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  Рет қаралды 16

Душан ковач

Душан ковач

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@zvizdukuosam 4 ай бұрын
Key points Many women struggle with low sexual desire. This common problem distresses many relationships. A recent study shows that two treatments help-mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy. The recent report corroborates a great deal of research on the sexual benefits of the two therapies.
@zvizdukuosam 4 ай бұрын
Теслин рани плес кроз светове. Плес и певање заједно стварају осећај јединства са мислима људи. Бављење музиком и вајарством у духовном свету је појединачна или групна активност. Обликовање енергије у предмете и стварање мањих животних облика у том свету не сматра се забавом. Духовне хармоније имају улогу која је много већа од музичке комуникације - оне су градивни блокови стварања енергије и спајања душа. Тесла је тврдио да се нигде на планети Земљи не могу наћи људи лишени музике и плеса. Људи стварају музику, али пре тога, она ствара људе. Ипак, по свему судећи. он је душа која се бави обликовањем енергије у предмете и стварањем мањих животних облика. Али, како схватити Теслу, када рационално знање још увек не објашњава мистерију стварања, ништа више него било које веровање у прошлости?
@zvizdukuosam 4 ай бұрын
Whiskeys Of The Week: 25 Year Olds From Michter’s And WhistlePig
@zvizdukuosam 4 ай бұрын
Достојевски о Србима: Неће много времена проћи и јавиће се спасоносна реакција. “Постоје две Србије - Србија виших кругова, нестрпљива и без искуства, која још није живела правим животом, и која није још показала своју акцију, али која већ страсно машта о будућности. Ова Србија има већ своје партије и зна за интриге које понекад добијају такве размере, какве не можемо срести ни у нацијама које су много старије, веће и кудикамо самосталније, него што је Србија. Али упоредимо са том “горњом” Србијом, која тако жури да живи животом политичке нације, постоји и она народна Србија која једино Русе сматра својим избавитељима, својом браћом, она руског цара гледа као Сунце, она воли Русе и верује им! И на крају ћу рећи: „неће много времена проћи и јавиће се спасоносна реакција, јер су већина Срба ватрени патриоти. Они ће се сетити Руса који су дали живот за њихову земљу.“ Велики руски дух ће оставити своје трагове у њиховим душама, а из руске крви која је проливена у Србији израшће и српска слава. И Срби ће се уверити да је руска помоћ била несебична и да Руси, гинући за Србију, нису имали намеру да је освајају.“ извор: Ин4С
@zvizdukuosam 4 ай бұрын
Scientists unveil Mission Impossible 4-inspired smart contact lenses Set to be used for human-machine interaction (HMI), the smart contact lenses rely on tracking eye movements. The lenses use methods like pupil center corneal reflection and electrooculography (EOG) to
@zvizdukuosam 4 ай бұрын
Find a Sex Therapy Therapist Get the help you need from a therapist near you-a FREE service from Psychology Today.
@zvizdukuosam 4 ай бұрын
Harvard and Google Neuroscience Breakthrough: Intricately Detailed 1,400 Terabyte 3D Brain Map A collaborative effort between Harvard and Google has led to a breakthrough in brain science, producing an extensive 3D map of a tiny segment of…
@zvizdukuosam 4 ай бұрын
TORONTO - Canadians who applied to be part of a class-action lawsuit against LifeLabs Inc. are now receiving cheques and e-transfers. KPMG, which is administering the claims, says on the class-action website that more than 900,000 valid claims were received. Given the large number of valid claims, KPMG says claimants will receive an e-transfer of $7.86. Those receiving a cheque will get $5.86, after deducting a $2 processing fee. The class action was launched against LifeLabs after a 2019 data breach allowed hackers to access the personal information of up to 15 million customers. An Ontario court approved a total Canada-wide settlement of up to $9.8 million. LifeLabs has said most of the affected customers were in Ontario and British Columbia. In 2020, the B.C. and Ontario privacy commissioners ordered LifeLabs to improve how it safeguards personal health information, and to collect less of it from customers. The payments are significantly smaller than what many claimants had been expecting. When the class-action settlement was approved last fall, potential claimants were told they would be eligible to receive about $50, up to a maximum of $150, though legal fees and taxes would be deducted. The precise amount, however, would be determined based on how many claims were filed.
@zvizdukuosam 4 ай бұрын
WhistlePig’s goofily named, elegantly packaged The Badönkådonk is the second in what is now apparently a series of “North American” (read: Canadian) single malts, joining The Béhôlden (yeah, I don’t find all the accents funny either), a 21 year old expression that will be released annually. Given that American/Canadian single malts weren’t really on anyone’s radar when The Badönkådonk was laid down at the turn of the millennium, the fact that it exists at all is pretty impressive. And to pull out all the stops, it was finished for an undisclosed length of time in Silver Oak Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon barrels before being bottled at 45.5% ABV as a single-barrel expression.
@zvizdukuosam 4 ай бұрын
Watermelon might be available year-round, particularly in the form of pre-cut cubes or wedges packaged in the refrigerated area of the produce section if not always sold whole, but there's just nothing like a peak-season, summer watermelon. The difference in color is mesmerizing, the concentration of flavor explosive. Biting into a juicy slice is the embodiment of summer itself. Watermelons will be ripe a little over a month after the crop blooms and around 80 days on average from when they're planted. But since most of us haven't turned our yards into farms for 20-25-pound orbs to know when they're prime for plucking, simply rely on your senses to assist you on your quest: Sight, sound, touch, and smell.
@zvizdukuosam 4 ай бұрын
Tiger beetles emit ultrasonic signals to trick bats think they taste bad When tiger beetles hear a bat nearby, they make noises to trick the bats into thinking they taste bad as a defense mechanism.
@zvizdukuosam 4 ай бұрын
etirement planning is always important. But for Canadian seniors, it becomes a whole lot more in focus. That focus, however, may not exactly come with more clarity about how much you should have saved in retirement. So, when it comes to those later years, whether you’re retired or now, how do you stand up to the average? And what’s more, how can you increase your retirement income safely to live out your retirement years with plenty of cash on hand? What’s the average? As of the most recent information from Statistics Canada, the average Canadian senior family made $69,900 in 2021. When looking at a single senior, that dropped down to an average of $31,400. So, if you’re a senior couple, that means you would be bringing in $5,825 per month and $2,616 per month as an individual. The question now, of course, is whether this is enough -especially during these times. There was an impact from several factors during 2021. This included COVID-19 and its impact on income. Furthermore, there was also a market income growth that led the way due to employment income recovering. Finally, there was a decrease in government transfers in 2021 that also impacted annual income. So, to figure out what you would need to create more income, you also have to consider what you would need these days. It wouldn’t be unheard of to think that over $6,000 as a senior family would be necessary, given the increase in inflation. So, how does a retiree even get started?
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