S1 - Ep 238 - Pella - A Spectacular Cathedral in this Namaqualand Town!

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DustBugs Travel

DustBugs Travel

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@arnoldtvisagie Жыл бұрын
Drove this road so Manny times. Never saw this tap. The Namaqua district has a very beautiful landscape. Thanks for the continues uploads.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
The landscapes are truly beautiful indeed, I couldn't agree with you more! 😍⛰️ That functioning tap next to a road like that, was quite cool to see! 🚰🚗
@munesumangava9751 Жыл бұрын
Wow!!! The Cathedral……👏👏👏👏
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
That cathedral and its history blew our minds! It was like walking back into history. 💒🌴
@Scoops-g7j 4 ай бұрын
Pella where the shade doesnt stick around fo long...thanks for sharing 😊😅😮
@kevindevilliers3572 Жыл бұрын
Klein Pella is worth a visit. There you can meet the well known Jors Malan. He lives right on the Orange river and farms with Date Palms. He also runs a very popular U-Tube video channel.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
We were very intrigued with the history of Pella and we wanted to explore the village this time around. It was time well spent and we loved it! 💒🌴 Thank you for the info, we will keep in mind for a possible future trip back to the area. 👍🏻
@nerinemartin5901 7 ай бұрын
Im a child of the Great Karoo ...n Pella feels n looks like home to me ..I think i need to visit there soon ..thnx fo the beautiful videos ..i see our beautiful country n enjoy it with u
@rgj8044 4 ай бұрын
It amazes me that so few buildings had stoops or verandas to give some shade.
@jake2172-p2v 3 ай бұрын
For interest sake...I was the engineer on that pipeline to the mine 😀
@baldwintheanchorite Жыл бұрын
I've never been to the Namaqualand before and I definitely will after watching this series! Friendliest people, incredible landscapes and as always a rich diverse cultural heritage. Thank you for sharing!
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
If you ever get the opportunity to go, grab it! It's a harsh environment where the beauty is rugged and stark, but still breathtaking. We loved every minute we spent in the Namaqualand region. And no matter where we went, the people were warm and welcoming. It was a fantastic experience! 😁🚗
@sammymachaka2509 Жыл бұрын
Pela is very quiet and serene, I love that place. Your videos are part are now part of my daily routine they bring back calmness after a hectic day.
@flodillon991 Жыл бұрын
The tap next to the road so thoughtful for the travellers. Town with an interesting history. A date plantation how amazing. Thank you.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Such a rich history in this mission town, it was really amazing to explore. We also loved the tap almost in the middle of nowhere and thought it was super cool! Glad you could drive through the town and the date plantation with us! 🌴🚗
@alexhill8150 Жыл бұрын
Oh, to be there! Lovely!
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Lovely it was indeed! We loved every single moment! The history and landscapes are so fascinating. 🗻💒
@bronwynpaulse8189 Жыл бұрын
10K followers HHHHHHEEEEYYY!!!! 💃💃💃🥂🥂🎉🎊.. May you continue to reach 100K followers soon... Continue showing all the subscribers how beautiful our country is💕💕
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for celebrating 10k with us! 🍾🥂 Thank you for supporting our channel and watching our videos, we're very grateful and happy to have you on board with us as we explore beautiful places. We look forward to taking you to many more! 🇿🇦🚗
@seymourcpt Жыл бұрын
Love these little towns!
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
This one has such a rich history with that cathedral. Loved it! 🌴💒
@charlietreston4035 Жыл бұрын
Hi guys amazing video so unusual for a small town to have a Cathedral love the grounds with the nativity grotto the murals nuns accommodation I could almost feel the tranquil vibes here in kent the history of pella is a credit to pure Christian faith fantastic the center of town with the donkeys again very Biblical wonderful town. The solar panels for drainage pumps great idea and I did notice as you drove through the town two or three houses had solar heated water tanks on the roof?? Loved the video thanks for taking me to Pella cheerio till the next one
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Tranquil vibes indeed! 😇💒 It was a fantastic visit to a fantastic cathedral and town and we loved every minute. I actually thought you may enjoy this episode and I'm so glad to hear that you did! Solar geysers, as we call them, have become more commonplace now and we do see them more often as we travel through the smaller towns. In the bigger centres and cities, they're very common already on social housing schemes, etc. The date palm plantation was just wonderful and we thought we'd never reach the end. 🌴🚗
@edwardrisi Жыл бұрын
In the first decade of the 1900s there was a tragic war across the border with Namibia waged against the local inhabitants. Pella mission was turned into a field hospital for the German soldiers. The soldiers used to receive dates in their rations and so the pips were thrown to the ground and there it was the beginning of dates in Pella
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
How interesting! Thank you for that info! 👍🏻🌴
@mythos5809 Жыл бұрын
Well now, live and learn. Never heard or any way aware of Pella. Astonishing. Thanks.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Neither were we until I started planning our trip. Astonishing indeed. So glad you could explore Pella with us! 🚗🌴
@irenemasterson146 Жыл бұрын
Thank you Thank you for sharing this beautiful Cathedral. Such awesome murals. Compliments to the artists and the community for looking after this special special Cathedral.
@koegelenbergandriesng.153 Жыл бұрын
Namakwaland is 'n pragtige landskap.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Agreed, with a surprise around every bend in the road! ⛰️🤩
@africanomads Жыл бұрын
We visited Pella and the big dateplantation 10 years ago, enoyed it to. Very special place in the nowear.
@munesumangava9751 Жыл бұрын
Wow!!!! Stunning mountains 👌
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
The landscapes in that part of the world were next level! 😍⛰️
@stefanopaione3502 Жыл бұрын
Very nice Place tank you🌈
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you enjoyed! 🚗🌴
@walterfick157 Жыл бұрын
My volgende trip Noord Kaap gaan ek beslis die agterpaaie ry... julle bewys ons dat die paaie heel gaan baar is met 'n sedan met bietjie "ground clearance"👍 dankie vir die video 🚐
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Oh absolutely! If you ever do it in a sedan, prepare yourself for not being able to navigate about 5% of the roads because of not having a 4x4, but otherwise you can pretty much go anywhere. It's that all-important ground clearance and low speeds that make all the difference. 😁🚗
@koegelenbergandriesng.153 Жыл бұрын
Ek het op Nababeep gewoon sal graag wil terug gaan.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
I don't blame you, the Namaqualand region is a special place indeed. And I suppose even more so for someone who's experienced that way of life before. Perhaps you could visit again one day in the not-too-distant future. In case you haven't seen our video of our Nababeep visit, it's Episode 232. 😁🚗
@mariusroos4146 Жыл бұрын
Thank you once again. Indeed an amazing church fot such a small town. A real rich history. You rock
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you enjoyed visiting the cathedral and exploring the rest of Pella with us. It was truly an amazing experience. We look forward to seeing you in the next town! 🌴🚗
@annawitter5161 Жыл бұрын
Love those beautiful mountains. The guy who whizzed past, perhaps he really needed a toilet in a big hurry! So interesting how the town got its name. What a stunning cathedral! Love the herd of goats , and donkeys too! Shame! They look so thin. And such a sweet baby. A very special visit indeed. Thank you.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
I never though that the only car in a hurry in Pella may have had an emergency on board. That would clear that up! 🤣 Sonia says she thought you'd love the donkeys and the goats! You may have noticed that the mom donkey kept her right front leg bent all the time. The caretaker at the cathedral told us she stepped in a rusted old can and cut her hoof. We didn't capture it on film, but she was limping quite badly when we were there. Hopefully she's all better now. 😍🐴 The cliffs and rock formations were absolutely breathtaking in their starkness. And there's nothing left to say about that gorgeous cathedral with its long, rich history. 💒 Pella was an absolutely magical experience and we were glad to share it with you! 🌴
@annawitter5161 Жыл бұрын
@@DustBugsTravel The poor donkey!Hope someone disinfected the cut. Love the animals, and got an ot thrown in for free!
@jake2172-p2v 3 ай бұрын
Hahaha..I remember that tap...
@lizledbitter6711 Жыл бұрын
So glad you went to Pella. Really must visit that part of the world again.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
It was really a cool experience to visit Pella, we're so glad we did! It sounds like you know the area. This was our first time and I can completely understand why you'd want to go back one day. We'd like to go back too some day. 🚗🌴
@patshes1951 Жыл бұрын
What a beautifull dedication to Christianity.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad that you also loved Pella! 💒🌴 It was a very special visit which we won't soon forget.
@rorysullivan4913 Жыл бұрын
I stand amazed at the beauty of our country and in particular Namaqualand. Beautiful cathedral. you must enjoy these visits to the various towns. What strikes one in many cases is the cleanliness of the area, excepting for a few. Mooi!!!!
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
I'm with you 100%. We never knew that we were in for treat upon treat with such incredible landscapes and natural beauty. We enjoyed every single stop. Pella with its cathedral was super special for us too and the whole scene almost transported us back in time to when the cathedral was still a young building. 💒 I'm glad that you're happy to tag along to all these fantastic places! 🚗🌴
@desh7120 Жыл бұрын
Apart from the errant driver approaching the Kwid at the end - this was another enjoyable adventure. The Cathedral is maintained so well, as are the surrounding buildings- the wall murals are still in good condition the baby donkey with its Mother was a lovely sight. I smiled at how unfazed by your close proximity that lone, slender pig was - its whole focus intent on finding something to snack on. Altogether a fun outing, thank you!
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
I just had to include that driver at the end of this episode, a little blooper if you will! 😨🚗 That cathedral was something else! The history, the fact that two priests built it with their own hands without any building knowledge, absolutely everything was magnificent! 💒 The date palms and donkeys looked like a scene straight out of the Bible, those were all such sacred moments and we're so grateful that we had the opportunity to visit Pella. It was an unforgettable experience. 🐴🌴 Oh, and there were more slender pigs in the date plantation. I think they had found the dates already! 🐖
@doraduplessis2727 Жыл бұрын
And I am so glad that I could visit Pella with you today. What a beautiful, clean town. Sorry you couldn't make it to the Orange River. I'll have to follow Google Maps!
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
We know our limits and, as always, we prefer not to take chances on any gravel roads, especially when there is no cellphone signal. Fortunately we saw the Orange River plenty of times during this trip through Namaqualand and through the Free State on the previous one, so we were OK with having to turn around. The scenery on the stretch of road that we were able to take without any worries, was breathtaking though. Happy to hear you also enjoyed visiting Pella today! 😁🚗
@1812nico Жыл бұрын
Hi you two. Thank you, thank you for this Pella trip. A church centered an a church based town. To think of the decades those priests spent their time and effort there in the sweltering heat, expecting no reward for themselves, is cause to feel humble. This is really a place where people live because they want to. The rocky mountains along the gravel road were also astonishing. I can't remember seeing such on any of our previous trips, but of course every view has its own beauty. Thank you again and Keep safe!
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
'Every view has its own beauty'. So true! And we saw every view imaginable on this trip and they were all equally beautiful. I must admit that these stark, rugged cliffs and rock formations on the short stretch we took on the way to the Orange River, were rather intimidating, yet so gorgeous! Although we didn't quite make it to the Orange River, they were reward enough. 😍⛰️ I had to read the history of the cathedral and the priests over and over because it was just unbelievable to me that they would come from France and settle in such a harsh environment to bless the community with their work. And to build a cathedral like that with their own hands! It's still totally and utterly unbelievable to me! 😇💒 I'm so glad you enjoyed this episode, which was a rather special one for the two of us too.
@simonemason5352 Жыл бұрын
Fascinating, nogal big.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Fascinating is the right word for this place and especially for that cathedral. 🚗💒
@simonemason5352 Жыл бұрын
@@DustBugsTravel the cathedral is magnificent!!
@AndrewJohnClive Жыл бұрын
Wow. That landscape is amazing!❤
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
We loved it too! So rugged, yet so magical at the same time! 😍⛰️
@frederikbrits9559 Жыл бұрын
Very interesting, see on Google maps there is a dry river bed in Pella, called "Goob se Laagte" .....maybe the reason for the water pump, and for local use. Believe the blue pipe supply the mine at Aggeneys
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
The longer we drove next to that blue water line, the more convinced I was too that it was the supply line to Aggeneys. I'm glad you enjoyed exploring Pella with us! 🌴🚗
@deonzar Жыл бұрын
On one of our trips from Goodhouse we came to Pella and the whole church grounds were cordoned off ,. there was a film being made and I think a prominent actor form overseas acted in it...I see from my records it was in 2004 but cannot find the name of the movie now. That church is awesome inside. And the date plantation at Klein Pella is something to be seen. Jors Malan is from there and have a youtube channel with lots of video. It amazes me that the tap is still in perfect working order...
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
I read up that Sean Penn came to shoot a film in Pella in 2014 called The Last Face, but your trip was ten years prior and I'm not sure what movie was shot there that year. They say the whole town got overtaken by the film crew and, having been there recently, I can only imagine! That church blew our minds! 🤯 The history, the architecture, just everything about it was very special and it was an amazing experience to visit Pella, its date plantation and its crowning glory, the cathedral! Glad that you could come back to Pella again after quite a few years! 🌴💒
@deonzar Жыл бұрын
@@DustBugsTravel Yes it was definitely 2004 I still have some photos. But for the life of me I cannot find the info on google.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
This was bothering me and I asked someone we got to know while in town. He immediately knew what movie I was referring to since he knows the gentleman in whose house the actors stayed while filming. It was Lord of War, starring Nicholas Cage and Jared Leto. The film was shot in 2004 and released in 2005. 😁🎬
@deonzar Жыл бұрын
@@DustBugsTravel That's the one! I am a fan of Nicholas Cage and will see if I can find the movie on torrent files! Thanx.
@mjdynamicproperties5701 Жыл бұрын
You must visit Klein Pella one of the very best places to visit on that route !!
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Perhaps on a future visit! 🚗🌴
@valda-leespann3872 Жыл бұрын
Hi there, my hubby and I enjoy your travels and info on the little towns. Would love to see more of the houses instead of the road, if possible. Cannot wait for you to do the Eastern Cape. Safe travels.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Thank you, glad you enjoy our videos. 😊 We show as much of what we see on either side of the road as possible, but inevitably the roads will always form a big part of the shots since I have to keep my eye on the road as well. 😁 Glad you explored Pella with us. 🌴💒 We're definitely not done with the Eastern Cape yet, but we've done two trips to the province so far. I'm wondering if you've seen those videos yet. If not, check out Episodes 159 to 199 with a little Western Cape in the mix. I hope you enjoy!
@Plushies_world Жыл бұрын
Thank you people - I didn't even know a place like Pella exists!
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
We didn't either until I started planning our route and am I glad we got to explore Pella! It was a fantastic experience and I'm happy you could come along! 💒🌴
@lukasvisagie9513 Жыл бұрын
Dankie vir pragtige "herrineringe", was nog nooit hier, maar dis so soortgelyk aan 'n 1000 ander plekke in SA.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
For us, Pella was unlike any other place we've ever visited. That cathedral and date palm plantation were incredible to see! 💒🌴 Thank you for watching!
@lukasvisagie9513 Жыл бұрын
@@DustBugsTravel Not quite the same, but sufficiently similar to revive ancient memories - the dirt roads, the rocky hills, the endless empty fields, proper Karoo, the houses, so similar across many small towns, railway stations, peperbome langs ‘n dorre pad, ‘n rusplekkie met n boom, n asblik, ‘n bankie en dalk ‘n kraan, I can go on forever. But the point is, on this journey of yours I recognised many things, similar to things encountered in other places - so even if not the same place, there were sufficient similarities to bring back, to awaken, cherished memories. Thank you, loved your program. Ten laaste, hoeveel pragtige kerke is daar nie in SA op plattelandse dorpies, party mooier as ander, maar almal spesiaal oor wat daarin gesit is om hulle te befonds, te bou en uiteindelik ‘ n lewende kerk te maak.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
We find a beautiful church in almost every town we visit and it's not about the grandeur or the size or even the denomination, it's about the stories and what the church means to the community. But there's no denying that we love the architecture of some of them too! 🚙💒
@trudie1330 Жыл бұрын
Ok atlast got my butt on the backseat. Life kept interfering with with the dusybug travels. Pella... very interesting town he. Once again a fair amount of green. Loved the road through the mountains on the way to the river. Made me think about Meiringspoort going through and not over the mountains and some of the rock formations of Pêrelberg in the Western Cape. And oooh look at the vleitjiesriet just after the datepalm orchard (23min in). Shows there is constant water. Very interesting how people can make a town and survive no-matter were. Thanks for the ride. Buttttt you know Aggenyes ne....... Onwards travellers.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Happy that you finally made it! 😁🚗 Although the area is not nearly as green, I can definitely see how you got Meiringspoort vibes. (You should check out our drive through there in Episode 174, that was way before you jumped on board. Another beautiful part of our country that! ⛰️) Good observation about the reeds, we understood that there are huge amounts of underground water at all times. So surprising to hear that while everything appears so super dry above soil. You're still thinking about Aggeneys, love that! 😍🚗
@koegelenbergandriesng.153 Жыл бұрын
Pragtige Kerk,en die dadel plantasie, 'n ware oase.
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Absolutely, we also loved both the cathedral and the date plantation and it was awesome to pay this place a visit. We appreciate you coming along! 💒🚗
@munesumangava9751 Жыл бұрын
A random tap on the side of the road😂 Quirky!!!!
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
And not any old tap, a working one! 😁💧
@stanleyrobson4622 Жыл бұрын
Awesome trip! Loved the scenery. Did you try the dates?
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Thank you, happy to hear you enjoyed! 😊 We did indeed buy and try some dates. Neither of us are really date people, but as dates go, they were good. 😁🌴
@janima5346 11 ай бұрын
Now the ANC knows about the functional tap in the middle of nowhere! Tomorrow it's dry or broken.
@JamesOrr-v5g 3 ай бұрын
I am in the UK. is it safe to drive in the desert and rural areas at night ?
@DustBugsTravel 3 ай бұрын
In terms of your personal safety, I think you'll be fine after dark in those areas, although this is South Africa and no-one can guarantee your safety. 🇿🇦😒 If you're travelling solo and you should pick up vehicle problems for example, it may be somewhat of a challenge to get help in those remote areas since cellphone signal is almost non-existent. We try and avoid travelling after dark as much as possible, it's just that much safer during daylight hours. 🚙🌞
@antonipieterse6539 Жыл бұрын
EK HOOP JULLE GAAN BY klein pella ook ingaan
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
We didn't this time around, no. Perhaps on a future trip back to the area. 🚗🌴
@tonybyrne7573 4 ай бұрын
Thank you wonderful to see.... "did you know that JESUS is really present in the Catholic church !!!! FACT! "
@DustBugsTravel 4 ай бұрын
We have viewers from every religion who watch our videos and we focus on travel on our channel. Our interest in church buildings is purely for the architecture and the cathedral in Pella was absolutely stunning. 🚙💒Thank you for visiting with us!
@gregorydavids5304 Жыл бұрын
Check on YT Omang? - Pella Mission village in the Green Kalahari
@DustBugsTravel Жыл бұрын
Will check it out! 👍🏻
@charleserickson7503 Ай бұрын
Hi hallo jy met dit in Afrikaans ook lees vir NL kykers.
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