皇京港项目本来就是马来西亚政府想搞一下旅游地产项目带动经济发展。马来西亚政府去中国招商,当时马六甲首长拿督斯里依德利斯在精简汇报“皇京港”巨型发展计划后,李克强回应说,“中国政府将支持这个项目。 中国电力建设集团有限公司在此只是承建一个深水码头而非开辟式新建一个港口。 MELAKA GATEWAY马六甲皇京港巨型综合发展计划,由中国电建集团国际工程有限公司兴建。
Many people are unaware that "Law" is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it enhances peace and harmony by defining the dos and don'ts of the social group. However, on the other hand, due to human nature, which involves seeking self-worth through judging, comparing, and feeling right or righteous, as well as the desire to dominate and control, individuals who find themselves on the side of the "Law" can subconsciously feel superior and have a false sense of authority. This can lead them to believe they have the power to demand, deprive, or punish those who are not on the same side. Laws, especially the power to create them, can become a threat, or even deadly, if in the wrong hands. The actions of radical Muslims, Lefties activists, and unscrupulous politicians are classical examples. Even if in the right hands, they can still be harmful if overused. In addition to the previously mentioned side effects, people may also lose the will to be innovative, or to step outside the bounds, as It is human nature to remain in their comfort zone and avoid taking risks. Exacerbating the issue is the herd mentality prevalent in human society, coupled with the common tendency of individuals to remain silent as a means of self-preservation, which permits wrongdoings to persist unchecked and ultimately spiral out of control. 🤔🤔🤨🤨