Oh no, I started this in my early 40s, wanting a couple weeks in Hawaii EOY, similar to how you started! Timeshare salesmen could never tempt me with their pitch (or dream) of $1,000 to stay a week at a multitude of locations. My response was always, "I can do that right now anyways." I knew that timeshare was an upgrade, but I didn't want the obligation, upfront cost, and potential deception. My dream turned into staying at my favorite locations for cheap, enhancing those stays with timeshare space and amenities, for durations I would otherwise be unable to afford. Aren't we glad that we're the ones creating our dreams, and it's not our evil twin doing the presentations?
@timesharetraveler2 ай бұрын
I would never have paid for a timeshare if it hadn’t “forced” me to have a better vacation. I would have been too cheap. But once I was “forced” to take great vacations I became free to dream and constantly do better and better.
@thejokerspeaks2 ай бұрын
@@timesharetraveler The ironic thing for me is, I would have been too cheap to spend a week in Sedona, Kona, Waikiki, and anywhere else that we have access to. Even at our prices, I probably would have only occasionally done it. I was too busy spending $12K - $15K on cruise travel per year. My dreams have certainly been altered for the better.
@timesharetraveler2 ай бұрын
I think we all change over time. What helped me was learning more what was available. If the cost of food and hotel rooms hadn't been so high in Hawaii (and my kids were getting bigger), I am not sure if I would have changed. I just looked at it as a better vacation that would ultimately cost me less after seven years. I didn't know about resales at the time or I might have done that instead. But doing the same thing for a lot less (food was the real savings)
@thejokerspeaks2 ай бұрын
@timesharetraveler Aloha from Honolulu. I am only here for a 6 hour layover before checking into CW Grand Desert tonight. Your growing children's appetite probably offset the purchase all the quicker. I am guessing you don't have short kids. Maybe 100% resale would have saved you even more, but you seem to be doing well with status, Club Pass, and HGVCMax.
@DavidRodriguez-ou9fyАй бұрын
Agreed....we are definitely traveling "better" and are going places that we have dreamed about. Gotta stay focused on WHY we bought. I like the idea of being the host to family or friends on a vacation. Sort of the "hero" in a way😊