I have got into Kroot after years away, and more recently kabuto, the dark sector and a game about mythical creatures in america thats really good. Im also looking forward to the worms board game. Id definitely be up for a trip next year
@GrievyMassacre7 ай бұрын
Threw this on to listen whilst painting this evening. Just played our first game of Rumbleslam today, a ton of fun!
@tantrumsandtabletops7 ай бұрын
Thanks for listening! Good to hear positive things about rumbleslam too!
@Rickydrinkspaint7 ай бұрын
25:53 who's that gorgeous dream boat in the orange beanie. Also I would like to see the metal gear solid board game. Just had to look at the miniatures they look amazing. I would like to see how the game plays.
@tantrumsandtabletops7 ай бұрын
He's some hotshot painter on Instagram... I heard he replaced his blood with contrast paint and became a wizard...