I think it should be mentioned, that the values put into XYZ in the offset page, is strictly a visual aid. For those of us who put components onto random spots in the machine tool, with offsets picked up manually, it won't quite look the same.
@Eggsr2bcrushed6 жыл бұрын
Can we choose post behavior for ordering by part vs ordering by tool?
@techbmmohammed19106 жыл бұрын
I have problem about post prosessor for Mach3, How can I add in PowerMill
@cesarmata37872 жыл бұрын
I followed the video step by step, but when I make the NC Program, in the code it does not make the change of origin. In other words, it only performs the same program twice at the same coordinate point. But actually set the program to machine at two coordinate points. can anybody help me?
@aka_nodge2 жыл бұрын
May be how your post processor interprets the offsetting method. This video names the offsets for g55, g56 and so on. So firstly if you do it that way each component will need to be datumed in the same way. Part 1 g55. Part 2 g56 etc. Then you'll have to see what the posted program looks like. if there is no mention of g56, g57 after the 1st part has been machined then you need to understand why. There must be an option in the post processor to read in offsets (named like the guy does in the video) also may be worth making sure you have the up to date post processing facility. Hope this helps
@matamanufacturing8808 Жыл бұрын
@AutodeskAdvancedManufacturing @@aka_nodge Encontré que el parámetro TOOLPATH > FIXTURE OFFSET TYPE. Me escribe el PLANO DE TRABAJO en cada una de las trayectorias. Y también le puse DEPENDENCY > INDEPENDENT IF UPDATE. El problema es que lo puse, abajo en un BLOCK NUMBER del COMMANDS > CONTROLLER SWITCHES > SPINDLE ON. Esto hará que cada vez que inicia una trayectoria, inicie cargando una velocidad (N100 S500 M3; y seguido me aparezca N101 G54 o N101 G55; segun el SETUP y FIXTURE OFFSET que haya colocado en NC PROGRAM), mirará si ha cambiado el PLANO DE TRABAJO. (No le puse ninguna condicional, solo un BLOCK NUMBER y FIXTURE OFFSET TYPE) Si ha cambiado el plano de trabajo me lo cambiara. Y se moverá físicamente en la mesa de mi maquina al G55. Yo creo que este PARAMETRO: FIXTURE OFFSET TYPE, debería de estar en el COMMANDS: WORKPLANE> WORKPLANE SEGMENT START / WORKPLANE SEGMENT END. Me ampliaste la visión de cómo funciona Manufacturing Post Processor Utility. Ojala y me pudieras corregir en donde deberia poner ese Parametro (Fixture Offset Type), y si ese parametro es el que en realidad debo utilizar. O si hay alguno mejor. y que tenga que ser posicionado en alguna parte mas idonea. Saludos.