迪偉真係乜都識,法文嘅名詞係有分男女,例如門係女 la porte, 船係男 le bateau, 藥係男,所以痔瘡藥係 le médicament hémorroïde 🤣 要食好嘢,唔洗好貴嘅,13區係唐人區,不過正確嚟講係越南嘢多啲。第3區 art et métiers 或者 19區 Belleville 果頭就先係中國人區。去文青區 le marais 啲 boutiques 好正,都有好嘢食。又或者去 Porte st martin, rue du faubourg saint denis 果條街好多中東,非洲,印度嘢食。食日本嘢就要去第8區嘅 rue des petits champs, rue st ann, 想食啲新派啲嘅法國菜就要去第10區 P.s. 田螺法文係 escargot (陸地) 東風螺係 bulot (海產),如果好似亞 bu 所講,好係橡皮膠嘅,應該係食咗 bulots
Here is my advice for Bu: go for the restaurants having google map review of 4+, or just try to get some fresh ingredients from supermarket. The fresh ingredients in Paris is top of the world. Try out the milk in France, It is really good. There are a lot of great Pho restaurants in the 13th arrondissement. See if you can book a table at La Tour d'Argent Restaurant in Paris. Besides, don't miss Marché aux Puces de St-Ouen if you are an antique fan. The market only opens over the weekend.
@vincewong93692 жыл бұрын
@jforjunnie26032 жыл бұрын
@kennixlau84382 жыл бұрын
@lampriscilla26492 жыл бұрын
@noodleyu242 Жыл бұрын
@crapsterslive2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much, from Malaysia
@人我唔係2 жыл бұрын
@PrincessMinnie46 Жыл бұрын
@cocofunnyoversea2 жыл бұрын
阿Bu ,聽到你話法國菜唔好食簡直係無可能! 我住法國好幾年, 現在有一些心水推介, 希望幫到你的蜜月旅行🤞 巴黎餐廳推薦La Tour d'Argent (食血鴨 ) Towa (日本廚師新派法國菜) La maison de la truffe (食松露) opera starbucks (享受內裝超靚) Le Crabe Marteau (食海鮮用鎚仔食蟹)