Рет қаралды 20,625
On this Episode of Ankets 29 podcast we have an amazing time with the one and only Comedian Fraol
Bedada and , With him we will be talking about , Ethiopians participation in Olympic , The current
change the value of dollar and different opinions given about it and different projects of Comedian fraol
in comedy and social median . So come on and join the conversation in the comment section .Thank you
for SUBSCRIBING and LIKING our video
በዚህ የአንቀጽ29ፖድካስትክፍልከኮሜዲያንፍራኦልበዳዳጋርቆዬታየምናደርግሲሆንበቆይታችንምስለኦሎምፒክ፣
የዶላር ጭማሪላይስለተሰጡአስተያየቶችእናኮሜዲያንፍራኦልስለሚሰራቸውKZbinቪድዮዎችእናወራለን።
በዚህ ቪድዮግሩፓችንንተቀላቅለውሀሳቦትንበCommentላይይግለፁልንLIKEእናSUBSCRIBEስላረጉ
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