Just a small correction: The A06's predecessor, the A05, had the exact same display resolution of 720 x 1600 pixels. It was the A05s that had 1080 x 2400 pixels. The A06s will probably have the same resolution when it comes out.
@SmartphoneSpecs3603 ай бұрын
What is your opinion about the Samsung Galaxy A06?
@Icaca_13 ай бұрын
Honestly I don't like it since there are no triple cameras yet
@SmartphoneSpecs3603 ай бұрын
@@Icaca_1 Yes, I also want the triple camera setup - it will arrive on the A06s. They should launch it in 1 or 2 months. Thanks for writing your opinion!
@GM-wf6el3 ай бұрын
can i connect galaxy A06 USB C to the monitor using HDMI cables for screen mirroring? can I connect a mouse to my phone so that I can operate the phone using a mouse? this way I don't have to look or touch the phone. I will just operate the phone using the mouse and the monitor. I will tap and swipe using the mouse. thanks
@SmartphoneSpecs3603 ай бұрын
I tried it. I have a USB-C to HDMI adapter, connected my A06 to the monitor and it doesn't work. I also tried it with the A15 and it doesn't work. You can connect a mouse via bluetooth and the mouse arrow will appear on the screen (but you need a mouse that features bluetooth), and yes, you can even unlock the phone with the mouse with a click and swipe. If you want a pc experience with a smartphone you need Samsung Dex. After a Google search: "DeX is available on Galaxy S9, S10, S20, S21, S22, S22+ and S22 Ultra" (I believe it works also on newer phones, but they must be S phones). Reason for which the A06 might not work, after doing some research: most probably, it doesn't support USB-C Displayport output. This being said, the phone is simply "too entry-level" , inexpensive, and a better one that supports a monitor connected is needed. For what alternatives are there, that work with a monitor, more research is needed, on Google/KZbin - this is what I did on trying to answer your question and I believe my answer gave you a good starting point. Hope this helps!
@GM-wf6el3 ай бұрын
@@SmartphoneSpecs360 thanks for the detailed information. I really appreciate it. do you know of any Android smartphone that actually works with screen mirroring using HDMI? have you tried connecting it to a monitor to verify? thanks
@SmartphoneSpecs3603 ай бұрын
I haven't tried it yet, that's why I ended my previous comment with : "For what alternatives are there, that work with a monitor, more research is needed, on Google/KZbin" , meaning that you have to use this search engines and find your solution. Some effort is needed, I don't have the time to answer all questions, but when I have a need, I search. Something like "Can you connect smartphone x with a monitor?" on Google will eventually give a result. I just gave a starting point, all the best to you!
@RahmaDaudimkufya8 күн бұрын
How much A06
@mianazeem7792 ай бұрын
Honor x6b Samsung galaxy ao6 ine donon mein kaun sa Achcha hai mobile hai
@SmartphoneSpecs3602 ай бұрын
Honor X6b has slightly better hardware, but the Samsung A06 has better stability and security.
@charithrupasingha11923 ай бұрын
Same as the A05. Nothing new.
@SmartphoneSpecs3603 ай бұрын
Yes, they are mostly the same, with just a design change.
@lochanatharushan28623 ай бұрын
Fingerprint reader i think
@thebluemambawarriortv98453 ай бұрын
@@SmartphoneSpecs360Fingerprint Sensor and Compass