7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming Pagan

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Scarlet Ravenswood

Scarlet Ravenswood

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@theforestsage894 4 жыл бұрын
The lack of community and isolation is probably the thing that kills me the most. I don’t know a single person outside of my family that thinks like I do. We really need to get together and make a greater effort.
@cristinag3157 4 жыл бұрын
@CrochetCrochetJoyJoy 4 жыл бұрын
Before the internet, face to face interactions was the only way to go.
@theakirschblatt8393 4 жыл бұрын
If there are breastfeeding groups and yugioh gameshops... why not small regional pagan communities..
@oOFeenringOo 4 жыл бұрын
Try the Pagan Federation International! :D There IS a organisation for us! I am a member. Its beautiful. :) I was 10 years into paganism until i got to know them... its a shame.
@oOFeenringOo 4 жыл бұрын
@@theakirschblatt8393 there ARE. but they are so silent. Pagan Federation
@LeoDiogenes 4 жыл бұрын
Being Pagan is to become a bee. You will meander across the garden of life collecting the nectar of wisdom to make honey. It is a journey, not a destination.
@keij9445 3 жыл бұрын
THIS -- couldn't agree with it more, even though I don't fully align w/ the Pagan label. It should be an open-ended quest for spiritual truth and wisdom, for evolving one's human self and community, and loving the Earth (Nature) and Spirit.
@madams3478 3 жыл бұрын
and would particularly like (deep breath, please 😊 ) a Christian-friendly Pagan group! even though there is some hurt from my teenage years
@lilylunapotter805 3 жыл бұрын
@@madams3478 I would love to have a Christian friend! Welcome, we don't discriminate :)
@vivianadelatorre7267 2 жыл бұрын
you wrote this a year ago but i love this metaphor! like bees are very busy and hardworking but their work is going around the most beautiful flowers and making sweet honey
@ivydraws3245 2 жыл бұрын
@@lilylunapotter805 I would like to bring my Christian Freinds, just to prove im not the only pagan ever
@organicearth405 4 жыл бұрын
You hit it on the head. The anti-organization in so many ways has really robbed some of us community, temples, sacred places. I miss community!
@lunawolfheart336 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah but also I'm afraid that organized religion can go wrong becuse it has so many times in the past but I guess if people can understand why it goes wrong then maby we can build something
@CyraGetsFit 4 жыл бұрын
That's because Christianity forced many of our ancestors to abandon meeting up in groups. The Christian fight against Paganism is centuries old and still happens today. One of my teachers from my training coven from 30 years ago couldn't be 'OUT' at work as Christians were still attacking people's jobs, homes, children. When her partner of 30 years passed away just a few years back, his very Christian family refused her EVERYTHING. Even kicking her out of the house she'd lived in for 30+ years. There is still a very active fight against Pagans, Wiccans, Witches in this world. The invention of Christianity screwed it up for SOOOOOO many people.
@JasonON 4 жыл бұрын
Go find a Universal Unitarian Church. They are non denominational and everyone is welcome.
@CricketsBay 4 жыл бұрын
I am very wary of "outing my witchy self" to Christians, but I respect the UUC. They have a program to ordain spiritual leaders and get certified as a minister, even if you are not Christian. They do require applicants to certify they "believe in one god," but I have met a lot of Wiccans (definitely about the God and the Goddess) who are UUC ministers to the Pagan community.
@horsebabe1222 3 жыл бұрын
@@CricketsBay I don't actually think the Unitarian Universalist churches require belief in a single god, since they are not technically a Christian denomination, that's just where they branched out from. Although I could see their forms just being outdated or something like that! I could be wrong though. I grew up in a UU church and we had people of all faiths, including those of other organized religions like Christianity and Judaism, who liked the freedom and alternatively focused goals.
@UllyrWuldan 4 жыл бұрын
I'm just some guy, who respects the Norse gods. No titles. Cheers, love the channel.
@kennithschjoth2024 3 жыл бұрын
@atheistechoes474 3 жыл бұрын
Im just some girl who deeply respects the Hawaiian dieties but it feels off worshiping them cause of the tragic history between Americans and Hawaiians it felt disrespectful somehow like I was taking something from them...
@KMAR2132 3 жыл бұрын
@selinalenawell 2 жыл бұрын
@LindaNeijts 2 жыл бұрын
Heil the gods!! Skål
@redneckrebel6246 4 жыл бұрын
I was always Norse Pagan Heathen it just to 48 years to find out. I was so lucky to have a heart attack and got back to nature for my healing. 8 years later still learning and wanting to learn more and more.
@michelleresistance 2 жыл бұрын
Hope you’re doing ok xxx
@redneckrebel6246 2 жыл бұрын
@Carolynne Walters outstanding and may the Gods and Goddesses bemore for you
@michelleresistance 2 жыл бұрын
@@redneckrebel6246 thank you and the same to you. Glad you’re doing well xxx
@vladdiaz25 4 жыл бұрын
I have been a pagan since I was about 14 but I feel with lack of understanding of how to learn the right information along with not having people to discuss it with or ask for advice or guidance has definitely been challenging. Sometimes it can make you feel like you still know nothing. It's in your heart but knowing how to get there can be hard. Its brought me much more peace and happiness. I was raised a Roman catholic.
@seasalt9289 3 жыл бұрын
“Sometimes it can make you feel like you still know nothing” really relates to me. I’ve considered myself pagan for 3 years, but struggle with routine, motivation, etc. along with always questioning reality, so I don’t do so much physical practices. I really feel like I’m a fraud sometimes because of that, but to me paganism is about worshipping nature, loving yourself, and just the core beliefs that come with it. When I thought about it, paganism is in my daily practice. Every morning I think of affirmations, every time I take a bath I make it a ritual, I always connect with the moon cycle, meditation, manifest good things for people around me, and more. It’s the little things that add up, not necessarily big ritual spells and consistent witchcraft.
@TeiaKennedy 4 жыл бұрын
Yes! Being a pagan can be so lonely!! That’s one big reason I started my channel here, to try and build some community online. Especially given the current pandemic, it’s taken a somewhat difficult to build community in person practice to a whole new solitary level!! Fun video, thank you 😊
@dylantennant6594 4 жыл бұрын
Same. Its a lot worse if you live in a small town like me. I live in a small isolated town in Canada, and already Paganism is a huge minoirity in Canada in general. The closet pagan I can find lives four towns over. It also doesn't help that everyone in my town is a christian, particular Jehovah's witness. Its very ostracizing.
@TeiaKennedy 4 жыл бұрын
@@dylantennant6594 that’s a tough one! I’m in Canada too, but in a major city so there are pagan events. Mostly Wiccan open circles which doesn’t appeal to me, but lots of markets & meet ups. Hopefully you’ll find some peeps one day, it’s tough to not just be alone, but be in such a religious area I’m sure!
@CricketsBay 4 жыл бұрын
If your local library still uses checkout cards in the front of books (it's a longshot), have a look at who has checked out the Pagan/Witchy/New Age books multiple times. It may give you an idea if there are other closet Pagans in your town. Even the herbalist books.
@jameslew2804 4 жыл бұрын
Lol, Scarlet calling out the haughty "High Priest/ess" types was awesome.
@carolynw45 4 жыл бұрын
Or well known psychic etc etc ugg....
@FoodNerds 4 жыл бұрын
Oh yes the high priestess who thinks she is the end all to be all. Lol. Yeah I quite that group. And yes she named her self after the bookshop owner in the movie the Craft. Lol.
@dmitriagnes 4 жыл бұрын
In certain paths it happens to mean something very noteworthy, though. Santeria and Palo Mayombe, for instance.
@TheOnlyTeeJayB 4 жыл бұрын
Same - followed a Wiccan high priests’ advice on grounding and meditation, to always be honest, etc etc. The moment I brought up doubts about being in a Coven, I was ex-communicated by their small, felt very Catholic. Learned later, that individual isn’t exactly respected in the overall occult community - can’t imagine why...
@afry6400 2 ай бұрын
@@dmitriagnes Yes but those paths are full blown traditions with fairly long term training. Usually they have a lineage of priests or priestesses that they became part of to attain that title.
@PerfectPride 4 жыл бұрын
I’m such a hermit. 😂 I have no desire to be in a coven. I have plenty of friends who are pagan/Wicca/witches. And this year we tried to get together for the seasonal celebrations but of course COVID ruined that. But other than that I’m content with just being on my “own” and not being in an organized group. As long as I have the trees and the bees I’m good. 🌱
@danaseymour9213 4 жыл бұрын
This. Exactly.
@selinalenawell 2 жыл бұрын
Same !
@ianmelonie6440 4 жыл бұрын
Brought up as a Christian but as I got older I started asking questions and now I’m very happy to say I’m pagan
@academievoortarot 4 жыл бұрын
I miss a close community as well! I organise sabbath celebrations with friends, but if there existed a temple, I would visit weekly like people go to church weekly... I've said to multiple people in the last couple of months that if there was a church organization for my religion I would definitely want to be a priestess there and make that my full time job.
@RebelWvlf 4 жыл бұрын
1. I actually like how there is no "one true way" in Paganism. The region that I am born in (Balkan) is known for being basically a crossroad of abrahamic religions, all of them claim that they are "one and true" religions and they argue all the time about which religion is the best. Not very fun and healthy to hear those people raging about religions almost every day. 3. and 4. That is one of things that I love about Paganism: growth and evolution. The whole path is basically research, experiments and questioning the identity. Abrahamic religions are sorely missing this trait and are rather mocking and discouraging the research and questioning of their god (source: personal experience). 5. I think that such anti-organisation mindset is coming from the fact that majority of Pagans started their path as sort of rebellion against oppressive families and environment they grew up in, only to be unironical with their beliefs later on. And that is a good thing. 6.Yes, it can be very lonely. Especially if you are the only one in small town. The only connection with other Pagans that I have currently is through Instagram and their hashtags. 7. I too can confirm that it changes the worldview significantly. For me personally, it lessens the feeling of being alien. With Pagan gods, I don't feel the constant pressure of self-hatred for somehow condemning myself to eternal suffering like I had with Christianity.
@jovanamihajlovic6590 4 жыл бұрын
I live in a Balkan country as well and you are so right
@RebelWvlf 4 жыл бұрын
@@jovanamihajlovic6590 Heeej, nisam očekivala još jednog stanovnika ovog regiona! :D
@jovanamihajlovic6590 4 жыл бұрын
@@RebelWvlf ni ja, u Srbiji je vrlo tesko podneti mentalitet ovdasnjeg naroda, pogotovo kao paganka
@RebelWvlf 4 жыл бұрын
@@jovanamihajlovic6590 I ja sam iz Srbije isto! :D I da, lokalci su mi se popeli na vrh glave sa njihovim "moj put ili ničiji put" mentalnim sklopom. Nisam i dalje "izašla iz klozeta" u stvarnosti što se tiče paganizma, ali i dalje iritira kad ti neko priča da si "antihrist" i "izdajnik" ako ne pratiš njihovu dogmu u stopu i ako samo kažeš da ne pratiš njihovog boga (koji ironično je zapravo slovenski paganizam što se tiče običaja, samo što je prekrečen da bude "hrišćanstvo" i pročitali Bibliju samo do prvih 5-10 poglavlja Starog Zaveta). Otud mi je gotivnije da idem na zapadnu stranu Youtuba, jer nisu svo vreme trigerovani sa religijom kao naši.
@minniex622 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ not give you eternal suffering. He promises you Paradise and heaven. The devil will take u to hell. Not Jésus 🙏 our Lord God who is ressurected from dead, who healed sick, who defended the poor, and feed the people and cast out demons from people. Read the Bible today !
@thorunns.craftstudio 4 жыл бұрын
i'm in texas as well! i also struggle with the loneliness of paganism...the longing for a more community experience...but yeah, it's so hard. i also look forward to your pagan happy hours on fridays each week...so thank you for doing them!
@odinborson8519 4 жыл бұрын
In texas as well...
@laurenwallin3768 4 жыл бұрын
I'm in Texas too!
@hoppermantis7615 3 жыл бұрын
I felt the same way. But I meet many Heathens near Galveston Texas. My family practice Heathen Samaritanism ᛏ. The little known practioners of "The Nations". Wanting only one title... Veteran. Rocking the hammer & twaz on my vehicles gets me pulled over by kindred smiling. Be warned. There are more out there willing to destroy these symbols as well. Willing to get you fired. With Heathenry & ilk only recently being acknowledged by the state since 2013. There are many lost Christians passively hating. There is a couple gatherings out mid-west Texas. Teachings of Futhark required. They do not advertise. And it is quite intense. As guilt of existence is not allowed. Only kindred is allowed. Guests and adoptions are not allowed.
@brandwhitlock6816 4 жыл бұрын
It is very lonely being pagan, but the thing that I wish I knew before becoming pagan was the extraordinary number of larpers out there. I think to many people paganism is an extension to Dungeons & Dragons and they're just roll playing.
@terismith2461 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, and I know this going to sound very mean and judgmental....PLAYGANS. After years of being Pagan and attending countless rituals, gatherings, festivals etc. I have found that some people flat out deserve that description. Sorry, sort of.
@brandwhitlock6816 4 жыл бұрын
@@terismith2461 I completely agree.
@tacofingerz7247 3 жыл бұрын
And you're not? The more I watch these type of vids the more I realize how similar most of these people making these vids are, y'all look a like, same hipster pretencious vibes almost like a trend. It really does feel like this shit is just another form of veganism for y'all so why do you care how other people play with this faith/religion/path? You are doing the exact same think, roleplaying isnt always a bad thing, some people live that way and thats how they learn and discover new things, divin into new worlds with a joyful and playful mindset, its up to them if those games evolve into something deeper or greater, why the need to comment about it? To feel superior? Spiritually better than others? Dude thats such a shitty way of seeing things and to treat people. I mean , I dont see any of you making animals or human sacrifices, so yeah, definitely NOT roleplaying.
@ivydraws3245 2 жыл бұрын
@@tacofingerz7247 We arent SUPPOSED to make Human sacrifices!! Gods!!
@Muffinsmountains 4 жыл бұрын
I agree that paganism can be lonely and really appreciate your pagan happy hours. It is nice to tune in once a week and hear what is going on in the pagan community. Thanks for all that you do!
@outdoorgurl2474 4 жыл бұрын
WTH KZbin?? They keep messing with my notifications 😡 I've been a practicing Pagan for only 9 months now but I feel like I have always been a Pagan at heart. When I was a "Christian " I felt so alone and detached from the faith but once I became a Pagan and started finding this little community, I feel like I have found my tribe. A huge Thank You to you and other channels like Jacob from @thewisdomofodin for creating a safe space to meet and learn about the Pagan community!! Happy Yuletide y'all ☺🌲❄
@sandyblack9698 4 жыл бұрын
I felt the same!like its was always there..blessings to you.hopfully the summer solstice at 2021 is on next year.
@FizzyWater 4 жыл бұрын
when you were christan you had very little faith.but youve desided to switch from God to satan.that was very foolish.Jesus has always won victory.The enemy will never win! But its not to late to switch back to christ!please consider becoming a follower of jesus! He is returning soon! read matthew 24 it explains the end times aka what will happen when the end of the world will being.! Save yourselfs and tell your loved ones before its too late!
@lumapoop 4 жыл бұрын
@@FizzyWater Satan is a Christian idea. Because so there's no way that Pagans could follow Satan, bc Pagans don't follow Christian beliefs.
@littleauthor7226 2 жыл бұрын
@@FizzyWater Pagans don't believe in Satan, that is apart of the christian religion. Let people follow whatever religion/practice feels right.
@minniex622 2 жыл бұрын
Not Say you were Christian. No you weren't Christian. If you beleive in Jesus Christ, u do not practise witchcaft. Because witchcaft is evil it Comes from the Devil Satan and witchcaft is an abomination to God.
@iampagan8564 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks. You are my angel 😇. I started from Wicca but evolved in spirit world and Paganism/deity worship and work. I am not that interested in Witchcraft anymore and I was so sad because of it. I do rituals when I NEED to and when I FEEL to because I am focusing on protecting myself. I also do tarot,ancestral work,spirit guide work and my own cultural practices. I am more out of TikTok since I joined after I knew stuff and I was like WTH is happening on this app? You are one of the first influencers that I subbed. Thanks love ❤️
@mnoldbstrd 4 жыл бұрын
Just came across your channel. I like the way you put thing into perspective. I didn't use to consider myself pagan, I just didn't believe the way my Christian family did. Most of them think I'm atheist and I don't bother to correct them, they swear it's devil worship. It was a few years ago, while talking to someone, that they said I had pagan beliefs. I started looking into it. Now I consider myself an eclectic traveler. I have a couple of friends in Wicca, a few Solitary and my closest friend is Luciferian. I have a good friend that is Muslim, he doesn't understand the pagan belief, but we have some awesome conversation about life and the universe, something that is hard to do with my family.
@tyson7687 4 жыл бұрын
Being in Texas you are near three of my favorite Pagans. 1. John Beckett (he's so so so phenomenal) and the cousins that run Witch Bitch Amateur Hour. You nailed something that weighs so heavy on my heart, loneliness. It really can be a hard world in the Pagan tent.
@ashleyward8602 3 жыл бұрын
I just started John Beckett’s books today. As a fellow Texan (in the Bible Belt no less) I’m excited to read them.
@hoppermantis7615 3 жыл бұрын
I felt the same way. But I meet some near Galveston Texas. My family practice Heathen Samaritanism ᛏ. The little known practioners of "The Nations". Wanting only one title... Veteran. Rocking the hammer & twaz on my vehicles gets me pulled over by kindred smiling. Be warned. There are more out there willing to destroy these symbols as well. Willing to get you fired. With Heathenry & ilk only recently being acknowledged by the state since 2013. There are many lost Christians passively hating. Also. There is in fact a massive gathering in mid-west Texas. But they do not advertise. As well is quite dedicated. Non-kindred guest/adopted is not allowed in. ID is required if with children. Not sure if race memory is required beyond heart.
@ivydraws3245 2 жыл бұрын
@@ashleyward8602 isnt all of texas in the Bible Belt??
@rebeccafields4501 4 жыл бұрын
It is lonely at times without a fellowship or community of other pagans. I also have a deep appreciation for the change of seasons. I truly look forward to each true of the wheel. Keeps me present and thankful
@amyvaccaro2761 4 жыл бұрын
Been pagan/witch for about 12 years. Still learning and probably always will be. I wish I knew how many bookshelves I’d need to store all my witchy books and herb jars!!! Lol. Love your channel and love your books arranged by color!! So pretty!
@minniex622 2 жыл бұрын
Doreen virtue repented remember. She is Christian now. Just info.
@ivydraws3245 2 жыл бұрын
@Genevieve_voiceover 4 жыл бұрын
What got me started on my journey was learning about crystals and making a medicine wheel with them. That was the “gateway drug”, for lack of a better term, and I considered myself a spiritualist until someone asked me if I was Wiccan because of a malachite necklace I was wearing. That got me researching it, and the rest is history that has lasted for about 5 or 6 years. I now consider myself and my practice Eclectic Heathen. Something I wish I knew before becoming Pagan was how much this practice forced me to take full ownership of myself. This taught me that whatever I do can come back to me (The Threefold Rule in Wicca), and if something goes wrong I have to take responsibility and do better.
@sandyblack9698 4 жыл бұрын
Hopefully scarlett next year when all this covid is over,come to the summer solstice at stone henge. Blessings to you.
@TalosBjorn 2 жыл бұрын
This is an amazing video. Almost every single point is something I can very powerfully relate to. Scarlet, I'm not sure what part of Texas you're in but if you ever find yourself in Austin on a weekend and you want to share a drink and some conversation, hit me up
@Thekoryosmenstribepodcast 4 жыл бұрын
I practice my peoples religion. I am a norse heathen. I am a direct descendant of warriors on both sides from Iceland to Norway. My gods, my ancestors, and my peoples ways are very important to me, and i have grown so much since finding where i from, and who my people are. In 37 years ive never felt this good, and whole. I teach my children about who they are, who their family is, and our ancestors. To teach my children about where we are from, and our traditions has been beautiful and fullfilling for me and my children. I used to feel empty, unhappy, and grew up a christian, i also have ptsd, and c-ptsd from childhood trauma. I swear that my ancestors, and my belief is helping me heal, its doing things that praying while a christian i was not able to accomplish. I am not lost anymore. Before i felt so lost. Not anymore though. "Without knowing where your from, how can you understand where your going".
@ejackson1006 4 жыл бұрын
This is always very helpful and I enjoy your videos SO MUCH!!! Thank you!
@ScarletRavenswood 4 жыл бұрын
Glad you liked it :)
@Anica115 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video, I'm pretty new to paganism (actively for the past year or so) and it tends to get pretty lonely and I thought I was just exaggerating about all of those things but now that I saw your video it makes me feel a little bit better about myself and the path that I chose. Thank you again. :)
@Emmaiya 4 жыл бұрын
The thing with groups is that we have seen how religions used this as a way to control people, and even the New Age movement being taken over by money (advertisements for overpriced crystals, meditation apps, retreats, etc.) so its understandable that so many spiritual people practice solo. However I agree with you and really wish we had more communities and meet-ups to support each other, it can be lonely following a spiritual path that is not Abrahamic.
@Cocreatewithus Жыл бұрын
The only other actual pagan I have ever come across in person is a gal who opened up a little store in my hometown. It wasn't very long before some residents started to threaten her. I lived on the bible belt so, yeah.
@scottmanganello5135 Ай бұрын
Amazing video, I really enjoyed hearing your story, and I can totally relate to everything you're talking about.
@bethanygreenwood8259 4 жыл бұрын
100 % agree, the wheel of the year has been a great way to be present in each season! I've found this even more important this year than ever before!!
@heathertaylor2005 2 жыл бұрын
Your gorgeous! I am a herbalist and new to learning Celtic paganism and Druidry. Your videos are very informative thank you!
@its_whit 2 жыл бұрын
Unrelated... But the color coding of the books on the bookshelves is SO SATISFYING
@johnphantom1344 4 жыл бұрын
temples are being built across the world im trying to fund one myself and this will help fix the problem in the coming decades
@andrewcostello5748 4 жыл бұрын
I am a follower of Norse paganism. I have only recently found your page. Very nice to see your page promoting paganism in a world that has fallen into Christianity out of the feeling of obligation. Stay true to your path!
@DistantlyCold 4 жыл бұрын
Loved this video! I never considered myself Wiccan but I did include a lot of aspects of the religion into my practice when I first started out. I didn't label myself initially for awhile until about 2 years ago when I considered paganism.
@felipeantonio7199 4 жыл бұрын
I always enjoy ur videos - thank u so much for ur transparency!! U may never know how helpful and comforting these videos are for many of us.
@openpaganchurch6206 4 жыл бұрын
Really good post! I took my conversion in 1999! As a Pagan Minister, I have been teaching this for many years :) Thank you for sharing!
@stephaniepoleson8891 2 жыл бұрын
I am just starting out on my Norse Pagan journey. I have really noticed and felt in touch with nature and I hope this continues!
@johnmeadows569 3 жыл бұрын
Hi Scarlet! I liked and subscribed thanks to your wonderful insight! First off, I'll be your friend 😂 secondly, I'm coming from a strict Christian upbringing. I read somewhere once that people don't choose paganism, they realize that they've had a pull towards paganism their whole life. Whether that's true or not, it definitely affected me, because I remember doing a project on druidism when I was in middle school and I found it so enticing! Anyway, you're fantastic, thank you for being such an amazing resource!!!
@Coloruption 4 жыл бұрын
Timely, topical, and terrific content as usual, Scarlet!
@britkondravy 3 жыл бұрын
Just noticed the books in the background are grouped by color. Also great video thank you!
@albertanne 4 жыл бұрын
Hai!! I learned so much of your video’s and like two watch your video’s so much and I enjoy it. I learned two years ago about paganism thanks to a friend of my and her family they are so special for my that they are my second family 😊. I hope you have a great Yule this year. I sent this from the Netherlands.
@DoxicDoad 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the loneliness is hard sometimes, but at least we have channels like yours❤😊
@Wren.ishot1385 3 жыл бұрын
Im so happy i found a youtuber who can actually educate me and help me on my path through paganism
@1111Essex 4 жыл бұрын
I live in Salem, Massachusetts and am fortunate to have many Pagan/Witch stores in town. So, even though I would consider myself a solitary Witch, I feel the energy of other like minded individuals all the time. Like you, I started to be interested in Paganism at a young age, and have continued to embrace it my entire life. On a side note, your videos are awesome and your sincere good energy shines right through.
@sigalius 3 жыл бұрын
I'd say one of the main reasons so many modern pagans find themselves doing a ton of research/reading (especially the reconstructionists) is that under normal or idea circumstances the practitioner would be able to live in, go into, or experience the pagan culture they're looking toward. Under ideal circumstances, we'd be able to experience it in person as it functioned, and how the ethos manifested as the cultural milieu. If it weren't for these cultures and traditions being destroyed, dying out, or being diminished, then the way modern pagans (aside from Hinduism or things like that if you want to categorize things as such) would encounter, learn about, and understand these cultures/traditions would be much easier. Imagine, for example, modern Christians: their religion is obviously dominant in Western (or Westernized) countries, and they are inundated with Christian ideas, legends, systems, etc. Kids are sent to Sunday school to learn about their religious beliefs, and they often live among social circles where the practice of Christianity is the norm, and is represented clearly. Modern pagans don't have that luxury, we don't have that environment. So in order to best accommodate and supplement this lack, we have to read about and study all the information we can that informs us and gives us a basis to reform and recreate those lost religious ideas and traditions.
@angelanch. 4 жыл бұрын
Helpful as usual. I celebrated the autumnal equinox with a seasonal desert (apple pie) and will do something similar for the winter solstice. I'm in the very beginning of learning about paganism, but I very much like being in tune with the seasons. I'm really enjoying the KZbin community, as well. Thanks Scarlett!
@phoenixlunaalexandrite3186 4 жыл бұрын
am not overly new to paganism & wiccanism & witchcraft, I am diving much much deeper into now that I have confirmed my ancestral roots. i was adopted at birth & always told i was mainly welsh but i never had an actual clue. Thanks for your channel & the things I am learning from it.
@themagnus2919 4 жыл бұрын
I feel a spiritual connection to nordic/germanic/celtic paganism but I am unsure whether or not I should "believe" everything my ancestors believed. I've grown very comfortable sitting on the fence.
@pauloferrarezi 4 жыл бұрын
Just do whatever u feel comfortable.
@christopherrowley7506 4 жыл бұрын
the notion of ´belief´ being equivalent to religion is an Abrahamic one. Animist cultures, like our pagan ancestors had, don´t have the platonic notion of a 'world of forms', and so the relation of symbol to reality is blurred. What is ´really there´ is a modernist notion that can hold us back from engaging in these old ways. Of course my gods are real *because I worship them. My animist practices animate them, that is, it brings them to life. Their influences are real, because they are apart of my world view. And if they are ´really there´ isn´t a relevant question. So there isn't any stress in worrying about believing in the right thing. I don't think it's likely that anything spiritual is 'really there' in the platonic sense, but the effect of ritual practice is the practice itself and the worldview that it fits within. In that way paganism is even more real--Christianity worships the ´not of this world´ and paganism grounds you in this world. It animates the world around you through your practice which is rooted in a traditional worldview. No faith asked or required. You see what I mean? I´m not saying you are doing this, this is just some advice: be wary of trying to find our old gods in the same way a christian tries to find christ.
@seasalt9289 3 жыл бұрын
Build your own belief system, just go with what resonates with you. You can literally cherry pick beliefs from different religions, it’s your life, your truth.
@jaxthewolf4572 3 жыл бұрын
You don't have to believe everything they did, even the people of the past did not agree with each other on everything. Go with what makes sense
@jaxthewolf4572 3 жыл бұрын
@@seasalt9289 Great way to put it
@karramellow 4 жыл бұрын
It was my search for a regular community that brought me here. Thank you for creating this spacer.
@lunawolfheart336 4 жыл бұрын
I kinda like practicing away from a group because I really don't like other people telling me what to do or how to worship. I do like talking to and gaining knowledge from others but I prefer practicing alone. Only time I feel the need to practice with others is when a holiday comes up and I just want to celibtate the pagan aspect of said holiday with people
@jaxthewolf4572 3 жыл бұрын
I can relate
@DefenestrateYourself 4 жыл бұрын
Such thoughtful and empathetic content! Thank u!
@EdwardIglesias 4 жыл бұрын
I definitely relate to a lot of what you talk about. My wife and I ere married by a Unitarian Universalist minister in Houston and we later joined that congregation. My wife was a singer and she joined the choir. In short, we found a community. The odd thing is it was with the wider UU community rather than the Pagan sub group (CUUPS) that we most bonded with. When we moved to Connecticut we were much more involved leading Pagan services and such. A physical community is a powerful thing. Also, as a High Priest of FSM His Noodly Appendage welcomes you.
@dianabakes1 4 жыл бұрын
I was also going to recommend UU! The UU church closest to me (which is sadly 45 minutes away) does full moon drum circles and has a pretty active CUUPS program. It's just too far for me to commit to right now.
@derrickangelwilliamsmartin7201 4 жыл бұрын
I’m starting out as a pagan and I just found your Chanel and I’m gonna subscribe
@bonk_26 3 жыл бұрын
I just found this religion a few hours ago but I love it. It’s very overwhelming but I have learned a lot from your videos already! Thank you!
@shadowlynx1958 4 жыл бұрын
Each of your points resonated with me. This is a valuable video both for those starting out on a pagan path and for those who have been on that path for a while. One thing I wish I'd known is that a coven is not necessarily forever. Covens can break up for a variety of reasons just like some Christian churches do. Having a strong personal pagan practice was what helped me through the breakup of the coven I joined when I was just starting out.
@Ezlaren 4 жыл бұрын
I definitely agree that being pagan can be a little lonely. I live in an area where there are no covens, no groups, and not even a community for pagans in all honesty. I live in rural North Minnesota, U.S, and it is an extremely Christian area. Where I live, you don't even see celebrations for the sabbats, you would really only see that in the cities down south. I think it would be really interesting if at some point in the future us pagans could find a way to have our own temples or just places of worship, I am curious if it would help build that sense of community that is lacking a little in the pagan community.
@ashleysayss 4 жыл бұрын
The lack of community is really the biggest bummer for me. And I feel like the lack of organization is a direct result of the lack of community. I like in MA which is full of rich history but lacking in anything as diverse as a pagan group I would wish was available for me too join and connect with like-minded people.
@dgeorge4761 4 жыл бұрын
I think ur very pretty 😍
@Devast8r34 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your content shout out from Houston
@lionspawfilmandphoto Жыл бұрын
I'm comforted to hear that the meetup scene is few and far between with pagans. I thought it was just me who was missing the memo.
@megwheeler7679 3 жыл бұрын
I am very new to pagan but it has interested me so much i cant wait to follow this new path and to continue to learn
@crazy4catsRL 4 жыл бұрын
I had a really hard time finding other pagans to practice with. I was lucky to meet another solitary at one point in my life. When I moved away I was able to find a group(s) that practice every week and do classes all run on donations. I have again moved again, but this time around with Covid, the group has kept in touch and I've been able to participate online. Just did a palmistry class. The adminstration has even asked me if I'd be interested in running a branch of this group down where I am as there are many in my area that commute to this circle. I've been blessed in many ways!
@christinavanklink2470 4 жыл бұрын
You look so beautiful today. The hair, the top, lovely. Hope you are enjoying the season ❤
@xanm269 4 жыл бұрын
I think these are def good suggestions. I agree with most of it. Norse Paganism does require a lot of self learning, and a lot of yearning for self improvement. A love of the history def helps with the research. And I absolutely agree that we aren't in love with organizations. Community is important and the further you get into it I think its essential, but for the most part its a lot of alone time. I usually recommend someone get the proper gear and go spend some time in the woods in peace all alone. Its powerful. Being outdoors in general. Unplug and get out there.
@carolynw45 4 жыл бұрын
I still believe in Christianity love some of it. Especially Jesus's life when he walked this earth. Love the nature spirits, my guides and respect and take notice of what the Universe points out to me as I walk on this plane. I've been called a Witch by many some negative mostly positive 🙂 However, I don't label myself not really it's just a journey for this lifetime. Seen many 'things' so I stopped being a sceptic long ago. Love to all and enjoy the Festivals 🎄💖🌟🎄🌟
@FizzyWater 4 жыл бұрын
its not to late! Please being following christ again!He will change your life and make it better! Its not easy but it will be extremely worth in the end!I want you to know that we are living in end times aka the end of the world!may seem hard to believe but if you read matthew 24 it states what will happen when the end of the world would begin aka when jesus is returning! Read it and relized the danger your soul is in! please switch back to christ.Satan is going and try to keep tricking you and tell u what im saying is lies.He going to keeo decieving you!repent and ask God to open your eyes to see and open your ears to hear spritually!THIS IS THE BEST DECISON FOR YOUR LIFE.Jesus loves you and would really love for you to leave satanizim and start follow him and put the lord 1st in your life.Please consider.If your still not sure then watch rapture dreams.Remember were running out of time and jesus can be here any second now.We must always be ready! have a nice day💓💓
@carolynw45 4 жыл бұрын
@@FizzyWater Thank you for taking the time to send me your heartfelt message. You sound kind and I will look more into the information. Blessings CW
@FizzyWater 4 жыл бұрын
@@carolynw45 THANK YOU SO MUCH🥺💫
@GravesRWFiA 4 жыл бұрын
don't worry about labels. just trust yourself and your instincts and live your life.
@carolynw45 4 жыл бұрын
@@GravesRWFiA Yep you hit it 🌸🌱
@winternightmarecrochet 2 жыл бұрын
Great insight! Personally I like that the morals aren't so dictated in paganism, which they are in many other religions. But I too, have a certain need for structure. I may not be the most social person ever, but it's always nice to have a solid frame to rely on.
@SpirituallyInspired 3 жыл бұрын
I'm a Pagan history nerd as well 🤓 thank you for this lovely video!
@GaijinBangya 4 жыл бұрын
I would love to join another pagan gathering. When I was a baby witch, I was looking for a coven but could only find this temple of druids who would invite various pagans, Wiccans, witches, ect. They held a Beltane gathering and it was the funnest, most spiritual experience I ever had. We leapt over fire, sang around it with varying instruments, we feasted and danced around the maypole, made flower crowns. I really loved their gatherings but the Priestess who hosted got sick and stopped hosting. She introduced me to a wiccan coven but the wiccans were way too structured and strict so as much as I enjoyed their company, I didn't have as much fun. Now my practice leans more toward Paganism, I think about how I should have appreciated those gatherings more at the time. There was a chaotic connectedness about it. Like they were wild and random but we all participated in the events with a structure we weren't told to do. We just did it. But I think you're onto something when you said a lot of Pagans ect. might not follow structure because of coming from other religions, because these druids were born and raised Pagan since they were a community, but you could tell the Wiccans and some of the visitors didn't know how to be with the group at first, so it's an interesting thought.
@crabgal 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve begun seriously considering paganism, so this will be a very helpful video!
@priestessoftheancientflame4232 4 жыл бұрын
It was the same for me: I began very young, at 13 with Wicca and years later I practice paganism, did less typical wiccan rituals and did more rituals and offerings to get in contact with my Goddess. Since this time I feel very like the priestess of Freya and I cant name myself a wiccan anymore. I am a polytheistic pagan priestess. I think many people began with Wicca and then went deeper into paganism to find they path. This didnt mean, Wicca isnt great. It has helped me on my spiritual path and I am very thankful for this )O( Paganism has changed my life, it is one of the best things ever happen to me.
@emmaflood2481 2 жыл бұрын
thank you so much for this video! over the past year or so i’ve started really researching paganism, and would definitely call myself pagan. i’ve always felt very connected to nature and have collected rocks and crystals for as long as i can remember, so the wiccan path is the one i feel most connected at the moment. i definitely agree with you that it can be a lonely path! i had one friend that was pagan, but they moved away just before i started getting into it so we never really got to practice together. if i’m being honest, i’m not sure if i would necessarily want to be apart of a coven or anything, but having at least one friend with like minded thoughts would be nice haha!
@aosorio260211 4 жыл бұрын
It really does make you feel lonely a lot. I think something better than finding a coven would be finding pagan friends you could actually spend time with, be a part of their life. No one I know shares this type of view, I’m very much looked at like an “eccentric weirdo” by the people in my life 😒 I NEED to meet someone pagan who can be my friend!! 😆
@Inkspells 4 жыл бұрын
I feel the same way!
@scarletwitch2000 3 жыл бұрын
I feel the exact same. you put my thoughts into words 😂😂
@TheRubyFeline 4 жыл бұрын
Everything I wish I knew I simply learned along the way. Still learning, of course, haha. It wasn't a commitment in the sense that I couldn't quit or change direction if I felt the need. Plus, I read a lot, researched, gathered information before any practicing. It was more like a fun project or adventure than becoming anything at the beginning.
@ibreakforbirds 3 жыл бұрын
Love your channel, keep up the good work!
@jessicamccumber3607 4 жыл бұрын
I'm in Texas too!!!!!! Exciting!
@TheOwsNestHomeschool 3 жыл бұрын
I have been indirectly following paganism, grown up christain I always felt I didn't fit it. Then j found an old diary from when I was 9, and I wrote a passage about "quiet time in the back yard, talking to the flowers and trees"... being an adult I now know that was grounding and meditating.
@happytrees2491 3 жыл бұрын
I know this is old so you might not see it, but have you thought about having/hosting a meet up yourself? I recently found out you are in my area from one of your happy hours, and I would love to attend something like that!
@lightdragon2 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty much spot on. I think this is the second video i saw of SR. 1. pretty much that. 2. labels don't mean much or anything outside of that group. Hierarchy wasn't really wanted. I think there was some of it that tried to form in the 90's but it was quickly dashed out. The early groups were BBB which were a form of web forum . by the early 2000's you had websites and forums formed ,but a lot of the former were either fluffy , misinformed or trying to get people to quit paganism. Then of course you had a lot of the members going on power trips. Especially forum owners and sometimes an admin. most members would just be lurkers or just browse and never come back. A lot of times the forum owner would just shut down the site. Another problem was no one really wanted to connect past the forums outside of some form of social media and that was very few. 3. pretty much this. 4.research research research. you never stop evolving but after a certain point you progress very slowly. definitely within a 10 yr span. although even with that it can be quicker or slowler. That goes triple to people writing books or social platforms. years ago a lot of authors didn't. A good example would be Edin McCoy in some of her books. 5.anti-organization to anti-social. as i covered some in 2 above. from what i was told you had some pagan groups in the 70's and 80's where they formed groups and wouldn't admit anyone or would play games with people wanting to join. For both egos and to feel special. As a lot did not want any form of paganism as a mainstream religion. So a lot of times not only did you have opposition to Christians and militant atheists but other pagans. very few people will stay together. one of the bigger fights was over authors. Another problem was drama queens and cockteases. Bottom line :anything or any reason to break a group up or not to keep in touch with other pagans. groups like Pagan Federation usually allow people to come to them.but it is UK based. So people not part of the UK are going to have problems. Another group that is more structured are Druid groups like ADF 6 and 7 yep.
@selinalenawell 2 жыл бұрын
I proclaimed myself an agnostic witch for a long time before realizing, I'm just a pagan witch ( I like to use the term witch as well ;)). What I wish I was told before discovering I'm a pagan was that it's ok not to worship any diety in particular (apart from mother nature, but I see her more like the whole world than any representation) and to explore several beliefs. It's when I started to practice chamanism that I became interested in witchcraft. I already knew a bit of wicca (thanks charmed), but I was never interested until it hit me that I really connected with the weel of the year, but not the dieties, then I realized my beliefs were just different and that it was completely okay to be who I am. I was never raised religious by the way, just felt a strong connection with nature since the beginning
@Master_Blackthorne 3 жыл бұрын
This is for sure. I've met so many "high priests" and "high priestesses" whose activities qualified them for America's Most Wanted.
@damnthisisalongname_4764 7 ай бұрын
Newbie here! Something about paganism that really gets to me is just how isolating it is and how unaccepting it is to the rest of the world. I live in fear that my family will find my hidden make-shift altar (I literally just put my stuff for my Gods in an unused drawer in my room, it looks almost completely normal to someone who isn’t pagan), figure out what it is, and throw me out to the streets. I’m a minor, and I’d have nowhere to go. It’s *scary.*
@fro_double_g 2 жыл бұрын
So after listening to this. Hello been lurking for a few months. I also did make a pagan yt so that made me laugh when you said that
@alexw6168 4 жыл бұрын
Such a good video. I would add to take things slow if your just starting out
@heruka369 4 жыл бұрын
Such an enjoyable segment. Love your content.
@kaihinterfeck376 4 жыл бұрын
Very true on the point that it can be lonely. Personally for me as a Christopagan witch because I found that it's a tiny niche and idk if I actually want to find a coven or not but it would be nice, at least for a little while
@ceresfast2414 4 жыл бұрын
Welcome to Texas from Fort Worth. I am not pagan but am disillusioned with Christianity. It seems that G-d in the Bible always is mad with his people which seems to be the case even today.
@donnaterry85 4 жыл бұрын
I wish I knew how much stigma there was about mental illness in the pagan/witchcraft community. Paganism has helped me and my illness immensely. Unfortunately, I have met quite a few people that believe this path is not for people with mental illness. I love being pagan. I just wish I wasn’t so lonely.
@fredwood1490 5 ай бұрын
Each of us see the face of God that we understand, God has many faces or none at all and we are just seeing our reflection in the mirror of the Universe, that is our perspective. Just as there are many different kinds of Christians, they see the face of Jesus that serves them best, we too see Deity that serves our needs, permission, in other words, to be who we want to be. It IS about you, after all, you are a valid and an important part of the Universe, you are the one who asks the questions and looks for the answers and is aware of your ignorance as well as your perspective on the rest of the Universe. No star sees you but you see the stars and even have some idea of what they are. Few creatures on Earth even see the stars. So where is the comfort in this knowledge? In sharing the ritual and the meal afterwards and the conversation with it, in sharing The Red Tent and the Sweat Lodge and the Haka. Sharing the perspective of others. This is the Universe teaching itself about itself. Lookin back, the years I spent learning the ways of WICCA and Paganism were the best years of my life. Gathering are few, nowadays, but we used to have local gatherings, ours was called PAN, the Pagan Allied Network, and it was a meeting place for covens and solitaries, a teaching place and a place to perform ritual , something we all need to do. The shared meaning was sweet. Politics, of course, is the bane of Paganism but it also a Human necessity. Politics can be over come by resisting the urge to think others have power over your perspective. "You are the child of the Universe, you have a right to be here!"
@oOFeenringOo 4 жыл бұрын
To everyone missing a community: The Pagan Federation International exists! But they are so silent. It took 10 years into pagan life until someone told me that they exist. Now i am a part of them and its so good.
@SecretlyaWitchsLife 3 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with many points. Thank you for sharing. 💚
@becks13x 3 жыл бұрын
That's the one thing I miss from Christianity, is the feeling of community and getting to have weekly meetings about your beliefs. The internet does offer a good online pagan community for me though which I am so grateful for. I'm hoping I can make more pagan friends in person to meet with someday
@kiadauwofem5737 3 жыл бұрын
Bright Greetings, Scarlet. I found your video very interesting. I've been pagan for the better part of my Earth Walk. The idea you put forth regarding how we evolve from that beginning point of seeking a path was very spot on. I think that is true whether one is Pagan or even part of an organized religion. I have probably been a solitary practitioner most of my journey, though I have found others with whom I share ideas and general wisdom. One's faith is very personal, and while wanting to share with others, we have to keep in mind the difference between people. I have found organization limits my work so I just keep on keeping on. It would be very interesting to have a chat with you. If you read this, perhaps you'll let me know the best way to meet, virtually, of course. I will check back to see if you commented on my comment. Blessings, Kiadau
@ozzycabana8870 3 жыл бұрын
I wish I had known in the beginning, about so much history that was lost to Pagans around the world due to Christian conquests (murder, rape, forced cultural erasure, indoctrination of white supremacy, etc.). I’m glad that over the years, I’ve paid close attention to these things because it’s helped me to see that so many deities, stories, names and more that have been labeled “demonic” or “evil” are only considered demonic or evil because the church wanted to erase them. It’s opened my eyes to a lot of lies and makes me more aware of the world around me, and why things are as they are today.
@sheledon3272 3 жыл бұрын
Hey! I'm in Texas too on vacation visiting my sisters family. I'm pretty new to paganism. I've been interested in it for awhile on and off but that's because I didn't find a paganism that I identify with. I'm pretty sure I identify with atheopaganism and just bought a book to teach me more about that. I've looked for meetups on paganism in the past and I totally agree it's hard to find people. I guess wiccans don't want guys around lol Atheopaganism is even more esoteric probably. I watched your video on 6 reasons why paganism might fit you and I jived with all of them except the gods part, but maybe I could learn from gods from a historical or symbolic way that teach principles or values.
@shayrood 4 жыл бұрын
I love your videos BTW, I am looking into paganism and would like some advice for starting out.
@hausinnermagic 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the beautiful video
@DmitriyKushnirTV 4 жыл бұрын
The high priest of one ... or the self-proclaimed high priestess 😂
@Coloruption 4 жыл бұрын
@edwardtone Hit too close to home, eh Chief
@MasterPoucksBestMan 9 ай бұрын
The title of High Priest/ess in paganism is like a black belt in martial arts: it only really matters in your own group/school, because there will ALWAYS be someone somewhere who knows less than you or MORE than you.
@danilles.4247 4 жыл бұрын
Fellow Texan Pagan here and I feel ya. So hard to find community /: and all my close friends would hear the word Pagan and immediately think creepy death ritual in the middle of the woods. I am happily involved in a friendly meditation circle but it is not specifically Pagan.
@dgeorge4761 4 жыл бұрын
I think ur very pretty 😍
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