poles of 2nd order DE 0:00 case 1 damping ratio b/w 0 & 1 poles are cplx conj underdamped 2:30 case 2 damping ratio = 1 poles are repeating real criticallydamped 5:00 case 3 dampng ratio > 1 two real poles overdamped 7:00 natural and damped freq expr ito syst par 8:00 natural freq is when syst has zero excitation and zero daming and ini. perturbation given 9:50 giving oscillating sinusoidal resp underdamped 2nd order syst unit step resp has sinu oscillations at damped freq wd 13:00 performance specs of 2nd order syst viz rise time 27:30 as damping ratio inc -> rise time inc -> syst slows 39:00