Natalie is actually a very intelligent woman who knows how to treat and love her man in a relationship! We should love our another half unconditionally but without losing ourselves.
Recently just get into these series, nice to watch pls continue! It feels like I'm joining the conversation as well. Girls talk always best! Btw, if imma guy I would choose Ha Tou this kind of lady. I just like her. She's funny, powerful, strong, independent women...etc.
@@haaapicklerickk4949好佩服你係啲咁toxic嘅內容入面都提煉到咁多正面訊息,如果你覺得冇問題就冇問題,咁呢類節目就係你認知嘅界限。但其實個標題已經好唔妥,所謂“完美女人”嘅標準係根據男人嘅喜好而定;底線被踐踏唔果斷離開仲要搞雌競“對抗小三”;撒嬌要上“速成班”,仲唔係為男人改變自己?成件事同追求愛情無關,係用內化左嘅男性凝視審視自己。我冇話我唔渴望愛情,我都轟轟烈烈愛過,撕心裂肺過,低到塵埃裡過,做過男人口中嘅“聽話賢惠”(words of my exes, verbatim)。不過你既然冇遇到開悟嘅契機,證明你係幸運嘅,畢竟無知是福。希望你都有機會體會到高質量嘅親密關係。