Please forward it to relatives and friends who cannot go to KZbin, the website of Jingya Buddhist Voice being, You are invited to join KZbin to practice together with Brother Jingya's thousands of fans. On KZbin, search for 靜雅佛音个人会议室, or any video that shows the LIVE icon, click the left or right bottom corner (next to the teacher Jingya’s head image) Daily Group practice: 1. Kuala Lumpur/ Beijing/Taipei time from 6.30 am to 7 am, chanting the Sutra of Infinite Life 2. Kuala Lumpur/Beijing/Taipei time 8:00pm to 9:00 am and pm. Chanting Amitabha twice a day with thousands of people those cannot go to youtube can go to zoom. id. 292 594 2385 passcode 0 contact for technical support