Firmino had a clinch strategy and the ref kept breaking them up! When there's no movement and no action, that's fine, but the ref definitely gave Melo an advantage by breaking up all the clinches. A fight can be won or lost in the clinch. It's part of the game.
@marcleblanc70213 жыл бұрын
Man they have it way to dark in there. I wonder how the people there could actually see the fight
@SFTCombat3 жыл бұрын
Live doesn’t look as dark as it does on video. The director at the time was a film director, who forgot this was sports and thought he was creating art. Shortly after this event, the production company was replaced. It’s always a learning curve.
@jhonmobilegames36055 жыл бұрын
Massa.duas warriors
@Jessy0s23 жыл бұрын
Por isso muitos atletas desistem da profissão, em q planeta a Vanessa ganhou o primeiro round? A mulher no máximo ganhou uns pontos no segundo, mas ganhar o cinturão apanhando desse jeito só no sft mesmo 😐