「Settle Into Ash」 Telle Smith & Sage X Price

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アークナイツ 公式チャンネル

アークナイツ 公式チャンネル

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「Settle Into Ash」
作詞:Adam Gubman & Sage X Price
作曲:Adam Gubman
歌:Telle Smith & Sage X Price
公式X(旧Twitter): / arknightsstaff

Пікірлер: 39
@D.a.Nemo5230 6 ай бұрын
"Settle Into Ash"(灰燼に決する) The embers settle into ash (僅かに燃え続けるその炎は) Refuse to bend, to break, look back (降伏も敗北もしないだろう) It’s all decided in the moment we both choose to fight it (俺たちは戦う事を選択した) You don’t need armies to take down (お前が思っているほど大した戦士では無いがな) The monster underneath the crown (偽りの王座に座す怪物) It’s just a one shot, stay locked (たった一度のチャンスを無駄にはできない) Cloak and dagger, what’s you’re after, (刃を袖に隠して、お前は何を待っている?) but I’m not your hired gun (俺はもう雇われの身では無いが) Bullets to wars, and nothing’s won (駒として動かされ、終わりの無い戦争を続けている) This might be your one chance, you can withdraw (これがお前にとって最後のチャンスだ。いまならまだ引き返せる) I’ll take all your deep cuts, I’ll take it all (致命傷を与えてやる。全てを奪った上で) I am every mirror, you’re just a wall (お前は多くの者にとって、超えるべき壁に過ぎない) Even if I crack, you will watch yourself fall (たとえ俺がやらなくとも、誰かが成し遂げていただろうな) All talk and never answers. (知り得る全てを話した) You spread your hate like cancer (お前は憎しみの連鎖の本流だ) Take your pick either path is reckless, (やがて運命がお前の首を締め上げるだろう) All talk and never answers[×3] (正しい答えなど無かったんだ) It’s always consequences (結果こそが歴史を紡ぐ) On the fence is not my best, it’s (悪手と知っていても) Hard choice, to stand behind the (俺は悩み続けなければならない) One who knows to pull the trigger. (それが武器を持つ者の宿命なのだから) Feeling it all fade fast, (何もかもが手からこぼれ落ちて行く) When you mistake broken glass for water. (割れたグラスに水を注ぐように) This might be your one chance, you can withdraw (これがお前にとって最後のチャンスだ。いまならまだ引き返せる) I’ll take all your deep cuts, I’ll take it all (致命傷を与えてやる。全てを奪った上で) I am every mirror, you’re just a wall (お前は多くの者にとって、超えるべき壁に過ぎない) Even if I crack, you will watch yourself fall (たとえ俺がやらなくとも、誰かが成し遂げていただろうな) Coming to a hard stop, how does it feel (取り返しのつかなくなった気分はどうだ?) Knowing no control here, is it surreal? (手駒の制御を失って尚、お前は平静を保てるのか?) All talk and never answers. (知り得る全てを話した) You spread your hate like cancer (お前は憎しみの連鎖の本流だ) Take your pick either path is reckless, (やがて運命がお前の首を締め上げるだろう) All talk and never answers[×3] (正しい答えなど無かったんだ) Why does everybody keep talking? (お喋りはもう飽きただろ?) I’m becoming one with the flaws of the war, (俺は戦争に身を侵された) Brittle to the bone (骨は脆くなり) My marrow is filled with caution, (脊髄には恐怖が纏わりついている) It’s often (よくある事だ) They lie to us just to make a profit. (金の為に陥れられ) Everybody lost it, (犬死する) That’s why I’m making paths of my own. (そんな末路は死んでもごめんだ) The king falls then his men call for the throne (王が死ねば、配下がその王座に忍び寄る) While the people that keep everybody breathing is grieving (罪無き者がどれほど涙を流しても) So why should we attack? (戦火は決して消えない) It all falls back (軍が退却して行く) Been down to fight (新たな戦いのために) But what happens when the screen goes black (ゲームを中断して目を休めるように) I call upon the elements, (俺は皆の心に訴えた) The weapons on my back (武器を収めろと。) While I run upon the sediment. (積み上げてきた屍の山を) No matter who comes in the way,You know I’ll settle it. (無下にしてはならないと。) From armies to the mercenaries to the kings and queens or myself (王から傭兵まで貴賎無く、そうあるべきだ) Just because I’m level headed doesn’t mean I don’t need help (優秀な指揮官も、時には助けを必要とする) So get up get up (目覚めてくれ) Everybody need to move (今こそ立ち上がれ) Just get up get up (目覚めるんだ) Everybody need to move (動き出さなければ) Fight for a cause, and it (大義のために戦うんだ) Don’t matter if you lose so (大切な物を無くさないために) This might be your one chance, you can withdraw (これがお前にとって最後のチャンスだ。いまならまだ引き返せる) I’ll take all your deep cuts, I’ll take it all (致命傷を与えてやる。全てを奪った上で) I am every mirror, you’re just a wall (お前は多くの者にとって、超えるべき壁に過ぎない) Even if I crack, you will watch yourself fall (たとえ俺がやらなくとも、誰かが成し遂げていただろうな) Coming to a hard stop, how does it feel (取り返しのつかなくなった気分はどうだ?) Knowing no control here, is it surreal? (手駒の制御を失って尚、お前は平静を保てるのか?) All talk and never answers. (知り得る全てを話した) You spread your hate like cancer (お前は憎しみの連鎖の本流だ) Take your pick either path is reckless, (やがて運命がお前の首を締め上げるだろう) All talk and never answers[×3] (正しい答えなど無かったんだ)
@RS-py8my 6 ай бұрын
@toas9280 6 ай бұрын
@JamesP7 6 ай бұрын
@@toas9280Perfect description
@マルティア 6 ай бұрын
まーーーたAdam Gubmanか、どれだけ名曲を生み出せば気が済むんだ 歌詞がカッコ良すぎるでしょうが
@aisy39 6 ай бұрын
I am an English viewer. The lyrics are awesome.
@バーゼリア 6 ай бұрын
@II-fb4gr 6 ай бұрын
@Sir_monroll 6 ай бұрын
「Settle Into Ash」(灰燼に帰す) The embers settle into ash (余燼は灰と化し) Refuse to bend, to break, look back (屈する事、立ち止まる事、振り返る事も拒んだ) It’s all decided in the moment we both choose to fight it (俺達が戦いを選んだ瞬間、すべてが決まっていたんだ) You don’t need armies to take down  The monster underneath the crown (王冠の下の怪物を倒すのに軍隊など不要さ) It’s just a one shot, stay locked (一発で充分なんだ、そんなものは必要ないさ) Cloak and dagger, what’s you’re after, but I’m not your hired gun (暗殺がお望みだろうが、俺はお抱えの殺し屋じゃないんだ) Bullets to wars, and nothing’s won. (戦争に撃ち込んでも、何も勝ち取れないぞ。) This might be your one chance, you can withdraw. (これがお前にとって最後のチャンスだ、お前は撤退していいんだ。) I’ll take all your deep cuts, I’ll take it all. (お前が受ける傷は、俺がすべて引き受ける。) I am every mirror, you’re just a wall. (俺は皆の鏡で、お前はただの壁でいい。) Even if I crack, you will watch yourself fall. (もし俺が割れても、お前は自分自身が倒れるのを見る事になるんだ。) All talk and never answers (口先ばかりで、何も答えてはくれない) You spread your hate like cancer (お前は憎しみを癌のように広げていく) Take your pick either path is reckless, (どちらも選ぼうが無謀な道だ) All talk and never answers All talk and never answers All talk and never answers It’s always consequences, on the fence is Not my best, it’s (常に結果はついて回る、どっちつかずの立場なのは俺の理想ではないが) Hard choice, to stand behind the One who knows to pull the trigger. (引き金を引く者の背後に立つための厳しい判断の結果だ。) Feeling it all fade fast, When you mistake broken glass for water. (割れたガラスと水を間違える程に、全てが色褪せていく。) This might be your one chance, you can withdraw I’ll take all your deep cuts, I’ll take it all I am every mirror, you’re just a wall Even if I crack, you will watch yourself fall Coming to a hard stop, how does it feel (急停止させられるのは、どんな気分だ?) Knowing no control here, is it surreal? (何もコントロールできないのは、変な感じだろう?) All talk and never answers You spread your hate like cancer Take your pick either path is reckless, All talk and never answers All talk and never answers All talk and never answers Why does everybody keep talking? (なぜ皆、話を続けているんだ?) I’m becoming one with the flaws of the war, (俺は戦争の汚点の一つとなりつつある) Brittle to the bone (骨まで脆くなり) My marrow is filled with caution, (俺の骨の髄は警戒心で満たされてしまった) It’s often (よくある事だ) They lie to us just to make a profit. (奴らは、ただ利益の為に俺たちに嘘をつく。) Everybody lost it, (誰もが理性を失ってしまった) That’s why I’m making paths of my own. (だから俺は自分自身で道を切り開く。) The king falls then his men call for the throne (王が倒れれば、配下は王座を求める) While the people that keep everybody breathing is grieving (民の誰もが悲観に暮れているというのに) So why should we attack? (なぜ俺たちは侵攻する必要があるんだ?) It all falls back (軍が退却していく) Been down to fight (次なる戦いの為に) But what happens when the screen goes black (だが幕が下りればどうなってしまうのか) I call upon the elements, (俺は全てに呼びかける) The weapons on my back (武器を背に) While I run upon the sediment. (灰燼の上を駆け抜ける。) No matter who comes in the way, (例え、誰が道を阻もうとも) You know I’ll settle it. (俺が終わらせてやる。) From armies to the mercenaries to the kings and queens or myself (軍隊、傭兵、王や女王から、或いは俺自身まで) Just because I’m level headed doesn’t mean I don’t need help (俺は冷静だが、だからと言って助けがいらないわけじゃないんだ) So get up get up (だからどうか立ち上がってくれ) Everybody need to move (皆で行動を起こすんだ) Just get up get up (とにかく立ち上がってくれ) Everybody need to move (皆で動き出すんだ) Fight for a cause, and it (大義の為に戦うなら) Don’t matter if you lose so (負けても構わない筈だ) This might be your one chance, you can withdraw I’ll take all your deep cuts, I’ll take it all I am every mirror, you’re just a wall Even if I crack, you will watch yourself fall Coming to a hard stop, how does it feel Knowing no control here, is it surreal? All talk and never answers You spread your hate like cancer Take your pick either path is reckless, All talk and never answers All talk and never answers All talk and never answers Get up get up everybody need to move (どうか皆、立ち上がってくれ…。) Just get up get up everybody need to move (立ち上がり、皆で動き出すんだ…。)
@ポンデ-u2v 6 ай бұрын
@カレールー-z4m 6 ай бұрын
3:12 こっからのラップパート大好き
@ンァ-t1u 6 ай бұрын
@Luna-ld1ci 6 ай бұрын
@sinsin467 6 ай бұрын
13章はずっと へドリーとイネスがイチャイチャしてたような気がするなぁ… よき哉 よき哉
@user-arioshanral 6 ай бұрын
@Luna-ld1ci 6 ай бұрын
この3人家族でしか得られない栄養素があると思うんですよ ちなみに途中からイネスの太ももしか見てなかった
@378yotto7 6 ай бұрын
@白白-e8t 6 ай бұрын
@gamefaqser 6 ай бұрын
@hp-sekkenn 5 ай бұрын
@sazanka2898 6 ай бұрын
@Joe-xw1qk 5 ай бұрын
@ワナナキ 6 ай бұрын
@KloD_V 5 ай бұрын
@von8 5 ай бұрын
it's just indescribable 😔❤ W and lens the only reason make horderer go on in the horror what ppl called war
@planetary-rendez-vous Ай бұрын
I don't know why it sounds familiar like another pop song.
@sweetwolf965 5 ай бұрын
@太平洋産大腸菌 6 ай бұрын
@HeverEduardoCurihuamanPaucar 6 ай бұрын
@Dr.-kurukuru 5 ай бұрын
@しらすの一本釣り-j7t 6 ай бұрын
イネス 👩‍❤️‍👨 ヘドリー♥️U     👶W  👶パプリカ
@三宅秀昌-u8s 6 ай бұрын
@三宅秀昌-u8s 6 ай бұрын
@三宅秀昌-u8s 6 ай бұрын
@三宅秀昌-u8s 6 ай бұрын
@三宅秀昌-u8s 6 ай бұрын
@三宅秀昌-u8s 6 ай бұрын
❤No. 85,229,230,466,777,888 etc.❤
@三宅秀昌-u8s 6 ай бұрын
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