screech: i'm playing my favorite game 0:03 giggle: i'm back 0:06 screech: seriously 0:08 giggle: hehehe 0:11 giggle: *goes away* 0:15 screech: *chases* 0:21 seek: wait for me 0:26 screech + giggle: no 0:28 screech: I caught you 0:29 giggle: you're about to see someone 0:30 grumble: I SEE MY NEXT MEAL 0:30 Grumble: let me through):< 0:31 screech: never mind 0:32 seek: I think void is gonna come soon... 0:36 seek: hey come back 0:43 seek: *whispers something* 0:47 screech: ok 0:48 screech: OK, I'm on it 0:51 screech: i'm coming back for my revenge 0:58 screech: he won't see me if I'm up here 1:00 screech: *Throws goo* 1:01 Grumble: is seek pooping again 1:04 screech: this is going all according to plan 1:04 grumble queen: i'm ready to do someth- what is that? 1:13 scrumble: you don't know who I am 1:17 (10 likes goal officially done) scrumble: *attacks* 1:23 grumble queen: ow 1:23 scrumble: seems like you have nothing to do left 1:27 grumble queen: *does special attack* 1:30 scrumble: i'm using trap 1:34 grumble queen: i'm stuck):< 1:38 scrumble: I WON! 1:43 giggle: AHHH 1:48 scrumble: pay):< 1:52 giggle: it was just a prank bro! 1:53 scrumble: I finally get my meal 1:56 thank you guys for the support. I never knew I can get this much likes