I'd never set up a syslog server before, I've looked at a lot of solutions on the internet, almost all of which were incomplete or too complex for me, until I came across this video where you get all the information you need (the software to use, how to set it up), and you even get the configuration on the Mikrotik side, which is an absolutely Great video!!!!!!! 😁
@silent18762 жыл бұрын
🔴 Hi : I have nanostation M2 using it as router i need app for control users any help please ❔❔❔
@mappasimbungarenna Жыл бұрын
wow this is so great tutorial ... btw can mikrotik collaboration with 3rd aplication that use traffict analyzer to show what kind content that user have go in a day/week/month/years .. like a graffict mrtg ... i`m sorry for my bad english .. i hope you get my point