Please subscribe to the channel / @saito09 TikTok - Instagram - / sait0o9 #shorts #tiktok #saito #saito09
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@TheSweetTeaBoyАй бұрын
Oh geez, you’re still enjoying of eating all of those foods and snacks for sure. But hopefully you also adored eating all of them as always though, and that you got to have plenty of fun trying them out too ❤
@Lidbeth-y9u15 күн бұрын
@adynorshah255212 күн бұрын
4fff yhhhhhvvv
@DarianisVillalobos10 күн бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂 XXVI me dio mucha risa
@Tellexoxo19 күн бұрын
@dariadaria533927 күн бұрын
His brother is so nice to her😊
@YOLGʻIZIM-i9i23 күн бұрын
@renatasaezagueroАй бұрын
@KenyattaAlexander28 күн бұрын
The veyo canist school
@KenyattaAlexander28 күн бұрын
I mean, the video it's kind of cool
@ЧыжырганаБурундукай-э8яАй бұрын
Big airplane is CAKE!?
@Margosaurusrex201817 күн бұрын
Wait, is this supposed to be funny? I didn’t even laugh once but when I watch these videos.
You should do a red food only vid since my favorite color is red
@MILASUS-p9eАй бұрын
@Alexa-b7j9w28 күн бұрын
Why can’t you just drink the water normal?😊
@IbrahimBah-l9b25 күн бұрын
Mmmmmmmmmm😅😅😅 he
@whelenofthevortexАй бұрын
@Younesse-g8kАй бұрын
@leticiamedrado959413 күн бұрын
@cassieSilvestriАй бұрын
@Geromil19 күн бұрын
@ファニーo1e29 күн бұрын
@yuleisysegura8890Ай бұрын
Can you do 🍱🍕🍡🎂/🏳️🌈 of left right to the girl and with those emojis add left 🍆 and other right add 🫘 and then add for another left add 🌶️ and then for the other right add 🫒please do it I wanna see it really I’m a fan of yours I subscribed I liked and I commented which is right now but sorry it may be a late time
@soledadgonzalez886627 күн бұрын
Bueno muy gracioso ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja