secret santa (puasa edition) part 1

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Cupcake Aisyah

Cupcake Aisyah

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season two part 1
part 2 will be up in a few days

Пікірлер: 357
@ayuriqachannel1009 4 ай бұрын
Now dh jarang tngok vlog aisyah, since nana xde. Bkn sbb tk suka aisyah, tpi just missing their bond, smpai rasa video aisyah without nana suram. And tngok video nana without aisyah, suram. Skrg rsa sendu je takde dua2 org ni nk nyakat satu sama lain. Its just my 2cent. Love both of them, bkn salah sorg. Tpi dua2! Dua2 syg ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭 P/s: siapa yg tk agree dgn i, sokay i fhm. Lain2 org lain2 pendapat. Just ignore, tkyah rply komen i ok 😘😘
@ninajoseph94 4 ай бұрын
agree. i dari vlog aisyah pergi korea, sampai yg latest ni. mmg i tak tengok. sebab takde Nana 🙃
@madianananajekes275 4 ай бұрын
Agree sis the vibe didnt same ..
@afifahzamri5631 4 ай бұрын
Video aisyah jadi mcm takda spark sgt tanpa Nana. Missing them both in one frame. Hopefully dorang akan berkawan mcm dulu2 balik 🙁
@Snhnqty 4 ай бұрын
To me video aisyah ok je, tak suram or what tapi to me i just sad sebab nana and aisyah like no communication at all. Memang betul bergaduh ke apa.. at least kadang2 ada nana pun best gak. Im just curious 😭😭 secret santa ni nana and aisyah things😪😪😪😭😭😭
@memoryla 4 ай бұрын
Truee i pun rasa mcmtu , both girls bila ada memang rasa vibe dia lain and best
@norhircollection2202 4 ай бұрын
I pun rasa janggal aisyah tak with nana tapiii i sorang je ke rasa ni lebih baik? Nana dah boleh spend more time with her family now, kalau tak before ni asyik dengan aisyah je, i ingat one vid yang adik nana cakap "you always not at home", plus nana pun dah boleh spend time dengan kawan2 lain For aisyah pulak, bila nana dah takda, aisyah nampak lebih berdikari, dan terbukti dia tak perlukan orang untuk sentiasa teman dia, dia boleh buat sorang At the end, ini yang terbaik untuk mereka berdua Tak rapat tapi tak bermusuh❤
@mamatfatimah1017 4 ай бұрын
Smga yg baik2 tuk diaorg.nasi dagang antara ns yg nk try masak tp x masak2 lg😅
@polkadot840 4 ай бұрын
Agreed tho
@nurhidayah362 4 ай бұрын
Knp dgn dorang wak??
@LaraTasha 4 ай бұрын
Tapi kn, i rasa mcm siapa kita nk busy pasal bond diaorang.. biar la diaorng nk rapat ke jarang ada kt rumh ke. Siapalah kita✌🏻
@manjah8633 4 ай бұрын
@ekaj3559 4 ай бұрын
Part yg paling mbanggakan is actually masak something yg xpernah masak during puasa.. ya Allah.. masak benda yg slalu masak pun ghisau tau time bulan puasa. Ni pulak yg xpernah masak.. susah² pulak tu.. hebat la korang... can't wait for part twooooooo
@afifahfrzna 4 ай бұрын
Kak wani paling tenang, kak farah enjoy her cooking, aisyah very stress and kelam kabut, kak mel funniest 🤣 GOOD JOB EVERYONE!!!!❤😘
@krose8811 4 ай бұрын
Kak farah is so organize suka tngok dia masak everything went smoothly
@hjiha.x 4 ай бұрын
okay, i'm gonna say this now sebab takut nnti dh hujung video lupa nak ckap. i just wanna say that aisyah i'm so proud of you because you come out of your comfort zone. as an introvert myself,going to buy something by myself(esp pasar) is hard, seeing you can do this inspire me to do the same. like you inspire me to come out of my comfort zone more often. this is truly part of perjalanan hidup and i like the fact that i can learn so much from your vlog. 💜🫶🏻
@gxf1534 4 ай бұрын
as an introvert too, i lagi suka keluar pergi pasar sorang sorang 😂
@hjiha.x 4 ай бұрын
​@@gxf1534HAHAHAHA paham, mmg best pergi sorng cuma part yng tkde courage tu time nk pilih ii barang je. 🤣 jarang pegi pasar belike.
@hjiha.x 4 ай бұрын
okay i just finished watching this, sumpah terhibur, i suka gila tngok korng semua chaotic masak-masak and i'm so proud of everyone!! i really can't wait for part 2, i'm so excited to see what's gonna happen but congratulations for everyone's effort to try cook all the menus. memang best aisyah content you. I love everyone here ❤ saya ni jarang sebenarnya tngok orang masak-masak but for you aisyah i can watch any vlog you do. love you aisyah and don't forget hidup kena chill ❤. so proud of you and love you, i will always support you.
@user-po7it5qe5g 4 ай бұрын
Saya pernah tjadi macam kisah aisyah n nana ni with my fav kazen.. lgi teruk lagi masa tu smpai melibatkan family dan kwn2.. truk i kna buruk kn smpai brtahun x tegur kazen i..n the lastly.. i myesal sbb kazen i sakit n pergi tggal kn i selamanya🥺 so now no more memory bru da sama dia cuma kenangan lama. Masa tu i nmpk dia d kapan kan smpai mata n muka bengkak sbb nngis nonstop .. tpi mgkin kisah aisyah n nana lain .. harap2 mereka ok mcm dulu rindu sgt🥺🥺🥺
@fasihah_ 4 ай бұрын
i think everyone should accept the facts that nana and aisyah takkan jadi macam dulu lagi. if rindu, tengok jelah video lama. people grows and both of them have their own life. lagipun bila nana takde ok la sikit takde la aisyah ni manjang nak kena kecam je
@aishaazhar7954 4 ай бұрын
What happened btw the two?
@nurhidayah362 4 ай бұрын
Actually knp dgn dorg??
@fasihah_ 4 ай бұрын
i think apa yang mel cakap tu macam hint je apa yang actually berlaku
@arissaalya848 4 ай бұрын
​@@fasihah_ hint apa?
@RandomSyaf 4 ай бұрын
@@arissaalya848towards the end Mel ada rant about cutting people off
@yesmeizz 4 ай бұрын
bila part aisyah berubah macm nk nanggis je part pergi pasar alone omg i feel it mesti nk ajak nana . hope u both doing well even tak macm dulu be strong 🥹🥰
@junekay2296 4 ай бұрын
Kawan tu penat record, cakap, edit & upload video tolong appreciate 🙌🏻 kalau asyik asyik tanya nana, mesti diaorang lagi tak selesa 👐🏻
@jane970112 4 ай бұрын
Guys, belajar respect orang punya decision sikit... ini vlog dia, it's up to her and include siapa dalam vid dia. Bagi dia ruang. Jangan asyik nak sebut orang yang dia tak boleh nak include dalam vid at this moment. Tak ada dalam vid bukan bermaksud hubungan mereka tak baik. I believe they're cool. So korang better stop asyik nak bertanya or gatal nak bercakap pasal ni. Nak tengok.. tengok no need be netizan "ahh tak best takde dia and aisyah in one vlog" "peliknya tak ada dia" bla bla bla... so netizen2 jangan nak drama sangat. Dorang ok je...
@AR-ff3tt 4 ай бұрын
honestly, i prefer CA with Nana videos. I rewatch those videos every single time. You can just feel the genuine and sincere relationship between them both. when people ask where's nana, i feel that its not so much about people not wanting CA to be independent, people being busybody and whatsoever but its because it is undeniable that Nana and CA vibes are just filled with GENUINE positivity that it simply radiates through the screen. it makes the viewers feel that happiness as well. the way Nana supports her and vice versa. it kinda feels different and odd to see Mel suddenly come in the picture as well. and suddenly its a 'trio'. she is probably nice and all. but to suddenly see Mel and CA being "manja-manja" just like how Nana is with CA, it feels kinda odd. no matter what, cant beat the relationship between CA and Nana. Even CA's family vibes with Nana is so entertaining to watch and not cringy when they are clingy to each other. all your vlogs with Nana was the best. that being said, YES, CA can still be close with whoever she wants, she owes no one anything, but this is just a sincere opinion from her active viewer since last time. your relationship with Nana brings so much light to everyone that everyone cant help but to ask. so please the rest dont have to call out names like "busybody" bla bla bla cus CA gives so much happiness to many people. and when shes with nana, the happiness doubles. just CA and Nana together are so genuinely fun to watch. that is undeniable.
@AN-sm1kb 4 ай бұрын
Mmg la ni vlog dia tp kita sebagai viewers pun ade pendapat yeah mmg bosan vlog CA lately ni
@rosesaretae1080 4 ай бұрын
i've always been a silent viewer of CA (atleast not from this account hehe). loved her videos since 2015, heck... i'm nearing my 30s and still keeping up with her videos. i know, things are different now with CA and Nana. but, although this request may seemed entitled for, i really wished they could explain what happened between them. atleast as their supporters, we will stop asking. (not kidding.... i terbawak bawak mimpi ok Nana explain to me kenape dia da tk appear in CA video 😂) bukan sebab kite kpo, tapi we LOVE their bond. they've always been so close, and for this challenge, they did together. it's so sad to see one of them missing for the following year nya.... that's all i have to say. i tak pernah leave comments on anyone's channel before tapi i feel like if any of them see this, please address this. kalau tak, org akan keep asking and bukan sebab kite menyibuk tapi kite really want to understand... and those Raya vlogs yang i tengok from Nana, Cheche and Meimei, we dont really see much. it's so different compared to previous years' raya vlogs. sincerely, your subscriber.
@whosarahwho 4 ай бұрын
its like a breakup with no closure that we didnt see it coming, kan? 🥺
@kissha2226 4 ай бұрын
Kan.. zaman2 aisyah pakai sweatshirt dgn topi. Suka tgk aisyah skrg..
@AR-ff3tt 4 ай бұрын
agree. honestly, i prefer CA with Nana videos. I rewatch those videos every single time. You can just feel the genuine and sincere relationship between them both. when people ask where's nana, i feel that its not so much about people not wanting CA to be independent, people being busybody and whatsoever but its because it is undeniable that Nana and CA vibes are just filled with GENUINE positivity that it simply radiates through the screen. it makes the viewers feel that happiness as well. the way Nana supports her and vice versa. it kinda feels different and odd to see Mel suddenly come in the picture as well. and suddenly its a 'trio'. she is probably nice and all. but to suddenly see Mel and CA being "manja-manja" just like how Nana is with CA, it feels kinda odd. no matter what, cant beat the relationship between CA and Nana. Even CA's family vibes with Nana is so entertaining to watch and not cringy when they are clingy to each other. all your vlogs with Nana was the best. that being said, YES, CA can still be close with whoever she wants, she owes no one anything, but this is just a sincere opinion from her active viewer since last time. your relationship with Nana brings so much light to everyone that everyone cant help but to ask. so please the rest dont have to call out names like "busybody" bla bla bla cus CA gives so much happiness to many people. and when shes with nana, the happiness doubles. just CA and Nana together are so genuinely fun to watch. that is undeniable.
@Eiliynnnnn 4 ай бұрын
“Cukuplah badak ni” Idk why im laughing so hard tapi memang kelakar 🤣🤣🤣😭
@wanieasmuni7489 4 ай бұрын
kak farah so funny HAHAHA dia punya monolog buat i terhibur 😂😂
@wic581 4 ай бұрын
I ❤Kak Farah!
@nrwy6715 4 ай бұрын
ye tho . die ni santai ii je 🤣
@amirahusna4501 2 ай бұрын
Lama gila kak farah masak ayam dia hahaha, everyone dah moving on with something else. She still kacau her ayam 😂😂. This episode so funny.
@asongdavid3197 4 ай бұрын
CA & Nana ni perfect combo, salah sorg xda dia jadi xlengkap. Semoga semua nya baik2 shja ❤
@nurhidayah362 4 ай бұрын
Knp dgn dorg wak?
@nurulsolehah6238 4 ай бұрын
Aku suka tengok zaman CA dengan kezen dia tu. Aku tahu kita kena respect decision diorang or so whatever. Tapi aku pernah sekali haritu tengok video lama dia dengan manager lelaki tu, and terdetik dalam hati "hope nana and CA tak seperate macam dia dngn lelaki ni". And now i am so sad apa yang kita terdetik tu jadi. But afterall you are my fav always CA. Keep smiling and stay postive, CA. I know you're a queen❤
@effaazman6756 4 ай бұрын
boleh tak semua stop asking about nana? about relationship with nana? kesian aisyah , maybe dia nampak okey tapi sebenarnya dalam hati siapa yang tahu right? just support her and nana jelah cukup ❤
@mierapark9432 4 ай бұрын
Aisyah sebut lengkuas betul je bila sendiri, call mama sue terus jadi lengkuang 😂 Me when my brain shut off the moment my mom masuk kitchen
@ijatijuddin 4 ай бұрын
Punyalah excited sampai tak perasan video hampir 2 jam😂 thanks cah, kenyang kitaorang layan video ni..hihihi
@Jrjer02 4 ай бұрын
Kak farah and kak wani plg chill. Masak jela gais cmne cmne. Sdp x sdp blkg cita. Rilek🤣
@liyanaazman6053 4 ай бұрын
kak farah santai gilerrr, asal hati dia tenang nampak lauk tu sedap. ok done! 😂😂😂
@herbs440 4 ай бұрын
Aisyah film and edit video panjang2 but ppl duk minta Nana Nana. Anyways, saya yg stress watching them cook. Can’t wait to see the outcome!
@gxf1534 4 ай бұрын
nana is so loved kan? 🥰
@mierapark9432 4 ай бұрын
I cannot 😂 Memasing ada cara dia lain2 pesen lawak nya. Aku gelak seronok ye tapi sendiri pun lebeh kurang je dekat dapur HAHAHAHAH
@peacenowarandletsenjoy8435 4 ай бұрын
Thankyou aisyah for this video. Was hoping watching it on Puasa sbb last year punya i mmg binge watching vlog u Puasa. Despite what ppl told you, i willingly still wanna watch you. What matter to me was just to see you again😊
@nurazuin5629 4 ай бұрын
Love la 4 org ni, semua sgt cute n best, x sabar utk part 2....😬
@user-hu6wg9xc9g 3 ай бұрын
AC ni kalau speaking semua benda dia nak qalqalah 😆
@pearlvrc 4 ай бұрын
nak nangis sebab takde nana :( rindu aisyah and nana but issokay
@ZulHaiqal 4 ай бұрын
nana will appear during raya. dont worry
@nsadriana3153 4 ай бұрын
Comel laaa Aisyahh pegi pasar alone 😂😂 congrats stargurl 🎉 dh boleh kawin ni
@ayienhana 4 ай бұрын
I’m still waiting for secret Santa 2023 like seriously I’ve been rewatching secret Santa series again and again like there is no tomorrow 😩😭
@farahsyazwani2359 4 ай бұрын
omgg yee dohh
@omgseriouslyllleeepppiii 4 ай бұрын
I've been following CA from the beginning. It’s good to see Aisyah without Nana (I don’t hate her or whatsoever k). It’s just Aisyah is much more independent now without her. Also we should respect their decision not to be in the same screen by stop asking where’s nana. Nana has her own life too now. I Iike watching them separately, I can’t explain why.
@intansopia5864 3 ай бұрын
rasa macam tgok vid aisyah dulu dulu zaman dia tak sgt with nana. so chill la korang.
@usagiakira5586 4 ай бұрын
since this is your first time buat nasi dagang i salute you aisyah..even saya org terengganu sendiri pun x pandai buat..sebab banyak sangat kerja nk kene buat..just like you said better eat nasi putih je lah..😅 but yeah dah nama pun masakan tradisi kan..if tak belajar x tau and kita x pandai nak appreciate effort org yg masak nasi mmg respect org yg pandai buat...👏👏👏
@nnurul6809 4 ай бұрын
thank you che nom 🤩 penyelamat donia semua org🤣
@HannyBunnyBoo1818 3 ай бұрын
@lunastarr1925 4 ай бұрын
the editing of this vlog is super pro...well done, A!!!!! to recite the doa bfore starting to cook is A1
@ijatijuddin 4 ай бұрын
20:43 cute dooh kak mel cari ikan selayang. Actually ikan selayang tu nama lain bagi ikan sardin. 😂
@user-lx6ne7pr6n 4 ай бұрын
Loveeeee giler contents sekarang. Interesting activities korang buat together.
@fluervlovin 4 ай бұрын
okay people. imo, if you see comments likee "rindu nana, nak aisyah dengan nana macam dulu, rindu nana & aisyah" can we just ignore? better we focus more to comments that supporting Aisyah, or give their feedback on Aisyah's vlog. instead of you people always argue bout this matter. everyone has their opinion. so, if diorang rindu aisyah & nana macam dulu. then, let them be. ignore the comments because their opinions are valid. so let them be, as long as they're not being rude or throwing hate to Aisyah or Nana. It's okay. just my 2 cents ✌🏻 chill & enjoy ~~
@ilihafizah1042 4 ай бұрын
agree ❤
@3two375 4 ай бұрын
Dah terbiasa tgok nana dlm vlog aisyah🥺 bila tak da salah sorang rasa ada yg kurang. Tp apa2 pun tetap enjoy dgn smua vlog u syah🤍 rajin2 upload plss🥰
@nuruliman-in5vi 4 ай бұрын
Syaaa HAHHAHAHA dengan tangkai ii cili tu u masukkan
@Marinaaliah.00 4 ай бұрын
Im willingly accompany Aisyah to go pasar tho. Im so proud of her. Youre doing great, Aisyah ❤. Send hugs
@ayyaaa793 4 ай бұрын
I'm so proud of you aisyahh i pun tak pernah pergi pasar sensorangg hehe you did well!
@zestl3m0n 4 ай бұрын
Part 1 and its freaking 1hr44min?!!! HELL YEAHHH!!!
@cikemynuraini2847 4 ай бұрын
kak farah punya effort A+++++++, good job everyone ❤🎉🎉🎉
@azalearedzuan 4 ай бұрын
making secret santa puasa edition as a yearly series is a great idea! i loved this series since last year's puasa. can't wait to see part 2! i get that some people are questioning nana's disappearance in recent vlogs, and i think it's best to respect their decision to be in their own spaces. in fact, they are family anyways, for sure they still interact behind camera.
@ayuninadhirahsulaiman6886 4 ай бұрын
masa mel masukkan pewarna biru for her nasi tu i sumpahhh gelak HAHAHAHAHH knowing its going to be avatar 🤣🤣
@am4mzz 4 ай бұрын
why not you guys reveal the item a day before, so the day itself boleh prepared terus beli ingeredients semua so takde la lambat.
@mshajar3094 4 ай бұрын
Miss aisyahh vloggg, btw kak fara cantikk sgt...glowingg
@maryamazmi2093 4 ай бұрын
“if people tak suka i or if like people can’t get along with me, let them go, maybe Allah heard conversation that i didn’t, maybe there’s always a reason” kak mel, 2024. so trueee, there’s always a reason why Allah won’t let me still be friend with them.
@shahirasharudin195 4 ай бұрын
Aisyah improve a lot! Doing this by herself is not her usual self,. Whatever people are saying i support aisyah ❤ even though i miss nana too ! But i hope nana will doing well to!!hugs
@crystal4747 4 ай бұрын
I love Kak Farah’s energyy 😂❤
@DewiDeeDiary 4 ай бұрын
aisyah, memang campak cili tu skali dengan batang ke omg 😂 kita yg nervous kat sini tengok nyaaaa
@ainanajiha6649 4 ай бұрын
Weh kelakarrrr nasi kerabu avatar kak mel hahahahahahahhahahaha
@cerixxs 4 ай бұрын
chaotic gila weh vid ni ahahhaah tak sabar tunggu part 2
@zuriaanaa 4 ай бұрын
Best video ni…wlpun tak pernah try masak makanan yg diorg dpt,tapi initiative utk belajar & siapkan makanan tu mmg kat sini kita belajar & dpt motivate diri kita walaupun kita tak pandai masak, kita stil bole belajar dgn org lain… best best best hope lps ni ada lagi cabaran mcm ni.. inspiring me too
@intanmastura4665 4 ай бұрын
Kak farah glow up dahsyat ehhhh !!! Cantik gilerrr
@nurhafizahyahya5267 4 ай бұрын
Yup, beautiful gila kannnnssss. I is insecureeeee
@eddyzamri5035 4 ай бұрын
Girls and makeup berpisah tiada.
@meaniebong 4 ай бұрын
@@eddyzamri5035shut up
@AweenWanie0710 4 ай бұрын
@@eddyzamri5035and your point?
@nurulnadiah4563 4 ай бұрын
​@@eddyzamri5035 jealous ler tu takleh make up
@ainsyazwani4590 4 ай бұрын
Proud of aisyah actually 😆😆😘😆
@ainnanatasha9458 4 ай бұрын
Kak farah so funny😂😂😂
@ijatijuddin 4 ай бұрын
omg..wait..still shocked..brb nak layan dulu❤
@nurazuraramli8504 4 ай бұрын
part 2 pleaseee..can't wait. sis dah tak sabar nak tunggu 'few days' tu.
@nurfarahinkamarudin8705 4 ай бұрын
maybe lps ni kne bg rsepi tu lps sahur so that u can prepare the things early
@ninamarina6412 4 ай бұрын
probably should check the recipe first before deciding because macam nasi dagang nak kena rendam 9 jam, tp korang start bg challenge pun dah pukul yeaaaaaaaa...but sokaayyy it was fun to watch.
@amirahmiswan7934 4 ай бұрын
@sofeadelisya25 4 ай бұрын
aisyah please explain why nana takde dah ,if u explain mybe deorang2 ini tak tanya lagi dah ,
@najjynaz 4 ай бұрын
@liaalia7102 4 ай бұрын
Hahaha I feel you Syah 😂 I don’t mind eating fish but to cook it? NAH UH 🥹🥲🙃 Also, Mel punya comment about her rice is just so funny la 😂 Avatar 🤣
@nadiah1510 4 ай бұрын
Part 2 Now pls!!!! Hahaha So proud of all 4 !! All did an amazing job!❤❤❤❤
@nurulawadah7859 4 ай бұрын
tudiaa aisyah🤣🤣 you can create a movie noww🤣🤣
@MidoriGa95 4 ай бұрын
Bila Mel put a cap of blue colouring I dah tergelak sebab it was too much for the amount of nasi she cook and tengok2 yeeeeeep biruuuunya nasi kerabu dia XDD It's okay Mel, like you said yang penting sedaaaaaaaaap
@sharifahfaiqah2308 4 ай бұрын
Naai dagang actually harder than the rest eventhough it is very simple..the nasi itself is hard
@xumairah_ 4 ай бұрын
I love this kind of video, thanks Aisyah, and the rest for putting an effort for us. Love you ❤
@ameliamajid6933 4 ай бұрын
aisyah… I doakan 1 day u nana can mcm dulu2… maybe u both ok je behind the camera tp kami just rindu nk tgk u both together buat content.
@maizatulnajiha7468 4 ай бұрын
Congrats Aisyah! You manage to do it All by yourself🎉 also to the others. Mel punya makeup always on point!😍
@makantido5603 4 ай бұрын
over la uolz ni.. enjoy je la video aishah sis!
@wilieminanilygading 4 ай бұрын
I love farah dah mcm cik nom my opinion🤣 but im proud with ku syaaaa!🫶🏻 How i wish ada nana ❤️ but love semua!!🥰
@nadhirahnik4273 4 ай бұрын
Kak farah muka mcm nawal dah. Cantiknyaaaa
@ivy6127 4 ай бұрын
weh lawa siot kak farah!!!
@MyMemoire 4 ай бұрын
Hahahahahahaha the chaossssssss oh my god 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 masing2 gelabah yaaaaaa 🤣🤣🤣🤣 cantik wait for part 2!!
@kittyneska 4 ай бұрын
Seronok tengok video masak2 from Aisyah & friends. 😁😁 Macam mana la boleh masak full set masakan, first time, time posa pulak tu 😅 Terer laa
@nadiashafika3508 4 ай бұрын
Syahh tangkai cili tak buang weh hahahhahh
@gxf1534 4 ай бұрын
i love kak farah and kak wani sm! more video with them please ❤❤❤❤
@nurulfarhana7838 4 ай бұрын
Kalau tak nak tengok Video Aisyah sbb takda nana takpelah. TAKPAYAH PUN. Biarlah org ikut haluan masing². Penat dah tengok korang semua asyik complaint @ give ur opinions about nana & aisyah. Diam sudahlah, ni smua nak give 2cent mcm tak hormat aisyah jugak. Bosan la, suram la, lain vibes la. Keep ur 2cent by urself sometimes sebab korang tktahu apa jd between them. The comments maybe can hurt both their feelings
@manhattansmores815 4 ай бұрын
ah sebok pulak dia nak marah orang comment apa. taknak tengok comment macam tu ko takyah la baca komen lol
@nurulfarhana7838 4 ай бұрын
@@manhattansmores815 elehhhhhhhh mcm koranh sibukkk je nak comment. Tak suka tgk diamm je lah. Tak pun takpayah tgk. Koranggg rasa bosan kan vibes dia? Takpayah semakkkkk
@manhattansmores815 3 ай бұрын
siapa cakap bosan? org lain comment about the video je ko je beria hahahhaha
@nurulfarhana7838 3 ай бұрын
@@manhattansmores815 lain kali scroll comment, ada yg ckp bosan dh xda nana sampai mereka xda tgk dr blog dkt korea tuuu ... booooooo knp nak marah sgt ? Benda betulll kot org comment
@manhattansmores815 3 ай бұрын
@@nurulfarhana7838dah tu gelabah sangat orang comment apa apa pun asal. ko ke tuan video lol
@kyna6774 4 ай бұрын
Netizen la ni ..kacau je . Dah xde nana skrg🤦😂 . Padahal suka plus plus kalau vlog ada muka dorang 2 ni sekali kawan kawan dia . Mcm kelakar . Perfect . Sbb nk puaskan hati org lain dah nana xde . Tapi xpe , mana korang dua selesa . Jgn puaskan hati org lain . Selagi korang x melampau buat content mengarut . Ok je .. fun fun ..
@Aleev.d 4 ай бұрын
pls do more content dgn kak fara lagi. she so entertaining!
@ijatijuddin 4 ай бұрын
aku faham korang rasa kehilangan/incomplete bila nana takde, sebab aku pun rasa benda yang sama. But as a fans we should respect their decision . Korang tahu kan hatred yang diorang dapat lepas kes tu. Semua haters yang bersembunyi belakang batu pun abis pakat keluar and kutuk diorang kaw-kaw. Maybe keputusan diorang tak lagi muncul dalam youtube each others untuk tutup mulut busuk haters-haters. Aisyah yang selama ni haters cakap spoiled brat, mengada and so on dah buktikan yang dia boleh buat semua benda sendiri.(terbukti dalam video ni and previous video) Nana pulak yang haters cakap hanya tumpang kesenangan aisyah, jadi kuli and so on dah buktikan yang dia boleh buat duit sendiri, gunakan kudrat sendiri. At the end both of them still family. Maybe depan camera diorang tak tunjuk but belakang camera?
@ZhiZhi291 4 ай бұрын
Agreeee!! Nana ngan Aisyah sbenarnya okey je. Yang tk okay tu netizen yg suka kecam2 drg. Sllunya org yg sukses ni mmg byk haters. So hrp Nana ngan Aisyah tk ambil peduli lh kan sbb tak menguntungkan lsg pn haters2 ni. Yg rugi haters tu sendiri jgk.. Nana ngan Aisyah bergaul jgk cuma off camera. Kalau on camera mmg drg tk tunjuk lah sbb mulut haters ni kn sperti pisau..
@ainnajmina3110 4 ай бұрын
kak mel cakak kelate omggg so cuteeee 😂
@nurhazirahbintisufian3680 4 ай бұрын
Shocked !!! Literally was watching ur old vlogs!!! ❤❤❤❤
@mashpotatoo0 4 ай бұрын
omg rasa tengok tv show babe 🤣😭💋💋 lurve!!
@zulaiha95 4 ай бұрын
I tgk krg masak i pun stress susah2 recipe nyer omg haha tapi smth diff i love it!
@farhanajamian 4 ай бұрын
Love this cant wait PART 2 😍
@thesyahirahhomemades 3 ай бұрын
Bahaya letak laptop dkt tepi api dapur tu 😵‍💫
@xxxlynlsxxx 4 ай бұрын
Nasi mcm avatar tu kelakar lah mel 😂
@789nadi 4 ай бұрын
aisyah boleh tak bt vlog kak mel tutorial makeup..sebab makeup kak mel sooooo kemas and cantik plus on pointttt.. pleasee
@nurain5784 4 ай бұрын
aisyah jangan lama sangat simpan part 2 ..tak sabar dah ni nak tengok 😂😂😂
@user-wx5jj2nk4b 4 ай бұрын
BESTNYA VIDEO NI!!! cant wait for part 2!! goodjob aisyah!!
@darrelfilms 4 ай бұрын
kak farah kept on doubting herself yet hers look so promising💀😭
@ayyaaa793 4 ай бұрын
Seronoknya tengok korang masakkk macam variety show 😍
@clouday8824 4 ай бұрын
i need kak mel and kak farah punya makeup tuto especially the base cuz their skin glow gilo... please drop the make up tutooo
@NurulAinBintiTalib 4 ай бұрын
lurve kak farah vibes! i can see me in kak farah vibes hahhaha
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