wow!what we are living today especially our state .really I impressed for this great movies.Glory to any one who involved for this movie preparations as well as those of beautiful and talented actors.Thank you very much!
Great movie. Amazing actors and actresses - Mahder is still leeping her stardom. The movie is relevant within Ethiopia, to see beyond ethnic division. It too is relevant between countries, more so between Eritrea and Ethiopia. One day our kids will see beyond the childish divisions and animosity fanned by hateful leaders. - your brother from Eritrea.
🎉🎉🎉 Wow its mesmerising movie everything in it shows exactly what we are going through as a nation for so many yrs. It's well done thanks to each one of who participated here to make this work real. We born to live peacefully and love and care one another. 🎉Our coming generation deserves much better world. ሁላችሁንም ክብረት ይስጥልኝ ማለትም እወዳለሁ! ብዙ የናፈቃችሁንን ሰዎች ስላየን ደስ ብሎናል!🎉🎉🎉 ዶቃዬ ትንሿ መልአክ አንቺን የመሰለች ብርሃን ልጅ በቅርቡ አምላኬ እንደሚሰጠኝ አምናለሁ! ባናዬ ተዘጋጂ!