I hate the "I don't know isn't a answer" thing. I don't know is a good answer in most situations, and should be used when you don't know the answer
@snatan7594 Жыл бұрын
People who won't take/use "I don't know" as an answer are infuriating ngl
@EmiPlayzMC Жыл бұрын
@@snatan7594 Fr
@saz4310 Жыл бұрын
Exactly like WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT! I don’t KNOW so there’s no other answer I can give! I CANT GIVE WHAT I DONT HAVE
@yuroskel Жыл бұрын
Agreed, I’ve had arguments with my mom because of this
@DarcOne13 Жыл бұрын
This is why it took so long for my brother to learn it was okay to not know things...
@wynandvaneeden3987 Жыл бұрын
I can't believe they were friendzoned by a skeleton 😢
@Crownslayer115 Жыл бұрын
*i can.
@skeletonwarlock5741 Жыл бұрын
@@Crownslayer115 very much so
@MadamLava094 Жыл бұрын
Nyeh heh heh.
@woofie3917 Жыл бұрын
*nyeh heh heh*
@Herrscher-of-Autism Жыл бұрын
The great Papyrus was always out of all our leagues
@coyotix Жыл бұрын
PM soulfully singing “it’s a binge compilation” was just beautiful
@April_cheese_sandwich Жыл бұрын
I agree 😌
@kirbyfreakyt4695 Жыл бұрын
"Can't believe I've been friendzoned by a skeleton." "I need more context on this..." [Papyrus accent] "CAN'T BELIEVE IVE BEEN FRIENDZONED BY A SKELETON" "Well _I_ can't believe changing the font provides more context than actually providing context." *WHAT IN THE WORLD IT ACTUALLY DOES*
@mrmissingno10 Жыл бұрын
@tacollab0924 Жыл бұрын
it does
@ZenithPeak111 ай бұрын
Undertale go brrrrr
@billyrob61211 ай бұрын
I did this in 2 different discord servers, they got it after the font change
@exi_m707411 ай бұрын
If you have the Undertale Brainrot, it gives ALL the context.
@RatRoyalty_ Жыл бұрын
“You wouldn’t download someone’s trauma illegally” - I present you Elias Bouchard from the Magnus Archives.
@arinomaly Жыл бұрын
so true. have your heard abiur our lord and savior extended sounds of brutal pipe murder?
@mothman5809 Жыл бұрын
remember when he got pleasure from Jon being a spooky eye man towards him
@bluefoxfox5122 Жыл бұрын
Lol true
@seineevee Жыл бұрын
So true
@avalonplemel8933 Жыл бұрын
@@mothman5809 I just got into this, what the hell did I sign up for
@jacenshankles2077 Жыл бұрын
The "has a crush on the hero and can't be normal about it" EXISTS it's on webtoon, it's name is villain with a crush
@Kusari_Downpour9 ай бұрын
HAHA! I KNEW I WASN'T THE ONLY ONE! ...after a *few* months.
@pinkemerald12246 ай бұрын
Are you serious? I might have to give it a read, then...
@greennerdbird5 ай бұрын
@paxgallery66465 ай бұрын
I'm more than certain it exists on more than just webtoon
@davidkoormann76684 ай бұрын
I can’t believe we’re forgetting THE NEWS REPORTER GUY FROM MEGAMIND
@vyliad Жыл бұрын
I would absolutely download everyone's trauma illegally, and then I would hate myself immediately afterward for that horrible decision lmfao
@OneNerdyAce Жыл бұрын
lol same
@aplanenerdandagamenerd9087 Жыл бұрын
I would do it if it meant they no longer had it but that’s not how downloads work so
@Pumpkin-man Жыл бұрын
I’d do it, but only for writing/role playing. Anything for accuracy.
@shytendeakatamanoir9740 Жыл бұрын
I'll download your trauma only if you download mine first. That seems the only ethical way to do it.
@HandyDandyHandium Жыл бұрын
@@Pumpkin-man same
@ivydbomb-6969 Жыл бұрын
While watching this in school, during the ‘reject gender embrace horse’ bit… a teacher walked up behind me and read the text. She… thought it was serious. She asked me about whether or not that was a joke and how people shouldn’t make fun of genders and pronouns… I can’t
@midnights2631 Жыл бұрын
I want to question what she thinks of nonbinary people
@reidleblanc3140 Жыл бұрын
cis people have no reasoning skills istg they be thinking this is what we mean AND THEN BEING OKAY WITH IT
@reidleblanc3140 Жыл бұрын
@@midnights2631 it seems most people these days are actually somehow accepting of these people they think are like, trans-species. i question them greatly. tbfh i would rather someone be transphobic then tell me they support me pretending to be a horse
@ivydbomb-6969 Жыл бұрын
@@reidleblanc3140 No that’s actually untrue. I’m assuming you’re referencing the litter box thing in that one school? The newspapers and articles on it were misleading. They put litter boxes in that school not for ‘students who thought they were cats’ but because there were so many school shootings there that now they need a reliable way for people to go to the bathroom in their own classrooms. It’s actually really sad.
@ricardobr1493 Жыл бұрын
I identify as a weaponized battle toaster
@cookiemonsterz413 Жыл бұрын
I had a friend in middle school talk about that concept of frienemies with benefits, or just enemies with benefits something like that, because someone asked her for a fan fiction plot. And the person who asked her just replied "So. Dib and Zim?" And that is now a core memory that I wish I could delete.
@devincetee5335 Жыл бұрын
Or, what the Joker wants with Batman
@cookiemonsterz413 Жыл бұрын
@@devincetee5335 I can't even argue that
@sethdugan373 Жыл бұрын
@thejuan8693 Жыл бұрын
Batman and Catwoman, I guess?
@thumbsup8985 Жыл бұрын
"Enemies with benefits" Homestuck intensifies
@The_pastalavista Жыл бұрын
NotPukichoSadly has the exact same energy as Puki but like in the same way a skin walker is trying to be your friend, some fucking how
@TheYeetedMeat Жыл бұрын
the twarb
@rgbgaming6950 Жыл бұрын
fake peppino energy
@maligulant4396 Жыл бұрын
@@rgbgaming6950you're so true
@echerwrecker4 ай бұрын
it's a musclefloater
@TheYeetedMeat3 ай бұрын
@someonessecondaltaccount693210 ай бұрын
14:28 hyenas are also more closely related to cats than to dogs, so it actually makes sense they could do that
@eaglest0554 Жыл бұрын
3:21 "Now, do you know a good place to get some gazpacho?" (Gestures at ocean) "Ah, delicious."
@angelcaru5 ай бұрын
Plot twist: they're pointing in the direction of the country of Spain
@etps4444 Жыл бұрын
The "friendzoned by a skeleton" one made me way more excited than it should have been. My twelve-year-old Papyrus fangirl self came out of the woodwork for a second there, lol. EDIT: Also, I have an itasha neighbor?? I apparently know what to call them now??
@doritos4956 Жыл бұрын
Same the undertale fanboy in me almost crawled out of his prison in my stomach
@Nxva-9 ай бұрын
@doritos4956 Let him free my dude ‼️‼️
@benjisaac2 ай бұрын
is it meant to be papyrus saying it about sans? isn’t it papyrus who speaks in that font or do you also have to use it every time you reference him? because they’re siblings right so what the hell 😭
@DLBookTheGamer13 күн бұрын
@ahmed436339 күн бұрын
@@benjisaacYou date papyrus in the game and he friendzones you
@tangentspinner2168 Жыл бұрын
"You wouldn't download someone's trauma illegally, would you?" Me, a Fanfiction writer and reader: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Hoe I CREATE THE TRAUMA
@Illustrioustaco Жыл бұрын
So. About the "I don't know isn't a good answer" thing... I heard that a lot growing up. And not just about 'where is the thing? You should know where the thing is I don't know isn't a good answer', but about emotional questions and motivations. Looking back on it, not knowing what this emotional outburst was about seems reasonable to me. I was a kid, and no one was explaining what these emotions were or why they were being triggered. As an adult, I can look back and see that "why did you burst into tears and throw a temper tantrum at the party?" was probably triggered by something like social exhaustion or anxiety. As a kid, I had no clue. Just saying, I understand much better now ( and have coping mechanisms I didn't have back then. )
@roguepsykerhaaker4813 Жыл бұрын
Ok so I want to start by saying that I completely agree with you. Like, 100%. I do want to offer another perspective. I'm the kind of person that understands things in a very logical way I guess you could put it. I like for there to be a clear cause and effect, otherwise it's exceedingly difficult to understand or comprehend, and when someone just doesn't know, just can't provide the information I need to understand and evaluate how to act is, at times, very frustrating. Obviously that isn't their fault, and I take great care to remind myself that. I understand the frustration that drives the response, but disagree with it's usage. Sorry this was a bit rambly
@mistycomet97602 ай бұрын
0:28 I cannot believe how instantly recognizable the way he's talking is. Like I would know that as Papyrus anywhere. Im going to commit murder
@MadHymek323 Жыл бұрын
* I come for Undertale. * I stay for how good the video is. * Also can someone please confirm that the generic enemy with a massive following is either Froggit or Temmie
@robinmitchells Жыл бұрын
It’s probably froggit since the Temmies are more NPCs than enemies
@graytiamat Жыл бұрын
TBH, my immediate thought was Shy Guys.
@eliasmg9144 Жыл бұрын
I thought it was junko enoshima
@dream_walker9726 Жыл бұрын
Froggit imo
@spitfireblaziken3663 Жыл бұрын
I said Steve the Vehicon
@robertwyatt3912 Жыл бұрын
4:20 I think this is actually the main characters of Deltarune
@dougwark61509 ай бұрын
Hah… hah… ha… I am laughing like a human would goo a deltarune “[[FREE CAR?]]” yes like a human I am laughing ha ha ha ha
@aquagreen13 Жыл бұрын
I now need PM saying “It’s a Binge Compilation” in the most boring, mundane, calm, and peaceful way possible and the circle will be complete
@eaglest0554 Жыл бұрын
6:25 If they're talking about loki, don't embrace horse his way.
@DarkXSolver1710 ай бұрын
I don't know what this means, and I don't want to know either
@deathburn432910 ай бұрын
@Yuki-M1 too bad. Loki had sex with horse as horse
@IRandomness10 ай бұрын
@@DarkXSolver17 there was a ravishing young mare
@Youhadabadday20219 ай бұрын
@DarkXSolver179 ай бұрын
@@Youhadabadday2021 Oh no-
@noctusdoesthings Жыл бұрын
Pluto isn't the god of death, he's the Lord of the Underworld and all the riches beneath the earth. Basically he's an old rich dude that keeps things in line and controls the place, not the undertaker that drags you there
@sophiachalloner89516 ай бұрын
@D4wn0fAppl355 ай бұрын
His planet was still demoted though, he's probably angry about that and he's the god of riches. we're going through inflation right now. Now, Apollo on the other hand is also the God of Disease. we went through a world wide pandemic couple of years ago.
@muffinmuffin89464 ай бұрын
The Roman versions are incredibly violent compared to the Greek version, so yes, Pluto would do that
@Vitrivius4 ай бұрын
@Vitrivius4 ай бұрын
people forget that hermes also brings dead souls to the underworld
@sufficientframe10 ай бұрын
16:03 - Coming back to this delightful trainwreck, with this advice: *_PLAY STANLEY PARABLE._* Pay extra attention to the Narrator. He's the perfect epitome of British.
@anyalundberg21744 ай бұрын
YeeeaaAAAHH I love that game :D he is the british ever
@robotx5260 Жыл бұрын
8:10 Shy Guy is the perfect example for this
@kitsune_lover82577 ай бұрын
Same with starscream
@ChaseVaccaro-ge3gk4 ай бұрын
Waddle Dee.
@starshot88423 ай бұрын
@@ChaseVaccaro-ge3gk Waddle Doo... (Beam attack)
@Apollos_vice24 күн бұрын
@@starshot8842you reference HIM here. JAIL FOR A THOUSAND YEARS
@D3364N Жыл бұрын
13:12 thought it was talking about iron lung lol
@fluffberrieh2335 Жыл бұрын
p sure it is
@eavandongen3563 Жыл бұрын
7:40 actually exists, its a webtoon called ‘villain with a crush’ and its hilarious
@108wee3 ай бұрын
Me frantically trying to find my “villain has a crush on hero” story and sad that I can’t find it.
@sash-a_drawing11 ай бұрын
i love how PM seymour is a professional voice actor so we get the best voices ever, and I am waiting for him to do the startaling calm voice again
@aquamarie3117 Жыл бұрын
2:31 this is so raw I can hear Gordon Ramsay shouting about it from my bedroom
@iiiiitsmagreta12404 ай бұрын
what is he- y'know what, never mind!
@EchoXVince Жыл бұрын
10:32 "that's literally every Final Fantasy ever isn't it" startled me, that was exactly my thought lmao
@brickpuncher14292 ай бұрын
I mean, in these times it is true. A lot of people are working on a desire to fight God because of The Horrors
@yousseftamer4943 Жыл бұрын
2:25 malewifecombat… I, too, desire revenge against the gods who have created us when my eggs are burnt
@existenceispain_geekthesiren9 ай бұрын
0:28 immaculate papyrus voice my guy
@TheChristianCountess27214 ай бұрын
I had the sound down when watching that part before, and now going back to it with sound up genuinely made me laugh out loud 😂. He sounds like a skeleton character himself lol
@lunawolf_1086 Жыл бұрын
I was watching an older binge compilation when this popped up in my notifications. Absolutely perfect timing PM
@nimhfinitepossibilities7609 Жыл бұрын
Whoever wrote the 'frenemies with benefits' post has obviously not been in the Homestuck fandom.
@elokin3009 ай бұрын
Everyone reinvents Homestuck every once in a while, and in this case it’s Kismesis.
@Raonodar2 ай бұрын
7:39 that's... LITERALLY the plot of an anime now...
@angel-logic91029 күн бұрын
@@Raonodar which one?
@Anonymous-7329 күн бұрын
8:06 absolutely has to be the Cacodemon from the Doom games. Despite the fact that they’re a wretched demon invader from hell they are still a precious little meatball according to the fanbase.
@jay-notabird Жыл бұрын
@jimwormmaster3 ай бұрын
I must know more.
@PurgatoryProductions1 Жыл бұрын
“all things good and warm and kind are brown!” [looks over at my three-foot-long horse plushie with very weird eyes and legs shorter than a finger] hell yeah brother
@jamessikorski42193 ай бұрын
Jacob Horse
@PurgatoryProductions13 ай бұрын
@@jamessikorski4219 correct
@jamessikorski42192 ай бұрын
@@PurgatoryProductions1 Drawfee! (To the tune of the Sega theme)
@ExDud Жыл бұрын
Thank you P.M. this was perfectly timed I was just about to watch an old binge comp ❤
@peytonlester9990 Жыл бұрын
The simple character design that gets a cult following is obviously the Shadow Heartless from Kingdom Hearts
@a_chaotic_child Жыл бұрын
7:29 Random fun fact! A guy once thought he found a new element, only to realize a while later that he actually just made an atom fucking explode
@jimwormmaster3 ай бұрын
I beg your finest pardon?
@a_chaotic_child3 ай бұрын
@@jimwormmaster Look up “The man who tried to fake an element” by BobbyBroccoli, it’s really interesting and also insane
@mistycomet97602 ай бұрын
17:49 same vibe as when soos in gravity falls said "i can't wait for the year 2000"
@AJ_Ram Жыл бұрын
0:04 ok but why is no one complimenting this man on his beautiful performance?
@EllpaFox4728 күн бұрын
4:18 “I’ve surgically added eight more!”
@MaridoDoFelps Жыл бұрын
The fact I got the joke the instant I flashed my eyes on the font- I miss this game, gotta go watch some gameplay rn
@angrydragonslayer Жыл бұрын
I was confused why the hex maniac had a cult following The "stuff" about her actually had plot and cast her as kind and good-personed
@martin_mc3105 Жыл бұрын
@angrydragonslayer Жыл бұрын
@@martin_mc3105 no comment
@nairsheasterling9457 Жыл бұрын
Never underestimate the ability of a fanbase to ignore and/or completely misinterpret a story/character.
@angrydragonslayer Жыл бұрын
@@nairsheasterling9457 to my understanding, she's actually like that but also has a darker side of.... Certain fetishes (i saw the original tweet from that guy on the pokemon team) Which probably only makes her better for most of her cult
@MosseningEntity Жыл бұрын
The reason is just "Goth 👍", I think
@bravobby8773 Жыл бұрын
8:14 my heart says they were talking about Megamind and he gets a pass cause he had a villian to hero arc.
@gnc_quoi Жыл бұрын
16:45 my girlfriend often narrates undertale comics for me, and her chosen voice for frisk sounds uncannily like this
@helix2331 Жыл бұрын
the "enemy with an interesting design" is male_07 from half-life 2. i don't care that he's boring or that he's not an enemy, this is the guy
@Mr.Comedian42069 Жыл бұрын
4:10 this has the same energy as a man selling 4 kidneys on the black market
@QuicksteinАй бұрын
Which is also something Medic would absolutely do
@spicysalad3013 Жыл бұрын
One month later: the doctor is served with a giant heap of lawsuits for giving unexpected bills
@sepiasmith5065 Жыл бұрын
"'I don't know' isn't an answer" is a terrible idea. "I don't know" 100% is an answer and it can be the most correct and most helpful answer. It reminds me of the whole phrase "no news is good news." Or like... no news is still an answer. It means nothing has happened. My roommate does some research for a company and she's having such a hard time getting anything other than "We can't talk about that" or "No, we don't care about that." Her bosses want a different answer than "no" or "they don't do that" but ultimately that is very often the answer!! You're getting an answer, and it's no!
@penneEEK Жыл бұрын
15:26 As someone who loves Latin mottoes/sayings, this is my favorite motto joke I have ever seen in my life.
@taraatchley57294 ай бұрын
4:10 this gives me a feeling of medic in team fortress 2 every time he still has summon the devil after getting more souls
@QuicksteinАй бұрын
@@taraatchley5729 I mean, they put it in the tags so they got the same vibe as you
@zeethezebra Жыл бұрын
My guess for the generic enemy bit? Ever since version 3 of Genshin was released the fandom has fallen in love with the Eremites.
@Plasmy271 Жыл бұрын
I didn't expect running into you here. Also yeah no lol they just made the eremites hot
@gone_mad-tryagainlater5 ай бұрын
0:42 Hades/Pluto is NOT the god of DEATH, he's the god of the DEAD. The god of death is Thanatos/Mors/Letum, and he is a servant of Hades/Pluto, which does not really help with the confusion (I mostly blame Disney though. They caused so many mythological misconceptions with that movie about Heracles)
@augustinejohnson450 Жыл бұрын
All I have learned today is discord is a middleschool/highschool lunchroom. Some have fun. Some don't. I sit alone and get dragged to other tables.
@heitoremmanuel7471 Жыл бұрын
@Seriously-Intense Жыл бұрын
8:05 Spamton
@grayanddevpdx Жыл бұрын
Actually he’s a proper boss fight, this post refers to the generic enemies with only two attacks and no boss theme.
@LettuceGayming7 ай бұрын
@shego11424 ай бұрын
It comes from tumblr, it’s either: onceler, anyone from homestuck, anyone from supernatural, moriarty, or a web browser gijinka
@Kaylee-Bear Жыл бұрын
I felt that discord server one. I once was so awkward in a discord server that that's how people came to know me in that discord server. My name on that server was "awkward".
@uncreativeusername8176 Жыл бұрын
Same. I literally can’t even talk or join a conversation correctly in a discord server filled with my own friends lol, god forbid people I don’t know.
@genkoti Жыл бұрын
Me: "I'd like to introduce you all to Aflo's Theory-" Scientists: "Oh? What is it?" Me: "It is a theory stating that at any given moment- there is at lest one tomato in the ocean." Scientists: "-And what, pray tell, is the purpose of this theory?" Me, now revealing the backpack of tomatoes I brought to the beach: "Gazpacho."
@q_01915 ай бұрын
11:33 we found the backstory for slimes
@someweirdo428 Жыл бұрын
7:31 this implies that tumblr posts are only 1 atom big… New lore.
@dougwark61509 ай бұрын
One atom is all ya need
@JIKwood9 ай бұрын
4:10 *Evil German Laughter and the sound of progress*
@nvfury13 Жыл бұрын
3:09 Zach is short for Zachariah, a biblical name…so dude in the hall is right.
@magnuswright5572 Жыл бұрын
Pluto was not the Roman god of death. He was the god of the dead. If we invoked his wrath we would have a zombie apocalypse on our hands. The Roman goddesses of death were Libitina and, to a lesser extent, Morta.
@pikachuchris6302 Жыл бұрын
So with my little tarot knowledge I shall try to decipher what the person who said that they were hermit coded with bits of strength coded and reverse heirophant. So my take is that they are either a rebel on a journey of self discovery, or a loner on a journey of becoming a body builder
@sorekcazimi4 ай бұрын
@goopiguess Жыл бұрын
4:19 My immediate thought was Medic TF2. Then I saw the tag. I’m a genius
@HistoryandOtherStuffwithBV Жыл бұрын
16:00 Uuuggghhh, *stop being relatable*!
@AshtonSnapp Жыл бұрын
0:30 that moment when you laugh to the tune of Bonetrousle
@seineevee Жыл бұрын
7:36 from what little I know about Wordgirl, this describes one of the villains perfectly 12:59 Owl House’s Dana Terrace (why did the show have to get cancelled early why)
@jimwormmaster3 ай бұрын
21:13: The comedian Brad Williams put it best, I think. "We should be able to find some compromise between 'I don't like this thing' and 'This thing should not exist'."
@Punaparta Жыл бұрын
8:50 Do you want Action Park? 'Cause that's how you get Action Park.
@donovanmahan290110 ай бұрын
2:11 it's like how Frieza made his form golden for cosmetic reasons (namely to mock the only super form he knew at the time due to being stuck in hell for a while)
@Vohasiiv Жыл бұрын
7:36 omg I found a webtoon/manhwa that's exactly that! It's creatively called "Villain with a crush" here's the description: "Dumped after confessing to her first crush of three years, Rosa Park falls for her second when the nation’s favorite Superpowered Police Officer, Doryeong Han, swoops in to save her as she’s plummeting from a toppling building. A few years later, a mysterious villain called Blackdog appears, but Doryeong notices something is not quite right. Will the world’s worst villain ever win the heart of the strongest hero in the country?"
@djt08031996 Жыл бұрын
On the weird villain motive one: I can't believe someone summarized Harumi so effectively
@midnights2631 Жыл бұрын
@djt08031996 Жыл бұрын
@@midnights2631 a villain from lego ninjago who the entire latest season has been trying to twist her into that very description
@midnights2631 Жыл бұрын
@@djt08031996 I haven't watched Ninjago in years. I need to rewatch it
@djt08031996 Жыл бұрын
@@midnights2631 she was originally introduced around the time of the movie. Her main thing was that she was using seduction style tactics to manipulate Lloyd into reviving his father. She died the next season when a building collapsed around her. This last season, Overlord revived her to serve him
@brendanhall55814 ай бұрын
@@djt08031996 dang she's back?! She was a great villain when she was alive and her brief appearance in the VR season was solid, hopefully they can keep that streak going .... not so hyped about Overlord being back. It's a pretty generic villain who's already died awesomely twice
@pteryxs Жыл бұрын
7:41 the way this is literally the villains motive in one of my stories 💀
@ryderdoessomething3890 Жыл бұрын
2:29 accidentally skipped ahead without noticing when you started reading this post and i heard it as “love when someone sends a tumblr post over discord- they created those to imprison us”
@memes_the_dna_of_the_soul5487 Жыл бұрын
9:13 A full-size, like 10ft tall Ogryn, just smashes through a wall, looks around, picks up the Bun, puts it in like in a vest pocket, to have its head juuusssst peep out. Then he just leaves.
@CerealAmoeba80010 ай бұрын
2:57 It’s hard to argue with his assessment.
@Rex_o_roar Жыл бұрын
7:38 there's a webtoon with this plot, it's called villain with a crush
@MrGermandeutsch6 ай бұрын
8:06 - I can only think of the Minecraft Mobs. People seem to really love 'em.
@mikacookiegaming1294 Жыл бұрын
Goodness gracious it's been a long time since I've watched a Tumblr binge compilation LETS GO
@CheetahG-b6m4 ай бұрын
Never thought I'd see the day where I would need to hear Hades from Disney's Hercules would start reading Tumblr posts but here we are
@aquamarie3117 Жыл бұрын
3:16 things are getting real in the soup fandom
@thedeskman089 ай бұрын
7:40 this is now a webtoon I love the internet
@dreamrexend11 ай бұрын
The whole “Frenemies with benefits” thing is legit just kismesissitude from Homestuck
@Luna_Star_Therian2 ай бұрын
6:35 this one rly got me bc someone broke into my unlocked cat once and the only thing they took where the cd's, non of the custom ones they had that decency, but it was ONLY the cd's and now I'm left wondering if it was them
@UndecidedASMR Жыл бұрын
I was going to say something but I forgot, so I guess...uh... Should I get an omelet? Make one? Something?
@HerosMuse Жыл бұрын
YES!!! eggs make great breakfast! go take care of yourself and drink a glass of water!
@double-sidedcorrugatedfibe7529 Жыл бұрын
4:15 Medic TF2
IMPORTANT QUESTION: Should I go get some donuts Edit:The donuts have been acquired and eaten
@NOTtheoriginalSTARWALKER Жыл бұрын
@frogbertthe3rd191 Жыл бұрын
@squoop61 Жыл бұрын
You absolutely should
@spectoestis3106 Жыл бұрын
go u r g e n t l y
@chaoticglitch3597 Жыл бұрын
@dorflumkin10 ай бұрын
"Im wa walking corpse puppeted by coffee" is literally just Godot. DIEGO WHY ARE YOU ON TUMBLR
@azulathesunmoonsimp8939 Жыл бұрын
8:06 personally for me, I’m saying the daycare attendant from FNaF security breach. The cult following that bot gained (including me) basically overnight? *insane.*
@HarmonyMoonbeam0244 ай бұрын
16:03 As someone who frequently writes british people in my angst fanfics, all I can say is watch a HECK TON of Hermitcraft and the Life Series XD That's how I've been doing it for about a year now :3 (Though I've been watching for a little over six years lol)
@DaiyaDoggo Жыл бұрын
1:27 Ah yes, eroje. Like Jenshin Impact, I love those video james.
@Lavenderflowergacha5 ай бұрын
Ah yes changing a font gives more context. When I saw the thumbnail I was like “Papyrus…?” And then I read the changed font version and I was like “oh I was right.”
@rgbgaming6950 Жыл бұрын
12:26 Mr. bambi is ‘boutta orchestrate a heist on tesla headquarters
@korriannavanheart8911Ай бұрын
@Sireington Жыл бұрын
I don’t get why people say tumblr is a hellsite because if you OBVIOUSLY don’t go actively searching for nasty stuff then it’s fine from what I see (my only outlet to tumblr is through KZbin).
@Bobjoepickle-g7p4 ай бұрын
3:03 - me and my friends changing the options to things to do because we can’t decide
@glitzdancer Жыл бұрын
Laughing at the frenemies with benefits seeing as I clicked into this immediately after watching the latest Bed Friends episode 😂😂😂
@ArchangelTobias4 ай бұрын
5:37 my friends and I once played a singular game of Bang! From 10pm to 5am. There was betrayal, there was plotting, there was quoting Sun Tzu, there was *lore*. There was 4 of us and two had to share One Character (because there wasn't enough roles at the beginning because my family joined for like half an hour, yada yada) and the two made it into Jekyll and Hyde who could actually communicate djgskfskhsafkk