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Cristofer C Cordova KARUMANDA

Cristofer C Cordova KARUMANDA

Күн бұрын

Пікірлер: 42
@NinelPit 3 күн бұрын
❤🎉Кристофер, спасибо!!! Ты волшебник, замечательный талантливый Виртуоз!!! На улице мороз, а на душе так тепло!!! 🎉🎉🎉 спасибо🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕❤❤❤🌹🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🔥🔥🔥🌞🌞🌞
@Guilherme-q7i8v 2 күн бұрын
❤...Fátima Neto...❤ Obrigada ❤
@elisabetebasilio3796 4 күн бұрын
Olá bom dia de crateus Ceará Brasil 🇧🇷
@merliresane709 4 күн бұрын
Hola amigo,que maravilloso escuchar tus canciones nos traen tanta paz,alegría y ligereza al alma,es un tiempo muy agradable que siempre disfruto muchísimo,un fuerte abrazo amigo,feliz fin de semana para ti y tu familia🤗🥰🎼♥️🎶💎🎶💘💫👏👏👏👏
@Iskra-z9q 4 күн бұрын
Cristofer Thanks for such a wonderful live stream 👏👏⭐️❤️🎵
@danutasteffen4672 4 күн бұрын
Witaj Cris, dziekujemy za wczorajszy wieczorny koncert Miło było posłuchać Twojej muzyki. Cris pozdrawiamy Cię serdecznie nasz Maestro. 😘🤗🤲🫂🎄🎁🎅❤
@Neelam11125 4 күн бұрын
I’m watching your recorded livestream. It is absolutely great soulful music 🎵♥️ I’m a great fan of Native American folklore music. You are an amazing musician Cristofer ☀️🌺♥️ Thank you very much for sharing your beautiful music with us .🎶♥️🌹🌹🌹♥️👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@gabrielacarpatorea4958 4 күн бұрын
Gracias por un otro concierto maravilloso y encantador!!!🙏🎶🙏La musica es vida!!!🎶🎀🎶Y tu nos haceis tan felices!💯🎶💯Cada nota de cada melodia es es la felicidad por el alma y el corazon!🎀🎶🎀🇪🇨🎀Good luck to football!!!👍👍👍See you tomorrow!🖐🖐🖐Happy Saturday!🎀🇪🇨🎀🌀🌀🌀Take care of you!!! ✨✨✨Best regards!!!🎀❤🎀
@KOSHO-n1z 4 күн бұрын
@ilonkahoukalova7946 4 күн бұрын
Thank you Cristofre, this wonderful evening was fantastic you are the best musician ♥️♥️♥️♥️muchas gracias 👍👏 KARUMANDA and CRISTOFER C CÓRDOVA 🎼❤️💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
@ГалинаКузнецова-ч5к6щ 4 күн бұрын
❤🎉здравствуйте ❤Кристофер уменя сломался компьютер и плохо показывает телефон интернет совсем плохойс вчерашнего дня ❤🎉починю компютер и ❤посмотрю весь кончцерт и спасибоза всю Вашу музыку ипеснимне очень 💓 Ваша музыеа благодрю все супер 🎶💕👍🎶🎶🎶🎶👍👍👍👍💗💞❤🌹🍑🥰💓💔🍓💖💙💚💛🧡
@merliresane709 4 күн бұрын
@merliresane709 4 күн бұрын
Me 💗encantó💗 el repertorio que elegiste,especialmente Búfalo Blanco,me gusta mucho esta encantadora canción❤❤❤❤💘💘💘💘
@LoisMurphy-c6s 4 күн бұрын
Good Day to you Cristofer FROM USA What a lovely way to start your Live Stream off with a beautiful song such as Watch over my Dreams. CRISTOFER There is so much dedication in your performances. I really adore that about you. Truly a job so well done today. As always had a terrific time with you. Thank you so kindly for sharing your music and your self with your fans. May your evening be a blessed one for you and your family and friends. Take care. FROM THE STATE OF MICHIGAN
@DebbieMorelli 4 күн бұрын
I really love the last song you played today. Thank you so much. Your such a great musician I hope you play always. I could listen to you all day. Your like a ray of sunshine. 🌞 love always ❤
@ela177_76 4 күн бұрын
@taniatravutska8688 4 күн бұрын
☀Привет Кристофер,я искренне рада была снова видеть и слушать Тебя сегодня ❤Мелодии и песни в Твоём репертуаре и Твоё исполнение как всегда - ПОТРЯСАЮЩИЕ!❤ Спасибо большое, Кристофер! Спасибо за всегда приятную, позитивную атмосферу прямых эфиров ❤Удачи Тебе и успехов во всех Твоих делах наш любимый музыкант KARUMANDA de CORAZON! ♥...до завтра 👋☀
@marianagy199 4 күн бұрын
Saludos Cristofer, muchas gracias beautiful concert.❤️💓❤️💓❤️🎶✨💫💃💫💃💫💃💯👍 Great brilliant mzsic,brawoo dear maestro Karumanda ❤❤❤💃💥💖🌹💖🌹💖🌹💯👍🤗🙏🙋🇭🇺
@MariaisabelRodriguez-we2hp 12 сағат бұрын
Excelente consierto cristofer felicidades y muchas éxitos y bendiciones 😮😮❤
@esther3229-b6v 4 күн бұрын
🌟SUPERB Performance🌟 as I listened on Replay. Cristofer, your heartfelt music is music for the soul. 💫💗💫 Athos was especially touching. 🥰💕Muchos Gracias de Corazón. Goodnight, I always enjoy your beautiful music before going to sleep. Much Love, Respect, and Gratitude to you, our amazing musician. ⚡️❤️⚡️🎶😘💕😘
@marksmith142 4 күн бұрын
👌🎵,Fantasztikus volt a zene 👏 és Kellemes🎄Karácsonyi ünnepeket a családod minden tagjának!🤚🤗
@ewateresa9679 4 күн бұрын
Gracias Cristofer. ❤🎵🤗Hermosa musica .❤️🎶👏Saludos y Besitos Karumanda.🥰🍀 Feliz sabado ❤🍀🤗
@whozing 4 күн бұрын
Gracias ❤por tu música ! Saludos de Los Ángeles California
@Nadezhda_Filatova 4 күн бұрын
Hoy es sábado feliz!🥰🎉 Durante el día esquiaba.⛷️🌲 Por la noche, en el parque de la ciudad, vi un fantástico espectáculo de hielo!✨💃⛸️🎵🎊 Era muy bonito y un poco frío.💖❄️ ¡Es de noche y escucho tu hermosa música, Cristofer!🌌🎧🎶💎😌 ¡Muchas gracias, Ángel mío, por el concierto mágico!💝👼👏👏👏 ¡Tu música (y chocolate caliente☕😋) me calienta con su calor!🎼🪶🔥😍 ¡Canto "Puyumuyumuwan" сontigo🤭😉 y te devuelvo una sonrisa!😊 Querido Cristofer, ¡te deseo un buen fin de semana y buen humor!🙏🥰😄💕🤗
@ritvapuolakanaho701 4 күн бұрын
Fantastic Cristofer. Beautiful sentimental music. I loved every melody you played. Thank you so much. ❤❤❤❤
@AkhtarMaalik 4 күн бұрын
MashaALLAH the beauty in native dress like Rose in jungle ❤❤❤ love you my beloved.
@AdelineCardoso-y2n 4 күн бұрын
Bonjour Christofer magnifique concert très belle musique bravo ❤️🥰💯🎶👏👏👏
@Catharina_de_los_ANDES 4 күн бұрын
Alli chisi Cristofer🙋‍♀🌆muchas gracias por tu live excelente 🎼💖🎤💖🎶💖siempre es un placer enorme de verte y escuchar tu música🎼💖🎻💖🎶💖Una sorpresa muy hermosa era Puyumuyumuwan fantástico!🎼💖🎤💖🎧💖🥰Yupaychani mashiku 🙏🥰Un abrazo fuerte🤗💞🤗desde la distancia🌍💕🌏
@makodelucia5817 4 күн бұрын
L😍VELY & HEART WARMING💗HAPPY SATURDAY❣️🤩THANK YOU SO MUCH CRISTOFER🙏🏻❤️🥰 It was full of CUTE sounds and PRETTY melodies💓I was taken to a fairy tale world 💫✨❄️⛄️😻 And, Another new arrangement of them❣️It was very good👏👏👏👏👏💐 Those overlapping sounds that cover them were rare, good👍 ❄️① 1:20 ❄️② 8:43 ❄️③ 13:39 ❄️④ 21:13 ⛄️ ❄️⑤ 27:38 ❄️⑥ 31:41 ❄️⑦ 37:42 ☃️ ❄️⑧ 43:19 ❄️⑨ 50:44 🎤 Today the tiny fairies were dancing happily through the snowy landscape, holding hands and bouncing around ❄️❄️❄️❄️⛄️🤝🧚🏽🤝🧚🏼‍♀️🤝🧚🏼🤝🧚🏿‍♀️🤝🧚🏿🤝☃️❄️❄️❄️❄️ The Condors were also dancing spreading their big wings gracefully ❄️❄️❄️☃️❄️ 🦅💫🦅💫🦅💫🦅💫❄️❄️❄️⛄️❄️ On my way back from the fairy tale world, beautiful singing sent me on my way🎤❣️ Thank you so much for a happy and beautiful time, L 🥰VELY PERF🥳RMER CRIST🤩 FER 👍🎉✨👋🙏🏻❤️😻
@teresaczarnecka172 3 күн бұрын
Pozdrawiam serdecznie 🥰
@MoniaLisa22 4 күн бұрын
Miłej gry w piłkę 👍⚽️
@emese956 4 күн бұрын
Cristofer amigo…Thank you for an other lovely time….your awesome music 🎶💥🎶🔥🎶your friendly greetings….🤗🥰🤗❤️….looking forward to be with you again in the near future…👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@ОксанаСтарят 4 күн бұрын
@iwonafiebelkorn1675 3 күн бұрын
@yunseo_i8123 2 күн бұрын
Estás bien? Cris Quiero saber el título de la primera canción. Esta canción me recuerda a mi difunta madre💖
@martinebrohan2895 4 күн бұрын
@martinebrohan2895 4 күн бұрын
Super cridtofer
@MariaCecylia-te6hq 4 күн бұрын
Nie było mnie, ale oczywiście, że obejrzę replay 😃
@martinebrohan2895 4 күн бұрын
@suhelaoksa2294 4 күн бұрын
@LuciaLuna-j7d 4 күн бұрын
@Margaret-m7i 4 күн бұрын
Your wondefuI performance is perfect…. 🐦〖EL CONDOR PASA 〗 This is my favorte song…。🎶②🎵I don’t understand the second song…? Sorry, I can’t recaII that information righe now…? ❤Rest in peace to the sacred night sky and my beIoed Chris…。💗♡❤🎷#♬♭♪♩♬♭♪♩☆★☆👍👍👏👏😊👋👋
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