Рет қаралды 69,934
El ruiseñor común es un pájaro de plumaje discreto y que rara vez abandona la espesura, resulta muy fácil de detectar por su inconfundible canto, que emite incansablemente, incluso durante la noche. Por su potencia, variedad y constancia, el canto del ruiseñor es posiblemente el más sobresaliente de entre todas las aves canoras. Frecuenta zonas enmarañadas y frescas, preferentemente en vaguadas y zonas ribereñas.
The common nightingale is a bird with discreet plumage that rarely leaves the thicket, it is very easy to detect due to its unmistakable song, which it emits tirelessly, even at night. Due to its power, variety and constancy, the song of the nightingale is possibly the most outstanding of all songbirds. It frequents tangled and cool areas, preferably in streambeds and riparian areas.