Рет қаралды 36
Sean Quinn - can i forget the rising sun - .abeceda [ansambel za novo glasbo]
/ Sean Quinn - can i forget the rising sun - .abeceda [new music ensemble]
Izvaja .abeceda [ansambel za novo glasbo]
Oskar Longyka, violina
/ Performed by .abeceda [new music ensemble]
Oskar Longyka, violin
Posnetek s tretjega Festivala sodobne glasbe .abeceda _ 24. junij 2024 _ Festivalna dvorana, Bled, Slovenija
/ Performed at the third .abeceda Contemporary Music Festival _ June 24th, 2024 _ Bled Festival Hall, Slovenia
Snemanje in obdelava zvoka: Iztok Zupan
/ Audio recording and mixing by: Iztok Zupan
Video in montaža: Branko Lenarčič in Evita Podobnikar
/ Video recording and edit: Branko Lenarčič and Evita Podobnikar
Koncert sta sofinancirala Ministrstvo za kulturo Republike Slovenije Občina Bled.
/ The concert was supported by the Ministry of Culture in Slovenia and the Municipality of Bled.