What a worthy and elegant point of you are discussing which is mirror image of my life! I have massive respect and keep on this good move. You are impacting the life of many!
ወቸጉድ ጠየሳምንቱ እኮ ነዉ Aha! የምታስብሉኝ:: የቸገረኝ ነገር በየሳምንቱ የምትሰጡኝ የቤትስራ የወራት (አንዳንዴም የአመታት) የቤትስራ መሆኑ ነዉ:: lt requires Devine intervention to finish it. In the meantime, I am enjoying the process. እግዚአብሔር ይባርካችሁ!! በመካከላችሁ ያለዉ ተግባቦት ደግሞ ድንቅ ነዉ::