今回は大好きな仮面ライダー龍騎のオープニングテーマAlive A Life を仮面ライダーナイト、秋山蓮役を演じられた松田悟志さんと一緒に歌ったバージョンをUPさせていただきました! SNSはTwitterがメインなのでそちらもフォローしていただけるととっても嬉しいし次の動画のモチベーションになります!! twitter.com/@shin_20161224 カバー曲は全てリスペクトを持って歌わせていただいてます。 今回も読んだコメント全てにいいねさせていただきます!
The best heisei era kamen rider for me...the spin off rider time still makes me cry
@yoshikento19564 жыл бұрын
His death in that plot was really shocking
@rey21033 жыл бұрын
It makes me cry because it was so goddamn bad. All of a sudden, long established characters are shown to be gay, which adds absolutely nothing to the narrative. Don't even get me started on the messy plot and shitty ending. They should've left Ryuki alone.
@GameLover454083 жыл бұрын
@@rey2103 True. But you can't deny Ryuki has it's own bad. With the more modern one like Saber and Gaim, there's no fillers for who knows how many episodes