Gao Hui is so arrogant ... she thinks too highly of herself...she's the one who hadn't got a yu yi to do all her dirty work now...but not Gao Jie who had never approached Yu Zhi for help when it came to being put down by Gao hui and yu yi in the old Rui Hua. Yu Zhi saw what was going on and turn the tables on both yu yi's and gao hui's manupilations and schemings against her. Gao jie just did what she had to do. GM Mu rightly reminded her who is in charge now and also reminded her that just because her (Gao hui's) designs are not good enough for overseas competition it didn't mean that other good design couldn't be sent. Moreover it was gao hui's poor quality designs that brought about the takeover of Rui Hua by fanci and now she, Mu Ziyun is the chairwoman and all decisions are made by her alone and not not anybody else including Gao about that miss high and mighty Gao hui!!! You asked for it....