Sew Over It - Best Gifts to Sew

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Sew Over It

Sew Over It

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@evasaker2476 9 күн бұрын
Very lovely suggestions! And you ladies are a gift to watch and listen to, so giggily and lovely, Merry Christmas to you all ❤️ I have made lots of things as gifts all my life, jersey hats are the latest, from cotton jersey remnants. And both of them to men actually. Toiletry bags and makeup bags has been popular as well, and potholders and fabric bread baskets. Scrunchies of course! For my grandkids I have made all sorts of clothes and also bumbags. It’s fun and always well received!
@Linda-u2o5o 10 күн бұрын
The Totepack is a winner for me I’ve made lots and lots for family and friends - everyone loves it - oh and the card purse with a little clip on goes really well for finding inside the bag. Thanks again ladies for all the lovely ideas 😘
@jennifermaddock4382 9 күн бұрын
This year I made a nightgown and a long sleeved tee for my Mom (I've used the patterns before for her so I know they will fit). I made a nightgown and a fleece robe for my daughter. A really great gift is a set of simple drawstring gift bags out of Christmas fabric (I buy it on clearance after the previous Christmas). We use them year after year instead of wrapping paper and others love them as a gift as well. Everyone also loves the microwave soup bowl cozies (you must use 100% cotton fabric, thread and batting for those).
@annetimmins1915 10 күн бұрын
I made a Tote Pack for my daughter! I’m sure she’ll love it ❤
@physioontheriver7325 9 күн бұрын
During the pandemic I made a proper tailored winter coat for my son. I sent it to his workplace as he worked in wine store and was finishing late on Christmas Eve. He got on the tube with the coat still wrapped and parcelled up in a big box - to go home, fell asleep and then woke up in panic as he saw he was at his station. He jumped up and leapt off the tube and the box remained on the seat beside him and was never seen again! He tried lost property but it never turned up :-( So 3 weeks later I started on version 2! He loved it and still wears it now. This year I have made my daughter the Friday Pattern Co Saguaro set in duck egg linen for the summer!
@jennifermaddock4382 9 күн бұрын
Noooooooo! What a tragedy.
@SewOverIt 9 күн бұрын
How heartbreaking about the first coat! So good of you to make a second one, and so glad your son loves it and wears it still ❤
@MyDaisy66 10 күн бұрын
Hello ladies 👋🏻 we’re over here 😃
@tyorkshirelass 9 күн бұрын
Some great suggestions here! This year I'm making a pair of pyjamas for my boyfriend as part of his Christmas gift (which I really should get onto soon....) One thing I would give a shout out to is the Makeup Bag patterns. I've made those for friends and relatives as birthday/Christmas gifts before and they've gone down really well. Plus you can add a little treat like a nice lip balm/hand cream/chocolate inside too! Also as a variation on Alma's neck warmer, you can make hand warmers which work in the same way - I've made those for my dad to use when he goes to watch football and he loved them. They're a really good scrap buster project too. Lastly - have you got any plans to bring back any of your SOI fabrics? I was gutted to miss out on the last of the Esmeralda purple viscose in particular, but honestly they're all so lovely I'd love to see them back in stock at some point!
@SewOverIt 8 күн бұрын
Love the handwarmers idea! We might do some more SOI fabrics in the future so watch this space!
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