I haven't seen the wonderful Moena in some time- does she still compete? Traditional dancing must never be allowed to die or fade away in any culture.
@kilipaki87oritahiti Жыл бұрын
Lol Moena is soon 36. She belongs to a famous modern dance group in Tahiti. They don’t normally compete unless the Heiva. Many contradictions to your comment: 1. No such thing as “traditional” when it comes to Ori Tahiti as the dance was once banned by Dutch missionaries, then later revived X generations later. They had to re invent the dancing as it was all lost. Back in pre colonial times most people weren’t allowed to dance except the Arioi class who were artists and entertainers that danced at religious ceremonies etc. How they dance today isn’t not hoe they danced back then. The dance it self became more structured, each step was named. Ori has evolved so much over the years and still does. What was once seen as modern is now considered “traditional”. 2. Moena is a modern dancer nor traditional. 3. she’s a choreographer and lead dancer for Tahiti Ora. She also has her own dance fitness classes. And no she doesn’t compete anymore, unless as part of Tahiti Ora. 4. and both competition and solo dancing isn’t Tahitian at all, but western import from the US. Back in the day they did neither…
@P_RO_ Жыл бұрын
@@kilipaki87oritahiti I know something of the history and that some dances were lost, but I didn't know they all were. And 36 isn't old for some of us. Even if it's not the same as it once was, everyone's culture needs to be held near to the heart or it gets lost- then everyone loses. Thank you for the comprehensive answer, and may life shower you with goodness.