Thanks so much for noticing some of the details we worked hard on, Jacob! A couple notes: 1) You are correct - the BTE thickness is approx 0.020" 2) We aimed to gain strength through blade height as opposed to thickness. We wanted to achieve a substantial cross sectional area without compromising cutting performance. 3) We are dropping these in small batches pretty much every week! Thanks again!
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын I love your input on blade height! It's all very well done and thought out! That is great to hear and I'll make sure to let folks know 💪🏻
@southernyert7597Ай бұрын
This is an incredible knife. So much thought was put into the entire package. Blade, Handle ,& SHEATH. Thank you
@southernyert7597Ай бұрын
I bought one about 5 months ago & i luv the knife & sheath. For what u get, for me its the best value I've ever had. I enjoy using it.
@Shooter11B4 ай бұрын
Bro, that knife looks like an absolute winner.
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын
It is indeed!
@scrick71124 ай бұрын
Great content. I have the TJ Schwarz Overland Sport. TJ is a class act and he has designed blade shape for other folder knife co. Dude has nothing to hide under knife-coatings. He is highly regarded in the knife community. Thx
@jimbusmaximus46244 ай бұрын
I like A2! Don't see it too much any more, I think it's an underrated tool steel. Also I like your point about knife manufacturers being miles ahead of the stuff we were getting 20 years ago. The base level of quality seems to have greatly improved. ✌️
@timthomas20754 ай бұрын
I keep missing the drops on this knife. Ugh! I watched TJ's production videos leading up to this release, and was thoroughly impressed. The attention to detail seems amazing. I can't wait to get one in my hands. I expect it to be one of my favorite knives.
@Kennerd0074 ай бұрын
Good point on the dangler not being kydex, I had a rat 7 in an off brand kydex with kydex drop. Yep broke in the middle of a deployment. Worst timing possible. But this LT5 is amazing, having handled the last huntsman’s
@alu.3044 ай бұрын
A2 at 62-63 RC is going to be a beast. Worked a lot of traditional Tool Steels in my Toolmaker Career. O1, A2, S7, just really overlooked great balanced and predictable steels.
@krakentacticaledc4 ай бұрын
Coatings Luke Cerakote, Duracoat, KG guncoat ect, won't hide any floors or imperfections in the steel it will actually make it more visible any voids on the surface or imperfections stand out more as light casts a shadow
@bushforme4 ай бұрын
Thanks for that..never heard of that the way you evaluate blades..
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын
@@bushforme thanks!
@modestbear91624 ай бұрын
Been watching you since the beginning brother, always appreciate the straight forward style love how the channel has become more streamline but kept the kept the heart of it intact. As always a little more fighting rifle and tactical training videos is much appreciated. Too many people buy rifle a and knives and think that's the end of it your job is done. When it's truly just beginning. Keep fighting the good fight hope the game is doing well. God bless, keep it 100 stay safe out there crazy times are just around the corner. Once again with thanks Sincerely. J.C
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын
Oh man thanks!!! You are 100% right, I need to get back into r&r!!!!
@CaptSeeryus14 күн бұрын
This knife nails it at being what a true camp knife should be.
@tacticalmattfoley4 ай бұрын
This is EXACTLY what I've been looking for in a knife...and it's sold out everywhere......
@tj.schwarz4 ай бұрын
We are working to offer small drops of these every week. Please join our mailing list for a heads up on when they'll drop. Thanks for your support!
@jamesnelson144315 күн бұрын
I love pomels for scraping bark for tinder
@shamitoson2 ай бұрын
Got one and wow it’s fantastic. Wish it was uncoated, but otherwise it’s near perfection.
@richroc73 ай бұрын
Over the summer I seen this knife being reviewed by another person who loved it and held it in equally high esteem as you have and I immediately bought one. I have to say I really love it and it is extremely comfortable in the hands. I have to trust TJ Schwarz when he says that he tested the knife in various different heat treats and came to the realization that 62-63HRC was the ideal sweet spot for toughness on this knife. I love everything about it that you mentioned, the tip, blade geometry, edge geometry, sharp spine, the Richlite handle and ofc the awesome sheath and dangler. 🙌🏼🇺🇸
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors3 ай бұрын
@@richroc7 it's a fantastic package for sure!!!
@tmille104 ай бұрын
I was looking at a confidante but really like this as well… he does excellent functional design.
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын
The confidante sure does have a lot of awesome options!
@krakentacticaledc4 ай бұрын
Sweet review
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын
@@krakentacticaledc thanks!
@THUF0074 ай бұрын
Excellent review, digging your content! 👍🏻🔥
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын
@Sharpbevel4 ай бұрын
This is a great knife. I’ve been loving mine. I think TJ cerakoted this knife is because it’s A2. This is the best knife for the value that I own.
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын
@@Sharpbevel it's fantastic!
@dmitryk7544 ай бұрын
This maker can deliver amazing quality product at competitive price. Survive should have looked at guys like him for inspiration. Instead of getting a million dollars in the hole.
@SKiiTTLe53 ай бұрын
They did work together early on/collaborated to my knowledge.
@dmitryk7543 ай бұрын
@@SKiiTTLe5 with Guy?
@SKiiTTLe53 ай бұрын
@@dmitryk754 yes I read it last night actually as I was researching the origins of Survive…TJ originally was a knife designer to that’s probably the nature of their collaboration
@dmitryk7543 ай бұрын
@@SKiiTTLe5 interesting, well I am glad he went his own way at this point, great products
@SKiiTTLe53 ай бұрын
@@dmitryk754 yeah he wasn’t like best friends or business partners I don’t think, it just said they collaborated early on in the survive days.
@christopherwhitley99233 ай бұрын
I really like the knife, have not had a chance to test it out but the grip could use a wee bit more purchase for my hands. Honestly the only real downside for me at least for the moment. It does feel good as far as material, but i have kinda larger hands.
@alanvail46924 ай бұрын
I just wish TJ offered a no coating on this blade.
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын
That would be cool
@christopherlarson75794 ай бұрын
What are your thoughts/experiences on sharpening A2 at 62-63 HRC?
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын
@@christopherlarson7579 I haven't had to do it yet but I imagine that with just a little stropping it'll be a LONG time before I do, and when that time comes I don't think it'll be difficult.
@chancepaladin4 ай бұрын
@jamesnelson144315 күн бұрын
Hi, I was hoping you could do a review on the Tops DART? You touched on it briefly in another video. You said you had concerns? I trust your opinion & would love to hear your opinions on the Tops DART
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors15 күн бұрын
@jamesnelson1443 the one i carried in afg sucked and my newer one does as well. The design needs some serious attention to be a practical choice at any price range for any use.
@jamesnelson144315 күн бұрын
@ thx, I trust your reviews because of the great lengths you go to explain details! Plus you are a real use guy! Telling it like it is!
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors15 күн бұрын
@@jamesnelson1443 my pleasure! I need to go ahead and wrap that review up!
@ojibwayinca84873 ай бұрын
Great review. Excellent. But you didn't address the handle material.
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors3 ай бұрын
It's richlite, and it's nice.
@basemandog4 ай бұрын
Give it a flat grind and you have an Esee 6HM!
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын
@@basemandog ... do you really think that?
@basemandog4 ай бұрын
@@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors Yeah based on looks. Blade shape and handle design
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын
@@basemandog there is no single detail anywhere on this knife that looks remotely close to a 6hm.
@basemandog4 ай бұрын
@@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors Even an esee 5 is comparable, cheaper with an outstanding warranty
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 ай бұрын
@@basemandog I have to guess at this point that you are joking lol
@whosthatguy83964 күн бұрын
This is definitely a knife I have an eye on. I do have one concern, the sharpening choil seems a little on the large side, which in my experience can make finer craving tasks annoying. With the wood getting caught in the choil itself. Has this been the case for you? Great video!
@Thepreppersbunkeroutdoors4 күн бұрын
@whosthatguy8396 that REALLY bothers me too when it happens! It's why my smaller designs have no sharpening choil. I didn't notice any with the lt5 but what I can do is use it while specifically thinking and feeling for exactly that.
@whosthatguy83964 күн бұрын
thanks for the response! I remember you talking about the choil issue in your video with a bunch of small knives, which is why i asked! This knife is officially on the list. Thanks again for the response!