業內人看完Lindsay影片,覺得總結得非常好,人和市場,最後總會是市場贏,軟銀擴張太快,自己本身內部有很多問題,幾個quarter下來表現都很差,當然也有市場因素,主要還是投資人對市場了解不夠,太有自信,入場太快,due diligence 做得不夠,很多新創公司,都是搞fake it until you make it 那套,理念很好,但都沒有實際business model 只是在圈錢😅
Hi 小LIN, i thoroughly enjoyed yr story on Masayoshi Son, look forward to your next episode on famous people or interesting events !!! One day maybe you should interview Elon Musk too!
Hi 小Lin, I’m a fifth grader and I really like your channel. Is there any books and autobiographies about economics that you would suggest for me? I can’t wait for your next video!