Sailor Bob - The Nonduality "Spiel" Melbourne, March 12, 2015

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Dietrich Lasa

Dietrich Lasa

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@rebekahchol1778 3 жыл бұрын
Finally, someone who explains it in simple English for everyone to understand. Very grateful for this video. Thank you for sharing.
@obowurx6625 4 жыл бұрын
This might be my favorite video on non duality. Thank you for posting it and keeping it available
@onlyonerombo 5 жыл бұрын
Brilliant down to earth no nonsense A-Z teaching ! Thankyou Bob 🙏🙏
@xanbex8324 7 жыл бұрын
" I'm not talking bullshit here" lol....a blue collar Jani Yogi...thanks for this upload !
@benwalton1039 8 жыл бұрын
Bob is Great. A diamond within the murky and muddy waters of spirituality.
@marysusa6985 23 күн бұрын
Amazing. Brought me to tears. Thank you.
@ShakinJamacian 9 жыл бұрын
This man is amazing. Getting right to the points. I imagine a lot of this will seem like psychobabble to others, but as someone who has inquired into this - primarily from Alan Watts - a lot of it adds up to my understanding of "what is".
@DietrichLasa 9 жыл бұрын
ShakinJamacian Realizing what they (Alan Watts and Sailor Bob) point to is the proof. Those who ignore what is being pointed to will enjoy/endure some more of their temporary ignorance. Realizing and ignoring are the two major alternatives. One is devoid of psychological problems, the other is full with them. (Even problems are made of the substance that is innately without problems.)
@ShakinJamacian 9 жыл бұрын
Dietrich Lasa This is true. In fact, if I may be so honest, I was expecting a bit of New Age woowoos here, or some language I couldn't follow. Bob was so pristine and concise, especially with him killing the illusory ego in his really quick and simple example. Usually most suggest meditation, or that some path has to be sought and walked on to get it. Perhaps techniques are needed to remind oneself of the natural state of affairs in our socially impositioned world, but Bob really nailed it. Consider for a moment that science very clearly shows us a non-dualistic world, and we're somehow caught in the experience of being separated from the cosmos in ways that imply not only dualism in nature, but in oneself. If more people were instilled with what we know in an *experience*, to see the I and all dualistic properties it has dissolves, perhaps we can live in the world instead of on it.
@DietrichLasa 9 жыл бұрын
Yes, this insight - on a broader scale - would change the perspective accordingly. Interestingly, the idea to have such insight is not very popular, otherwise it would be cherished and pointed to by teachers in schools etc. Of course, this lack of popularity is also an expression of this undivided whole. It really plays games with itself.
@ShakinJamacian 9 жыл бұрын
Dietrich Lasa I wanted to ask you for assistance, if possible. As you can see from what I've already mentioned, I grasp what appears to be "what is"; the world is not separated, cut off things, but interdependent, interconnected processes, if we're using concepts to describe it. I'd wager science with observations in the quantum domain and the likes of higgs particles shatter the idea of solid, standalone, isolated "things". The problem I have, if I may pull the skin-encapsulated ego card, is this often stays in the domain of thought, of intellect, but seldom the breadth of experience. It as is on some level the words from Bob, or Alan, or Jiddu Krishnamurti, whoever you want to specify, is something I can grasp as understanding, usually. But if I get off of my chair, and act in the social world, I again feel as if I am an isolated constant caricature and that people, at least on the basic experiential state, have a true division between them and I. I often refer to it as a game of a "natural state of affairs" against a "social imposition", where what simply is ends up discarded for all of the talking, figuring, thinking, and inferring upon it. How, exactly, can one cultivate this understanding, this 'default state' in a way that simply doesn't become memory or knowledge that takes the backseat when the game of illusion is inferred? I know of concepts such as in Zen and Advaita, but are there techniques that help cultivate this understanding as an experience? Even if it's a pointer that breaks the illusion, for I continue to feel as if I'm riding a wave that gets it one moment, and has a hard time getting it the next. Perhaps its the habit of 25 years of social conditioning to me that has to be deconditioned, and it probably requires more than mind to taste this fully instead of as a kind of lip service. Hope some of this made sense. I know the idea of asking for a solution still keeps the idea of "seeker looking to something to be sought" which *is* the illusion, but it is perhaps that I lack an experience that shows no doubt at all in the futility of this dualistic perception, which has permeated my experience at present.
@DietrichLasa 9 жыл бұрын
+ShakinJamacian You will get as many answers as there are speakers. You may divide them into two categories: Half of them say you can't do anything, and definitely, that you can't cultivate this understanding to the point where it is not based on memory. The other half will say that you can. However, these two approaches are possibly very similar: The 'you can't do anything' approach could become another pointer (method) that can be habitually followed, more and more, until the seeing is there without interruption. The belief in 'I can do something' is often very strong, and it may feel unnatural to leave it behind. In that case, the second approach may be more suitable. The 'you can do something' approach can be understood as using meditations that do not use the thinking as their primary means to cultivate the recognition of what is already the case. All the meditations I have come across that are designed to cultivate the habit of 'not ignoring what is' do not use time-bound thinking. By looking at the two categories of speakers in this way, they don't conflict each other, although they wouldn't usually admit this. I like both categories as I see them as described. As far as your question is concerned, I'd go for the approach that appeals the most to you. Would it appeal to you to just keep in mind that thoughts are happening the way they do and that we don't need to be concerned about 'cultivating' or directing them? Keeping this in mind would cultivate mental relaxation that could open the view to what is already the case. Or would it appeal to you to move your attention from any object in front of you, along an invisible straight line, into the middle of your head, whenever you feel you get drawn into the conceptual world? Or would it appeal to you to be aware of the turning points of your breath, without necessarily manipulating the breath? Would it appeal to you to look for evidence that there is someone inside your body, and you can't find anyone? There are innumerable ways to cherish the rediscovery of what is already the case. Would it appeal to you to face the sense of separation etc, rather than trying to go 'beyond' it? Would it appeal to you to see that trying to go beyond anything is doomed to failure? Cheers!
@mimime3791 5 жыл бұрын
"Bob" another name for "Love ".. still rockin at 91 y.o. ...! Definitely coming to see you again soon ...!
@allone5889 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much Bob, I really appreciate it.
@jackjoyous4300 5 жыл бұрын
wow! what a slayer haha. so loyal to the truth, because there's only that.
@DemetriusFuller 6 жыл бұрын
His glasses are nondual.
@FlowerPower-st7uv 9 жыл бұрын
I like the cat shadow behind you. :)
@Snappy27893 7 жыл бұрын
Rnickey Lidack and that's not a cat shadow.
@kp34325 5 жыл бұрын
@@Snappy27893 That's pinnochio's nose!
@ptanji 5 жыл бұрын
Brilliant! So clear!
@FlowerPower-st7uv 9 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Peace to one eternal being. X
@tapasyatyaga4041 5 жыл бұрын
@DietrichLasa 5 жыл бұрын
Hello Tapasia, 'the world' (whatever appears) is usually assessed by thoughts. This activity of constantly assessing could take a rest in favour of loving living. The dark side is triggered by strong assessments, not by love. Strong assessments make 'the world' appear as a battlefield. The release of this activity of assessing reveals peace, boundlessness, unconditional love. Some people assume that this absence of assessing strong values to appearances shows carelessness. However, this absence allows appearances to be infused by acceptance/love. That's what 'the world' (appearances) needs if anything. There is no 'you' in it.
@tapasyatyaga4041 5 жыл бұрын
@@DietrichLasa Dietrich....I thought you left your body. I'm happy you are still with us. All lovers of string instruments in Australia are am I. I will celebrate by listening to the immortal 9th by the Thunderer...Freuda Sheiner Gotter Funken Tochter Aus Elysium. This is the music I think of when the name Dietrich Lasa is mentioned. Because you do not believe in the mystical note I think you are deaf like Ludwig. But still you can be great like Ludwig was. The answer lies with Bach though I thought Scriabin had the answer. The Russians however are far too sentimental and maudlin for the mystical note. Bach could marry the Teutonic genius for logic and order with the Italian proclivity for melody. The Italians are but singing Canadiens so they could never produce the mystical note. Forget about the English...they are out of the picture. The French are too flowery and ornate. They lack the honesty and directness of Bach. So by a process of elimination we are necessarily left with Bach. I've listened to all his works but what if there is a score that was lost. Maybe Mendelson hid it because he thought the world was not yet ready for the truth. Mendelssohn's great aunt Sarah Itzig Levy (1761-1854) -- a sister of Bella Salomon, Mendelssohn's maternal grandmother -- had supported an active music salon in her Berlin home where she cultivated a devotion to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Sarah was an accomplished musician, having studied the harpsichord with Bach's eldest son, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. But Wilhelm was a dissolute drunk and not able to hold his beer as we would expect from a self-respecting German. Sarah Levy's admiration for the music of J.S. Bach also prompted her membership in the chorus of the esteemed Berlin Singakademie, which had been founded in 1791 by C.F.C. Fasch in order to promote the sacred German choral repertoire. Fasch, himself a scholar of J.S. Bach's motets, led the organization until his death in 1800; his successor, Carl Friedrich Zelter (1758-1832), was later (in 1819) engaged by Abraham Mendelssohn, perhaps on Sarah's recommendation, as music tutor to the young Felix and Fanny. Under Zelter's direction, many works from the German repertoire (both choral and instrumental works) that had fallen out of fashion -- including those of J.S. Bach (i.e., his the B-minor Mass) -- were unearthed and studied. Both Felix and Fanny joined the Singakademie chorus, and thus actively participated in the rediscovery of this repertoire. His father Abraham had actually possessed a collection of manuscripts of J.S. Bach's works, acquired at auction in Hamburg in 1805; forty-three of these manuscripts were subsequently (in 1811) sent to the Berlin Singakademie for safe-keeping. According to Mendelssohn scholar R. Larry Todd, Zelter urged Abraham to pursue his efforts in "saving" other Bach works, for, excepting connoisseurs, "who [else] during our times would understand these things?" NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND DIETRICH? "WHO DURING OUR TIMES WOULD UNDERSTAND THESE THINGS". In 1823 (or possibly 1824), Felix's maternal grandmother, Bella Salomon, presented him with a gift that was to alter the course of his life: a copyist's manuscript score of J.S. Bach's St. Matthew Passion. While Felix had become acquainted with only a few excerpts from the work during his own membership in the Singakademie's chorus, his first encounter with the full score of one of Bach's most profound and immensely conceived works, must have been nothing less than a revelation. (It is to Bella's credit and musical sensibility that she recognized in the Passion, a work that was essentially unknown at that time, one of the most deeply spiritual works ever written; she apparently also endured some difficulty in wresting Zelter's copy of the work from him in order to have it copied by Eduard Rietz for her grandson.) NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND DIETRICH?" OTHER PEOPLE WERE SEARCHING TOO. The score seized Felix's imagination. Despite Bach's generally unfavorable reputation at this time (he was regarded as little more than a musical "mathematician," a reference to what would eventually be recognized as his extraordinary use of counterpoint and musical symmetry) and the numerous difficulties presented by the score (i.e., its complexity and the unfamiliarity of its language), Felix nevertheless conceived the idea of preparing the entire St. Matthew Passion for performance. NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND DIETRICH? DO YOU SEE HOW BACH WAS DISMISSED AS A MATHEMATICIAN...JUST LIKE YOU DISMISS THE MYSTICAL NOTE. In his preparations for performing other works of Bach, Mendelssohn occasionally copied out instrumental parts himself. Among the few such parts to have survived are Mendelssohn's manuscript parts for clarinet and bassoon for Bach's Cantata, BWV 106, "Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit," which are held in the collections of the Library of Congress, and a representative image of which accompanies this essay. NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND DIETRICH? "AMONG THE FEW PARTS TO HAVE SURVIVED" SO RECONSIDER DIETRICH.
@DietrichLasa 5 жыл бұрын
​​Tapasya Tyaga You have done a lot of research. I do not mind explanations. However, what sees explanations can't be explained. Explaining is a secondary phenomenon, the seeing is primary. The solution to the world's issues is also rooted in the primary source. Troubles arise from assuming that events (they are secondary) are the primary instance and that they can solve issues. All our minds are secondary. It is advantageous to give in to that fact. Freedom from the mind's apparent significance is more important than to focus on any sound unless a sound will accomplish this. It may if it engages the attention in a way where explanations, assumptions, imaginations subside in favour of realising the presence of freedom.
@tapasyatyaga4041 5 жыл бұрын
@@DietrichLasa I love you as a man who searches for truth. But what are the 3 biggest plagues in the world? Leprosy, Cholera and ‘Von dr Alb ra' (from down the Alps, a term describing the swabians). Yes Dietrich as a Swabian you are slightly peculiar but in an endearing way. You grew up so sweetly with a family all playing string instruments. The fireplace was supplied with logs keeping the Lasa family warm in the den ...a radiance of heat melting the harsh Swabian winter. Have you experience the jungles of Vietnam as a LURP. I think not! Sometimes reality is Charlie, the punji pit, or the tiger trap. When you speak of "freedom" fall to you knees and thank the young men from the sky and bush who walked the walk. This is why there MUST be God, Krishna, Jehovah, and Allah. If not what is the meaning Dietrich? And what is the answer to the forgotten.
@brocktranz 5 жыл бұрын
needs to be played at schools!
@stevepinto3835 5 жыл бұрын
Love this guy 🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏
@pwmkeys7958 7 ай бұрын
It sounds so much more down to earth with a Australian accent.
@jimrich4192 9 ай бұрын
Re: "What's wrong with right now - unless you THINK ABOUT IT?" I just discovered the "think about it" part has to do with the sneaky mind popping in to offer judgments and opinions as though it IS ME. The sneaky mind is NOT ME. It's an unwanted invader that I have mistakenly allowed to act as and speak for me over many years!!!!
@planetwells 9 ай бұрын
Blessings to Bob❤clear insight
@Athena-4444 9 жыл бұрын
@GilbertSchultz 9 жыл бұрын
Bob is very straight forward. I know of no other 'teacher' who points as simply and as directly as Bob. What I have noticed is that many say that the 'clear pointing' is too complex, too confusing. Of course, if the pointing is clear and straight forward it cannot be complex or confusing. What gives the impression that any clear pointing is confusing or complex is basically the inability to follow with attention what is being pointed out. The habit is to refer everything to the image of me. We miss the message because of self-centredness. Simple. But who wants to investigate their own confusion? It is much easier to blame it on the messenger. Clear pointing does not fit in well with the imagined entity, the image of self (me). So the clear pointing jars up against the image of self. Fear of truth is unnecessary. So, because of our inability to hear the clear message the clear pointing or message is erroneously judged to be confusing and too complex.
@AnimatoStrings 9 жыл бұрын
sucitreblig1 I haven't heard that clear pointing is too complex. But yes, the self image can't follow the clear pointing as the pointing points to what is left once the self image has subsided.
@gregjustsitting 6 жыл бұрын
thought translates... I hear is ego, I see is ego, the thought I see can't see a thing thank you Sailor helping me get some knots out of my mizzen mast
@BobSeal 9 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing Sailor Bob. Dietrich :)
@valeriejenice4952 9 жыл бұрын
Great video. Very helpful. :)
@gregjustsitting 6 жыл бұрын
manifestation hasn't formed an ego
@songbirdiiswe 3 жыл бұрын
Yes I. Many Thanks.🙏🕉✝️☯️
@RonDotComnz 8 жыл бұрын
Golly! A wise Aussie! Will wonders never cease! :-D Namaste.
@mimime3791 5 жыл бұрын
Strewth!- an arrogant Dutchy - somethings never change !
@geoffbowcher3189 4 жыл бұрын
It is sad that you have racist thoughts. Every person is special. Maybe you are jealous of something.
@geoffbowcher3189 4 жыл бұрын
Respect your wisdom.
@DemetriusFuller 6 жыл бұрын
Is his shirt Blue and Black or Gold and White?
@sophiaanastasiastwintastic6191 7 жыл бұрын
thank you
@JackAtkins-xz5wi 9 ай бұрын
Total Health for every human after I suppress all
@shanii8532 9 ай бұрын
@Noor-jw2tn 5 жыл бұрын
I have been out of body. Seemingly.
@ulfst1433 5 жыл бұрын
Is there a transcript of this? I have problems understanding what he says at some points. Must be easier when your mother tongue is english.
@DietrichLasa 5 жыл бұрын
There are books that contain transcripts of what he says. Are you from Germany?
@ulfst1433 5 жыл бұрын
@@DietrichLasa Yes. I am from germany. My question there a transcript of THIS... I have a book 'what's wrong with right now...'
@xanbex8324 7 жыл бұрын
He gets "it"
@danjackson7758 3 жыл бұрын
20 minutes in....fantastic. he's nailed the situation. now is he going to let me down in the home straight by telling me absolutely Nothing (like all those other nonduality teachers) about how i make the leap from 2nd hand knowledge to 1st person insight/realization ?
@Sambasue 3 жыл бұрын
Don’t try to grasp it or get somewhere or something. Just allow awakeness to speak to awakeness. You have no part in this.
@garychristopher5480 Жыл бұрын
he is telling you yet you dont want it you want a game a show so you search in the Market instead of just being what you are, as you dont want that and its not enough for you so your Entertainment must go on and on.
@JackAtkins-xz5wi 9 ай бұрын
Jesus stood on his own halo
@iamthatiam5160 7 жыл бұрын
4:00 believing we are persons.
@ridicuryder8095 9 жыл бұрын
@tommy1gtr Жыл бұрын
@obowurx6625 5 жыл бұрын
This guy rocks. Too bad his glasses are broken... :(
@iamthatiam5160 7 жыл бұрын
3:30 belief
@fizywig 9 жыл бұрын
"start" from the fact that you are that-doesnt "start" imply time and therefore a dual process of becoming?
@DietrichLasa 9 жыл бұрын
fizywig It is virtually impossible to use words that avoid dual characteristics. He meant: 'Start with the insight that there is no start.' The waking up to the timeless presence is, if you like, a 'journey' in the dreamword of time. You could then use the words 'start waking up.' Once awake, there is the awareness that there has never been anything outside timelessness (fundamental awareness itself).
@vincentwong3865 9 жыл бұрын
+Dietrich Lasa . Words itself are duality and its only serve as pointers.The rose is a concept pointing to a certain type of flower. all words are concepts. The word God is not God but a concept pointing to which cannot be conceptualized as it is THAT which is aware of concepts and from which concepts arise. The non-concept That is given the concept God , Allah, Brahman, Tao, I AM and other various label such as Truth Great Perfection.. All spiritual pointers are only pointing to the same truth (absolute = beyond words). Our true nature since beginning less time is pure awareness. but, we mistakenly identify with the object of awareness take the body mind as self, that is the biggest mistake ever. You are not the thinker of your mind, but what is aware of your thought is your true being. Everything happening even a very subtle thought that arise and falls all are within the dream. Any event happen moment by moment all is dream (Maya), so, DON'T you interested in find out WHO IS THE DREAMER? The only way is to find out and identify the dreamer with is your true identity and wake up TO THE DREAM.
@DietrichLasa 9 жыл бұрын
Well said. However, it sounds as if something called 'pure awareness' is to be achieved by virtue of the pointers. Rather, the waking up to the dream is the realization that there is no one to wake up, the absence of identification with a me that is believed to need the waking up. The best pointers point to this fact.
@yeesirnwong3778 9 жыл бұрын
+Dietrich Lasa . Very well. Pure awareness or any concept of god is unachievable as you are already IT. To become or to achieve, there is a starting point and a goal to reach. You can BE THAT which you are always there without path (pathless path). It fact, you are the knower of everything that arise even a subtle thought itself or even one is in deep samadhi or nothoughtness, the experienCER still is the same with the experience of with Or without thought. You are the light that does not need light to lighted (self luminance). The KNOWER can only know something but cannot know itself. Dids are done, choices are made, but there is no individual doER there of. The dream movie is play as it is, but nobody doing it. You are the Witness. In "Tao can be spoken is NOT Tao" -tao de ching.
@DietrichLasa 8 жыл бұрын
+Yee Sirn Wong ..even to say 'you are the witness' is too much. There is no one to be a witness. There is no one to be God.
@Lawrence.Bennett 9 жыл бұрын
But supposing it isn't One, but a agglomeration of Food bundles, accumulated as the Universe loses it's momentum in the Big Crunch?
@JackAtkins-xz5wi 9 ай бұрын
I own the Shekinah
@profjfresh 9 жыл бұрын
separate? no. individuated? yes. how? fractal.
@DietrichLasa 9 жыл бұрын
+profjfresh 'fractal' would perhaps be a more modern way to say what has been described as 'waves and the ocean (H2O).' Each wave is different but still just H2O. Shankara said 'appearances are like forms of jewellery, all made of gold.' Is that what you meant?
@profjfresh 9 жыл бұрын
+Dietrich Lasa In a way...but the fractal hologram is a more complete metaphor...each wave, though connected, doesn;t quite express the relationship fully. the fractal aspect of creation that is so transcendent (and expresses oneness and multiplicity without the necessity of self-denial) is that each fractal contains the whole from its unique perspective. for those unfamiliar, the shattered mirror is a fair, but also, less precise, analogy.
@DietrichLasa 9 жыл бұрын
+profjfresh Thank you, profjfresh. I very much appreciate your explanation. When you mention that there is no need for self-denial I would like to see more clearly what you indicate. Do you try to underline the fact that the individual expression is 'welcome'?
@profjfresh 9 жыл бұрын
+Dietrich Lasa you're welcome. the implications inherent in the fractal model are beyond mere welcome of individual expression...but yes acceptance of one's worthiness is a central theme...many current 'non-dual' explanations self-reinforce a persistent duality between the individual 'self' and everything else...and of course reality mirrors this in these people's's the absolute interpreted through the lens of self-denial. understanding the nature of fractal holograms gives one a way to reconcile individual perspective with unity consciousness, or 'oneness" through understanding that the self can logically not be viewed as 'separate' (and hence, false, or illusory) or put another way, a person is a fractal expression of the creator...complete with its will, creativity, infinite intelligence, power, etc. but is rarely experienced in this way in 'enlightened' people's experience. all modes of being are acceptable and even equally valid, to the this is not to correct these teachers..well, yes, it is...but just to show that there's a fundamental misunderstanding, an incorrect conflating of individuation with "separation" based itself on dualistic thinking which doesn't describe a holistic reality or take into account the fractal understanding which is not only higher-order logical,but also supported by physics. it's my thought that the collapse of the limited body-identified definitions at 'awakening" are misconstrued as a collapse of the self, due to having accepted this concept as 'truth' and expected it...and then this error creates its evidence in their experience of their mirrored creation. sorry that was so long...nuanced subject.
@profjfresh 9 жыл бұрын
I should stress that it's merely a helpful metaphor, useful in transcending the limited definitions already in place...a way to see how there was never a problem except in the defining of things. thesis, antithesis, synthesis. not another statement of absolute truth...the fractal model is sure to be seen as incomplete itself at some point, but that's the nature of understanding and bears no effect on the freedom of being.
@iamthatiam5160 7 жыл бұрын
22:57 nasty names that causes suffering for no reason
@Endtime_Watcher Ай бұрын
I followed Advaita Vedanta very strongly for 15 years and I regret it very very much because it is a FALSE RELIGION. I read Nisargadatta’s I AM THAT several times during that period. I even went to see Bob about 25 years ago. I totally got ‘being the witness’ and everything that Nisargadatta, or Bob, or Ramana Maharshi, or any of the usual gang of ‘Satsang’ teachers were talking about... so (by their standards) I guess I was ‘enlightened’. But, little did I know that I was headed for HELL if I continued in that vein. I was totally convinced by the whole Advaita Vedanta thing, even to the point where I wrote commentaries about Advaita Vedanta which were available publicly on the internet and unfortunately read by many people. It is something that I regret having done very very much. Advaita Vedanta is a LIMITED MAN MADE IDEOLOGY based on the INCREDIBLY limited evidence from our VERY LIMITED BODILY SENSES... ie: what we can see, and hear... right here ...right now... and it’s therefore UTTERLY IGNORANT of what exists BEYOND our human existence. Bob sits there in the way that he does, quiet and unassuming, and therefore giving off the impression that he’s very wise and knowing, but I’m WARNING you... believing that whole Advaita Vedanta deception will LAND YOU IN HELL FOR ETERNITY WITHOUT FAIL. There is ONLY one God and that is Yahweh as outlined in the bible. Your soul lives forever, and it will go to either one of 2 places. Advaita Vedanta is a FALSE doctrine that Satan is using to TRICK YOU into spending eternity with him.
@sophiaanastasiastwintastic6191 7 жыл бұрын
@iamthatiam5160 7 жыл бұрын
@iamthatiam5160 7 жыл бұрын
@shrikramalei9091 8 жыл бұрын
I have no problem with what is said, a regurgitation of others' knowledge, quite logically articulated, but the lack of humility, the total absence of wisdom, leads nowhere, he is talking to himself, convincing himself that he is speaking the ''truth'', where is the intention to share anything? No healing dimension/power, the whole thing is deeply unpleasant..
@DietrichLasa 8 жыл бұрын
Comments say often more about the wisdom of the person who is commenting than what they are commenting on. Bob doesn't intend to heal. Bob intends to point to something that does not need any healing as it is whole already. He wants the audience to realise that they are free from needing help. Lei Shri Krama would greatly benefit if he followed the pointers, rather than to find faults. Finding faults is deeply unpleasant for the fault finder.
@helloworld3765 8 жыл бұрын
You are deeply unpleasant. Not sure if you can agree with that.
@Sethan777 7 жыл бұрын
Dietrich Lasa Indeed. Helping or pampering the idea of an Ego, is no help at all. It just strengthens the concept of you needing help, or the idea that he/she has something, I don't. This clear pointing goes directly too truth. :-) Excuse my spelling, english is not my first language.
@raduaurelian 5 жыл бұрын
@Shri Krama Lei, don't worry, it's all an illusion.
@fimble2 4 жыл бұрын
_________ Aren’t Bob’s talk and all the comments following on (including this one of course) just part of the infinite manifestations and energetic expressions arising out of One?
@tapasyatyaga4041 8 жыл бұрын
Advaita is nonsense . The View is Self-Contradictory: The first problem with the core of Sankara’s philosophy is that it seems to be self-contradictory. As advocates of the other Hindu schools of thought have pointed out, if the only reality is Brahman, and Brahman is pure, distinctionless consciousness, then there cannot exist any real distinctions in reality. But the claim that this world is an illusion already presupposes that there is an actual distinction between illusion and reality, just as the claim that something is a dream already presupposes the distinction between waking consciousness and dream consciousness. Moreover, Sankara’s idea of salvation-that is, enlightenment through recognition that all is Brahman-already presupposes a distinction between living in a state of unenlightenment (ignorance) and living in a state of enlightenment. So this view contradicts itself by, on the one hand, saying that reality (Brahman) is distinctionless, while on the other hand distinguishing between maya and the truth of Brahman, and by distinguishing between being enlightened and unenlightened. b. The Impossibility of Maya: A second and related problem is that ignorance, which Sankara and his followers claim is the source of maya, could not exist. According to the Sankara school, Brahman is perfect, pure, and complete Knowledge, the opposite of ignorance. Hence, ignorance cannot exist in Brahman. But, since nothing exists apart from Brahman, ignorance cannot exist apart from Brahman either. Thus, it follows that ignorance could not exist, contrary to their assertion that our perception of a world of distinct things is a result of ignorance. c. The Lack of Evidence: A final problem is that it seems that one could never have any satisfactory experiential basis for believing in Sankara’s philosophy. Certainly, everyday experience and observation are completely in conflict with his claim, since they overwhelmingly testify to the existence of a real world of distinct things and properties. Indeed, even if we assume that the entire material world does not exist, but is merely a dream, experience would still overwhelmingly testify against Sankara’s claim: for, within our dream itself there are innumerable distinct experiences, from the experience of feeling sad to that of seeing what looks like a rainbow. Thus Sankara’s philosophy cannot even explain the world we experience as being an illusion or dream. As a result, it ends up providing close to the worse possible explanation of our experiences. This last problem should put to rest the common assertion that aspects of modern physics, particularly quantum mechanics, supports this, or similar systems of Eastern thought such as Zen Buddhism (see below). The scientific method consists of performing various observations of the world, and then trying to construct hypotheses that explain these observations. We then choose the hypothesis that makes the best sense of these observations, and reject those hypotheses that significantly conflict with observation. Because Sankara’s philosophy is in conflict with almost all of our observations, science by its very methodology could never give us good reason to believe it, but rather every reason to reject it.
@somethingness 8 жыл бұрын
+Tapasya Tyaga When you copy and paste from a source, please reference the source. Otherwise it is plagiarism. Thank you.
@tapasyatyaga4041 8 жыл бұрын
somethingness​ Its only plagiarism if it's a research paper or in professional journalism. This forum does not follow such academic rules. So your critique is inaposite. The fundamental point is do you have some refutation of the points made relative to Advaita vedanta? If you do, I would be pleased to hear them. Frankly any idea would be of interest even if your research relies upon other sources. Ultimately it's all other sources anyway. 
@myojozen 6 жыл бұрын
This world exists but it is not real as it does not last. Awareness is what everything arises in and does not change. Vedanta is a means of knowledge - it leads to understanding and It works, it is not a philosophy. If you use the tools of discrimination then you find the truth of what you are. The concepts in Vedanta can be knocked down but it is silly to do that. They are to be used for liberation. Use them. Be liberated. Stop all the silly, egoic arguing!
@raduaurelian 5 жыл бұрын
There is no advaita.
@vicaravitakka8332 5 жыл бұрын
@@tapasyatyaga4041, you seem to be very logocentric.
@yvonnemitchell916 11 ай бұрын
@iamthatiam5160 7 жыл бұрын
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