For someone like me (from Chile) it's good to know when you create the org, choose United States. I had a lot of problems choosing Chile.
@monikasekar75029 ай бұрын
Its awesome and great tutor
@dnyanrajpatil70732 ай бұрын
I am getting error like you have reached the limit of available service cloud license while creating chat queue
@zakustolondoo4 ай бұрын
Many thanks for this easy to tutorial
@gurushaaswani17939 ай бұрын
How to show the name of the logged in user, if the community user uses the Einstein chatbot from site
@RaviKumar09109 ай бұрын
Thanks AmmA
@KalyanV-i9x9 ай бұрын
how to add options in chat bot
@akshaymahajan71604 ай бұрын
I have created flow for Einstein bot but flow not visible in Einstein bot any permission for that
@sajidsk24459 ай бұрын
einstein bot is free of cost or paid version ??
@kanchantidke-h9m9 ай бұрын
Hi, I have Create A BOT .for Internal users like User A and User B. when I am Select User A in Einstein Chat Bot (BOT user) Bot Shows all record of A and B when I have Selected User B in BOT User at that time also Bot Shows all record of A and B but I want to BOT should display the record according to the User when user is Use the BOT Please provide the Solution
@shivamaditya26705 ай бұрын
not able to preview the Bot
@shubhamrajbhar5944 ай бұрын
Thanks for the valuable content
@erdnavoli2 ай бұрын
I am looking for a solution... How to get the pre-chat first name to create a case. Otherwise, the customer would have to enter his data twice. And the choice before 'Contact' and 'Case' already creates a case and a contact.
@BhumeshwariGahane3 ай бұрын
Thanks , But After Preview not able to see any button
@abishekhaabiram107Ай бұрын
Even I'm facing the same issue. Deepika can you please help us to resolve this issue @MyTutorialRack?
@VasamsettiKrishnaChaitanya8 ай бұрын
Due to release updates before bot runs on system context and now it runs on user context. Any idea where we can change the user on which bot runs now?
@TheiRawler6 ай бұрын
Inside the Einstein Bot, go to the top left corner, and change Dialogs for Overview, and in the bottom right corner you will see the Bot User option, there you can set a user.