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Kuroshiro Gaming

Kuroshiro Gaming

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@ilovecats03 7 ай бұрын
Hoping Photographer will get his justice one day
@popiko1 7 ай бұрын
Spiritually I pray everyday that the current meta crumbles or that he gets a buff and it suddenly makes Joseph become a usual tournament pick 🙏
@aeolousryu 7 ай бұрын
After Ymm destroyed in the tournament with Photo, hopefully something happens
@danielorlovaquinn 7 ай бұрын
The thing is idk how they would buff him in a good way
@Blitz.Beetle 7 ай бұрын
Photographer is a hunter hard to buff due him inflicting potential unavoidable damage/downs. If they buff his chase, that might make him feel unfair to play against
@popiko1 7 ай бұрын
@@Blitz.Beetle I think that at this point in the game, there will always be hunters/survivors that are more flexible than the rest, think of sangria, she has both map control AND chase so that does make her quite meta but maybe in the future she'll become a discarded hunter like bonbon or gala who used to appear a lot in tourney's a long while ago. All I'm saying is that personally I'd rather watch a Joseph match than a sangria one 🤔
@yuliaefanova 7 ай бұрын
I won't argue that Opera is absolutely on top of the tierlist but damn, I find her so clunky and she doesn't feel good to play at all. Also her hitbox is just...something. Idk I found it easier to learn DW than her. Jumping between shadows looks so effortless on those footages but in game it's just pure pain (solely my experience with her). So I'll just stick with DW
@danielorlovaquinn 7 ай бұрын
I think the devs talked about this but mobile vs pc opera is so different on mobile i find it harder to do as well with her she doesnr ever feel as fast as when when i watch proplay but then on pc she feels so much more consistent and faster amd hits i would miss on mobile land easily on pc
@Gourmetofcringe 7 ай бұрын
I used to say the same thing about Sangria when I tried to play it when it became available for training mode... DW is much more comfortable in terms of gameplay
@RosaSatanParks 3 ай бұрын
girl tea
@baodumpling4671 7 ай бұрын
One bad thing about Fool's Gold that is he need to hold survivors at one area to get benefit from his break area, but this game have too many pallets and it close with each other. So, survivors just run away from those area safety or just simply "hold W" to counter Fool' Gold (he kinda slow).
@zukoz4524 7 ай бұрын
37:01 what's funny is that perfumer can't even counter dw at all. if you patroller her early she won't be able to use perfume properly thanks to the biting animation. so honestly there are so little dw counters in rank rn it's silly
@_AZ19_ 7 ай бұрын
Are you telling me I'm a masochist for choosing Joseph as my main? Honestly, I'm already kind of tired of playing survivors so I'm trying to have fun as a hunter lol Also, I have a weakness for male hunters (Itaqua, Wu Chang, Alva... Yes, I definitely like to suffer 😂)
@Evalora 7 ай бұрын
58:22 thaaaaat... sounds like something i'd say.. they did the little cutie so rough though, and feels like they keep screwing with sensitivity so now instead of 50% accurate chisels i have 20%.. god forbid the terrain indicator like fg has, new hunters are just loaded with power, tools and qol in comparison to the prior gens hum, took so long just for hell ember to target.. part.. of his ai 1:00:27 very nerf by the way, like batter through a window only now you have to go chase the batter through the window through the uncontestable pallet and then you lose
@Hfr2nd 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for hunter tier list ❤
@griz507x 7 ай бұрын
the power creep is real. most old hunter have like 1 base skills and their max is just a buff to their base or half, while new hunters get like 3 skills and new ones every presence, its really bad tbh because either you give new skills to old hunters basically a new hunter itself or make really basic hunters hurting the game in the long term
@theeskrungly 6 ай бұрын
As someone who has never, and I mean never even touched the hunter role before, night watch is so much fun to play to the point I feel encouraged to main hunter more.
@arssenee 7 ай бұрын
naiad and soul weaver in tie? they r so easy to win against unless ur an elk or have no teamwork (still very elkcore). wax seems a bit low for his capability, It's just that his players are lazy but at the same time very sweaty.. galatea is too high tho... she is very easy to dodge statues bc they have to focus on statue placement or basic attack instead of both (just depending on situation and survivor gameplay) like literally all u have to do for gala and grace is transition kite????
@xiao1841 7 ай бұрын
They’re tie queens lol
@chrombran3169 7 ай бұрын
Galatea placement is definitely questionable. Combined with the placement of Bonbon who ulimately is a better Galatea is many spaces down for no valid reason
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
For gala it’s a little higher bc on the same circumstances if u get a 30s down as both gala and Bon Bon, you have more chances to win as gala bc of her chisel. Even if it doesn’t do much it’s still 12s disrupt. Gala can also disrupt certain survivor abilities. While I don’t disagree bon Bon is easier to chip and chair camp in open areas. Sculptor still does have long distance chip compared to Bon Bon when using chisel + statues I guess for chaircamp it’s also bc u can play mind games compared to merc gk or F.O who can run in immediately and rescue? But yeah I don’t disagree gala is a bit high but since I’m a gala main I know a bit more than the usual but she seems very low niche to me rnnn But I also guess it’s bc this is more of a rank tierlist rn so I could be biased!
@VictorHugo-xn9jz 7 ай бұрын
What tier would you put a pro/expert Mad Eyes?
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
That would also depend on the survivor I feel, bc in a nutshell, if we have 2 survivors on a cipher. 1 destroying console and the other decode. Mad eyes gets countered real hard. But if its a madeyes chase. That also depends too bc early game u dont have console until insolence pops up. SO IF ITS A REALLLY good mad eyes ill probs put him on Tie/Niche bc he has high chair camp and cipher control Just that he is vunerable to chase and harass rebound kite which is the biggest issue i feel
@iseull444 7 ай бұрын
can u do a surv tier list pls 🥺
@danielorlovaquinn 7 ай бұрын
1:27:43 help why is she hitting the chair?
@Илья-у1щ9й 7 ай бұрын
kuroshiro can you explain what your opinion on Fool's Gold is based on? On your streams, I saw you playing it 2-3 times maximum, and this has been since its release. Maybe you've seen good players on it or know something that others don't? If this is true I would like to see it. if your opinion about him is just a joke and you do not pretend to be an adequate critic, then say so and we will close this topic. I’ll say in advance that I wrote without negativity and only out of interest.
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
Well it’s kinda the same as what I said in the tierlist already too. I guess he could be map dependant too? Like other hunters but! 1/ he can mainly counter big maps like moon lit eversleeping Chinatown hospital and Leos 1 pick axe and he locks the whole range of stairs. And as we know 2 story areas are always survivors lost OP spots 2/ he can atk when his axe is out. That means he has an upper hand when playing mind games between pallet chips and such, 3/ he has low cool-down so he can catch up towards survivors fast. Not only that he can block certain routes bc of this ability too. 4/ he counters wall hugging survivors like priestess merc prospector I would even say doctor bc of pallet camp. In this case too he can also stop survs from rescuing with pickaxe though it’s low it’s still doable. The counterpoint to this may be that u can just ban them. But at the same time it’s kinda like saying barmaid counters DW but DW still S tier 5/ Presence 1 allows u lock areas immediately . Ig if u want to know a hidden trick, some fools gold only place down the rock when the pick axe is about to come back be default. So it would guarantee chip survivors on ciphers 6/ most fools gold I watch in CN plays mind game really well and knows how survivors loop so they throw pickaxe really well. It doesn’t need to chip it just needs to disturb survs enough to get a normal hit on them. Kinda why I see him niche. He definitely works well in chasing after survivor in 2 story and I feel like that’s one of his strongest points tbf. And he has a bit of everything else alongside with that but some people say it’s really hard to chip and chair camp which I don’t disagree and maybe I’m just too saturated on 1 trick Fools gold mains xD
@Илья-у1щ9й 7 ай бұрын
@@KuroshiroGaming Thank you for always answering questions.
@somesymbols371 7 ай бұрын
Mid-tier Undead/Feaster main. Undead is weaker. You just can circle him around a big structure and he can do nothing. Nothing. If we add lags and bad connection… well, you are screwed completely. And Undead has a lot of counters - healing, tanking hits, abusing some OP spots/transitioning, cipher rush. And with addition of Puppeteer, he finally has a survivor that can obliterate him early game and let others to decode, if you decide to chase him. If not, he can assist others so good, that Undead just can’t do anything with it. Puppeteer feels like as an unbreakable if I play as Undead. When I play as Feaster, Puppeteer feels just decent. So guys, please, don’t main Undead if do not want to be tortured.
@squidbaitgaming8533 3 ай бұрын
Former S Undead, gotta say that I can’t agree with this. Circling works decently, but is able to be fought with the Impulsive persona. There are also quite a few counters on here that hit Feaster harder than Undead (namely transitioning). Feaster’s so incredibly slow that he’s horrid against transitioning and really loses most of his cipher control. And abuse of good kiting spots/rush hurts Feaster as well. Puppeteer is indeed a counter to Undead. But Cheerleader is a counter to Feaster, and from my experience, she is SIGNIFICANTLY more common than Puppeteer (thanks to Matthias’ debuff).
@Zack-ks1ww 7 ай бұрын
I think Jack should go in Nice
@gamingalive2626 7 ай бұрын
Nightmare is the no-skill hunter where when you main it you probably wont play anybody else but you still have to learn other hunters cause its just that bad
@danielorlovaquinn 7 ай бұрын
After seeing top tier nightmares i would disagree in fact i think the reason he feels meh even in mid to low tiers is because it takes a bit to learn your dive angles and whem to teleport with your birds and apply pressure
@JDM.13B 7 ай бұрын
survivor please
@honeymouns 7 ай бұрын
Kuro i know everyone is starting out with luchino because of the recent buff but like....luchino above bq?? And Ann? 😭😭 pls reconsider
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
I do think luchino has more bc of crash AOE and unlimited jumps now xD
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
I do think luchino has more bc of crash AOE and unlimited jumps now xD
@macready7027 7 ай бұрын
Ann is quite debatable in my opinion considering she can counter most harassers, but I do believe he’s better then bq at camping and map pressure, being able to jump unlimitedly grants a lot of benefits traversing around the map quicker meanwhile bloody queen is limited and has much more longer cooldown then he does his leap is 9 seconds meanwhile her is 15 meaning he use his abilities more consistently then she can. Camping definitely goes to Luchino just because he has AOE and you guaranteed double stuff meanwhile Bq in order to stop rescue she obviously has to hit from far range I definitely say AOE is better because you get double hits and even getting your final presences faster
@Monokirb 7 ай бұрын
I think a good nerf for Sangria would be to make her teleport ability only available at max presence
@bolt8771 6 ай бұрын
buddy that is an insane nerf💀
@just_chum 6 ай бұрын
Not sure you joking or not but that just straight up dumb nerf
@soupshouldgetgud8506 6 ай бұрын
@@bolt8771and she’s a absolutely insane hunter her kit is the best in the game
@Evalora 7 ай бұрын
7:55 interestingly it was pointed out to me that gk is one of the top hunter bans in high tier in cn/asia currently and is becoming popular, i didn't buy it (particularly after my run-in with a cowboy that knows what they're doing *post-nerf* that forced a loss on gk) but played him a lot after and notably even against the hard teams i got they had no chance to get 3+ out, just kind of.. trapped high-end tiles when i could, avoided destroying traps with chairs, played an insanely nasty stuff game with patroller + hook into trap to force after-halfs/1-chair kills, good hook aim/mobility etc
@idv__galafx 7 ай бұрын
gk got popular after a really good specialty player started playing + he got buffed so a lot of hunters are learning him
@K_reacher 7 ай бұрын
​@@idv__galafxwhich player r u talking about?
@goldenhielitosv2176 7 ай бұрын
As a main Naiad, it hurts me that she is no longer as useful as she was during the sixth COA, for example, but it is also true that Netease has not given her any benefit or improvement against the current meta because she is a "balanced" hunter
@boyhn999 7 ай бұрын
Flywheel nerf she :))
@NonbinaryKeigan 7 ай бұрын
I think Violetta deserves niche. As a long time Vio main, I think the true reason for her low usage and sometimes mediocre performances is player inexperience. Rarely if ever do I see competitive violettas play her well. They play her like opera singer. Her ability cannot be spammed freely early game, I can’t count the amount of times violettas use 80 webs for the first hit and sometimes don’t even get it. Or use webs early game to catch up when that’s not how she should be played. Conservation is key and her greatest strength and weakness. She takes time to charge, but she is actively charging while you get rotated or look for someone. With enough webs she’s unstoppable as we see. That even in guarantee loss situations, she can pull out a tie endgame with webs stacked up. I really wish the people who choose to play her would practice her more, she has a high learning curve for a hunter with a very basic kit.
@danielorlovaquinn 7 ай бұрын
YES OMG PROPLAY SOUL WEAVER SOMETIMES IRKS ME, knowing when to use her webs is integral to her play. Also for lower end phones or mid to bad ping her speed buff + shooting webs isnt as good and lags very easily making her hard to use on top of her web placement being inconsistent unless you know her enough
@soIzec 7 ай бұрын
Gonna have to strong disagree with that Fool's Gold placement here, chief. His unstable grounds has a far stricter hitbox than most people actually thing it has, and a lot of the time a survivor wont even get chipped when they throw sown a pallet despite him throwing his pickaxe pretty perfectly. The area around pallets isn't entirely covered, so a survivor can actually hug themselves near the wall that doesn't have unstable grounds and easily mindgame the fool's gold into recalling his pickaxe. If he throws his pickaxe and plans to dash to it, a survivor can fairly easily just run right back at him and gain free distance on him. His dash pretty much only really benefits him if the survivor is really far away, in which case the distance gained is not that much. His magnetic rock is actually extremely weak for pressuring ciphers, because it gives a visual warning before it does the chip damage. The time between the visual warning and the chip damage increases the further away he is from the magnetic rock. What this means is that the survivors can actually just keep decoding and the rock will not be a threat to them, so long as they are far enough away to be able to react to the visual warning (which really isn't that far if I'm being honest here). His camp is ok, but he really can't do too much in terms of kind games because the unstable grounds is not that big around the chair. The best thing he really can do is to just throw the pickaxe at the chair, wait a bit, hit the rescuer and then while they are rescuing the pickaxe comes back and cancels their rescue animation, allowing you to hit them again. But the timing on this is not on your side because it entirely depends when the survivor goes to rescue (the pickaxe sometimes doesn't cancel their rescue animation). And finally, this is more something towards HappyBud, but they pretty much exclusively show videos where the hunter is performing well. And because they are showing the CN server, this just means there's more players to allow them to show Fool's Gold being played. And remember, just because CN has more players, doesn't mean they don't also have more bad players. My credibility is being the former 8th Fool's Gold for the na/eu server, the reason we don't see more Fool's Gold is because of the reasons I listed above, I will stand my ground that we won't see him performing well at all in tourney when he becomes available for use, that is all and goodbye.
@nidgithm 7 ай бұрын
i agree (though not like i have any credibility), i think hes fun but i feel like he's kinda on the weaker side, its too easy to avoid his chip hits even for lower tiers. i hope they can buff him a little someday
@chrombran3169 7 ай бұрын
Pretty much agree, although I will say that when Fool's Gold does his mind games well he is pretty scary. Personally I'd put him as a tie hunter.
@MihaelLawliet01 7 ай бұрын
I agree. As a current top 30 Cyclops Tier Fool’s Gold.
@somesymbols371 7 ай бұрын
@@chrombran3169A- tier. Someone that isn’t B tier or lower nor A tier. In between level.
@kiriwiwii 7 ай бұрын
kuro ily, i agree with most of your opinions BUT nooo waay fools gold is high tier. he is nearly as bad as nightmare imo. he is inceredibly easy to kite. it's so hard to get a chip hit with him because his skill is really easy to dodge. he is also very slow. his magnetic rock thing is also very very weak. i know i'm repeating myself but i think he would be in the "doable w/o full team vc". or maybe tie guarantee if played well enough... i watched a lot of pro players as well and even they seem to struggle with him😭😭 i want him to get a buff so bad tbh, he doesn't deserve this. (ofc these are all just my opinions)
@danielorlovaquinn 7 ай бұрын
As someone who plays opera ans clerk quite consistently... i feel like clerk is almost as strong as opera, i feel like in general even high tier survivors dont really know how to play against opera and just factor their loss to her strength and not to their lack of skill against her, i feel like if survivors did get good against opera clerk and opera would be closer in strength
@ffcmobilelegends2825 7 ай бұрын
Fg and Nw in the same tier , for real?
@xiao1841 7 ай бұрын
Fg is just another nightmare imo but hunter tier list are based on someones opinions and experiences so don’t take them to heart
@ihrmoos_ 7 ай бұрын
Nah cause personally I would put him at B tier, because for me he's not the weakest but also not the strongest. He's decent at some point, but very easy to counter sometimes. Not sure but that's on me lmao
@donitas90 7 ай бұрын
What does vc mean?
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
Voice comms!
@donitas90 7 ай бұрын
@@KuroshiroGaming so that means premade teams would make him difficult to rank?
@xiao1841 7 ай бұрын
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
@donitas90 pre-made teams makes it harder for u to win. In actuality it’s already hard to win as those hunters but if it’s a pre-made team it’s even harder in a sense
@testa-x7z 7 ай бұрын
1:29:52 i'm in mid tier and i usually do the wrong cipher inspect trick, it's like after you chair someone you look towards an undecoded cipher so they'll think i used my skill😂
@tedstar15 7 ай бұрын
@sanradin 7 ай бұрын
bro, no shoutout to happybud???
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
It’s now in description! Thanks for calling it I forgot to put it in-
@godofballs8819 7 ай бұрын
Axe boy 🔛🔝 but yeah tie guarantee ,cannot argue w that
@Muath-Mahmoud 7 ай бұрын
I thought he was a win/lose hunter just like hermit
@meepmeep5901 7 ай бұрын
dreamwitch* lets bffr
@KitKat-hk8op 2 ай бұрын
@chapface 5 ай бұрын
Given, It's been a good bit since I played, and I wasn't a particularly great player even then. But as a Hell Ember main, I honestly felt his buff back then was more of a nerf. The speed increase doesn't really mean anything. I mean it's nice for sure, but it really isn't enough to be useful The startup increase for the phantom is really nice. But again, it doesn't really do as much as it should. Being able to choose the target it definitely really nice, but I also find it to be rather niche. The issue with the buff comes into factor with the increased phantom startup for camping. You just can't anymore. 4.5s is more than enough for them to either rescue if close enough no issue, no pressure, or even just to run behind any random obstacle and watch the phantom leave. Even with the targeting, the phantom will just leave if that selected target is behind any random obstacle. Truthfully, the best way to buff Hell Ember is just to make the Phantom's AI a little less awful. I don't mind Hell Ember being bad, I usually like playing the bad things anyway. But that buff really just felt more like an insult than anything, which is kinda funny tbh.
@CyberSprout1 7 ай бұрын
No Nightmare is good trust, he's a secret top tier i swear
@animemax7788 6 ай бұрын
Are you sure Nightmare is not playing with the smash pallet simulator game?
@AlyynxVG 7 ай бұрын
Tbh i main Vio just because i like his gameplay style even if i suck at aiming + timing the strings. Im still learning on how to play Opera and The Sculptor since i also like their gameplay style :D
@anna.luv3 7 ай бұрын
violetta is a male fr
@AlyynxVG 6 ай бұрын
​@@anna.luv3 i meant Violinist actually, but okay
@hhimi 7 ай бұрын
a 2 hours long vid after THAT stream 😭😭
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
@hhimi 7 ай бұрын
@Lost_S 5 ай бұрын
really hyped for the next tier list after warp, I feel like many characters that lack map control are gonna benefit from it
@gary52787 2 ай бұрын
Bro I can kite geisha better than nightmare or maybe I'm just bad idk
@sonotnana 7 ай бұрын
4 seconds no hit wall 6 seconds hit wall
@rongchoo 7 ай бұрын
its been awhile, i just came back to play idv again, this hunter tier list huge help for banning, cause i just reached griffin after a week, there is so much new stuff in idv now 😮😭 hope i could watch ur live kuro more often~
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
@yvngmt_ 7 ай бұрын
Do a survivor one
@animemax7788 6 ай бұрын
Now the Cipher decoding is way too fast, 3min30sec for 5 Ciphers as long the first juker didn't bring the hunter to their ally. If the Hunter unable to down a survivor within 2min, then it is 3 escape or 4 escape games already.
@sn0w810 5 ай бұрын
Nw on niche........ LOL stopped watching. Don't listen to him.
@soupy3481 4 ай бұрын
hmm i kinda agree he’s easier to kite than bq geisha
@Joriginality 7 ай бұрын
Dude you're the only hunter who I see speaking the truth about Bonbon, I feel proud of my judgement on him knowing I'm not the only one who feels like he is suffering.
@danielorlovaquinn 7 ай бұрын
It kills me to see people in cjat say he needs a nerf 💔
@Joriginality 7 ай бұрын
@@danielorlovaquinn I think it's because he can be really dominant on lower tiers, since people don't know how to kite him. I've gone till cyclops with 100% of wr, and considering most of the playerbase is on griffin or lower, it's understandable to see why there is so much unfair ruckus about him lmao.
@danielorlovaquinn 7 ай бұрын
@@Joriginality oh 100% its like naiad where he applies so much pressure if you dont know how to play against him and easily dominates
@Joriginality 7 ай бұрын
@@danielorlovaquinn I think it's quite the opposite. Bonbon doesn't have pressure, but people feel pressured to rescue because that's the average game "oh let's rescue before half or before death so we can extend the kite and yadda yadda yadda", but Bonbon plays exactly the opposite, you should play lax vs. him.
@Fr3aky_Muted 7 ай бұрын
W gonna fully watch this after the 5 hour stream :D
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
@Fr3aky_Muted 7 ай бұрын
@@KuroshiroGaming FINEEEE
@maximovelazquez6884 7 ай бұрын
So earlyy
@jennie4thewin892 7 ай бұрын
@fizxpik 6 ай бұрын
i love hearing you yap, your voice is perfect for background noise 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
@bananaclipsies 7 ай бұрын
will u post a survivor one too?
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
@MiguelDove 5 ай бұрын
Naiad is my main hunter she is one of the best hunters in the game
@ZeusIDV 7 ай бұрын
Is this more rank oriented tourney oriented/ havent watched full video yet so if you mention it later I shall edit
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
More rank related
@Ech0st 7 ай бұрын
Im planing to start playing this game, is it good?
@kriiiiisa 4 ай бұрын
@Ech0st 4 ай бұрын
@@kriiiiisa too late, man
@skullsfire1155 3 ай бұрын
@@Ech0st you enjoying the game?
@Ech0st 3 ай бұрын
@@skullsfire1155Idk sometimes yes sometimes no
@yungtoe5110 5 ай бұрын
Ain’t no way he put clown above gamekeeper
@somesymbols371 7 ай бұрын
Burk is still strong. Just too hard to master.
@liz7 7 ай бұрын
1:04:45 wahh! 😳you cut the video on the best part!!! 😤
@allen0604 7 ай бұрын
I’m excited to see the survivor tier list with the addition of Puppeteer
@noice9193 7 ай бұрын
Wait lizard in the same tier as bq and night watch huh I though bro gets bullied early game and by any harassers
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
From what Ive seen harassers cant do much if they get pushed out or good lizards can do good crashes to ensure double hits. Does waste time but very risky double down situation!
@sayunara 7 ай бұрын
thank you sm for this videooooo! one for survs? ehe
@michealmotor 6 ай бұрын
1:03:13 glitch
@chocopie_wppu 7 ай бұрын
Clerk needs a buff
@arthurblizzardxd2985 7 ай бұрын
Idk why axe boy is a tie gaurantee while bq/ geisha isn’t are na/eu players better at countering axe boy?
@xiao1841 7 ай бұрын
They can just perform better than axe boy
@Duckl3r 7 ай бұрын
Axe boy doesn't have actual good map/cipher pressure ability compare to butterfly or mirror
@Ehzgnimeh 7 ай бұрын
Honestly opera singer is so bad that she can’t be played in rank. Cause she’s banned every game 🤣🤣
@danielorlovaquinn 7 ай бұрын
But thats an issue honestly you get better going against hunters the more you play against them but since she is almost always perma banned they dont and then blame it on her strength
@gb8602 7 ай бұрын
I love the double teleport no camping wu chang strategy, it's a bit old and it doesn't really fit the current meta, but if it works it feels so good
@iAmSirbrave 7 ай бұрын
If this were a SABCD tier list, "S" should stand for "Sangria" 😂
@KuroshiroGaming 7 ай бұрын
You know what next season tierlist names would be now :3
@mr.idontknow8217 7 ай бұрын
I'm playing again after two years and now seeing Luchino, my main, being place much higher in the tier list than when I played it makes me very happy! 💚🦎
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Infinite Craft is Broken..
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Why Battle Ram is Good for Clash Royale
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Can You Beat Hitman 3 Without Breaking ANY Laws?
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Which Smash Characters have Canonically Smashed?
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Could Link Win the Olympic Decathlon?
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12 Tips For New Hunters - Identity V
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Can You Beat Genshin Impact Only Using Kaeya??!!
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Win This Dodgeball Game or DIE…
Alan Chikin Chow
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