宝藏博主啊!!! 才发现你,我会好好珍惜的.支持你~ I have a dream! 想变好看的宝贝们能有人指引,现在看来,你就是那个小仙女,要是仙女可以创立服务APP, 提供私人定制服务就太棒了! 对啦~仙女在力所能及地情况下, 要是可以关注男孩子的化妆穿搭也是极好的! 希望咱们团队把世界变成每个人自己认可自己的仙境~
Many of the garments that people think are French or "French style" are Spanish or Italian. Many people do not know how to differentiate them, they believe that everything is French style and French brands. I say it to inform you