Sensing vs Intuition - Differences explained (MBTI)

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Kuro Tadorii

Kuro Tadorii

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Пікірлер: 15
@farfaraway4285 12 күн бұрын
How I can tell my husband is sensor (ISFJ) and I’m intuitive (INTJ) is with the example of Steven Avery case. After the counter-documentary he is convinced of his guilt. Whilst I am questioning how documentary created (or sponsored) by the people he pointed finger at can be taken seriously. And I also presented couple of scenarios that would make him look guilty, even if he wasn’t. Now, I have no idea whether he is guilty or not, that’s a different conversation. So here, sensor approach is about the proof of guilt. Intuitive is looking for reason, motivation, what’s behind the documentary and why it exists. Edit: Forgot to say that these people also successfully diverted audience attention from their actions to Steven Avery guilt debate.
@taketheredpill1452 Жыл бұрын
The easiest test to determine whether someone is a S or an N: Just ask them if they know about the MBTI. Sensates have no idea because they are not seeking because everyone is like them. Only the Intuitive seeks because he is isolated and alone amongst the canaille...
@SchmausiMausi Ай бұрын
Ok, I just asked my sisters (2 sensors, 1 intuitive) and only the intuitive knew about it *lol*
@jcoleman1or3 Жыл бұрын
I think I'm intuitive, pretty sure I'm actually an introverted intuitive Dom, and I really appreciate sensors more than I would have thought I did in the past. As I'm maturing I'm realizing what I have been missing in my life is sensory application in my life, the ability to get up and do things without deeply analyzing everything. Granted that would be extraverted sensing, but I think introverted sensing is also fabulous I'm sure, I just have less of an understanding of it.
@SchmausiMausi Ай бұрын
Ok, I am: N: Dreamer ->always have been; even as a young child in kindergarten Distant -> I am an observer and as soon as I observe something I automatically go within and analyze the object inside of my head or I create a daydream about it. I lose focus quickly Creative -> I am really good in making up stories on the spot and I can create a fun game out of anything Innovative ->I hate traditions and routines. I think I have Si-inferior and it looks very goofy and random. I try to be good at Si, but next to a Si-dom I look like a joke Seek a deeper purpose/meaning -> I want to know who I am, why I am here, what is my misison and where do i go after life. I don´t understand why people are interested in things like how´s the weather today and stuff like that. I automatically dive deep. I cannot help it. S: Good at remembering facts -> probably because of Ne-Si axis; but tbh I only remember unimportant random facts like what´s the name of the loudest insect in the world and stuff. I am not interested in facts about politics, news, economy, sports and other boring topics Hm, I thought I was a Sensor, because when I talk about ideas I give sensory details (I usually don´t talk about daily life, but rather topics such as near death experiences, the law of attraction, typology systems etc.) I can explain things very detailed, but most intuitives tend to talk in a very vague and cloudy way, giving almost no concrete examples. At least Ni doms do that. For example that guy from CPT is an INFJ and I rarely understand what he´s talking about, because he does not use words that create images in my head. Same for Joyce Meng. She´s also an INFJ and speaks very abstract. Maybe Ne-users are a bit more concrete in their speech?
@kurotadorii Ай бұрын
@@SchmausiMausi Interesting, by what you're saying it sounds like you could be an intuitive. One thing it reminds me of is that Ne doms are more connected to reality than an INFJ would be, simply because they are extraverted, and this could make them talk less 'vaguely' by giving real world examples.
@SchmausiMausi Ай бұрын
@@kurotadorii yes, that´s what I thought. Thank you :)
@taketheredpill1452 Жыл бұрын
I never thought I was a mud-blood because my secondary function is intuition (INFP)... #InfiniteSorrow #PartAnimal #RuinedMyWeekend #NeverPartOfSantasGang
@indre1802 7 ай бұрын
this is great explanation, thank you ♥
@TrickyD Жыл бұрын
"Since everyone uses both sensing & intuition! But we all prefer to use one more than the other." 🖐Maybe this is true for the garden-variety empath, but as a cognitive empath who profiles people I have to disagree. A profiler not only observes [senses] his subject, but is also cross-referencing the incoming [sensory] data with the profile-file he already has on the subject in real time. What I'm tryin' to say is that a profiler/cognitive empath uses sensing & intuition at the same time therefore has no preference. I mean, what's the use of profiling people when the information is all wrong, right? "For intuitives, learning a new practical task might take more time & effort." Again, maybe for the standard empath, but as a cognitive empath it all has to do whether I find it interesting or not. I normally only retain information that holds my personal interest, everything else I simply forget. I usually forget people's name, but never forget a face. Simply because I can always ask what their name is, while I mentally file my profiler-info under how their face looks like and not their name. 🤔Well, that's not entirely correct, the 1st indicator is whether I've classified the person as dangerous or not. When I consider a person a threat I simply remember every small detail, but when they aren't I file them away under how their face looks like. When it comes to my primary- & high school education I'm largely autodidact so I've only really learned the basic stuff like reading, writing, basic math and history. History was the only subject that held my interest because I've always been interested in how the past relates to the present. Probably because profiling is all about cross-referencing old data with new data and determining which is still correct / factual. 🧠Which explains how I've learned to assess data objectively. If I can't assess data objectively it all becomes useless. Because I've a vast experience in profiling people, I've been doing this methodically since I was about 7, I learned to trust my intuition instead of doing it logically step by step. In the beginning it was all logical from A to B to C etc. but having done this for 30+ years I've sped up the process by using intuition instead. And I've learned by now that trusting my intuition has proven me right 8 out of 10 times when I re-examine my whole process. Besidez, sometimes I was forced to trust my intuition instead of my logic, cauz I literally had no time to process my info leisurely. And let's not forget to mention that I had lousy grades in primary school, simply because the sole reason I went to school was playing tag during recess. Although I was never held back a year the teachers adviced me to do LTS while most of my friends went to the Havo. They even warned my parents that even when I did the LTS I probably wouldn't succeed because I had 0 motivation to learn anything. They were only 1/2 right. I've decided to compromise and do the Mavo instead of the LTS cauz I have 2 left hands. But now I was highly motivated to prove my old primary school teacher wrong, so the rest of the year all I did was study and it paid off. My grades were so good that at the end of the year my teachers adviced me to do Havo instead, but since studying was still new to me I decided to stay. What I did do was go back to my primary school teacher and showed him my school report card which had one 10 several 9's some 8's and my lowest grade was a 7. 🤨But have I actually learned anything? Not really. Since I wasn't really interested in anything I only retained the info for the purpose of getting good grades and now can hardly remember anything from, say, physics or chemistry. "Se will seem very present in the moment, Ne constantly distracted by ideas" 😕Odd, my intuition is focused on the present; from the many possibilities available which 1 is the most likeliest to occur in the immediate future / present? I'm guessing this all has to do with profiling and predicting what the subject will do, cauz profiling wrong makes making an accurate prediction highly unlikely. "Intuitives -> they almost have a 'need' to create vs Sensors -> they seem more grounded" As a cognitive empath I do both equally well which explains why I haven't chosen a career as an artist. I do have a need to create, but also realise that making 💵off my art truly is self-indulgent. Which means that if I was able to become a successful commercial artist I would eventually be locked up in my ivory tower. I've learned by now that spending most of my time in my ivory tower is unhealthy, because the more time I spend there the less likely I'm able to cope with adversity. To be able to deal with adversity I need to be grounded and the only way for me to be grounded is to expose myself to reality. Which explains why I now choose to only work 6 hours a day while I've been previously exempt from having to work at all because I got labeled 100% disabled for work on psychological grounds. " s I n" 😁I guess cognitive empaths are ambidextrous when it concerns their brain? There was this guy in group therapy I'll call deNiro who told me that I intimidated him by simply being who I was. He was in group therapy because he was struggling with the question if he was bisexual, cauz he had 1 positive experience with making out with another guy. He claimed that this experience was only positive but immediately followed with sharing that he was 1/2 Italian and that the Italian culture was a macho culture. *S* At 1st I tried to tell him that I wasn't the cause why he felt intimidated by me, but that he himself was the problem. Simply because he didn't appear on my radar, cauz he was no threat to me. He felt intimidated by me because I don't give a damn about what others think of me, but I quickly noticed that I hadn't reached him. *N* One day he told the group about an experience he had in a fastfood restaurant. During his order 2 guys entered, walked straight by him and waited at the counter next to him. Although they paid him no mind and were only talking to each other while waiting for their turn to order deNiro felt intimidated by them, because they were bald and only had mohawks. So everyone in the group got a chance to tell him what they thought of the whole situation and I saw my 2nd chance to explain to him why he was the problem and not me. This time I tried it through a story, a fable, instead of trying to give it to him straight. "Once upon a time there was this lion who had just eaten, so his belly was full. He was lying on a hill under the shadow of a tree tryin' to take a nap. When suddenly the tall grass of the serengeti moved and a rabbit appeared. He looked at the lion then started to thump his right foot to the ground to get the lion's attention and proclaimed 'Hey, Lion I know you think you're the king of the jungle because you're big & strong, but I'm not afraid of you.' To which the lion replied 'Sure little buddy, but could you stop thumping the ground? I'm trying to sleep.' 'Okay, but only because you asked nicely.' For a few minutes all was quiet and all you could hear was the wind. Then the rabbit proclaimed for the 2nd time that he wasn't afraid of the lion. At 1st there was no reaction so the rabbit spoke up again. 'Hey lion, did you hear me? I'm not afraid of you.' This time 1 eye of the lion opened and he looked straight at the rabbit and jawned, displaying his incredibly sharp canines which were about 10 cm long. 'I've heard you rabbit and acknowledge that you aren't afraid of me, but could you please stop interrupting my nap? You're lucky my pride just had a successful hunt so my belly is full now, but if it wasn't I would've killed you the moment you started to annoy me just to shut you up." DeNiro spoke up and told me "So you think you're the lion?" "Who the lion is in this story is irrelevant, what is relevant is that you are the rabbit trying to prove to everyone that he isn't afraid. Just like the 2 mohawk guys at the fastfood restaurant. You immediately assumed that they were neo-nazi's because they had mohawks which intimidated you, but they easily could've just been provos.' Provo was a Dutch counterculture movement in the mid-1960s that focused on provoking violent responses from authorities using non-violent bait. 🧠'Just because you perceive everyone as a threat and try to convince yourself that you aren't afraid you force yourself to keep confronting them, without listening to a word they say. You only focus on overcoming your fear, but do not realise that you annoy people in the process. And when you annoy the wrong people long enough they will give you a reason to truly fear them, so you'll be trapped in a vicious circle of a selffulfilling phrophesy. All because you pay no attention to the people you annoy." 😎I guess my story finally reached him cauz he started to relax more often instead of stressin' himself out by tryin' to prove to himself and others that he wasn't afraid.
@matilda4406 2 жыл бұрын
Could you explain what you mean when you say "abstract". As when you said intuitives don't get tired talking about abstract things and have energy for this whereas sensors get bored or tired.
@kurotadorii 2 жыл бұрын
With 'abstract' I mean things that you need to use your imagination for more. For example mixing theories together and creating a new one, or questions like 'what's the meaning of life?' or 'how will this future scenario play out'? Sensors prefer to focus more on real past (or present) experiences. Such as, what actually happened, what they actually saw, heard or read etc.
@matilda4406 2 жыл бұрын
@@kurotadorii ok, that is what I was thinking too. I hate to say this, but intuitives have to be more advanced, there has to be more brain connections in their case. Because it is tiring to form new brain connections. But intuitives are not tired, they get excited and energized. Anyhow, I think you understand.
@kurotadorii 2 жыл бұрын
@@matilda4406 Hmm yeah that makes sense. But I want to add, that this ability of intuitives also comes with a cost, so it is arguable whether it is a good thing or not. By making many 'new' connections using imagination, intuitives are not very good at seeing and remembering sensory details. They have a bigger disconnection from their own body and their direct environment because they don't register all the sensory information. Therefore for example, an Se dom will likely be able to master a new sport way quicker than an Ni dominant. So sensing does come with advantages as well.
@matilda4406 2 жыл бұрын
@@kurotadorii of course, physical things will come easier and quicker to sensors I guess. These are broad categories because there are other factors such as upbringing, individual personality, experiences in life, lessons learned and so on.
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