Sabbath Day Myths: What’s Actually Allowed?

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Connor Boyack

Connor Boyack

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@brightdaysahead382 4 ай бұрын
Funny sabbath story… on a Sunday, I found evidence of a mouse in the house. “Ox in the mire!!!” So off to Home Depot I went. I bought mousetraps. For weeks I did not catch any mice, but still saw evidence of them. One evening I was thinking, I never really repented for buying the mousetraps on Sunday, I could have waited until the next day. So I prayed and repented and asked forgiveness. The next morning we woke up to a mouse in the trap.
@kevinparkin3322 4 ай бұрын
Funny Sabbath story: For twenty years, following my mission, I went to Church every week (BYU Church, YSA Church, Family Church) and never met a girl interested in marrying a 5'8", blond, Swedish Decent, Returned Missionary, who obeys all the rules, works hard, graduated from college, has goals, taught by dad to honor women, cooks, owns house, etc, etc. But, during those twenty years of Church, I did learn about ... hmmmmm ... what did I learn? Oh ya, I learned that being "good" brings rewards ... eventually ... after I die.
@reppi8742 4 ай бұрын
@@kevinparkin3322maybe it was your attitude. My son went to church, served a mission, started college, got in an accident, lost his arm, married a girl, got sealed waited years and at 41 had his first child at 45 had his second child.
@FindingJoyInEverydayThings 4 ай бұрын
@@kevinparkin3322 Sounds like you were "following the rules" in hope of reward instead of letting it change your heart.
@kevinparkin3322 4 ай бұрын
Ahhh, and there in lies the rub. Maybe it's my fault. Or, maybe the Lord "will try my patience and my faith" like the extra-ordinarily excellent people of Alma. Or, maybe my standards are too high, and nobody was good enough. Or, maybe Mormon girls' standards are too high and they are too picky. I probably should have ignored the advice to marry "in the covenant" and dated Catholic girls. They seem fun. Or ... "If you love Me, keep my commandments". And ... "What no eye has seen and no ear heard and no human mind has conceived - that is what God has prepared for those who love Him". So, maybe obeying all the rules ("keep My commandments") does not result in ... anything. This is a four-day discussion, not suited for The Comment Section. But, thanks for your diagnosis.
@kissinkatebarlow 4 ай бұрын
@@kevinparkin3322 you seem bitter. Maybe the person you were supposed to be with just wasn’t ready. Lots of wonderful ppl don’t find someone. Not a big deal.
@sillyblindharper1 4 ай бұрын
We live in Sedona Arizona and our visitors who vacation here and come to church are the only reason we qualify in size to be a ward and to have a lovely building of our own. Every Sabbath they come, the vacationers, in their hiking clothes and shining faces to share our services. Our meetings are enriched by the input by members from all over the world and our fast and testimony meetings can be especially interesting. I say go to church wherever you are. See what the Lord has in store for you there. Don't miss the opportunity for your Sunday routine to be enriched by new things to discuss about the Sabbath with the family as you travel. Thanks for another great podcast! -ThePlagueFairy
@TheGreatDadoo 4 ай бұрын
I like that! Go to church to partake in the spirit of love ... and wear whatever you wanna wear as long as it's not distracting. Hiking clothes seem fine! Church should be a joyful occasion and not a "duty" that tries your patient and something that's inconvenient that you tolerate. You should look forward to it and your face should shine, like you're talking about, and you should feel happy when you go. It's so much easier to be happy when you're comfortable and not in haughty clothing. On my mission in Africa sometimes for church we had no building and would meet outside in a wooded or grass-planed area and it was wonderful. Now I'm an old man and going to church is more of a chore than a joy and my kids hate going to church and so does my wife. It's sad church is so arm-length and so unapproachable. Everyone is so stand-offish ... not unfriendly but not friendly either. "Hi, nice to see you. Bye" year after year. You see one of 'em in the store and it's, "Hey brother Alton, how are you?" "I'm fine brother Anderson, how are you?" "Oh, fine, just fine... nice to see you!" "Yeah, you too... see you at church" bla bla bla - meaningless and cold without genuine feeling.
@kevinparkin3322 4 ай бұрын
My dad was a Young Adult Ward Bishop, back in the 80s. He worked 16 hours on Sundays, for years. One evening he came home and said, "Today, I heared every confession imaginable except for Capital Murder and Terrorist Conspiracy." Being a Bishop ... and following Sabbath rules ... can be exhausting.
@kevinparkin3322 4 ай бұрын
Minute 7:00 President Kimball's List of Things To Do On Sabbath includes: spending time with the "aged and lonely". Since I am technically a Senior Citizen (age 66) and alone (lonely), anybody up for a mountain bike ride down the Wasatch Crest Trail next Sunday? God's scenery, fresh air, excercise, comradery ... it's all good.
@natandjoec 4 ай бұрын
I would come! I love riding my bike and visiting my elderly neighbors ( you're not that old, but that's okay.) but I live in New Mexico:( I do miss Utah and the trails and bike lanes though.
@stevekohl5351 4 ай бұрын
I am an ELCA Lutheran living in Iowa. I am also "aged and lonely" (68). I would enjoy a walk with another person on Sunday.
@kathypearce9958 4 ай бұрын
While we were raising our children we always went to church on Sunday no matter where we were. Some of our favorite memories are going to church in various places. Sometimes we could not speak the language or the weather was bad but those were our most unforgettable times. We loved it! With that said, in today’s church you never know what you are going to find so we are wary at times. We don’t travel as much anymore. Though most places we go we have a nice Sabbath experience and meet wonderful people.
@TheGreatDadoo 4 ай бұрын
That's a funny story - I just got back from spending a month in a little city about 45 minutes north of Suzhou, Hunan, China ... I should have found a ward there and gone! .... no ... wait ... ;)
@MegaJohn144 4 ай бұрын
In deciding what to do and what not to do in life, I go by this simple rule. If it encourages the Spirit, I do it. If it drives away the Spirit, I don't do it. I realize that this puts a lot of responsibility on me, rather that outsourcing it to the church, but I have two answers for this: 1. I'm willing to take the risk. 2. Isn't that what we are supposed to be doing anyway?
@littled6698 4 ай бұрын
Great comment. He who needs to be commanded in all things is a, what? 🤔🤔
@EricHansenHaiTech 4 ай бұрын
My first Sunday job was working in the Church Network Operations Center, supporting the availability and uptime of the Church website and apps. I've come to appreciate the purpose behind the Sabbath more than the itty-bitty rules. I try to point myself to building toward Celestial relationships, whether it be church service, reading scriptures, visiting or helping those in need, taking a nap, enjoying sex with my wife, spending special time with family, and so on. I do whatever I can to avoid placing impositions of work on others during a Sunday, but I'll fill up the car with gas while visiting family if needed (self-service pump, of course).
@HaleStorm49 4 ай бұрын
My wife and I usually rest from sex the other 6 days per week...but everyone has to make their own decisions ;)
@antlerjam3677 4 ай бұрын
How is it that this guy only has 6k subs?! Great source of info that I think more Christians should hear.
@rogerlisa2 4 ай бұрын
Very fluid and often tricky with part member families and non member relatives.
@DesertPrimrose 4 ай бұрын
I view time with family as sacred time. I always attend church, but if my less active/nonember family members plans an activity on Sunday, I go and nurture my relationships with them.
@thebeachhouse 4 ай бұрын
We travel a lot. Part of our travel has been to attend church wherever we are on Sundays. This can be really fun for our whole family to meet saints all over the country. 😊
@TheGreatDadoo 4 ай бұрын
Dang.. I just got back from a one-month vacation traveling around mainland China with my family! We should have done what you're suggesting and visited ward where we were staying!! wait...
@littled6698 4 ай бұрын
When I lived with my foster parents in Hinckley Utah, we went to Sand Mountain over Easter weekend like almost everybody else, it seemed like. We rode 3 wheelers and sand rails on Sunday like every other day of the long weekend. I wasn't a baptized member then, but my foster parents were. I remember my foster Dad realizing in real time, "maybe we shouldn't have been playing on Sunday". I will always remember that. THEN, when he passed away, I took one of my boys to Utah to go to his funeral. I learned about it on a Friday, and had to get back from work and get atuff ready for the funeral on Monday. We drove from Iowa to Utah, starting Saturday. We had to stop and sleep along the way though. We went to church in Rawlins WY, and then went to the WalMart afterward to buy some food, as we left for southern Utah, because we didn't have anything in the van. Sometimes our activities are necessary, sometimes they are not.
@angelamadsen416 4 ай бұрын
For vacations, I was always taught, and I still firmly believe, that you shouldn’t travel on the Sabbath. So either leave or come back before Sunday. There’s actually a quote about that somewhere that I was trying to find before I posted that said something to the effect of you shouldn’t extend your vacation by an extra day or two if it means you have to travel home on the sabbath. Or something like that. But being on vacation over the Sabbath is fine as long as you observe the Sabbath wherever you are. For us, if there’s a church, we’ll go to church. Going to church in other countries or even other parts of our country is a wonderful experience. Or if we’re on vacation, say, in Lake Powell, we have always held our own Sunday school and Primary. No boating or other activities that day. And I can testify that my family has been saved from death by keeping the Sabbath day holy on the lake. And personally, for all other things, if you feel like you have to justify why you’re doing what you’re doing on the Sabbath, you shouldn’t be doing it.
@beckywright7906 4 ай бұрын
We do our best ( it’s not perfect) in setting the sabbath day apart from all others. And keeping it holy in our hearts and minds.
@TheGreatDadoo 4 ай бұрын
yeah... nothing makes a vacation a vacation like waking up early, getting dressed up in clothes you took up room to pack and had to iron then going to some random ward and seeing people you'll never see again
@pajabesa2492 4 ай бұрын
This is a guiding principle from Elder Mark Petersen that I use for how to approach the Sabbath at home or when on vacation..."Our observance or nonobservance of the Sabbath is an unerring measure of our attitude toward the Lord personally and toward his suffering in Gethsemane, his death on the cross, and his resurrection from the dead. It is a sign of whether we are Christians in very deed, or whether our conversion is so shallow that commemoration of his atoning sacrifice means little or nothing to us."
@sisknothinbutruth2684 4 ай бұрын
It all feels so judgy, finicky and worrisome. Im so over being scared that God will smite me for trying but failing. Im just going to pray and then listen for inspiration.
@littled6698 4 ай бұрын
We're supposed to judge righteous judgements. Telling someone they shouldn't be going to a rock concert of Sunday is a good thing to tell them. Telling them they are going to hell because they did, is NOT the right thing to do.
@KevinLarson_ohana 4 ай бұрын
I felt zero judgment in this
@sisknothinbutruth2684 4 ай бұрын
@@KevinLarson_ohana Lol! I'm glad.😂
@jum5238 4 ай бұрын
It can indeed become a pharisiacal quagmire. Perhaps simplify it as resting from our (normal) labors, dedicating it for good (including serving others, the Lord, etc), and doing what you can to avoid having others violate that. Granted, we're a 24x7 world, so there are those who labor and keep it humming. The opposite is that we don't get to rest... physically. Or mentally. We all need a recharge.
@Kristy_not_Kristine 4 ай бұрын
Pharisaical was exactly the word that came to mind, and then you said that! I was raised, and therefore raised my children, with way too many of these kinds of nitpicky rules... we make things more complicated with our lists, thinking they are required.
@kevinparkin3322 4 ай бұрын
Jesus was criticized for walking too far on the Sabbath ... and for healing people.
@Phraq 4 ай бұрын
For me, I’ve boiled it down to how I want to show my devotion to the Lord. In our hearts, we each know how devoted we are. I like what some other comments have said, we don’t need to judge others. Your Sabbath day observance is between you and God. I do like to visit other LDS churches when I’m away from home though, especially outside of Utah. It’s great to feel the that fellowship with others.
@brightdaysahead382 4 ай бұрын
President Kimball, when talking about the sabbath, said that if we do not give the earth its day of rest, that the earth would force the rest through natural disasters.
@kevinparkin3322 4 ай бұрын
Hmmmmm. Prior to Adam and the Human Family, and wayyyyyyy prior to Moses' 10 Commandments, Earth experience its most violent Natural Disasters. Dinosaurs were inihilated by asteroids . India crashed into Asia. Sahara went from Tropical Forest to desert. North America was covered in one mile thick ice. Volcano's spewed toxic sulfuric gas. Yellowstone's giant caldera erupted.
@TheGreatDadoo 4 ай бұрын
yeah, well that's just, like, stupid, man
@littled6698 4 ай бұрын
President Kimball ALSO said: "The Sabbath calls for constructive thoughts and acts, and if one merely lounges about doing nothing on the Sabbath, he is breaking it. To observe it, one will be on his knees in prayer, preparing lessons, studying the gospel, meditating, visiting the ill and distressed, writing letters to missionaries, taking a nap, reading wholesome material, and attending all the meetings of that day at which he is expected." I work different crazy hours all week long. I usually don't get up or go to sleep at any regular set times. Sundays are typically the other day I get to REST. I'm thankful for the day of rest and to be able to take a nap, and NOT have to work.
@kevinparkin3322 4 ай бұрын
I nap whenever I get drowsy; every day is Sunday.
@omacookie 4 ай бұрын
We all know when we are breaking the Sabbath. We all have to make choices. We are told not to judge each other over this so I think it’s left up to us individually how to best keep the Sabbath. Keep your judgement to yourself and you probably will be fine. What is the desire of your heart? The Lord looketh on the heart. As we grow in our testimony we probably will refine our Sabbath day worship to be more true to what the Sabbath should be. I’m a scouting mom, so I say, Do your Best!
@EKowallis 4 ай бұрын
I'm sorry, but isn't that what King Noah kinda said?
@ethanevensen3752 4 ай бұрын
I think correction if fine as long at the goal is to improve. With stuff like this it is to often an attempt to show how superior we are to others.
@omacookie 4 ай бұрын
I’m pretty sure that is what President Nelson said. We are trying to improve and be like Jesus but we can’t be Pharisees!
@ethanevensen3752 4 ай бұрын
@@omacookie Exactly a great example of this is taking the sacrament with your right hand. It's in the handbook, but by no means essential to the ordinance. However if the time is taken to explain the symbolism it can enhance the whole experience. Normally we say nothing and miss that opportunity or even worse correct with no explanation using the authority of the handbook to convince other so they can marvel at our grasp of the jots and tittles.
@EKowallis 4 ай бұрын
@@ethanevensen3752 how do you know that? You think everyone has that in mind?
@graceweel8164 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for these thoughts and scriptures to confirm what we ought to do. When on vacation with my non member husband of 40 years, we will either visit a nearby congregation for Sacrement Meeting or I will join our branches zoom meeting, or I will read/listen to scriptures, magazines or watch other uplifting videos, like yours. Your videos are always good for a conversation with my hubby. You put into words a lot of my thoughts and even my husbands, except for he refuses to go too deep into certain topics, for then he might have to come to conclusions, like perhaps getting baptized, which he won’t, at least not yet. Keeping the Sabbath Holy for me has a lot to do with the intentions which with I do things. I always enjoy the Sabbath day as Gods special gift to us, even though I can get quite exhausted when we were busy getting together with our children. But it’s a good cause to be exhausted. Thanks again for all your musings, I appreciate them!!
@aBrewster29 4 ай бұрын
Ironically, the one job that required me to work more Sundays than any other was BYU. Those pesky students wanted to eat every day! The experience taught me about the importance of expressing devotion with pragmatism.
@josephaney 4 ай бұрын
I grew up like you, wondering what is allowable and what isn't, and came to many of the same conclusion as you. I don't remember when exactly I asked the Lord the question, "What does it mean to make the rest day holy?" The Lord answered me and said, "It is to have relationship with me. If men do not have a day off to remember me, they forget about me. I would that men should make everyday holy to me and have relationship with me everyday, but to start out, I will settle for one day a week." When I was younger, I followed the rules I was brought up with, but since the Lord sanctified me, and I have relationship with him every day, the only reason I still take a day off is to rest. I really like having days off. I will take any excuse I can get to have a day where I do not feel I have to work. When I was on my mission, I met a minister from the 7th day Adventists, and he told me that because Mormons worship in Sunday rather than Saturday, the church is false church and we were all going to hell. I did not feel I was committing sin to worship on Sunday rather than on Saturday, but I told them man I would pray about it and ask the Lord the truth about the Sabbath. So I asked the Lord, which day should be the Sabbath day, and Jesus replied saying, "It does not matter to me. If the group you worship with is agreed to have their Sabbath on Saturday, I will accept that. If everybody agrees with Sunday, I am good with that. If you are not part of a group and you choose some other day as your Sabbath, I am good with that. The important thing is that you do not condemn, as I told my disciples, I want mercy, not sacrifice. Another important thing to keep in mind is that contention is of the devil and there should not be any contention on this subject."
@holyroller4391 4 ай бұрын
Or maybe your God is the devil.
@josephaney 4 ай бұрын
@@holyroller4391 That is always a possibility. You have to be very careful because the devil is liar and if you ask him if he is the son of God or Jesus, he will always says. Yes. and will always get angry that you would dare to question him. I had a friend and I told him about my relationship with Jesus, and I am just a regular guy. I am not a leader in the church and he wondered why I would think God would talk to me. He asked if, maybe, my god is the devil. So I told him, "Maybe the God I talk to is the devil so I will ask him and see what he says. Then I will get back to you." So, after my friend left, I went and asked Jesus if he was the devil, and Jesus asked me, "What do you think?" I replied, "I think you are the real deal. You are the true son of God." Then Jesus asked me, "Why do you believe that?" I said, besides the fact you have been my only true friend my whole life, I know you are God because of the Love. Nobody, not even my Parents have loved me like you love me. I do not believe the devil can fake the forgiveness of sins, and I know I have been forgiven of my sins." So there it is. I know that Jesus is my personal savior. He is my God, my king and my very best friend. I love him and he loves me and not only has he saved me from my sins, he saved my life when I fasted for 40 days and survived and then another time he saved my life when I got run over by Mack truck.
@truthbebold4009 4 ай бұрын
I'm SDA. We don't believe that Sunday keepers will be sent to hell, however, we do believe that when Sunday Sabbath is enforced by law, the mark of the beast is being enforced
@holyroller4391 4 ай бұрын
@@truthbebold4009 and what happens then if you take the mark of the beast?? Exactly that
@truthbebold4009 4 ай бұрын
@@holyroller4391 Es no bueno 👎
@brightdaysahead382 4 ай бұрын
We love to go to church when we travel and do so whenever possible. One time our taxi driver came into church with us since he was going to be driving us back afterwards. We also try to pick more sabbath day appropriate things. When are driving on Sunday, we try to pack food so we don’t have to buy food. We try to not travel on Sunday when possible, we are far from perfect in that though.
@TheGreatDadoo 4 ай бұрын
i just LOVE it when vacationers come to my ward! NOTHING better than people showing up and saying, "Hi! My name is Bill Brasky and we're on vacation visiting from the Tampa, Florida area." .... wow, what an honor!
@kathypearce9958 4 ай бұрын
Good reminder. Thank you
@jaromywilkins6246 4 ай бұрын
For me as a contractor for the dod and a farmer sometimes Sundays are used for the work not all day but at times several hours just how it is sometimes
@sheldonjackson383 4 ай бұрын
Great insights! 👏🏻 There is a great danger of becoming legalistic when it comes to the Sabbath. I follow The Spirit which reliably instructs me as to what to do or not do depending upon the circumstances. This is a stretch but I compare my Sabbath inspiration to the judge who famously stated that he was no expert on pornography, but he knew it when he saw it.
@barbaraostergaard420 4 ай бұрын
We always did our best to work attending church meetings on Sunday into our travel itinerary when our children were young. Our children grew up confident and comfortable around other people, I think in part to this practice. They saw that strangers can be welcomed, and it helped them to reach out when others visited our meetings. They also found that the gospel of Jesus Christ is taught worldwide. There are good reasons to attend church as a family wherever you are!
@TheGreatDadoo 4 ай бұрын
yeah - and now when you vacation you don't even think of going to church ... hypocritical much?
@barbaraostergaard420 4 ай бұрын
@@TheGreatDadoo we always make it a point to attend church wherever we are. I should’ve clarified that.
@TheGreatDadoo 4 ай бұрын
@@barbaraostergaard420 why? what's the point? without the fellowship component there's really no reason
@plummer50000 4 ай бұрын
This whole rule lends itself to the pharisees. I literally live every day starting with a prayer to turn my life and will over to God. And I live the day the best I can. I do what I can to "not" spend money or have worldly entertainment, but I don't beat myself up if that happens. Everyday I glorify God. Everyday I give time to the needy and poor. I do not judge what others do on the Sabbath. Its none of my business. When we covenant to do this in the Temple is Sabbath literal or metaphorical? I guess I justify my behavior by keeping everyday as Holy as I can. I do think it is wrong, it doesn't prevent the Holy Spirit.
@clintonlemarluke1507 4 ай бұрын
DC59:13 "...let thy food be prepared with singleness of heart that thy fasting may be perfect,..." "Singleness of heart" does not necessarily mean simpleness. But the next part, "that thy fasting may be perfect" made me think that eating and fasting appeared to be a contradiction. Fasting is usually associated with abstaining from food. But one may fast from other things such as social media, or, in this case work. And yet my whole life the Sunday meal seemed like a huge production. But in retrospect it was simply focused on bringing family and friends together, both to prepare and to enjoy the meal. I think that that is a nice "singleness of heart" without too much labor.
@missyjenta4 4 ай бұрын
I have not hone on too many vacations. However I have been watching here and there a KZbin channel and the family in this channel do go to a lot vacations and they seem to always attend church. And I find it wonderful and I am sure family finds great joy in visiting the different cultures and getting to experience church in a different light than their usual weekly ward. They have been a good example to me of how to enjoy the world and still keep the Sabbath Holy. I believe the KZbin channel is called the outdoor boys.
@ryan1usu 4 ай бұрын
If I'm ever EQP again the first activity we'll do is shopping on Sunday and perhaps go to the bar. With the intent as a group to go to others who aren't like us and visit with them and make them feel loved and appreciated and to convince ourselves that we aren't better than others. The other EQ activity will be to attend other churches together and find out how we can partner with them in improving community.
@lucybates8078 4 ай бұрын
While we are on vacation, we put going to church into our itinerary. During a family reunion we have asked permission to have a sacrament meeting in our group.
@debfryer2437 Ай бұрын
If we as sincere and devoted disciples of Christ have the spirit with us at all times, which we are promised in our sacrament meeting each Sunday we can, that same spirit will withdraw if we are not keeping the sabbath day holy.
@DesertPrimrose 4 ай бұрын
The great thing is that we can establish what the fences are for our own families.
@emh7956 4 ай бұрын
Our family when growing up would ask ourselves if the activity in question was "worshipful". That was helpful when making decisions about the various activities that came up on the Sabbath Day. Not hard and fast but just a guideline. I do believe that to enter into the rest of the Lord means to be in His presence. What activities might help bring us into His "rest" or, in other words, His presence?
@generalpatton838 4 ай бұрын
Oh my god it's Connor Boyack! How are you doing booster? I'm so excited!
@jfitzsimmons4825 4 ай бұрын
Spirit of the law trumps the letter of the law. God knows your heart.
@holyroller4391 4 ай бұрын
That might be correct besides the heart can be filled with some serious delusions. When you lack knowledge anything can creep in a true.
@lindagale5584 2 ай бұрын
I enjoyed this lecture very much. I was reading in 3 Nephi about the Sermon at the Temple, and noticed that Keep The Sabbath Day Holy was not included. Is there a significance to Jesus skipping over the Sabbath at that time? Was that strictly a commandment for the Jewish people?
@mandeepeterson2297 4 ай бұрын
Make the day holy by making it an offering to the Lord. If everything you do in the day is about coming closer to Christ, the list of things you can do is infinite. Thinking of it in "do or do not" terms isn't really conducive to living the principle.
@guyrob7498 4 ай бұрын
Concerning physical rest on the Sabbath Day. Suppose someone who has a sedentary job, but who normally exercises regularly during the week, is too busy to do so, perhaps due to unusually demanding Church responsibilities. Would it be wrong if, on Sunday, with his body yearning for exercise, he did so? If he rode an exercise bike at home while watching General Conference reruns would he be breaking the Sabbath Day by not “resting”? Speaking of “resting,” I was in a bishopric for about a year. On Sunday I normally spent 8 to 10 hours fulfilling Church responsibilities. It was anything but a “restful” day, and in fact could be the busiest and most stressful day of the week, depending on what was happening at work. A bishop I knew said that it took him two days to calm down after each Sunday. The Lord finished His work on the 7th Day, not on the 6th. According to D&C 77 and, if read carefully, the Books of Moses and Abraham, God actually placed all animal life on the earth during the 7th Day, starting with man (the previous six days the earth was just prepared to receive such life). The point is that “resting” on Sunday really means abstaining from some of the normal activities of life, including working for money, merchandising and recreating.
@Borkybaby 4 ай бұрын
Did I miss the part of not being allowed to have sleepovers on Saturday night?!? 😂😂😂
@lauralynne1483 4 ай бұрын
Hi. I'm curious about your view of Sabbath "rest" as it intersects with the various and sundry, often-near-consuming leadership meetings that are held on Sunday (above and beyond Sacrament, Priesthood, RS, Sunday School). Thanks.
@stevekohl5351 4 ай бұрын
A 7th Day Adventist i know would say other Christians get it wrong by not exactly obeying the 8th Commandment by observing the Sabbath on Saturday.
@holyroller4391 4 ай бұрын
He is correct, but probably not on anything else.
@Cloudopatra 4 ай бұрын
Is the ox symbollic of a person in distress. Sheep often used to represent members of the ward / flock
@KevinLarson_ohana 4 ай бұрын
So where do you stand on fishing? Just curious. I don’t need you to tell me for my decision rather I am legitimately asking for your thoughts.
@lilli23OO 4 ай бұрын
Jesus seemed to teach against all these rules and specifics created by religions about the Sabbath (thus one reason he was against formal religions and following imperfect prophets/mortals). He taught universal eternal natural laws, one of which is that it's beneficial to have a day of rest in a week (and it's best if most everyone (except essential workers) rests on the same day so it works better), but for men/religions to create scriptural stories and rules around it or to say one particular day is the Sabbath, is just what Jesus was against and tried to point out. Going to the beach or the mountains can relax or rejuvenate the body and soul as much as, or more than, staying home. A family picnic in the canyon can be even more wonderful for creating closeness and memories, than in your dining room. God would not want the focus on him on the Sabbath (whatever your day of rest is), but on the health of your relationships, with yourself and others.
@kevinrasmussen663 4 ай бұрын
What criterion constitutes a worldly vs non-worldly activity? What do you do when are required to do work for a job that you can’t afford to lose?
@leannerickords7380 4 ай бұрын
My husband is a pharmacist and has had to work on Sundays on and off his whole career. Oftentimes his job doesn’t start until 10:00 on Sundays so on the Sundays he has to work he goes to whichever ward meets at 9 to at least partake of the Sacrament. He usually gets the first 2 talks in as well.
@kevinparkin3322 4 ай бұрын
Sunday Services occur 7-days-a-week in Hong Kong due to the Hotel Service Industry. LDS members must work their service jobs as customers require, Sunday thru Saturday, so the local Ward accommodate those work schedules.
@Adam-ww8ei 4 ай бұрын
What criterion? Lol. You looking for a Websters dictionary definition? 😂
@littled6698 4 ай бұрын
Do you take a stand, and put your trust in the Lord to bless you as you follow the commandments? I've done that. Self employeed, and I would make WAY more money if I would just work on Sunday. BUT I've made it a point for years and years now to say, I'm not taking work for Sunday. I will be better off if I don't. I'll out my trust in the Lord, that he'll have my back on this.
@kevinrasmussen663 4 ай бұрын
@@Adam-ww8ei Yes actually, it seems these things are largely arbitrary and subjective
@3blenders 4 ай бұрын
every time someone submits him-herself to any kind of rule-law- and/or a leader, people STOP thinking for themselves and ask “their” leader what sheep can or cannot and/ or should and or should Not do. In other words you stop being self-reliant and you voluntarily are handing over authority to people who most likely will abuse their powers. Where is then our faith in consulting with God and exploring the Holy Ghost. i believe in being my own prophet and master of my agency.
@sarsimlun 4 ай бұрын
I’d really like to hear more about investigating other religions… particularly navigating that curiosity as a parent. My teenaged children are struggling with the progressive nature of the church among other things. They have expressed interest in checking out other religions. A couple of weeks ago they visited a Catholic Church, and now they’d like to attend our local Baptist church. In principle I’m comfortable with this, but maybe panicking a little because I find myself in a bit of a “faith crisis” where the church is concerned. It’s all I’ve ever known and yet almost unrecognizable lately. Perhaps if I felt more comfortable with the church right now this wouldn’t stress me so much. How should a parent who believes in a “passion driven education” navigate this-when not entirely confident her children will land on the “right” side or is even sure what that looks like?
@lisaharris8598 4 ай бұрын
That is awesome that you are letting your kids figure it out! We are all on our own journey and I really hate the culture of the church that made me think I needed to punish or shame my children when they didn’t want to go to church and I wish I could go back and go with them to other churches and let them figure it out! Our churches claim of we are the only true church and others are “bad” and if you stray you are “bad” has got to change! Don’t panic! If they want to keep going to other churches you still gave them a foundation and they will figure it out! ❤
@brightdaysahead382 4 ай бұрын
If you think the church is “almost unrecognizable” I’d say you are being way too nit picky and looking for fault. So of course your kids are going to desire to find another church.
@sisknothinbutruth2684 4 ай бұрын
​@@brightdaysahead382Seriously, how old are you? Bc it truly isn't the same church. I went through the temple in 1986 and can testify it's not. This isn't nitpicking. Some things are much better, some things far worse, but it's definitely not the same.
@sillyblindharper1 4 ай бұрын
I understand. It's a frightening place to be in. You might get them watching Ward Radio, too.
@clintonlemarluke1507 4 ай бұрын
Check out David Boice's YT channel "52 Churches in 52 Weeks." He was an evangelical who ended up joining the LDS church.
@Hala-ataa 3 ай бұрын
*The Sabbath is Our Opportunity to Demonstrate to God How We Would Use Freedom from Toil* The curse of Adam (our requirement to labor for food) is a an opportunity afforded by very particular circumstances. But those circumstances are not eternal. God has proven, even after The Fall, that He is capable of feeding us without our labor. A few examples: • Manna from Heaven • Loaves and Fishes • Bread and Wine for the Nephites The Israelites in the wilderness were placed under conditions where they didn’t have to even work to eat! For 40 years! If God did this same thing for you, how would you capitalize on that inherited *talent?* Would you still labor unceasingly to accomplish all the good that you’d finally have the time/energy for? Or would you glut yourself and just accept the free ride while producing no greater joy for yourself or others? The sabbath is the day which God has dedicated to that very situation. He has promised that you can cease striving for prosperity - because He has ordained to cover the cost and feed you. So, what you do on the Sabbath reflects your understanding of the resources and time God has freely provided. If you are more exhausted on Sunday night than any other night because you utilized that gift, God is pleased. And He will open your eyes to notice how everything in creation is a free gift - empowering you to leverage it towards the greatest purpose.
@stevekohl5351 4 ай бұрын
So taking time to correct the faith and false teachings of others glorifies God.
@Adam-ww8ei 4 ай бұрын
It’s really not that complicated. If you’re over thinking it you are probably going about it the wrong way using undue mental energy towards constituting what is or is not breaking the sabbath. Since sabbath was created for man it is more of a case by case thing. You know yourself when you are breaking the sabbath. Hard and fast rules are not appropriate in my opinion.
@WalterReade 4 ай бұрын
I think there is benefit in creating "sacred time" on Sunday that sets it apart from the rest of the week. Here's an example. I like to use Sunday to transcribe names in FamilySearch. But, if my profession was transcribing names in FamilySearch (as a hypothetical), I would find a different way to use my time on Sunday. IMO, it's less about the activity, and more about carving out time to focus our thoughts on service and the Gospel. In terms of vacation, we still try to take it easy, trying to avoid what we would if it were a normal Sunday. For example, we don't go to concerts on Sunday, so we wouldn't go to a concert just because we were on vacation.
@kevinparkin3322 4 ай бұрын
I "carve out time for service and the Gospel" each day; I am not a one-day-only Latter Day Saint.
@WalterReade 4 ай бұрын
@@kevinparkin3322 I don't recall anyone suggesting we should be one-day-only Latter-Day Saints.
@holyroller4391 4 ай бұрын
The first thing you should get right is doing the Sabbath on the seventh day not the first. Is a sign of your apostasy
@SummitSecrets 4 ай бұрын
Keep the sabbath day holy is not a commandment of Christ. It was part of the law of Moses and the law of Moses was entirely fulfilled and done away with.
@FleeingBabylon-Now 4 ай бұрын
We don't keep the Sabbath at all. SUNday is brought to us by Constantine in 325. Before this the apostles and followers after the Savior kept the Sabbath given by Moses. Actually given to Adam. It was not Sunday. We need an Abinadi since we do not keep any of the first 4 commandments at all. We think we are keeping commandments and we are not. The Sabbath was a perpetual commandment, never to be changed. Yet Constantine did and we still follow him to this day.
@holyroller4391 4 ай бұрын
What are you talking about? We as a people don't keep a single one of those ten commandments
@FleeingBabylon-Now 4 ай бұрын
@@holyroller4391 Yes we do not keep any of the ones about our relationship with God, the first 4. We all have other judges or gods who we follow. Follow the .... We have idols aplenty, just look at the Christus, Logo, Temples, paintings, statues etc. We take the name of God in vain teaching doctrines of man and of the other god. We are a works based group so we can check the last 6, but if you look at the sermon on the mount we fail here too. Thanks for your comment!.
@Pay-It_Forward 4 ай бұрын
6:09 *Spencer W. Kimball was a very good & honorable man, even if Mormon! Very good list. And glad that he corrected that horrendously racist Brigham Young Blacks the seed of Cain thing.*
@kevinparkin3322 4 ай бұрын
Minute 1:00. Some people think that recreational activities do not qualify as 'rest' ... such as lounging by the swimming pool ... or attending a playoff Jazz game in the Delta Center, like owner Larry Miller, but watching on TV is a-ok. Or, maybe watching other people work constitutes a Sabbath violation and we should not participate in that violation. Of course, 1/7 of all the milk, gasoline, nylon, carbon fiber is produced on Sunday and 1/7 of all manufactured goods are shipped on Sunday ... because dairy farmers and oil refineries and ships do not stop (on the ocean) just because today happens to be Sunday. And, everybody uses those Sunday Produced goods. Hmmmmm, shame on you. And then there is the electricty that all chapels use on Sunday. God built the Earth in 6 metaphorical days (a 'day' = one Earth rotation based on the current 240,000 mile distance of Earth's moon ... which was different at Earth's beginning). Why did God 'rest' on the 7th day? Simple. Because His work was completed. God rested AFTER His work was completed, NOT on some arbitrary callendar day named by Constatine. Lesson: do not rest until your work is completed. As for Holy, well listening to (concert or sterio) music, water skiing, mountain biking, road tripping, wood working, gun ranging, gardening are all Holy to me. Now back to Connor's Sunday Musing ... about Sunday.
@lisaharris8598 4 ай бұрын
Love this! My sentiments exactly! All outdoors things are holy and spiritual to me!
@littled6698 4 ай бұрын
Attending Jazz playoff game? Let the people justify the worship of false idols.
@kevinparkin3322 4 ай бұрын
Littled6698. Type a list of your work and leisure activities and I will connect each of them to "the worship of false idols".
@heberfrank8664 4 ай бұрын
The Sabbath day has ALWAYS been from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. D&C 59 is given on Sunday, and calls it the "Lord's Day". The ante-Nicene Fathers all spoke of Sunday as the Lord's Day. they are two different laws. The Lord's Day commandment to hold meetings and break bread is a new commandment given by Christ. But the Lord's Day commandment does not replace the Sabbath Day commandment. This was not understood. But now that the times of the Gentiles is over, the Lord wants his Israel to live by the Saturday Sabbath and make Sunday a day of work besides holding meetings.
@IntoAllTruth. 4 ай бұрын
Do you hold Priesthood keys to declare doctrine?
@TheGreatDadoo 4 ай бұрын
Do what I do for vacations ... I just got back from mainland China for the last month with my family! It was fun and when Sunday comes along you don't have to feel guilty about not going to church! :)
@Pay-It_Forward 4 ай бұрын
*Mormons don't live the Jewish Sabbath 7th day. Early Christian lived both a (Jewish Sabbath) 7th day & a (Lord's Day) celebration of resurrection day. Roman Emperor Constantine declared Sunday a day of rest in 321AD, in honor of (Sol Invictus). Mormon's worship the Jewish Messiah, whom the Jew's reject because he was very anti-Messiah, on (Sol Invictus) pagan god day.*
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