / feedback, etc. is illogical it can easily be disproven: The body temperature of a person is regulated, but this metabolic feedback mechanism is not at all conscious. Another counterexample is provided by most simple industrial robot or by a the example of a self-driving car. These devices react to external stimuli, but they are aware neither of the external stimuli nor of the mechanism dealing with the parameters representing said stimuli.
@Nerfunkal 2 жыл бұрын
I broke my neck in a car accident that had my "self aware" part check out for a few weeks, yet there was this "me I've never met" that spoke, that made requests, that had conversations with people who didn't realize I wasn't present. The other me could even move our arms more than I could when I came back, it took me months of therapy to move them in ways I apparently did in a fit of rage I know nothing about. This experience really made me question the line between consciousness and subconsciousness and what I am, "I think therefore I'm maybe not?"
@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nerfunkal *"I think therefore I'm maybe not?"* ... If you are not you, then who are you?
@johnyharris 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe not a primary means of regulation but suppose the the metabolic feedback mechanism was insufficient in being able to lower the temperature enough due to external high temperatures. Then self awareness is required to be aware that you are overheating and move to a shady area or jump in a lake.
@Nerfunkal 2 жыл бұрын
@@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC I wonder if the me that says this sentence and thinks and remembers is secondary to the autopilot that took over control after my accident, that even now I'm being autopiloted but in normal function I think and respond milliseconds after the autopilot does it's piloting as a feedback but I only experience the feedback and that becomes me.
@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nerfunkal *"I wonder if the me that says this sentence and thinks and remembers is secondary to the autopilot that took over control after my accident... "* ... If the autopilot is someone else, then who is the autopilot?
@joecappelleri1041 2 жыл бұрын
Did you ever see your behavior in another person, be repulsed by it causing you to change your behavior? That seems to be consistent with the purpose of self-awareness as presented here.
@hershchat 2 жыл бұрын
That we compare ourselves to others… whither that knowing? That knowing is the self. We know that we know that we know … infinitely. That knowledge per se is not the self. The self is the Knowing. A phenomenon, not a noumenon. It is not a thing. It is a state. The experienced world deals with noumena ostensibly perceiving other noumena and phenomena. The underlying reality itself is a phenomenon.
@gr33nDestiny 2 жыл бұрын
He says you can have language without consciousness but if all language is produced by a conscious entity than is that really true?
@justa_dude 2 жыл бұрын
Great thinking content. Thank you.. I've always felt like I was in my *Gundam* suit. It has gotten scares from battles, armored up for more protection and wiser from surviving. It's mines and I accept it while we go through our journey of life.
@1SpudderR 2 жыл бұрын
What “being” is “being” aware of “being!?” The Second Ultimate Trilogy!? Or is it, Being 3 into 1? One is becoming to question!
@owencampbell4947 2 жыл бұрын
I would say, self awareness begins realizing what are my thoughts, and what are instructed thoughts to a subject or to a topic that modifies the meaning to a general opinion. I can only be self aware when I can distinguish between my personal thoughts, and influenced informations, teachings, education, traditions, that will guide me into a wrong awareness.
@williamburts5495 2 жыл бұрын
Our awareness is the substratum of mind because without awareness we would not be conscious of anything to make it a subject of thought.
@owencampbell4947 2 жыл бұрын
@@williamburts5495 don't get things wrong, consciousness is the main process that allows awareness, cognition, and understanding to a certain degree of recognition between own generated thought and influenced thoughts.
@rickwyant 2 жыл бұрын
We create a "self". Hoffstedders "I am a Strange Loop".
@FernandoW910 2 жыл бұрын
@georgegrubbs2966 2 жыл бұрын
Self-awareness is an illusion, as we do not have a self. We are aware our physical condition, our behavior, and our thoughts.
@mikel4879 2 жыл бұрын
George G / No, you're wrong! Self-awareness is not an illusion at all. It is very concrete, the real and concrete material process that's the result of your brain activity, and in as much quantity as your brain can create. Yes, there's no separate "self", no separate entity called "self", called "consciousness" that's separated from your biological body, if you meant that.
@user-nj5jh6xe7q 2 жыл бұрын
​@@mikel4879 I read Georges comment to point to the idea that ... if there is no separate self, no entity outside mental activity that exists as "self" without mind activity then what is experiencing awareness? what is perceiving sensations and perceptions and then determining and applying meaning to experience and awareness claiming "this is my identity"? I think you already stated what it is. It is the body and brain (mental activity). These create the illusion of a separate "self" as the perceiver of sensations and perceptions. Yet the process of having a self relies on body and mental activity. As an example, the brain can create the illusion of a self in the waking and the dream state (lucid dreaming), or multiple selves existing in split personalities, or it can create the illusion of a limb existing that has been amputated (phantom limb). The brain and body create and control all sensations and perceptions. Time and the perception that the present moment is actually happening to the self in real time is illusory. The whole concept of reality is dependent on the body sensations and mental activity, and while it does exist, the way it is "known" is hallucinated in mental activity and projected back at awareness as reality is "illusory". The body and mind are aware, even without a "self". The autonomic nervous system does not rely on a "self", nor does the Sympathetic... the self is not in control of our hormones, growth, healing, thoughts, perceptions, sensations, mental states, or emotions, they arise into awareness and are made known or perceived by our biology. The "self" is added to all of this body and mind activity as an evolutionary advantage. It too is biological in nature, and like everything else has no permanence, identity, or meaning apart from that which sustains it. 👻
@mikel4879 2 жыл бұрын
O 2 / You can comment as much as you want, but a "self" separated from the real material process created in the brain by the brain structure doesn't exist. When you say "self" you make in fact a figure of speech. It is the only thing that I accept. Figure of speech and nothing more! Even the dream states of any kind, lucid dreams, imagination, feelings, sensations, the subconscious state, autonomic system, metabolism, hormones, sympathetic or parasympathetic, etc, etc, are all under the control of the real brain structure, one way or another, direct, "indirect", mixed, etc.
@user-nj5jh6xe7q 2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree no self exists outside of brain activity George stated the same that's what he means by self awareness is an illusion no one is denying the brain activity just the fact that a self can be self aware, because we are all saying that there is no self there to be aware that the brain creates the illusion of a self being there to be aware yet it is all just brain activity happening creating the illusion of a self awareness and a self there is no free will to make decisions the brain makes it appear that we perceive and make decisions almost simultaneously giving the illusion of free will there is no self perceiving there is no self making decisions it's all body and brain thanks for the discourse 🤙
@georgegrubbs2966 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-nj5jh6xe7q my point is that there is no self inside or outside the brain/body. Everything is brain activity. There is no entity that is a self.
@haroonaverroes6537 2 жыл бұрын
as if there is nothing, they can not hide that for long time, hopefully future generations will survive as rational intelligent entities.
@mikedziuba8617 2 жыл бұрын
I think internal self-awareness is an important component of general intelligence. Because one the biggest problems with Artificial Intelligence now is it doesn't know what it doesn't know. It gives wrong answers with total confidence. Genuinely intelligent people are aware when they don't know something. They are aware of what they know and what they don't know. And this prevents them from making big mistakes. But AI has no such internal awareness of what it knows and what it doesn't know. And that's why people can be trusted to make good decisions, but not AI.
@mikeb2777 Жыл бұрын
A lot of animals function in groups, not just humans, so are they not self aware? It would seem that we are not so much removed from other animals except for our high level of intelligence.
@jamesruscheinski8602 2 жыл бұрын
Is there a relationship of self awareness to God's will?
@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 жыл бұрын
(0:45) *RB: **_"The purpose of being self-aware is so you can regulate yourself."_* ... This is not the reason because even non-self-aware machines can self-regulate. Self-awareness is an unprecedented level of information that emerged after 13.8 billion years of evolution. Humans are the new, biological hosts of this highest level of information, and the reason is mathematical. In the beginning, there was an archetypal mathematical assessment that represents reality: *Nonexistence = 0 ... Existence = 1.* We are the embodiment of Existence (1), and each self-aware human is a microcosm of the same identity struggle that Existence has endured from the beginning. All of us are exactly the same at our core, and yet we all end up with different personalities. Based on our genetic configuration, environment, and stimuli, our self-awareness can evolve into artists, engineers, thieves, politicians, scientists, theologians, and even high school shooters. Existence then takes all of the data extrapolated from 8 billion self-aware information-gathering "workstations" (humans) and uses this to further clarify whatever Existence represents.
@conordevery2306 2 жыл бұрын
What do you think information is?
@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 жыл бұрын
@@conordevery2306 *"What do you think information is?"* ... Information is the structure of existence: Information = Existence = (1) No Information = Nonexistence = (0) The question you just asked (information) has been added to the collective database of Existence. So has my response.
@conordevery2306 2 жыл бұрын
@@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC That's an interesting way of looking at it alright.
@thomasashley-smith245 2 жыл бұрын
I’d disagree with this statement as your response removes the context. Self regulating machines that are not self-aware can regulate to a set of rules that are either given to it or are physical, that is to say “always take the shortest route” or say centrifugal force on a spinning top. In the social construct having awareness is very important both of one’s perception by the group and of one’s self. This is not a simple set of machine rules but an ability to take abstract situation and adapt behaviour to suit. The set of variables is unlimited in the social context. The individual level application is imperfect as we see in society, but the population size only currently requires the majority of people to cooperate. AI seeks to mimic this but is very much not self aware at this point. The question answered (whether that was the one asked or not) was how and the answer provided was that there was an evolutionary benefit to self-awareness.
@0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 жыл бұрын
@@thomasashley-smith245 *"Self regulating machines that are not self-aware can regulate to a set of rules that are either given to it or are physical, that is to say “always take the shortest route” or say centrifugal force on a spinning top."* ... Correct, so we both agree that machines are not self-aware merely because they can self-regulate. Self-awareness runs much deeper. *"The question answered (whether that was the one asked or not) was how and the answer provided was that there was an evolutionary benefit to self-awareness."* ... I have not argued that self-awareness is not an evolutionary benefit to whatever organism possesses it. My argument is that self-regulation is not the "purpose" of possessing self-awareness and that the origin of self-awareness evolved from the earliest stages of Existence. As for the social implications, self-awareness has no bearing. Although animals / insects are not self-aware, they have flocks, gaggles, herds, prides, and swarms which all mimic our human societal structure (and vice versa).
@chyfields 2 жыл бұрын
When you become self aware you begin to consider how to sustain individuality and form beyond the parameters of this matrix
@richardfinlayson1524 2 жыл бұрын
I think ,.therefore I am ,I think.
@johnyharris 2 жыл бұрын
The evolutionary advantages of inner/private self awareness seem obvious. For instance, if you know that you are getting too hot, you know that you need to find some shade or a lake to cool down.
@sonarbangla8711 2 жыл бұрын
Awareness, consciousness and intelligence etc., are all product of quantum computing function.
@Gringohuevon 2 жыл бұрын
49 seconds in and he has avoided the question
@BIngeilski 2 жыл бұрын
Admitting he has no answer to the "private self-awareness" question adds to his credibility as a person
@nguyenkhanhhung91 2 жыл бұрын
An interesting way to study self awareness. Question: Society obviously affects self awareness, but should we use the word environment instead of social environment? Society is actually just a part of the environment around us. You also compare to or are aware of a tree, an animal. Now, another question is does self awareness affect society or the environment back? Of course it does, then you are stuck to figure which influences which, 😂
@richardfinlayson1524 2 жыл бұрын
Well the society lives in an environment but I'm not sure they are the same thing
@maxwellsimoes238 2 жыл бұрын
Root are Not show up consistence definitions. It occur he Not knows though Science how figure it out. Honestly Roy awarer are consciencess. Aware or conscieness are developmen in earli years when society cristalazed though rules un conscieness. He concepto concern aware are so umprecise because conscieness or aware are unpredicted in brains.
@cresenciohernandez8310 2 жыл бұрын
@JungleJargon 2 жыл бұрын
How do you know that you know what you know about being aware that you are limited by quantified measures of time and distance? How are you compared to what you could be if you knew what was a good thing to do? Why do you always reflect your surroundings? Should you be different? Are you proactive or reactive? Do you care for yourself? Do you care for other people? Do you live in truth? Do you kid yourself? Are you confused? Do you know where you stand compared to a perfect version of yourself? Learn from the sages who have been there and done that thousands of years ago. Only your Creator can perfectly cover for you Himself and remake you again from the inside out by the power of His true word as no one else can. That's enlightenment. There is no other reality.
@ManiBalajiC 2 жыл бұрын
For millionth time ,there is no need for a god in this universe... Why would a intelligent being want to create a species where he knows every outcome and why would it take billions of years for us to reach a proper state....smh
@JungleJargon 2 жыл бұрын
@@ManiBalajiC God is proving what is in your heart right now.
@pjtube1508 2 жыл бұрын
This does not make sense. I am not sure he understands what is the essence of self-awareness. An intelligent system does not need selfawareness (the feeling of existing as a self) to regulate itself or to learn about itself. Our lives are full of very smart electronic systems that can self-regulate and learn via very complicated and adaptive algorithms. These systems will get better in what they do but we do not have the slightest hint of self-awareness. The feeling of self-awareness seems non-computational and non-syntactical and it can not be explained with any objectively functional or causal requirement
@HENRYIII003 2 жыл бұрын
Self Awareness is me thinking about money and dystopian workplaces where you have to make lists of productive activities and sanctioned activities, because no one defines value in the same way, but constant activity is mandated. Self-awareness is me lying to my boss with a pleasant smile on my face, while I wonder what my natural behavior would be, if I were a Boss.
@jirehag5140 Жыл бұрын
Such a poet you're in your own awareness..😊
@HENRYIII003 Жыл бұрын
@@jirehag5140 It's ironic that a pessimistic attitude increases the chances of posting. My inner demon binds me to a post. But I do wonder about the alignment problem in life and the workplace, like lying to yourself or your boss. "Soon as they send the bread I cancel," like Bia says. Contracts can be signed, broken and re-signed broke again. Is there really such a thing as free will, consciousness, communication, productivity, or investment? I think there's a way out, if we define the limits of omniscience. I like to devote maximum daydream power to my biggest ideas. Instead, I've wasted tremendous amounts of time thinking about money and productivity, especially obvious inefficiencies everywhere and the politics of whining and complaining.
@Huge4Fish 2 жыл бұрын
I am very self aware…I say don’t do that again….then I say f that
@stevecoley8365 2 жыл бұрын
X-Files Socrates once said "know thyself". Physically, I'm pretty much a nobody who drives an old pickup truck on dusty roads in the middle of the backcountry of nowhere. But metaphysically, I am a highly decorated, top gun space cowboy called the Lone Ranger. Like the Blues Brothers, I'm on a mission from good (god). My Mission Impossible is to engage the "supernova" function on my lightship in order to fill a giant black hole in space called ignorance (greed) with light (love) that its darkness (misery, murder, mass shootings, suicides, war, etc.) goes away and its heavy gravitational pull stops sucking the joy out of life and destroying the planet. I face some major obstacles though. 1) Light and truth (love) cause vampires (greed) great pain and suffering. That's why the words compassion, understanding, society (socialism), community (communism), "care for all" and "green new deal" cause the capitalist counting corpses that rule US such misery. 2) Like bats that fly around in the darkness of caves...vampires (greed) are blind and cannot see the ignorance of transforming heaven (peace) into hell (war). The capitalist counting corpses are also blind and cannot see the ignorance of destroying the planet. 3) The evangelical monsters are extremely "desperate" to control a darkship called the Whitehouse. Because working in the dark to suck the joy out of life and destroy the planet is the only way that the loveless, lifeless parasites can survive and thrive. It's also how the hostile alien invaders keep their human capital (cattle) corralled. Unlike earthling poets, artists, musicians, mystics, human beings and creators of joy...the capitalist counting corpses that rule US can't create harmony (real intelligence) because vampires (greed) are ignorant (dead). Vampires (greed) who suck the joy out of life have joined the zombies who eat the futures of their children. Zombie Apocalypse is here and happening now.
@daybertimagni4841 2 жыл бұрын
A very clumsy / “textbook” type explanation…
@chayanbosu3293 2 жыл бұрын
God Sri Krishna says all living beings are souls but only human beings have the intelligence to connect with the whole , the whole is absolute concious Being , God Sri Krishna.
@dustinellerbe4125 2 жыл бұрын
If only there was evidence for this.
@grijzekijker 2 жыл бұрын
Where can I hear him say that? Do statues of krishna speak?
@chayanbosu3293 2 жыл бұрын
@@grijzekijker In holy Bhagbat Gita .
@dustinellerbe4125 2 жыл бұрын
@@chayanbosu3293 thats in a book, written by men. It contains beautiful content, but its no proof of Krishna
@chayanbosu3293 2 жыл бұрын
@@dustinellerbe4125 There is a saying that justified to believe as per scripture the whole Gita is saying by God himself but by yoga Sanjoya sees he whole incident and then he talks to King Dhirtarasta but later Vyasdeb ( writer of Mahabharata and also playing a role in Mahabharata) will put the tapestry in a epic i.e Mahabharata.
@williamburts5495 2 жыл бұрын
What is awareness? Answer: An eternal in the now existence that knows only sameness.
@simbasimba777 2 жыл бұрын
So boring listening to these platitudes. Though most of the interviews by Kuhn are great
@ikaeksen 2 жыл бұрын
Satan is in the bacteria.
@markbickerton2717 2 жыл бұрын
Purpose is survival reproduction death
@mikel4879 2 жыл бұрын
One of the most useless discutions about consciousness. Robert wants to know specific and precise things about consciousness and this guy is talking pure stupidities, makes childish useless observations, etc. The true science doesn't ever advance with people that are completely unpassioned about the scientific domain.
@jackarmstrong5645 2 жыл бұрын
Humans do not have any awareness of the self. The self is that which is aware of all things. But the self is not aware of the self. The self does not know what the self looks like or where it even is. The self experiences memories and desires and emotions and sensations and thoughts and goals and plans. But the idea of the self experiencing itself is absurd. The self does know when it is experiencing something or directing the arm to move.
@hershchat 2 жыл бұрын
Nice note. I’ll disagree only in that the self DOES know the self. While knowing something is tantamount to objectifying it, and the self cannot be objectified, however the self is an exception. The reason is that the self is not a static subject, a knower. The self is knowing itself. Knowing is the convergence of the known, the knowledge, and the knower. The self is knowing, not the mere knower. Hence the self knows the self through the self.
@jackarmstrong5645 2 жыл бұрын
@@hershchat Experiencing something is to experience an abstraction of the thing, not the thing itself. Colors only exist as an experience. Objects in the world have reflective surfaces but they have no color. The self is a dynamic subject, always changing. The self, the subject, does not just experience. It experiences with a life's worth of proclivities and ideas and beliefs and misunderstandings. Every subject experiences differently. But none experience the subject. Experiencing an opinion of the subject is not experiencing the subject. The subject cannot be experienced. It is that which experiences.
@johnyharris 2 жыл бұрын
I think we need to be careful and separate the self from consciousness . They are two different things. For instance through drugs or meditation you can alter your brain chemistry and dissolve the self and be left with a more pure form of consciousness were you feel at one with the universe/universal consciousness, and if this achieved through meditation you can still be aware of all things. So the self here appears to be a kind of cognitive model that grounds the individual.
@hershchat 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackarmstrong5645 Thanks for the reply. I think we diverge at the following: what is “real”, the thing perceived (yellow submarine) or the subjective experience there of. To my understanding, and I speak from my limited comprehension of Advait teachings, the absolute reality is the subject. The next most real is the subjective experience. “The world outside”, the objects: those are of dubious reality. Dynamic or static, that which is perceived has a reality derived from that which perceives. It is a major error to claim that the subject is ignorant of itself. The error arises out of thinking of the subject to be of the same kind as the object. The objects are noumenal, while the perception is phenomenal. What’s the difference? Noumena are entities with identities (name, form, use), properties, origin, end, and detectability. These exist in time and space. They have “isness”. Phenomena is the impressions of these objects onto the subject. These exist outside time and space, in consciousness. However, our knowledge of them is at a time in our lives, at a place. These too have “isness”. The subject itself is neither. The subject, the ultimate knower, is not the “known”, nor merely the “knowledge”. It is the “knowing”. It is not the “is”, but the what lends isness to all else. The subject, as the Knowing, is the convergence of all knowledge-knowns-and-knowers. It challenges comprehension to think of something as “the Knowing”. However, the subject is not a thing. It is the reality out of which all creation arises, in which all possibilities exist, and is our true Self. It is beyond time, space, and causation. It is not an “is”. If the subject was an entity, then it couldn’t know itself. However, the subject is not an entity. It is the all knowing, self aware source of the “isness” of the Universe.
@hershchat 2 жыл бұрын
@@johnyharris Aah. That helps. Thank you. I was indeed seeing it as a synonym for consciousness. The way you describe it, I’ll call it the Ego.
@stanleyklein524 Жыл бұрын
What is self-awareness? It is awareness of the self. So, what it the self? It is the thing we (who?) are aware of when we are exercising self-awareness. BTW: There is no theory (deep or shallow) in social psychology. There are just self-motivated hunches and subsequent demonstrations. Tautology and vapid definitions on full display.
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