In round 1, The audio was off-sync, so I re-synced the audio for round 2.
@diegovillaPhineasyFerb Жыл бұрын
List of Effects 1. Real G Major 4+Pika Major 2. X has a Conga Busher+Confusion 3. Confusion+X Caught a Cold 4. X Does Respond+Right Mirrored 5. 6.0 DUH+Opposite Respond 6. Not Sure What I Did To X+Mirror and Other 7. 2.0 Not Sure What I Did To X+X has a Conga Busher 8. Fat^2 9. Electric Module 9.0+Phased Effect 23.0 10. Videoup v2.2+Light Up X 11. PowerYellowInvertFat+X is Going To 12. X is a Total Wreck+Even X Discontinues 13. Pika Major+I Killed X 14. Crying Squared+Confusion 15. PowerLightBlueInvertFat+Autistic X 16. Opposite Respond+Left Mirrored 17. 3.0 DUH+X Does Respond 18. Ensemble Effect 6.0+JSVE G Major 3 19. PowerTurquoiseInvertFat+Crying Squared 20. Electric Module 8.0+Autistic X 21. 3.0 Not Sure What I Did To X+Confusion 22. Electric Module 10.0+Videoup v10 23. Flanged Saw Effect 8.0+Real G Major 4 24. Flanged Pulse Effect 4.0+Light Up X 25. Phased Effect 12.0+Confusion 26. 4.0 Not Sure What I Did To X+Not Scary 27. X Got Confused+2.0 X has a Conga Busher 28. Electric Module 47.0+X has a AIDS 29. CirnoDayFlangedSawChorded+X is Happy 30. Diamond 3+X Committed Suicide
@Andrew.Jr.05-26 Жыл бұрын
Sailor Moon "00:01" Major
@Jonathan.02-09 Жыл бұрын
I "01:17" Killed
@Juliasnotdead Жыл бұрын
Make round 3 or I'm gonna lose it plz
@diegovillaPhineasyFerb Жыл бұрын
So RMTOT is Make It Next to Round 3
@austinTHEJETIX Жыл бұрын
The bublic gamer will do round 3
@diegovillaPhineasyFerb Жыл бұрын
Make Boo That Should Be Bad for You and I Put a Skateboard at the Bottom of the Stairs Csupo Effects Round 3 vs. TheEffectsFan1013 / AMHD, Gustavo Lima The MsAgent and Object Thingy & Everyone