英語コメント失礼します~日本語十分聴こえてわかるのに意見を書けば… I think for some of us, writing down things to draw once we had something imagined, might somewhat be an unnatural thing to do(either not habitual, or even someone once made fun of for liking to draw/write). damn me for buying fountain pen to write, and copy, and I did a lot of copying, noting, but I still find myself terrible to internalize what I've written; the same/similar might happen to other tool fetishization as an excuse/reason/push, that one can buy something that 'you will draw/make something better with this', but I've reached the limits of tools, I have everything, and still, I'm stuck with not allowing myself to, and terribly shrink in posting/sharing complete works like they never meant anything in the end. I still make things, but its still too 'in the moment' kind of thing... There might be a trick to this kind of person who relied on only wanting to try something new learned, as inspiration/push to draw/do things(realization is a step, it seems!) 描きたいと思った絵の様々な情報をメモしておきましょう Note down various information of things one wanted to draw メモとして残しておけば「絵のレシピ」として描きたいものを保存できます Write down as memo 'Recipe for picture', the preserve the things wished to be drawn. 頭の中にある想像」を形にして見せることができるのが絵描きの醍醐味 上手く書けない=超成長のチャンス (Where one) cannot draw, its a good place for development/improvement 「絵を描くのが嫌な自分」を認めてあげましょう Observe oneself when one despises what they draw