Seerah pt 76 - Pt.2 Conquest of Makkah - Yasir Qadhi - 2014-02-26

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Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)

Memphis Islamic Center (MIC)

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@fmnishad1 11 жыл бұрын
Jazakallah sheikh yasser qadhi and MIC.May Allah bless you and your families.
@pammyalan 11 жыл бұрын
Very good and helpful because i am muslim
@Ajab-Khan 4 жыл бұрын
(may Allah protect me from riya and show off by commenting this) Yasir Saahib, keep talking, and talk talk talk :). Don't worry about it. As long as you are presenting the truth, Quran and Hadith, you have nothing to explain in this regard to anyone except Allah Rabbul-Izzat. انما الاعمال بالنيات. The good can be seen from one's intentions. Words can slip and honest mistakes can be made but the aim and intention of a person can be seen in their way of delivery. It doesn't take a long time to figure out if the khateeb/presenter is fake or is hiding the truth or is sold. You're not the first one to be criticized, and certainly not the last one. You know this better than anyone. Rasoolullah Sallaho Alaihi Wasallam, even he is not left while he was the greatest human being and the greatest creation ever in the universe. One thing I notice among the people who criticize people like you are the people who do not even listen to you, because if they did, they might understand the benefit of going through these incidents that happened during the life of Rasoolullah Sallaho Alaihi Wasallam, and they might understanding the importance of understanding and learning about these incidents that happened during that time. After all, Quran Kareem was not revealed in a night or in a day, it was revealed in a period of 23 years and thus Quran cannot be completely explained by only the text of it. The Context of the Quran is Hadith and Seerah and it is a must to be studied in order to have a better grasp on the beautiful purpose of the Quran Kareem. لقد كان لكم في رسول الله اسوة حسنة, How can this Ayah be explained in it's essence without going to Hadith and reading about the Seerah of Rasoolullah which is necessarily mostly Hadiths? I mean Ok, Rasoolullah Sallaho Alaihi Wasallam is a best role model for us but how many stories and incidents of his life in actual can be read in the Quran and the Quran itself says that He is our role model? So Keep doing what you do Yasir bhai. WAllahi people come and criticize while not knowing the first thing about Islam and the Quran and Hadith, and some or most of them will be even rejecting the Hadiths. The rest, Allah knows best.
@Huzztheavationlover 7 жыл бұрын
How would the prophet pbuh would have known about this lady's plan to carry letter it has to be divine inspiration for those detractors.
@islamicapexx 5 жыл бұрын
Hasan Bahadur angel jibriel (as)
@badrb10 4 жыл бұрын
@attivamp6435 5 жыл бұрын
Excellent Explanation !
@labib1974 10 жыл бұрын
Dear shaikh with due respect to you and to our brother who has criticised your teaching in a fiece way...would like you to give a proper academic answer to all his criticism in a constructive positive way...cause only you have the knowledge and education in this regard...we common mass don't want get confused and end up in serious trouble regarding faith... Zazakallah
@abuzahrasalsabila7233 11 жыл бұрын
Is this the last uploaded for now?
@mohammedzamir5038 4 жыл бұрын
Hatibs message eas intercepted with the help of Allah s.t so thete ead no damage done n may be thats why hatib was forgiven!
@jasimmalik8078 5 жыл бұрын
The United Nations is Kufr, yet Allah azza wa jall says he made the entire earth a masjid. So the lines of Dar ul Islam and Dar ul Harb are very different than the old days. All Nations are Kuffar, and All lands are Muslim. Allahu Alam.
@ahfauq 10 жыл бұрын
Now this is another outstanding example of yet another "21st century" modern sheikh who shows no signs of being in the world of enlightenment and knowledge. For the last so many so-called 'lectures', he has convincingly proved to me that he disregards the Qur'anic teachings in favor of a pure 'hearsay' and 'hearread"! He reads fairy tales somewhere and considers the story as if it was 100% true--as if it happened right in front of his own two eyes! And then he starts 'deriving' FIQH laws from the hearsay tales. The reason this Muslim Ummah has been going down the tubers for centuries now (despite Allah's firm promise of success for the true believers) is PRECISELY fake and unthinking "scholars" like this sheikh. In my humble view, he should be a lot smarter than the ancient imams who rode their times because their audience were not literate enough. We are living in the world of knowledge where we can certainly read and understand the Qur'an MUCH BETTER than the ancient imams. If we don't, shame on us! Now, as usual, this Hatib bin Abi Bata'ah story, is full of dubious stuff: First, how come Jibraeel (a.s) doesn't help the exalted Prophet all the time? He tells the Prophet (sws) that one Hatib bin Abi Bat'aah is responsible for attempting to pre-inform the Quresh about the Prophet's imminent attack at Makkah, and yet he fails (au’zobilah) to inform the Prophet that he will be facing an assassination attempt by Banu Nadhir, nor does Jibreel tell the Prophet NOT to put the poisoned piece of meat in his mouth at Khaybar (even though he says it was probably the meat that caused his subsequent health problems leading to his death!). Also, how come Jibraeel failed to inform the Prophet (sws) that he should refrain from sending many of his dear companions to Bi’r Mauna with a newly converted delegation to a mushrik/kaafir territory without taking proper precautionary measures? After all, this incident (as reported) ended up in an extreme tragedy-resulting in a heartless massacre of all but two companions. Sadly, this sheikh believes all those absurd stories without raising a question about their inherent serious flaws. Now this: Countless times, this sheikh has ‘implicitly’ told us that Umar bin Khattab (ra) used to be a very harsh man-he often ended up in ‘sincerely’ disobeying the Prophet (sws) under his ever-so-often ‘impulsive’ utterings, like “Let me chop of his head…..” . And this sheikh tells us that Umar still wanted to kill Hatib even AFTER the Prophet said “La taqoolu illa khaira (do not say except good)” about Hatib. This sheikh emphasized his comment that ‘even to this day” no Muslim has ever criticized Hatib-he forgot that a moment ago he told us that Umar heard the Prophets’ warning and yet this did not stop him from repeating his infamous “Let me chop off his head….” . This is such an insult to the companions. And look at this contradiction of the so-called hadith and Islamic history: According to this sheikh---all companions respected and loved the Prophet so much that that they would not even let his Wudu water drop to the floor (even his spittal), but then these were the same companions who flatly disobeyed the Prophet (AFTER taking the solemn bay’ah under the tree!) at Hudaybiyah by not following his command to shave, sacrifice, and lever the place! This so-called “Islamic history” and “Hadith” is so full of contradictions and anti-Qur’anic stuff that one wonders how come we still have full faith in them without raising a finger. The Qur’an emphatically says that those who do not follow the Book are “Kaafiroon” and “Dhaalimoon”, and “ Faasiqoon” (5:44-45, 47) and that we should not be using any book OTHER than the Qur’an for judging our affairs (68:36-38), yet the fake and unthinking “scholars” have the audacity to derive their FIQH law based on the man-made books and the folklore hearsay. A moment to pause and think. Folks, do yourself a favor: Read and try to understand the Qur’an YOURSELF because Allah has promised to guide those who will read and reflect upon it-no intermediaries of fake scholars are needed. Take a look at the Rabbis, priests and the doctors of law who misguide the followers of Prophet Moses and Jesus every day. Allah tells us about them in 9:31,34). Now I can clearly see the same thing happening to us through our own so-called “Islamic scholars”. Let me say this: Muslims will NEVER prosper until they derive their laws DIRECTLY from the Book of Allah-and they will never get the true understanding of the Qur’an until they STOP listening and paying attention to the so-called self-righteous fire-breathing “Ulema” like this sheikh-he is a clear evidence of what I have just said.
@hishamosman4341 7 жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum Abdul. Firstly, one can listen to the lecture in good faith and with an open mind. Learn to appreciate the efforts being taken just to research and prepare the lecture. Any Muslim can read the Al-Quran and hadiths but still, we still need help to understand the content better. This Seerah that Shakyh Yasir has done should be lauded for the personal dedication required for it. Tell me..nobody, I mean nobody, regardless of Mazhabs or sects, and even scholars of the past can pin point accuracy to the tee. Remember, Allah SWT sees what Shakyh Yasir is trying to do what his niat is. Not me, not you knows what is in the heart? Disagreements is u derstandable but it is wrong to label Shakyh Yasir like you did. No Brother, you're wrong in this aspect. Rasulullah SAW died over 1400 years ago and between that time and now, we Muslim relies on scholars to enlightened translations and other facts that we don't know for sure. Lastly, the Muslim Ummah are in this predicament due to our own doing. Had every living Muslim followed what Rasullah SAW said in his final sermon, which if we stick to the Al-Quran and his Hadiths, then the Muslim world would be different and we will have the ultimate unity. Sadly that is not the case
@khaliladem470 5 жыл бұрын
Mursalaat Mursalaat May Allah guide you brother
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