ስንቴ ይቅርታ ላርግ😭😭😭

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Leyu & Mahi

Leyu & Mahi

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Lovs knows no boundaries! Join us on a rollercoaster ride of heartwarming tales and hilarious mishaps as we explore the wacky world of relationships. From awkward first dates to grand gestures of affection, get ready to laugh, cry, and fall in love with our collection of real-life love stories!

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@sasi849 5 ай бұрын
For the last story. The girl who share the story, I just want to say am jealous of you. I wish I had shared my story with other people, I wish I listened, I wish I ended it there, I wish I run away, I wish I didn't start a family with him, I wish I chose better. All I've to say is you've time to make the right decision. People won't change. What you've for him is not love, it's trauma bonding, you crave it, you think it's love, you think he loves you, you think things will change, but no things won't change unless you break up with his lazy ass and move on with your life. He doesn't respect you and he doesn't love you. What are you doing with him? Please like my comment so she can see it. Never begged for like, but I just want to make sure she sees it.
@meazaaychew3799 5 ай бұрын
Big agree 😊😊😊
@haworoblay9327 5 ай бұрын
Wow, I am so sorry you have to go through that.
@yduesru118 5 ай бұрын
Sorry that you have to pass through this 😢
@jerryget47 5 ай бұрын
I am sorry to read this dear, i hope you will heal
@sasi849 5 ай бұрын
Thank you all ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗
@bobbyshanta3590 5 ай бұрын
5 አመትሽን ለሰጠሽው ልጅ - መድሀኒያለም ይካስሽ !! ግን ሰውዬው አይሆንሽም ምንም ሳትቅደረደሪ ውጪ ከዚ ሂወት! የንጹሁ ህጻን ነገር ንሰሀ ግቢበት! ወደ ፈጣሪ ተመለሺ እና አስቢበት ይሄ ሰውዬ ቀሪው ዘመንሽን ብትሰጭው ከጉዳት ውጭ አይተርፍሽም ይህንን ማረጋገጥ ከፈለግሽ ወይ እንደገና ጸንሻለሁ በይው ከዛ ምላሹን እይበት ከዛ ጤነኛ ካልሆነ ወደኋላ ላትመለሽ ተለይው። በቃሽ እውነት ሀይማኖትሽን የለወጥሽ ቀን ነበር የህይወትሽን ትልቅ መስዋዕትነት የከፈልሽው ለሱ ስትይ ማለት ነው። ደሞ ማገዝሽ ተጨማሪ የፍቅርሽ ማረጋገጫ ነበር በቃ you have done a lot and went so much miles towards him, እሱ ግን ካለበት አንድ እግሩን አላንቀሳቀሰም። በቃ ቢቀየር እራሱ ለቀጣይ ፍቅረኛው እንጂ ላንቺ ሚሆን አይመስለኝም። እንደኔ ቢከብድሽም ይቅርብሽ ባይ ነኝ። እውነታውን በውለታው (ያኔ አብሮሽ ሆኖ በመጽናናትሽ ) አትካጂው። እኔንጃ እኔ ሚበጅሽ አይመስለኝም ይሄ ሰው። ያለቀሰው በማንም እንደማይተካሽ ስላወቀ እንጂ ላንቺ ሚገባሽን ህይወት ሊሰጥሽ ተሰምቶት ነው ብዬ አላስብም። ይቅርታው እንኳን እጅ ከፍንጅ ስለተያዘ እንጂኮ ይሄ ሰው በፊቱንም ሲሰክስ ቆይቷል። ለሱ መንገዱን ማሳመርሽ ያንቺ ወርቃማነት ነው ግን ለትዳር አይሆንሽም በቃ ደና ጓደኛ ካሉት ወይም ከቤተሰቡ ላንዱ አቀራርቢውና ንኪው ቀጥ ብለሽ። መድሀኒያለም ይርዳሽ ግን በስመአብ!
@ኢትዮጵያስላምሽይብዛ 5 ай бұрын
በጣም ጎበዝ አስተዋይ🙏
@sulamith8910 5 ай бұрын
True 100%, thank you.
@MayaMelse 5 ай бұрын
የመጨረሻዋ ባለታሪክ ግን ያለፍቅረኛ መኖር ማንን ገደለ ..ትንሽም ቢሆን ለራስሽ ክብር ካለሽ ከዚ ቆሻሻ ሰው ራቂ 😡😡😡
@Mimi-vh3yt 5 ай бұрын
@dagmawitabiy9830 5 ай бұрын
How do u guys do this besmam 👏some of this stories are literally triggering my ጨግዋራ ere please ladies እየነቃን
@danayithabte4733 5 ай бұрын
Betam it’s hard this days but don’t compromise too much and watch out the red flags.
@Ovid374 5 ай бұрын
She has mental health issues
@tigisttube5648 5 ай бұрын
ወይኔ የሴትልጂ ቻይነት ግን ስቱን እችላለን ግን ይሄደሞ ከመጠን በላይ ነዉ እዴ የመጨረሻዉታሪክ በጣም በጣም ያሳስናል እህቴ በጊዜ አምልጪ በጪራሺ አይሆንሺም እራስሺን አሳምነሺ ከሄወትሺ አስወጪዉ ሙሉለሙሉ ብሎክ አድርጊዉ እርካሺ ወድነዉ ባለጌ አረ በስማም የተሻለዉን ይሰጥሻል ፈጋሪ እህቴ ይቅርብሺ።
@kal7795 5 ай бұрын
የመጨረሻው ታሪክ ላይ ያለሽው ልጅ እባክሽ እባክሽን እባክሽን ከዚህ ልጅ ሩጪ አምልጪ :: እራስሽን እይ : ለራስሽ ጊዜ ስጪ :: አንዱ ገዳም ሄደሽ ሕይወትሽን እንዴት እንደአዲስ መጀመር እንዳለብሽ በደንብ አስቢ : ንሰሐ ግቢ : እራስሽን አድሺ :: በርቺ አዲሷ አንቺን ስርያት : የማንም ዱርዬ ሱሰኛ መጫወቻ አትሁኚ :: በርቺ አይዞሽ ::
@sosiabule7778 5 ай бұрын
The last girl ትቀልጃለሽ run for your life trust me you will fine much better ere kezi ayenet wend edeme lek singel Bikons
@user-nt8mp6gn8j 5 ай бұрын
ሰላም ውዶቼ በመጀመሪያ በጣም እወድቹዋለው ❤❤ እና የምታቀርብት ታርኪ አሰተማር ነው አመሰግናለሁ 🙏 የመጨረሻው እህቴ እግዚአብሔር ልቦናሽን ያብራው እባክሽን ብዙ ቀይ መስመር እያየሽ ነው ከምን በላይ ላንቺ ክብር ና ግድ የሌለው ሰው የሂወት አጋርሽ ማድረግ እራስሽ ላይ ስቃይ እንደ መፍረድ ነው ለወደፍቱ እንኳ ለልጆችሽ እንደዚ ጋጠወጥ የሆነ አባት አይገባቸውም ና ንቂ በጣም ተኝተሻል ብያንሳ ዋጋ ያለሽ ሰው መሆንሽን አውቀሽ ከማይመጥንሽ ነግር እራስሽን አርቂ ከባድ ሊሆን ይችላል ነግር ግን እሱ መረጠሽ ከምትኖርው አሰቀያሚ ሂወት አይበልጥም እግዚአብሔር ይርዳሽ ዛሬ ላይ ሆነሽ ነገሽን ያማር እንዲሆን መስራት ግድ ይልሻል አመሰግናለሁ 🙏❤️
@Samrawit_Teklehaymanot24 5 ай бұрын
For the last story ‼️You better leave him don’t make the mistake of being so understanding and forgiving that you overlook the fact that you’re being disrespected !!! I know it’s nat easy but😢My heart goes out to you ❤you got this gurll
@Rakeb_1 5 ай бұрын
Selam beteseb, selamachu yebeza .A productive idea just came to me, what if you guys did this … Addisu studiowachu segebu malet new sometimes invite a psychiatrist keza read the story as always gn still keep the (confidentiality),keza professional advicem ale. FYI yenaten meker neka aydelem 😅. I think it would be very productive in regards to your viewer and so on!
@davesmart2915 5 ай бұрын
Dears, please also consider advising ladies not to start sexual relationships before marriage. I believe that is the root cause of all the messes our sisters went through.
@emebetdaniel662 4 ай бұрын
Absolutely Correct
@NannyBaba-ll9uw 5 ай бұрын
For the last one what do you mean girl እንዴ i wanna know how do you feel tarkishin siyanebut endet endetesemash be fkregnet endi kehone btagebiw endet lihon nw ende ...michal chgr ko aydelem yhe le 1 relationship yanchi fkr bcha aybekam... mayakebrsh kehone emotional support mayaregsh kehone support teyiw ena tru feel endtaregi enkoan karedash cheet karege mayamnsh kehone lijn yahl ngr beza way it's not abt the abortion emotionaly enkoan support kalaregesh beza time endewm anchin blame karegesh if he is susegna mnu nw eskahun ykr endtyiw yaregesh ..... fkrm gedeb alew matochibet chgr wst satgebi open ur eye what if lijun btoljiw ena obviously he don't accept then what ....bcha egziyabher yrdash kezi yebase ngr wst sagebi yhe rasu kebeqi belay nw be strong my girl ❤ open your eye my sister runnnnnnnnn
@sirgutamera4806 5 ай бұрын
ሴቶች እራሳችሁን ዝቅ አታርጉ ለወንድ
@hikmetasfaw3401 5 ай бұрын
For the last girl, sweetheart I know it's simple when we all say leave him and start fresh but in your heart you also know it's a right thing to do... Sometimes we forgive others to much to the point we can't even forgive ourselves.... Girl work on yourself really ask yourself why are taking all this in ?? Is it because you love him or there is something else?? ..I think if you can answer that question truly you you'll know what to do😊
@user-iu6vz3iy1g 5 ай бұрын
የመጨረሻው ታሪክ አበሳጭቶኛል ነቃ በይ ቆንጆ ለማንኛውም
@calm-soothingpoetry983 5 ай бұрын
I just wanna tell u both, i love u, i am goin through a though time and kinda depressed to a point where i can't stand being alone or by myself and you guys are helpin me each day by being my virtual friends u make me laugh n help me escape, i seriously just repeat ur vids on sleep to it , its so nice to have someoen like u , love u soo much❤❤
@leyuandmahi 5 ай бұрын
This means a lot ☺️
@biruktawitmuzein4033 5 ай бұрын
The last guy everything about him is wrong ,sweetheart please love yourself ahunm gize alesh run go back to God and start from scratch and you will be good . Omg I can’t imagine this, this is hell 🤦🏽‍♀️
@yengetnet6920 5 ай бұрын
I what to say something on the last story ,I have been this kind of relationship, then I forgive for everting wht he did at the end I get married him now he roasted me like crazy ,so my dear run before wasting your Age and time nothing 😢
@bintaby1099 5 ай бұрын
የመጨረሻው ታሪክ ምን እስኪልሽ ነው የምትጠብቂው😪
@sulamith8910 5 ай бұрын
My dear sister, this guy don't even try to hide who he is, God is showing you everything you need to see, please ከዚ ሰው ጋር ወደ ትዳር ውስጥ አትግቢ፡ he is not worth it, ስትቃጠይ ነው ቀሪ ዘመንሽን ምትጨርሺው፡
@danayitmekbeb5738 5 ай бұрын
Coffee lemn attetum sometimes while you reading the story..
@lidiateshome3219 5 ай бұрын
Ye mechereshawa lj mejemeriya ኢየሱስን የማታስነኪዉ ዋና ነገርሽ አደርጊዉ ወደ አባትሽ እቅፍ ተመለሽ ነገርሽ አሱን የተዉሽ ቀን ነዉ የተበላሸዉ ወደ እርሱ ተመለሽ እሱ ምርኮሽን ይመልሳል❤
@BetiGetiye 5 ай бұрын
Yes thank you
@legendaryjordan8085 5 ай бұрын
Esune yagenagate besu bekule egzabhere lemelsate belo bhonese
@meba5102 5 ай бұрын
Kezi lj yeterfat melkam nger wede ewntegnaw amlak memtatua new besu mknyat ande dmo yayew wdetm aymelsm anchim brgize ney sayrfdbsh
@Tsionmulalem 5 ай бұрын
Kasu gar biyans iska 20 amat litnori tichiyalash yihonal gn eyasus ya zalalamish nw isu kibrun titolishal anchi 1saw lasu mataw ayaqitishim abrahamim ikko betasub zarun hulu nagr tito wada midrabada ka igzaber gar heda bicha thaliyi igzaber thagawun yabzalish
@kalkidan6147 5 ай бұрын
@blu2fun201 5 ай бұрын
አረ Atleast ፎቶዋቸውን እንኳን ባይለቀቅ ስማቸው ከእነ አባታቸው ይጠቀስልን 😭
@lebeam4937 5 ай бұрын
ከባድ ከባድ መልክቶች አይታሽል በቃ ልትይ ይገባል፡በተለይ እርግዝናው
@educate-t1 5 ай бұрын
The last girl. Ayezosh. Loneliness is a demon. Ayzosh. Pray whenever you think about him.
@user-fq6wz3ql6h 5 ай бұрын
If you don't respect yourself, don't expect others to respect you. You shouldn't have changed your religion. That's the moment you lost his respect. Living with someone who doesn't value your sacrifices and continuously disrespects you is like living in hell. Allowing such behavior to persist only perpetuates a toxic cycle. It's essential to set boundaries and prioritize your self-worth. Remember, you deserve to be treated with respect and appreciation. My advise for is to take the time to reconnect with your faith and rebuild your relationship with God. Things might improve when you seek forgiveness from God. Remember God's forgiveness can bring healing and restoration to your life. He can restore what was lost over the last five years.
@user-qr4hi3zq5p 5 ай бұрын
@user-hs4go2xz6m 5 ай бұрын
They should have a big platform fr you guys have big potential... love you both bertulign
@kalkidan4164 5 ай бұрын
Ayizosh yne konjo yanchi sehitet hayimanotshin le esu blsh metwesh nw gen ahunm alrefedem wde miwedsh getash temelsh esu mehari ena yiker bayi nw alrefedem
@hiwi9 5 ай бұрын
የይቅርታም ገደብ አለዉ እራሳቹን አስከብሩ ሴት ናቹ ያዉም እንቁ
@FiqaaduLama 5 ай бұрын
Yemechereshawa lj gn😢 bzu negerachn ymesaselal yeljum bahri masoredum qalatochum bcha bzu ngr ayzosh mnalbat edmesh ke 20 belay yhonal enen yanchin aynet tarik ke 15 eske 18 amete asalfewalhu ahun 19 amete nw hulum alfo biyans tchewalhu so pls matchiyi endaymeslsh raqiw hulum yqr xenash ybelxal edmeshn atasaxri endamaystekakel lngersh esu migebash dgami argzesh lechatu miyawexaw birr lemasoreja kinin siyawexa endet endemisqoneqon stayiw nw 😢yqrbsh ema
@YordanosDegu-el9ei 5 ай бұрын
For the last story…. Yene konjo runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn without looking back!!!!!!
@tihitina2091 3 ай бұрын
For the last story please dear ask this question for urself "Endze ayenet abat le lijsh mesetet tefelegyalsh"....besemam endet endetekatlku besemam😡😡😡
@fiammetta2724 5 ай бұрын
Can anyone explain to me , Yetnehu story yemisafeu ? If I want to share my story with leyu & mahi .
@user-ff5gd3vy2s 4 ай бұрын
ደስ ትላላችሁ confidencesaቹ ግን 1ሰው ታሪኩን ሲልክላችሁ ጨንቆትናምን ነው እና የዛን ሰው ታሪክ የምታነቡበት መንገድ 🤑🤑
@Liwsebsebe947 5 ай бұрын
100k stgebu ayshalm adisu studio ❤😊
@Selamhiwotpeace 5 ай бұрын
For the last story, please seek psychological help it's not love it's trauma bonding. yne ehet erasesh lay seri self help metshafoch anbebi, amakariwoch ga hiji.
@Grace-cf5rk 5 ай бұрын
Liyu check your thyroid pls
@user-lh5hv9fk4b 5 ай бұрын
I don't know how can i explain my feeling I'm orthodox but haymanotshne yaskayerashe sate galoshale
@btelhem 5 ай бұрын
Well come mahi and liyu❤
@dagimawithamelmal3201 5 ай бұрын
beleww zare alefelachu welcome beyalw love you guys
@sabellamahi-oe6jm 5 ай бұрын
25:35 wow mahi selkun yaterfshbet menged 😂
@leyuandmahi 5 ай бұрын
@mekdi1921 5 ай бұрын
ሚያቃጥል history ሲኖር ግን ለልዩ ጋቢ ደረብ አድርገሽላት ጀምሩ 😂😁😁
@user-yt9gd5tq8o 4 ай бұрын
የኔ ቆጇ እሱ እንዳትለይዉ የፈለገው ስለለመደሽ ነው አቺ የሱ እንደሆንሽ ሁሌም ቢፈልግሽ እደማያጣሽ በሱ ተስፈ እንደማቆርጪ ነዉ ሚያስበው ለዛ ነዉ የከበደዉ እንለያይ ስትይዉ እጂ ላንቺ ፍቅር ኖሮት አደለም እርግጠኛ ሆኜ ምነግርሽ አቺም ጋር ያለው ፍቅር አልቆል ለዛነዉ ደስተኛ መሆን የከበደሽ እዳቆርጪ ያረገሽ መላመዳቹ ነዉ መላመድ መጥፎ በሽታ ነዉ ከሱ እራቂ እና ለራሽ ግዜ ሰተሽ ዉስጥሽን አዳምጪ ከዛ ለሱ ያለሽ ፍቅር ገና ድሮ እዳለቀ ትረጃለሽ ለአይን ነው ምጠይዉ ያረግሽለት እያሰብሽ ምን ሆኜ ነበር እያልሽ በራስሽ ትስቄያለሽ ከሰመመን እንደመንቃት በይዉ አምልጭ የኔ ቆጃ ህይወትሽን አታበላሺ
@DagemawitDagi 5 ай бұрын
The first girl run its big red flag
@menberesolomon8219 4 ай бұрын
Yemechereshawa lij ayzosh hiwot 1 nat fetarishen metamareribet hiwot wust kezi belay atkoyi esun ematagegibetn menged amechachi keza tselot argi selam tagegalesh fetari addis hiwot sisetsh men hogne neber teyalesh .... Mariyamn yekrebsh
@nadarkhan5369 5 ай бұрын
በጣምናው የምታምሩት የኔ ሳቂታወች 😂
@Tsionmulalem 5 ай бұрын
Yamacarashawa lij i'm sorry to say this but igzaber iyaqaxash yimaslanyal iwnat nisiha gibi ya midirun hiwatishin abalashtashal gn yasamayunim atici wada diro betish wada lijinat amlakash wada adanyish ina wada getash tamalashi yaxafawun lij tarik tawqiyalash wanaw maxfat adalam tamalashi mathaf qidus yawadaqa ayinasam yasatas ayimalasimini yilal igzaber yirdash lela mn yibalal gn lijish indatgayi eshi nabsa gaday atunyi yafalaga nagr yimxa
@Sassy387 5 ай бұрын
It doesn't matter if he cheats. What matters is he is not treating you right. It matters his actions are confusing you. It's matters he is not interested in you. And his actions and the confusion it creates are all the closure you need.
@Donut_2929 5 ай бұрын
it does matter enji wt do u mean cheating is not mistake , it's a choice
@Sassy387 5 ай бұрын
I meant the issue here is not to find out why he is acting the way he is. If he's not acting right that should be enough to make her decide to leave.
@QueenNigist-wj6gd 5 ай бұрын
The last history Amlici yene ehit
@ekuti 5 ай бұрын
How to send I want share my story..
@derejeademe3407 5 ай бұрын
Mahi, thanks for your rationality! It first story I saw your kenenet!
@redietkasahun03 5 ай бұрын
endet new story lagarachu ena ymtamakrugn
@user-de3jv7tv3i 5 ай бұрын
እኔ ብዬ ነበር ምንም አልተፈጠረም ግን ኮመንተሮች ምን አስባቹ ነው
@Bethe-er2gr 5 ай бұрын
I wish I was this smart when I was you're age😢
@misirachbeyene4679 5 ай бұрын
Welcome የምወዳችሁ❤❤❤❤
@LidyaFantu-ub9io 5 ай бұрын
Last one go back to God seek him. God will not leave you on your time of need.
@molitatube 5 ай бұрын
For the international student please leave, the guys in America are like this. I know you are alone and desperate but leave.
@proudethiopian1984 4 ай бұрын
The last story wede church tmleshi ke geta bet wetesh ezi hulu mess west megbatesh yasaznal chat , club ,abortion … christian life endezi aydlem nseha gebi ymleshi
@mihretalemu9065 5 ай бұрын
Mahi gn so web nesh eshi ye leyu yetaweke hono❤
@asmamawyinges3725 5 ай бұрын
Mahi የዛሬው አነባበብሽ ደግሞ ይለያል!.."ተርርርርርረረረረረረም" አለ ፋሲል ደሞዝ!...🤣🤣🤣🤣...ተርርርርርርረም አረግሽው እኮ!..🤣🤣
@meronseyoum5215 5 ай бұрын
Ymechershawa baltarik ytariku mechersh endmiyastela yawekut haimanoten keyrkult styi new . Yfelge bihon Getashn for a person 👎no like never mderader belelbsh nger nber ytderadershiw . Gn ahunm bihon move on adrgi aytkmshm . Eraseshn aregagi . Fitshn wede ftari melshi Geta yerdash ehte
@user-wk2wh5sl9j 5 ай бұрын
The last tarki gn akwalw semtshin gn bka tyew ykerbshi lhon ersu michil ngr adelm.so tyew
@NedhiYared 4 ай бұрын
for the last story, what kind of relationship is that what do mean you have changed your religen for him you have him what you have but he cheated on you even forgot what you do for him and you forgive him you must have to seek or not ok that is so impossible but still you have chance to change your idea this guy is so weird🤨🤨 think about it deeply with your friend, family.🤔
@HiwotGirum 5 ай бұрын
Benatshe yena konjo teyew yemechereshawa lij eraseshen awechi bemaryam mnm leleshi alchelem kezi lala a lot people's say much more things
@BezawitTefera-rp4gt 5 ай бұрын
Weyneee setech gen senet gud chelenallll😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
@KalkidanSeleshi-nm6ej 3 ай бұрын
Li ye 2 amet fkregna neberegn ena betam aschegari lej nw tsebayu kebad new gn betam yafekregnal enem afekrewalewu gn bezu setetoch serechalewu esum setet sertowal gn yenen yahal tefat alseram even chit aregebet enkuwan yikert argolegn yakal bc hiwet asgededogn enji felege ayidelem chit yaderekut seaport ayadergegnim ena yene dekmet nw seaport badergesh noro chit atadergim bilo yikerta aderegelegn keza buhala 1 amet ke 5 month abren koyen betam bezu neger asalefenal metfom terum gn mecheresha layi balemegbabat mekneyat teleyayen ene negn alfelegem biye yetewukut ena betam tegoda erasun atfeto kemot nw yeterefewu yikerta argilegn ena erasen lekeyir alegn ene gn elfelegem alkut ena teleyayten 5 months honen gn leresawu selalchalku le mersat biye lela wend metewawek jemerku be 5 wer wust ke 3 wend ga sex adregeyalewu 3gna sewu gn sebognal aberewu sewel destegna negn beka temechetognal ena yehone ken ye befit bf kezi lej ga seznana ayitogn tetalu ena adisun lej fenwketewu ena tegoda ena miyastela neger tefetere yetefeneketewu lej kaltebekelkut belo abede lemignewu askomkut ena bemehal ke adisu lejga tetalan mekneyatu demo back historiyen semto enakum alegn ehe lej eko kesuga lemeznanat biye ketem felege br ametalewu mekneyatum esu br yelewum ena becha yesewu were sebsebo tetalan ena ye mejemeryawun balen be agatami agegnewut ena ebakesh abreshign hugni enegaba ahun wulejilegn I know kene keteleyayen buhala yarekshiwun gn anchin kemata yihun egafetewalewu Kane sehetetesh alegn Even ke 3 Sega sex edareku eyaweke enkuwan erasun nw miweksewu ene endemetfelegiwu behon noro teleshign atejim belo erasun nw miweksewu enen menem tefategna ayaregegnem ena ahun tarkenal gn kalweledshilegn eyalegn nw gn negerochen ena yefamelin neger eskastekakel deres megabatachenen be private enargewu ena ahun gn legizewu beteseben lastewawkesh yanchinem beteseb astewawkign ena wulejilegn benatesh eyale aschenekegn men larg
@KidiEndale-vn4xl 5 ай бұрын
Yemechreshawa lji tariki digayi bla. Beyiwunat abariwu benatshi yih lemanm yemayihon sewu newu kachi balayi lesu turu sewu ayinorm gn yihe gomare newu teyiwu bagnegewu edebedbewu neber
@user-iu7bt4cz6g 5 ай бұрын
Leyu yemejemeriyaw story lay😁😁
@tsegaassefa1915 4 ай бұрын
Wasting 5 years of relation ship is better than ruining your whole life. Darling ....Move on! be a women as you should be!! Women is an example of being strong , fearless and confident. Their are 100 million guys out their who will fight to have you. MOVE ON!!!
@netsib.1923 5 ай бұрын
Sewonetachehu layi seru, gena wotat nachehu!!!!!
@ST-mh4kr 5 ай бұрын
Ere wegen esti 100k le mahi ena leyu
@tigisttefera6183 5 ай бұрын
Lemechershawa eskigelsh new mitebekiwe,ahun yasagebash endi kadergesh kagebashew bewala asbiwe demo be edmesh atechawachi negize run girl
@Football-is-everything 2 ай бұрын
Fetari hoy setoch gn men eyehonn new ..... koy gen independent mehon anchelmm ere please memeret alebachuu please be independent....
@Ovid374 5 ай бұрын
Let me tell you something peoples never change okay demo if you can support him lerasish mehon ayqtshm enkuan and erasishn yhenn yhenn yastsasb ena yegnzeb deha chlshal and then I’m so proud of you manm yhenn hywt noro xengna yelm mnm atnagrw yxbqsh egzabher new
@alemetalem1161 5 ай бұрын
Liyu and mahi betam new ymitamrut gin wait loss bitaregubet demo🤞🏻
@lina9514 5 ай бұрын
Please put the titles also in English for us balhager kids! 😂
@AbelTeklemariam-mo1ei 5 ай бұрын
I thought I was z worst bf 😊😊 some of this guys are cruel ende ...
@lamrotejigu7549 5 ай бұрын
የመጨረሻዋ ባለ ታሪክ ከጌታ የበለጠበሽ ጎረምሳ ገና ብዙ ዋጋ ያስከፍልሻል! ምትመለሺ ከሆነ ተመለሺ
@berryterefe7824 5 ай бұрын
እረረረረ ትንሽ ጥሩ ነገር መናገር አይቻልም 😢😢 መፍረድ በጣጣጣም ቀላል ነው። አትሳሳቱ የ እግ/ር ፍቅር የማይቀየር በኛ ሁኔታ የማይለዋወጥ ነው።
@abrahamwoldemariyam2288 5 ай бұрын
Leyuye Fiteseh Atenkaki Egacn Lay bezu BAketerya Alee Fites Yebelasall !!!!
@Binimobek888 4 ай бұрын
😂alliance 😂
@tigistworkalemahu3620 5 ай бұрын
ምንም ማለት አይጠበቅም ልዩን እያት ስተትሽ ይታይሻል አረ ንቂ
@redaiteshetu9246 5 ай бұрын
wedoch betam nw mewedachu demo bezu nager temriyalew kenanete bertulegni
@TigistGebremedhin-tw6kq 5 ай бұрын
Trauma bonding is a thing! 😢
@elsabetdesalegn 4 ай бұрын
😂😂😂i loke it getan ቺት ማድረግ ከባድ ስራ ነው❤
@scooterific2335 5 ай бұрын
I wish all u guys ❤❤❤
@yoditnigusse7877 5 ай бұрын
Yemechereshawa betarik kalitewchiw bekirbu timotalech
@user-hs4go2xz6m 5 ай бұрын
Tekatsilina ere setoch tewu
@ephremtamirat6280 3 ай бұрын
@HAKIIAN5653 5 ай бұрын
don't gauge depending on one side of the story even tho the guys are so exposed...and try to talk about a ways to keep their man on their hand
@HAKIIAN5653 5 ай бұрын
this comment dosen't include the guy on the 3rd story
@Truth658 5 ай бұрын
Leyuye please get your thyroid checked eshi u guys are beautiful
@BituMesfin 5 ай бұрын
Dune❤❤btw I think he's power is yehone leader shitt
@habeshalove7466 5 ай бұрын
Mariamen teyew mechem ayehoneshem 5 amet keled ayedelem
@poweredbyinjera8019 5 ай бұрын
Apology is just a fucking word. Don’t do me wrong after you do just exist outta my life dont come crawling asking for forgiveness
@edenabera-kp2cp 5 ай бұрын
Love u 💕 ምርጦቼ❤❤❤
@user-zl6mz2gf6f 5 ай бұрын
Please give me some books
@kiyak7995 5 ай бұрын
I don't why gn i feel indetexalachu
@Zinash-i6f 5 ай бұрын
I also like dune
@meweleddegfekadu4882 5 ай бұрын
may be he saw z joke that says 'if one girlfriend makes u happy, can u imgine if u have four?'
@Lemlemlem54 5 ай бұрын
You are right ufffffffff
@Tsionmulalem 5 ай бұрын
Hahaha ay mahi tanagrash surprise hoooooo
የትዳር ዝግጅት በ18ዓመት🙊🙊🙊
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