In 1968 or 69 (?) I had the opportunity to play Dr. Reeds, "Russian Christmas Music" in rehearsal at the U of Miami under his baton, as a young bass trombone player, and it was one of those moments that leaves a real accent in a young life. On first reading many of the the U of M Wind Ensemble questioned the C-Natural leading into the last big D-Major section. Dr. Reed, who was always ready with the complete answer, spoke for 3 minutes to 60 frantic, mesmerized, young musicians who knew that C-Sharp was the correct note. He spun a story web on that note and its resolution to the D-Major downbeat as the rending of the suffering Russian Heart. His story painted the plight of the Russian peasants who lived in unspeakable privation to arise and see the "dawn of the Sunrise of Hope". Frederick Fennell was the music director at the time and had a penchant for not rushing the resolving downbeat, so we learned to 'lean into' the C-Natural to give more gravitas to the section. That was over 50-years ago and it still gives me chills to think about it. Exceptional job . . . . . . Dr. Reed was the best instructor I had and he would be happy with this recording!!