1400 years old Jahalat isn't ready to reform, refine , Only rigid .
@syedaamirtufail1546Ай бұрын
but love and accept 5000 years religion 😊😊
@arifsaleem5467Ай бұрын
@@syedaamirtufail1546 But that's not true, it's only a myth. So-called Hinduism is only some seventeen hundred years old. Before that they were all Buddhist. I said so-called Hinduism because Hinduism is not a single religion, the followers of hundreds of different local religions were collectively labeled as Hindu by central Asian rulers for their own convenience.
@jokepore1532Ай бұрын
Mujeet, Hinduism's book vedas is older than Islam @@arifsaleem5467
@SHIVAMYadav-pw5uzАй бұрын
@@arifsaleem5467quite true....but there are so many religious similarities do Exists as well .. which makes them closer .... which became the reason for this convineince.....
@targetofficial5821Ай бұрын
सुबह उठते ही सबसे पहले आपकी वीडियो देखता हूं मैं इस समय 4.55 सुबह ये वीडियो देख रहा हूं ❤❤❤
@40_plus_OriginalArabiQuransАй бұрын
I request you all to read MA Khan FREE book ke topics(1 page) - Islamic Jihad. You will be SHOCKED in what PAIN HINDUS survived in just 1 page. Pls don't delete this comment, your kids life will be better
@GuzzarAwanАй бұрын
@@targetofficial5821 bhai bhajan ya lataji ke gaane suna kar sabse pahle. Itne achce time uth jataa hai tu
@ziarehman4421Ай бұрын
Thank you Awais Sahib, nice information about Quran and mufti . So basically these days , we have Quran on line, so we don’t need mufti Yasir and mufti Masood kind of Intellectually dishonest maqars, they are just running money making schemes.
@shaheenshah6997Ай бұрын
Great Brother ❤ Great jab shah from kpk Pakistan.🎉
@amitnahtaАй бұрын
Amazing video Awais bhai, keep up doing good work.
@MusicLover-rv1uuАй бұрын
تو جب ھاتھ سے کتابین لکھی جاتی تھین۔تو یہ سحاح ستہ وارپعی کی کی جلدون کی کیسے میسر ھوسکتی تھین؟
@Hellobrother-d1sАй бұрын
@@MusicLover-rv1uuWoh bhi baad main banai gai hon gi, completely apnay se ulima batain banatay hon gay.
@usmanmeer9931Ай бұрын
Bhai jab pata hi Nahi to BAAT hi kyion Ker rahay ho pehlay pata Ker loo ho sakta hay howa ho GA k Kia MATLAB hay
@SabinaKhatoon-s7dАй бұрын
تمہارے science ایک مچھر کا پر نہیں بنا سکتے تب کدھر بھاگتے ہو اللہ کو چھوڑ کر۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
@shaktipaulsharma4922Ай бұрын
The illiteracy of a camel driver created Islam; Jizzah, Dhimmi Mal a Ganmit and Loondis concepts made it stronger and availability of internet in a region for next 100 years will annihilate Islam in that region.
@arifsaleem5467Ай бұрын
Your assessment is fundamentally flawed.
@mdnasir7jАй бұрын
People are becoming more agnostic these days. But I don't think any religion would completely wipe out from the society. People might chose to become agnostic but i cannot imagine a religion less society atleast for next 4-5 thousand years
@shaktipaulsharma4922Ай бұрын
@@mdnasir7j There is no problem if the entire planet has Muslims like Darashiko,Bullashaw, Quran wala and Awais Iqbal.
@shaktipaulsharma4922Ай бұрын
@@arifsaleem5467 Islam gave the concept of omnipotent Allah which is impotent before Israel.
@arifsaleem5467Ай бұрын
@shaktipaulsharma4922 Millions of Hindu gods sucked the dicks of Muslim rulers for a thousand years.
@zam-ut8ydАй бұрын
@lalaabdulfatah8506Ай бұрын
Due to todays very informative video i have hit subscribe button...
@Junaidkhan-x4y5mАй бұрын
Zabardast ❤
@targetofficial5821Ай бұрын
Sir i respect you and are you vary inteligent person ❤❤❤❤❤
@VijayVyas-k1uАй бұрын
Always Great 👍 iqbal sir 🙏 ❤
@recipeworld4890Ай бұрын
Great explanation of sactorinazim of Islam
@GillKing76Ай бұрын
God bless you. Brother very good
@pankajji2709Ай бұрын
Thanks Sir ❤
@rohaab1Ай бұрын
بہت زبردست تحقیق اور تجزیہ کا اللہ تعالی اپ کو سلامت رکھے اور اپ کو ہدایت دے
@Nirajkumar-ce5ypАй бұрын
Allah ko ye nahi manta hai
@naveedmayo3661Ай бұрын
Yh Allah pak ko nhi manta hai
@Insanbano291Ай бұрын
Amazing background view Awais bhai...
@MuhammadNadeem-er7hnАй бұрын
Great 👌
@javaidiqbal8467Ай бұрын
I am Pakistani. You are great. Socialism is true economy system. I also traslate Feuerbach quotes in Urdu I read everyday. Thank you true. Thank
@ATANUDEY-pm4gxАй бұрын
I am from a Hindu family but I am atheist.
@lalaabdulfatah8506Ай бұрын
Very best video.. Awais bhai please make the informative video.. Please avoid to preach aithesim but preach rationalism
@SM-ee4ufАй бұрын
Awais speak high level urdu.. I found it difficult to understand. but its so very sweet language for ears.
@sanjaytyagi7Ай бұрын
Nice Awais bhai ...
@afrozairin8438Ай бұрын
Please make an elaborate video on the difference between Shiasm and Sunnism
@MdManjar-oo3nzАй бұрын
Nice video
@jaisirikoli1623Ай бұрын
Great job
@amjadfiaz4830Ай бұрын
❤❤❤great from Pakistan
@AzmiIbrahim-i7yАй бұрын
@mubasharahmad9872Ай бұрын
@saqimalik421724 күн бұрын
U r right
@Rogue-MessengerАй бұрын
That’s important & critical thing to talk about. Lovely thanks. Please ignore every Tom Dick and Harry to interview with. Love you for what you do👈
@Ahlul_hadeesАй бұрын
😂😂😂Kyu fir expose hote hai na 😂😂 Coconut 🥥🥥🥥
@Rogue-MessengerАй бұрын
@ I don’t understand your comments but thank you you said something positive - Ok- I suppose. Thank you 🙏
Ex-muslim, now atheist and vegan from Karachi here.
@secretofsameera3637Ай бұрын
Awas bhai ap aab woh baaty karty ho jo mery jesy booht se loogo k dilo m hooti h per hum bool nhi sakta well done
@awaisali2159Ай бұрын
You are great 👍
@RaeesAhmed-pi3zxАй бұрын
@JackbackXАй бұрын
Be human, let us live ❤😢
@mazhermirza6518Ай бұрын
Awais Iqbal humanity is not foliah har insane apney zindge main bar bar khuda ko experience Karta Hai .
@mazhermirza6518Ай бұрын
خدا کو محسوس تو کیا جا سکتا بیان نہیں کیا جا سکتا ۔۔۔۔اس کاہنات میں ایک ایٹم بی فضول یا فالتو نہیں ہے ۔ہر چیز کی ویلیو ہے ۔۔۔۔وحدت الوجود سے وحدتِ الشہود تک ۔
@islammerijaanАй бұрын
اویس بھائی پلیز میری مشکل آسان کریں۔ آپ کی باتیں دل کو لگتی ہیں پر ذہن بہت پریشان رہنے لگا ہے۔ پلیز میرے ایک سوال کا جواب دے دیں۔ کیا آپ کسی بھی خالق کے وجود کو تسلیم نہیں کرتے یا کسی خالق کے ہونے کو تسلیم تو کرتے ہیں لیکن اُس خا لق تک عقل پہنچ نہیں پا رہی۔ اور اگر آپ کسی خالق کو تسلیم ہی نہیں کرتے اور سمجھتے ہیں کہ سب کچھ خود بہ خود ہوا ہے اور ہو رہا ہے تو یہ بات مجھے پاگل کئے دے رہی ہے کہ ایسا کیسے ممکن ہے؟ پلیز کسی ویڈیو میں اس کی وضاحت کر دیں۔ شکریہ
@UmarFarooq-qf3ehАй бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/j5a8g5Zndtelq7s Ye apk leay
@prakashrudrawar9430Ай бұрын
Very nice🎉
@Gold_Fish36917 күн бұрын
@shaha8783Ай бұрын
اویس بھائی بہت اچھی کوشش آپ کی طرف سے مسلمانوں سے فرقہ واریت ختم کرنے کے بارے ۔ایسی لگن رہی تو آپ ایک دن ضرور کامیاب ہو ں گے 👍👍👍
@AnasKhan-gc5uoАй бұрын
Mufti Yasir ya raja qaiser k Saath dobara Q nhi baithnay...
@minhajahmad23Ай бұрын
@riteshgill7264Ай бұрын
Nice location❤❤❤
@Rogue-MessengerАй бұрын
Forget Illinois, how about come to Houston and feel like living in Lahore🤞
@Hellobrother-d1sАй бұрын
Allahhoo ki jaga AllahWho hahahaha.
@Rogue-MessengerАй бұрын
@ you are welcome
@Rogue-MessengerАй бұрын
You are welcome no disappointment Houston is Lahore minus Gendagee.
@Rogue-MessengerАй бұрын
@ I don’t like space between Allah and Who 👍👍
@Hellobrother-d1sАй бұрын
@@Rogue-MessengerBe safe bro...
@abbaslifestyle1430Ай бұрын
Very True
@NADEEMKHAN-zd4ywАй бұрын
@GuzzarAwanАй бұрын
36 to version hai Qur'an ke 😂
@Ayush_MallickАй бұрын
Inko ye pata nahi bechara momins log 😂😂😂
@honeysinghnaarАй бұрын
Hmare yha india me jo version wo to Bhot ee ajeeb hy😂
@Ak-gy5hyАй бұрын
Awais bhai, you are really natural
@SheerazChandio-i1yАй бұрын
❤❤❤ love you dear
@ManojKumar-rj2sxАй бұрын
Gaur talab hai ki unme se ek hi firka jannat jayega aur baaki saa firke zahannami honge . Ye bhi nahi pataa hai ki kaun sa firka jannati hai .
@Cosmic_ExplorationАй бұрын
Ap live Kyun nhi atay Bhai
@dhaiaxarpremkaАй бұрын
Owais bhai. take care and be safe from kuttar momins.❤❤
@Harsh_rajput_70Ай бұрын
Ex muslim Sahil 💀
@arifsaleem5467Ай бұрын
What about him?
@Ayush_MallickАй бұрын
Adam seeker☠️
@AtheistVeganАй бұрын
@@arifsaleem5467 he is great.
@arifsaleem5467Ай бұрын
@@AtheistVegan I think science-journey is much better.
@AtheistVeganАй бұрын
@@arifsaleem5467 anyway we need to counter islam (religion). that's the worst thing.
@sciencefollowerАй бұрын
فرقے بازی کی جو وجوہات اپ نے بیان کی ہیں ان سے بھی بڑی وجہ چندے کی امدن ھے۔ فرقے چندوں کی وجہ سے بنائے گئے۔ اسلام بھی آمدنی کا ایک بہت بڑا ذریعہ رہا ھے۔ دوسری بات یہ ھے کہ قرآن میں بھی اختلاف رکھنے کی گنجائش موجود ھے۔ ہمارے علماء قرآن سے زیادہ حدیثوں کو اہمیت دیتے ہیں۔ ویسے بھی قرآن میں نہ نماز ۔ نہ روزہ ۔ نہ حج ۔ نہ کسی اور اسلامی عمل کی وضاحت کی گئی ھے۔ آگرچہ کہ قرآن کو اللہ نے کتاب مبین ، کتاب محکم ، کتاب میسر ، کتاب مفصل اور ہر لحاظ سے مکمل کتاب کہا ھے مگر حقیقت یہ ھے کے عملی طور پر قرآن میں کچھ بھی نہیں۔ اسلام کے سارے عمل بخاری، مسلم اور ان جیسے لوگوں نے 300 سال کے بعد لکھے۔ حدیثیں لکھنے والوں کا تعلق نہ مک سے تھا اور نہ مدینہ سے تھا۔ بخاری نے چھ لاکھ حدیثیں جمع کیں اور اپنی پسند کی چھ ہزار حدیثیں چن کر باقی حدیثوں کو ردی کی ٹوکری میں ڈال دیا۔
@Hellobrother-d1sАй бұрын
Hmmm.... or shayad 300 saal baad kuch imaginary characters wajood main laye gaya or Quran ko complex kiya gaya (i think arabic baby words hain jin ka koi matlab nahin hota) or aik kahani banai gai or phir us ki detail hadees banai gayi taake aik organized religion bana sakain.... wese ab bhi mujhay ye religion se ziyada CULT maloom hota hai.
@RafikSheth-g4yАй бұрын
Tajmahal me quran kya patal se aya tha
@zahomefoodsАй бұрын
Allah pak tum ko hadaiyat de
@irfanelahi5411Ай бұрын
Awais Iqbal sahib ap nay Sajid madni k Sath apnay aik vlog mein kaha k agr madressa k bachon ko inkay sawalon k jawab chahiyay hon tou woh bhi aayen mere pas mein doonga inko inkay sawalon k jawab . Tou Meray Chand aik sawalat Hain . Kindly inkay jawab de dijiye . 1 ) ap nay kaha k time or space ki beginning big bang k Baad hui . Big bang se pehlay Kuch exist he nahi kerta tha na exist kr Sakta tha is liyay Allah exist he nahi kerta . Tou Mera sawal yeh hai k big bang se pehlay phir singularity point of big bang kaisay exist kerta tha ? 2) or Kahan exist kerta tha ? 3 ) Big bang theory k mutabiq hamari universe har guzartay waqt k Sath expand ho Rahi hai . Agr is universe se bahir space he nahi or Kuch exist he nahi kr Sakta tou phir yeh expansion of universe Kahan ho Rahi hai ? Keunkay physics k laws k mutabiq Kisi bhi object ki expansion k liyay space ka hona zarori hai .
@liebuster-u2fАй бұрын
Big bang ka Islam se kya matlab. Kya big bang Quran me likha Hai? Islam ke hisab se to earth 6 din me allah ne banaya, aur earth flat Hai. Kuch BHI? 😂😂😂
@irfanelahi5411Ай бұрын
@liebuster-u2f Abay chutiye ! Big bang ka ilhad se tou maqsad hai na . Or waisay bhi teray se sawal nahi poocha tu ja kr APNA kam kr . Or gutter mein apnay rishtadaron Matlab k rats ko story of evolution(oh sorry theory of evolution ) perha .
@Jibreel-jt1qhАй бұрын
Big bang kebal ek baar nahi hui hai, pahle bhi universe exist karti thi phir big crunch hua, phir se big bang hua aur abhi ka universe bana, billion year baad phir big crunch hoga phir big bang hoga aur ek nai universe banegi.
@arifsaleem5467Ай бұрын
The concept of existence without time and space is absurd, space is required for any and everything to exist, it's not possible to even comprehend a state without space and time. For an abstract understanding it can be said that space is expanding into anti space and there was a state of anti space before the big bang. BTW, these are cutting edge theoretical physics questions and got nothing to do with the subjects and topics being taught in a madrissa. If you wanna learn more about these topics, get the hell outta your effing madrissa and take science classes in some good university.
@Hellobrother-d1sАй бұрын
@@Jibreel-jt1qh Wese big crunch ki jaga big rip ke ziyada chances hain kiun ke universe phelti hi ja rahi hai or wapis anay ke asaar kam hain. Any Way acha hai Muslims bhi is baray main sochnay lagay warna Adam eve or nabi wali jhooti kahani main hi phasay rehtay.
@MohammedAhmad-gd1tlАй бұрын
Awais bhai aap har jagha sahi hn bilkul..me b muslim hu or me ye guaranty k sath keh sakta hu ki ap dunya k har majhab ki soch badal sakte hn par MUSLIM ko nahi, q k MUSLIM MAJHAB khud kattar or zahil banne ko kehta h isly galti muslim ki nahi h majhab ki h isly muslim b sahi rasta nahi dekh sakta kabi b it's real fact jitna mene samaj liya h islam ko... Alhumdulillah akal aa gayi h ki insan khud ki condition khud hi badal sakta h...koi khuda ya koi bhagwan nahi...Right Knowledge is key to change life
@Hellobrother-d1sАй бұрын
Jese mazhab ki talash main log hotay hain jinhan Islam saleem ul fitrat kehta hai, usi tarhan rationality ki talash main log hotay hain jinhain Islam dil per tala wala kehta hai.
@JackbackXАй бұрын
@hassaanzahid6906Ай бұрын
قرآن حضرت عثمان کے دور سے موجود اور محفوظ تھا اور قیامت تک رہے گا اور پرنٹنگ پریس والی بونگیاں مت مارو ۔ہر خاص و عام کی اپروچ میں قیامت تک رہے گا۔فرقہ بندی کا اس سے کوئی تعلق نہیں
@Whoiam-j8bАй бұрын
Avais sir please aap mujhe iss bat ka jawab de de tu bahut maherbani hogi ki jab Allah tala ke bolte hi sab Koch ho jata hai tu usse duniya banane me 6 din kaise Lage aur wo din kaha ke the duniyawi ya allah ke arsh ke iss bat ko aap please jawab de
Ай бұрын
@Hellobrother-d1sАй бұрын
Han ye to molvion ka kaam hai jhooti kahani ko kese justify kartay hain. Ya phir simply ap samajh jain ke 6 din or kun wali baat jhooti hai.
@Whoiam-j8bАй бұрын
Molviyo ki jaban band ho jati hai iss sawal pe 😂😂
@MKD-gt5hiАй бұрын
First he will have to produce a matriculation certificate as proof of age as😂😢😮 he will be holding the hand of a 6 year child.
@SantoshKumar-dq8hjАй бұрын
@AnasKhan-gc5uoАй бұрын
Owais SB aap mufti Yasir SB wali baten Samaj nhi i to aap ko samjhana bara mushkil KAAM hey....aap k Liye srf Toba ka option behter hey Baki AAP ki baton p hansi aati hey...aap Allah ki zaat p yaqeen nhi krtay aur ye kehtay hen k dunya ka system achnak se create Howa....wa ray wah aap ki masoomana sooch p Kia bolen
@javed_ghamidiАй бұрын
@YOURSELF11177Ай бұрын
@sanabeel100Ай бұрын
Machine and Life is too deferent thing. we shack two deferent thing life and machine. it is provided two deferent energies one coming from life, and one coming from machines. life energy 's self-energy and machine 's energy given by life energies. when we will understand these defer.........
@Sindh_wants_freedomАй бұрын
ساحل پر بھی اتنا شور😒
@तथास्तुАй бұрын
@JEELOKАй бұрын
jab yasir nadeem sahab say debate huva tha un say puchtay ye tab ku nahi pucha tab kuch samsung jiasi illogical mislay detay rehay 🤣
@AsadSheikh-q3rАй бұрын
All atheist ko challenge hai Mera awais Iqbal ko or dunya ke sare atheist ko challenge hai mera Jo parha likha smjhdar ho wo aey
@usmanmeer9931Ай бұрын
Awais Iqbal sab Wasay baray baray 2no loog dekhay hian lakin app jasay koi Nahi Dollars theek mil rahay hian na ghoroon ki tareekh perh Lena her ghaddar jis KO ghoroon nay istamal Kia us Ka Kia injam howa tha ghoroon k hathoon hi
@mdnasir7jАй бұрын
@Hellobrother-d1sАй бұрын
Oh I see to ap ka matlab hai mass publication actually religion ke liye dangerous hota hai?
@solelysoul8543Ай бұрын
You are right and you are off track.
@kash-eye27 күн бұрын
Tumhara world view and basic understanding of society development itni weak hai ke tum ko dubara elementary school bhejna chaye!
@AsifAltafGanieАй бұрын
You have not deep research of islam.
@satyajit6129Ай бұрын
Muthalman 😅😅
@SabinaKhatoon-s7dАй бұрын
Islam hi sachha mazhab hai. Abhi khush ho na bahut ..... Bahut pachtaoge... Sudhar jao. Abhi waqt hai. ....................ایک ملحد تھا لیکن اب وہ مسلمان ہو گیا تھا۔ اسکا پس منظر کچھ اسطرح ہے وہ بھی تمہارے جیسے لوگوں کو ملحد کی دعوت دیتا تھا بہکاتا تھا ۔۔لیکن ایک دن اسکی ملاقات ایک عقلمند آدمی مسلمان سے ہوئ اسنے اسسے بہت خطرناک debate کیا پھر کچھ حل نہ نکلا پھر جب وہ ملحد جانے لگا تب اس آدمی نے ایک جملہ اس سے کہا اے بھائی ذرا سنو ۔۔۔۔ تمہارا دعویٰ یہ ہے کی اللہ نہیں ہے اور ہمارا اللہ پر ایمان ہے ہمارا تو دعویٰ ہے کی اللہ ہے ۔۔۔۔۔اگر ہم مر گۓ تو ہم ہی کامیاب ہونگے کیونکہ تمہارا دعویٰ ہے کی اللہ نہیں ہے ۔۔۔۔اگر اللہ نہیں ہوا تو بھی ہم بچ جائیں گے ۔۔اگر اللہ ہوا تو تم تو پھنس جاؤ گے اور ہم بچ جائیں گے کیونکہ ہم اللہ کو اپنا حقیقی خالق مانتے۔ اگر تم مرے اگر اللہ ہوا تو تم تو پھنس جاؤ گے۔ ۔تو ملحد فوراً ایمان لے آیا کی بھائی صاحب آپ صحیح کہ رہے ہیں۔ کی نقصان ہمارا ہی ہوگا اگر اللہ نہیں ہوا تو کچھ نہیں ہوگا ۔۔لیکن اگر اللہ ہوا تو ہم تو پھنس جاییں گے ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
@hqasaliАй бұрын
Aur agar allah na hua aur bhagwan hua to tum bhi phas jaoge
@AtheistVeganАй бұрын
Islam chutiya hai aur Muhammad chutiyaon ka sardar hai. Ex-muslim, now atheist and vegan here.
@mirzabaig7876Ай бұрын
ap ke teekhay andaz se pata chalta hai ke ap athiest ho kar be sakoon se nahe hain .
@Hellobrother-d1sАй бұрын
Han wese Ex-muslims kafi sokhta rehtay hain ke aik buray admi ko woh acha samajhtay rahay aik bekaar Allah ko qudrat wala samajhtay rahay.
@RedhotrockАй бұрын
فرقے رہیں یا نہ رہیں تو تو ابن بندر ہی رہے گا نہ
@mirzabaig7876Ай бұрын
ager earth pe zindge khud se paida hoai hai to ajj be nai species paida ho rahe hotain .....
He is not even rational atheist, it is clear now, he has been paid to talk againts Islam in particular. Look at his all videos, no rationality, if he is rational and just atheist he should have been talking about all the religion but here is the twist...Payments... He and his likes knows that Muslims don't pay people for his ill talks against any religion, but there are millions of hands to pay him his dalali by attacking Islam.. Particular this desi atheist is bringing more people to Islam who were somehow Questioning the already Answered Questions...
@Ahlul_hadeesАй бұрын
Mufti wajid sahab laughing in the cornor 💀😂😂😂😂
@DINESHKUMAR-ut5kyАй бұрын
Tera wajidi itna jalebi baaz hai...mushalto ko chhod kr hr koi gariyata hai usko
@AtheistVeganАй бұрын
@creativeminds5773Ай бұрын
How he is giving sweeping statements about Prophet Mohammad PBUH. This atheist is ignorant guy. There was no firqa in Prophets life and if he comes back Allah has the power to make Muslim unite again. But there was still difference of opinion amongst sahaba as well and nothing wrong with that but we Muslims agree on One Allah one Quran.
@Maggie-y1e8kАй бұрын
Which quran version are you talking about..
@creativeminds5773Ай бұрын
@Shital-Vaishnav831 Quran is one book across the world Wether you open in Pakistan Egypt or USA. This is the power of truth
@Maggie-y1e8kАй бұрын
@@creativeminds5773 it was made one as hafs version of quran..if you go through you will find 30 version of quran
@ashmit-h4eАй бұрын
@@creativeminds5773hafs Quran ,varsh Quran??
@Hellobrother-d1sАй бұрын
@@creativeminds5773Its literally Arabic baby words, you don't if it means the baby need to poo, asking for milk or feeling pain... The author can't be an intelligent person, you can say it's made famous by cunning people.
@Metamorphosis177Ай бұрын
Allah ko chor k allah k peechey pagal hu gaya hy mulhid . Kya faida hova khuda ko chor k jb nam uska hi jabna ta .
@mazhermirza6518Ай бұрын
Infinite main he har sawal ka jawab chupa Hai ....think about infinite.
@SHIVAMYadav-pw5uzАй бұрын
Jo samjh na aaye use God ka act bta do.
@LOLfestivalАй бұрын
Awais bhai, I guess your analysis about the problem is not spot on. The problem is not lack of printing but inbuilt confusing narrative within the Qaran itself. No matter how many copies of Qaran you may print and distribute among all the 73 firqua of Islam, they are going to fight with each other based upon their interpretation!! The original text itself is botched. 😂
@UmarFarooq-qf3ehАй бұрын
@SurajKumar-wn9fgАй бұрын
In India people deny this😅😅😅
@AbdulMoiz-s8wАй бұрын
Ye kisi Allah ko nae manta ye mulhid hay.dua denay se pehlay soch lua kro samnay kon hay?
@Saint-xn9jvАй бұрын
Improve your behaviour and speak gently, and be serious.