いつまでも続いてゆくと 僕はずっと思ってたんだよ I always believed it would last forever, あの日君がキレイすぎるわけを 僕は何も知らなかった but I never understood why you were so radiant that day. 神様って人が君を連れ去って 二度とは逢えないと僕に言う the one referred to as God took you away, telling me we'd never meet again. どこに行くんだよ 僕は何もできなかったよ Where are you going? I couldn’t do a thing. 美しすぎた人よ Oh, you who were too beautiful. あいたくて あいたくて どんな君でも I want to see you, I want to see you, no matter what form you take. 願いごとがもし一つかなうならば If just one wish could come true, いますぐに いますぐに 抱きしめたいんだよ right now, right this moment, I want to hold you close. ずっと君のそばにだけいたかったんだ I only ever wanted to stay by your side. 心の中は涙の雨のメロディー The melody of tears rains in my heart. 君と過ごした日々は 忘れるなんてできないんだよ The days we spent together-I can’t ever forget them. 僕はカラッポになってしまって ぬけがらみたいになったよ I’ve become empty, a mere shell of myself. 美しすぎた君の姿を 僕は今日も想ってしまうんだ Even today, I can’t help but think of your beauty. 神様って人が君を連れ去って 二度とは逢えないと僕に言う the one referred to as God took you away, telling me we'd never meet again. そんなサダメなら聞きたくはなかったよ I never wanted to hear such a cruel fate. 美しすぎた人よ Oh, you who were too beautiful. あいたくて あいたくて どんな君でも I want to see you, I want to see you, no matter what form you take. 願いごとがもし一つかなうならば If just one wish could come true, いますぐに いますぐに 声が聞きたいよ right now, right this moment, I want to hear your voice. ずっと君のそばにだけいたかったんだ I only ever wanted to stay by your side. 心の中は君と僕とのメロディー The melody in my heart is the song of you and me. 君と過ごした日々は 忘れるなんてできないんだよ The days we spent together-I can’t ever forget them. 今夜も君の姿 探してしまうよ Tonight, I search for traces of you again. 想い出の手紙を 捨てられずいるよ I can’t throw away the letters of our memories. もう声は君には届かない My voice can no longer reach you, 奇跡がおきるなら もう一度 もう一度だけ but if a miracle could happen, just once more, one more time. あいたくて あいたくて どんな君でも I want to see you, I want to see you, no matter what form you take. 願いごとがもし一つかなうならば If just one wish could come true, いますぐに いますぐに 抱きしめたいんだよ right now, right this moment, I want to hold you close. ずっと君のそばにだけいたかったんだ I only ever wanted to stay by your side. 心の中は涙の雨のメロディー The melody of tears rains in my heart. 君と過ごした日々を忘れることなんてできずに The days we spent together-I can’t ever forget them. だけどそいつが僕のカラッポを埋めてくんだよ But even so, those memories are filling my emptiness little by little.
I'm grateful to Naruto for discovering Sambomaster. Every now and then, I come back to favourite songs and they always lift my mood even when some of them are sad. This one is the only one I can attempt to sing in some approximation of japanese 😅 Love from Poland, thank you for the music❤
I just found this band and I love it, the vocalist is just epic! たのしみに すごくかっこいいなー
@mothwintermusic Жыл бұрын
I found them through princess jellyfish Ed such an amazing vocalist
@hellowproject Жыл бұрын
サンボ1の、まさにラブソング。 桐谷健太出てるとは知らなかったな😮
@k.k03034 ай бұрын
さみしい曲ですがキレイな映像と曲が合 っていて胸うたれます💖💕&☮️
@user-ti9be3eo3s Жыл бұрын
@srebirth6120 Жыл бұрын
Whoa! I was searching for "Kimi wo Mamotte" from Bleach, so I typed "Love you sambomaster" and clicked guessing it was correct. When I listened the first line I recognized instantly but in a different voice. Who could know that Tada-kun wa Koi Wo Shinai ending is from here!!! Amazing surprise!!! Such iconic voice!!