先不論earn money much or less那跟財運福報有關, 以求知and開智慧而言, of course, choose the science at first, you can't learn knowledge and enlighten the intelligence in文組.
先不論earn money much or less那跟財運福報有關, 以求知and開智慧而言, of course, choose the science at first, you can't learn knowledge and enlighten the intelligence in文組.
@ajesus14127 ай бұрын
@Json-k8e7 ай бұрын
@余明新7 ай бұрын
@@Json-k8e 國文,歷史,地理and公民這些廢課,進社會根本沒用,還不如上中醫養生,金融理財,生活技能,哲學法律政治,電腦程式 and 2nd foreign language來的有用,這些課是我從別的留言看到的,很實用 If you have no knowledge of佛法, mathematical logic psychology and economics, then the society study just is答嘴鼓,I post[換日線crossing]的[人文與理工,不該是二選一:從柏克萊「勢利眼」收掉圖書館,看資源佈局和選系趨勢]:[柏克萊宣布裁掉面積僅 42 坪的人類學圖書館...柏克萊背負 8,200 萬美金的虧損,關閉圖書館將為學校省下每年 40 萬美金的支出...人類學系所所長 Charles Hirschkind 也分享,柏克萊去年將研究所學生人數砍了一半以上,「我認為不全然是預算問題,而是學校決定把資源投資在哪裡。柏克萊對於人文社會系所都不太願意投資。」....就算是看似冷門的物理學,在柏克萊依舊能擁有源源不絕的金流支柱,只因為矽谷科技業需要用到物理學的知識背景,但人文科系的經費通常就少的可憐...理工科系的長紅、人文科系的衰微,已是過去十幾年的趨勢....從數據來看,柏克萊在過去 10 年來的人文主修逐年降低,大學部減少 25%,研究所部門則少了 18.5%。
@余明新7 ай бұрын
@@Json-k8e literature and art just is hobby, If take them as jobs,most of them can't endure the boring of them. imagine playing piano 12 hours.